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A highway patrol officer was sitting in his car beside the road one day when he noticed a man driving with a goat in the back seat of his car.Turning on the lights,he pulled out,sped up, and pulled the man over.  相似文献   

洗澡沐浴分秒计,节水意识大加强。计时洗澡在某些高校正逐渐推广开来…… In the US and Britain,the slogan(口号,标语) around colleges was “Save water, showerwith a friend.”Now,Wuhan University has comeup with another system for the campus bath-house.It charges students for the amount of timein a shoWer.  相似文献   

One day a highway patrol officer was sitting in his car beside the road. When he noticed a man driving with a goat in the back seat of his car, turning on the lights, he pulled out, sped up, and pulled the man over. "Don't you know it's against the law in…  相似文献   

OnthemorningofMarch13th熏wehadaluckychancetospeaktoanexpertcalledG.M.OttenhofffromHolland.Hewasakind鄄heartedman.Atabout9押15熏wemethimatthemeetingroom.Heintroducedhismotheland—Hollandtous.Hollandisabeautifulcountrywiththeflowertulipplantedeverywhere.MrOttenhofftriedtospeakEnglishasslowlyaspossibletomakesurethatwecouldfollowhim.Ofcourse熏wecouldn’tfollowhimquitewell.Fromthis熏weknewthatourEnglishmustbeimprovedgreatly.Weshouldstudyhardandtrytouseitwell.Duringtheconversation熏MrOttenhof…  相似文献   

Providing a rich context has become a sine qua non of principled teaching of applied statistical thinking. With increasing opportunities to access secondary data, there should be increasing opportunity to work with rich context. We review the contextual information provided in 41 data sets suitable for introductory tertiary statistics teaching, available in the R “datasets” package, and investigate the source information for four data sets. We find failure to describe and retain important contextual information, including aspects that raise questions about the credibility of the data for statistical inference. The sanitization of data reduces the opportunities for learning meaningful lessons in statistical thinking and the real-world application of statistics. We advocate for teachers and users of such data to be curious about the provenance and context, and for the curators and distributors to examine, where possible, the primary sources, to accurately preserve the context and optimize pedagogical opportunities.  相似文献   

This paper inquires into the experiences of an early childhood educator named Claire who taught a young girl with a chronic illness at East Willows Elementary School, a western Canadian elementary school. Using narrative inquiry as the methodology, Claire’s experiences in her curriculum making alongside Madeline a young girl with Turner syndrome were explored and analyzed. In navigating through this curriculum around chronic illness, Claire negotiated liminal spaces between health and unhealth, sickness and wellness, capability and desire using stories of playful curriculum making. Through these liminal spaces, Claire created forward-looking stories of a new curriculum; a curriculum defined by playfulness, counterstories of play, the lived and planned curriculum, and the sharing of authority. This playful curriculum, this curriculum of play, became the negotiated story to live by for Claire and Madeline at East Willows Elementary School.  相似文献   

Principles for counseling potential whistleblowers are presented along with two sample cases to assist career counselors in advising their clients. The article provides information on relevant laws, difficult choices, and the working alliance that must be developed with a potential whistleblower. A checklist of questions to guide the client in their decision-making is provided as well as a table of options.  相似文献   

我们知道,冠词的用法有这样一条规则:序数词前面用定冠词the。是不是绝对如此,再无其他用法了呢?当然不是,请看中学英语课本中出现的四个句子: (1)He cast his net a second time, and drew in an old basket full of sand. He cast it a third time, and drew in a lot of stones. (JBⅤ, P. 128) (2)"Congratulations!" said Gessler, sneering. "Now tell me why you took a second arrow!"(SBⅠ, P. 282)  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical study of how Second Life (SL) was utilized for a highly successful project‐based graduate interdisciplinary communication course. Researchers found that an integrated threefold approach emphasizing project‐based pedagogy, technical training and support, and assessment/research was effective in cultivating and understanding learning in SL. Based on research findings, a project‐based application of SL that fully accommodates student experiential learning is recommended. It is suggested that teachers who are new To Whom It May Concern: SL and are preparing to “take the plunge” adopt a systematic team approach to integrate this trio of components. The students participating in this study formed an interdisciplinary team for their required SL project in which they chose to initiate a collaboration with the Basic Initiative and a group of architecture students to create a virtual presence for two green, sustainable, urban housing designs called the Alley Flats. Preliminary survey results suggest that the use of SL substantially enhanced the quality and experiences of student learning. Specific areas for improvement in future use are also identified.

