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Case studies are central to the way management is currently taught at universities. Among other benefits attributed to the case study method is that it promotes networked thinking by learners. Networked thinking takes account of interactions and repercussions, making it crucial to decision-making within the complex system of rules that shapes current business reality. However, there is virtually no empirical evidence of the extent to which the case study method actually delivers the advantages attributed to it. This paper aims to remedy that gap in the literature. The paper considers the extent to which the case study method promotes networked thinking on the part of students on business and management courses. The research is designed as an intervention study involving pre- and post-testing. The study finds that students who have worked on a case study correctly identify more interactions in post-testing than in pre-testing.  相似文献   

During the last few decades, a number of quality improvement methodologies have been used by organizations. This article provides a brief review of the quality improvement literature related to academia and a case study using Six Sigma methodology to analyze students' performance in a standardized examination. We found Six Sigma to be an effective tool for curriculum improvement and team building. The challenges and benefits of using Six Sigma are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigates learning about civics and citizenship throughout individuals' lives (lifelong) and across various pedagogical settings (lifewide). A basic hypothesis is that civics teachers, among all social actors, are particularly well positioned for engaging in this type of introspective exercise because they are both familiar with civics and politics and also with teaching and learning processes. The lifelong civic learning of civics teachers was examined in the different settings in which they acquire their knowledge, values, skills and ideological frameworks, and to understand the relative weight of each one in their overall learning process. This study also coincides with the implementation of a new provincial civics course for grade 10 students in Ontario, Canada during the 2000–1 school year. This case study consists of interviews with 15 social studies teachers who have taught the new civics course in Ontario. One of the clearest findings of the study is the powerful influence of the experience of teaching and of early family socialization on the acquisition of civic knowledge, skills and values, and on the development of political beliefs. Civic engagement and political participation were also considered an important source of civic learning, particularly in relation to the acquisition of civic and political skills. This is a finding that deserves further exploration, because our understanding of social movement learning remains limited. The findings suggest the promotion of lifelong citizenship learning entails the creation and nurturing of inclusive democratic spaces that have particularly high civic educational potential.  相似文献   

Relying heavily on case or regional studies, higher education institutions market the perceived global skills that students acquire from education abroad as a value-added commodity. As industries increase their global reach, understanding the labor market effects of education abroad from a national perspective is necessary and timely. This study isolates many factors known to influence education abroad using the 2008–2012 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study dataset (B&B: 08/12). Through a 2-level hierarchical linear regression analysis model, earning levels of graduates of undergraduate programs are analyzed, offering a national perspective. The findings revealed that students who participated in education abroad earned more money within the labor market, even during harsh recessionary times. While income differences observed between men and women existed in both samples, initial incomes during the first three years post-graduation demonstrated significantly higher wages for some students who studied abroad when compared to their non-participating peers.  相似文献   

This paper draws on data relating to the field of business studies from four Western Australian universities to illustrate differences between institutions in the Australian Unified National System (UNS) of Universities. Large differences exist between universities in the input characteristics of students which may be expected to affect student progress and presumably student outcomes. These differences have implications for issues like credit transfer where the transferring student may have come from an institution with a much lower entry criterion and presumably different learning culture.  相似文献   

The article analyses the impact of the neoliberal policy framework and managerialism on critical legal education in the context of Waikato Law Faculty, University of Waikato, Aotearoa New Zealand. The delivery of critical legal education challenges the ideology and implementation of current tertiary education policy and training because it is designed to deliver critical knowledge and not just vocational information. Waikato Law School was established in 1990 the year the neoliberal tertiary policy was enacted in the Education Amendment Act 1990. It represented an attempt to introduce a more critical and inclusive approach to legal education. The article provides an account of the struggle to maintain a critical approach under a statutory framework that requires conformity to government policy designed to cut the cost of tertiary education and integrate universities into a neoliberal policy framework. The case study is intended to illustrate the insidious influence of the policy on undermining a legal education that prepares students to think critically. It is also intended to illustrate that it is possible to resist this interference in the fundamental role of the academic to be the critic and conscience of society.  相似文献   

Reading and Writing - Although the Toulmin model (1958) has dominated argumentation research, it does not provide many tools for evaluating argument quality. Towards that end, we draw on work in...  相似文献   

Existing literature is polarized and primarily conceptual on the topic of student-customer orientation. Research into this phenomenon has failed to realize that higher education as such consists of several different educational experiences and has therefore addressed and studied the issue at too general a level, i.e. at the level of the higher education institution (HEI) as a whole, not at the level of educational experiences that an HEI provides. Based on a validated model of educational experiences, validated student-customer orientation questionnaire [Koris, R., & Nokelainen, P. (in press Koris, R., & Nokelainen, P. (in press). The student-customer orientation questionnaire (SCOQ): Application of customer metaphor to higher education. International Journal of Educational Management. [Google Scholar]). The student-customer orientation questionnaire (SCOQ): Application of customer metaphor to higher education. International Journal of Educational Management] and a survey conducted among business students (N?=?405) in Estonia, the aim of this article is to identify whether in which categories of educational experience and to what extent students expect an HEI to be student-customer oriented. The results of the study show that students expect to be treated as customers in some, but not all categories of educational experience that an HEI offers.  相似文献   

This paper explores the perceptions of academics and students towards embedding Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) into undergraduate degree programmes in the School for Earth, Ocean and Environmental Science (SEOES) at the University of Plymouth. The main purpose of the research was to identify current ESD related teaching and learning in a science-based undergraduate programme and the opportunities for, and barriers to, further extensions of ESD. The results indicate that there is general support for the embedding of ESD in the curriculum, but there is considerable uncertainty expressed by lecturers concerning how this can best be done. There is a general concern that additional embedding into the degree programme might lead to reductions in the amount of core subject matter being taught. The programme and ESD agendas are to an extent seen by lecturers as conflicting. ESD is viewed mainly in terms of curriculum content as opposed to the pedagogy employed.  相似文献   

随着国家打造世界造船强国战略目标的确立,探究如何培养创新型船舶类专业人才、提高培养人才质量,已成为时下这一目标的基础。我国多年前开始实施大学生创新创业教育,一定程度上积累了一些经验,但由于经济社会发展水平、高校自身等因素,大学生创新创业教育实施并没有取得显著成效。当我们还蹒跚学步的时候,闭门造车不能快速推动大学生创新创业教育的发展