Comprendre l’Apprentissage basé sur les projets dans le cadre de Second Life avec le trio Pédagogie‐Formation et Evaluation.

Le présent article présente une étude empirique sur la façon dont Second Life (SL) a été utilisé dans le cadre d’un cours de communication interdisciplinaire avancé fondé sur la réalisation de projets, cours qui a connu un grand succès. Les chercheurs ont trouvé qu’une approche intégrée en trois points, mettant l’accent sur la pédagogie des projets, la formation et le soutien techniques et l’évaluation/recherche se révélait efficace pour cultiver et comprendre l’apprentissage dans le cadre de SL. Les résultats de la recherche conduisent à recommander une application de Second Life fondée sur les projets, application qui prend pleinement en compte l’apprentissage des étudiants par l’expérience. On suggère que les professeurs qui sont nouveaux dans SL et qui se préparent à “faire le plongeon”, adoptent de façon systématique un mode d’approche en équipe, ceci pour intégrer ce trio de composantes. Les étudiants qui ont participé à cette étude formaient une équipe interdisciplinaire pour le projet SL qu’ils devaient réaliser et dans ce cadre, ils ont choisi de mettre en route une collaboration avec “The Basic Initiative” et un groupe d’étudiants d’architecture dans le but de créer une présence virtuelle pour concevoir deux projets d’habitat urbain vert et gérable appelés les Appartements de l’Allée. Une enquête préliminaire permet de penser que l’utilisation de SL a fortement amélioré le vécu et la qualité de l’apprentissage chez les étudiants. On a également identifié des zones spécifiques pour les améliorations à apporter pour des usages futurs.

Verstehen Projektbasierten Lernens in Second Life im Kontext von Pädagogik, Training und Beurteilung

Mit diesem Beitrag wird eine empirische Studie präsentiert, die berichtet wie Second Life (SL) sehr erfolgreich in einem projektorientierten und interdisziplinären Kommunikationskurs für Studenten genutzt worden ist. Unsere Untersuchung ergab, dass ein integrierter dreistufiger Ansatz – projektbasierte Pädagogik, technische Ausbildung und Unterstützung, sowie Beurteilung – zum besseren Verständnis über das Lernen mit Hilfe von SL führte. Auf Grundlage von Forschungsbergebnissen wird empfohlen, dass einer projektbasierten Ausarbeitung wird auf Erfahrung beruhendes Lernen zur Anwendung von SL empfohlen. Es wird geraten, dass Lehrer, die noch keine Erfahrung mit SL haben, einen systematischen Teamansatz übernehmen, um diese drei Bestandteile zu integrieren. Die Studenten, die an dieser Studie teilnahmen, bildeten ein interdisziplinäres Team, damit ihr angestrebtes SL Projekt, worin sie eine Kollaboration mit der Grundinitiative und einer Gruppe von Architekturstudenten initiieren wollten, eine virtuelle Gegenwart für zwei “the Alley Flats” genannte grüne, nachhaltige, städtische Unterbringungspläne schaffe. In vorläufigen Umfrageergebnissen wird festgestellt, dass die Verwendung von SL die Qualität der Arbeit und die Möglichkeit der Erfahrungen der Studenten zu lernen, beträchtlich verbesserte. Bestimmte Bereiche zur Verbesserung zukünftiger Verwendungen wurden ebenfalls identifiziert.

Comprender el aprendizaje basado en proyectos dentro de Second Life con el trio Pedagogía, Formación/Evaluación.

Este artículo presenta un estudio empírico sobre la manera en que Second Life fue utilizado para un curso de comunicación avanzado, interdisciplinario y altamente exitoso basado en proyectos. Los investigadores han descubierto que un abordaje integrado triple con énfsis en la pedagogía basada en proyectos, en la formación y el soporte técnico y en evaluación/investigación, resultaba efectivo para cultivar y comprender el aprendizaje en SL. Basandose en los resultados de la investigación, se recomienda una aplicación de Second Life basada en proyectos integrando completamente la experiencia de aprendizaje por parte de los estudiantes. Nuestra sugestión es que los profesores que son nuevos en SL y listos a zambullirse, adopten una metodología de trabajo en equipo para integrar este trio de componentes. Los estudiantes que participaron en este proyecto formaban equipos interdisciplinarios para sus proyectos SL y decidieron de iniciar una colaboración con “The Basic Initiative” y un grupo de estudiantes de arquitectura de modo a crear una presencia virtual para dos diseños de viviendas urbanas verdes y sostenibles llamadas Los Apartamentos de la Alameda. Los resultados de las encuestas preliminarias indican que el uso de SL realzó fuertemente la calidad y la vivencia del aprendizaje estudiantil. Se identificó también sectores específicos para futuras mejoras.  相似文献   

一、故事内容 I'm a snake. Today God gives me a job -- I should take a walk with the snail.  相似文献   

When it conies right down to it, employers considering candidates for a job really only want to know two things: What do you offer in the way of education, experience and skills? What sort of job are you looking for? Do your career goals match the job that's available?One of the best ways to answer these questions is with an objective statement at the beginning of your resume. Simply put, an objective concisely tells prospective employers what you want in a job and what you can bring to an organization. You may have heard that some employers don't want to see an objective on your resume. It's true. But for every hiring manager who says something like this:  相似文献   

It has been suggested that only 8% of postsecondary students in the United States who have a hearing loss have disclosed that hearing loss to their institutions. Consistent with this suggestion, two anonymous surveys of students enrolled in courses with the Open University in the United Kingdom suggested that there were roughly 9,000 students in the Open University itself and over 42,000 students in higher education across the United Kingdom as a whole who had a hearing loss that they had not disclosed to their institutions. These students tended to be older people with a relatively mild hearing loss that did not disrupt their communication with other students or their active engagement with learning activities. The impact of the students' hearing loss upon their approaches to studying seemed to be relatively slight, but it was associated with an increase in the students' perceived academic workload.  相似文献   

【要点精讲】一、a few和few用来修饰或代替可数名词。few作"少数的"讲,表示否定意义。a few意为"有一些",表示肯定意义。a little和little用来修饰或代替不可数名词。little意为"少量的",表示否定意  相似文献   

在学过了alittle,little;afew,few之后,我们懂得了有a表示肯定意义,无a表示否定意义,使我们对不定冠词a的重要性有了一定的认识。由于一a之差,往往使得面目全非。请比较以下词组和例句:1郾attimes有时Attimeshismotherlethimgoshoppingbyhimself.有时他妈妈让他自己去买东西。2郾atatime摇在……时候AtatimelikethisIdon’tdoanything.在这种时刻,我什么事也不做。3郾taketurns摇轮流做某事Theytookturnsworkingyesterday.Sotheydidn’tfeeltired.昨天他们轮流干活,因此他们不觉累。4郾takeaturn摇散步,转一转Let’stakeaturnbeforewegot…  相似文献   

1.attimes有时,atatime在……时候Attimeshismotherlethimgoshoppingbyhimself.有时他妈妈让他自己去买东西。AtatimelikethisIdon’tdoanything.在这种时刻,我什么事也不做。2.taketurns轮流做某事,takeaturn散步,转一转Theytookturnsworkingyesterday.Sotheydidn’tfeeltired.昨天他们轮流干活,因此他们不觉得累。Let’stakeaturnbeforewegotothedining-room.在去餐厅前,我们散散步吧。3.havetime有时间,haveatime费事(劲)Whenwillyouhavetime?Pleasecometomyhome.你什么时间有空?请到我家来玩。Indirahadati…  相似文献   

Where the meaning of life can be found, and how people make meaning in their lives are age‐old questions pursued by philosophers, clergy, psychologists and educators. More recently, there has been a focus on the role of meaning‐making in learning and development in adulthood. Several writers have proposed that meaning‐making is what adult learning is all about, and a few have explicitly linked meaning‐making activity to development. First reviewed in this article are some of the basic understandings of meaning‐making advanced by classical and contemporary writers. Next, models of cognitive and ego development that directly link with meaning‐making are examined. Finally, a model of the relationship of meaning‐making to learning and development is presented and implications drawn for applying the model to adult education practice.  相似文献   

Chylothorax is an uncommon disease where fatty fluid accumulates within the chest cavity. Conservative manage- ment, including repeated thoracentesis or pleurodesis, seems to be suitable to most cases. Herein, we present a case of efficacious pleurodesis by intrapleural injection of Sapylin, a streptococcus preparation, for the treatment of chylothorax. A 52-year-old non-smoking female farmer was diagnosed as idiopathic chylothorax after we ruled out possible causes including chest trauma, lymphoma, lung cancer, filariasis, tuberculosis, and etc. Two-time intra-thoracic injection of 3 Klinische Einheit (KE) Sapylin achieved rapid and effective control of chylothorax with no severe side effects. Sapylin may facilitate pleurodesis by producing a strong inflammatory response.  相似文献   

Aharonov-Casher oscillasions of transmission through a mesoscopic ring with a magnetic impurity is investigated. Both spindependent transmission and reflection coefficients of spin-state electrons at zero-temperature are calculated as a function of the textured electric fields and its title angle in the present of spin-flipper scattering. It is found that the spin-exchange interaction can destroy intermittently periodic oscillations of spin-up transmission and reflection coefficients within some small ranges in the adiabatic region of quantum phase. However spin-down transmission and reflection coefficients appear periodic AC oscillations. The calculated results manifest that spindown transmission and reflection coefficients have the same perfect oscillation patterns. In the nonadiabatic region, the behavior of the anomalous AC oscillations are depedent on the difference between the tilt angle of spin and that of texture electric field.  相似文献   


The ubiquitous weekly spelling test assumes that words are best learned by memorisation and testing but is this the best way? This study compared two well-known approaches to spelling instruction, the rule based and visual memory approaches. A group of 55 seven-year-olds in two Year 3 classrooms was taught spelling in small groups for three lessons a week, 20-min per lesson, over ten weeks. In the first intervention, students learned statistically likely spelling strategies for vowel sounds, syllable breaking strategies, and the doubling rule. In the second intervention, students used a look, say, cover, write, check, fix strategy, listed words in alphabetical order, and wrote them in sentences. The control group completed non-spelling activities. Results showed that although both intervention groups learned to spell taught words better than the control group, the rule-based approach had greater transfer to spelling of new words for both proficient and less proficient spellers.  相似文献   

Professional learning is intended to improve teaching, benefit student learning and in the longer term improve achievement of targets in schools. When teachers take responsibility not only for their own learning but also for their colleagues’, it can lead to a shift in attitudes towards collaborative learning. This study presents an example of a professional learning community (PLC) based on teachers’ engagement in systematic inquiries. The aim of the study was to explore crucial factors during the process of critical friendship that could be related to a PLC. The research context was a series of shadowing sessions where teachers were expected to document teaching and provide feedback. The analyses are mainly based on documentation, in the form of shadowing logs produced when teachers study each other in action. Findings indicate that the role of critical friend was hard to internalise and that most of the teachers did not use it to its full potential for learning, according to the Vygotskian concept of the zone of proximal development. Three crucial factors for learning in a PLC are addressed: active choices related to teachers’ and students’ learning during different phases in the inquiry; the complexity of mastering several skills in action research at the same time; and the teachers’ attitudes to professional learning.  相似文献   

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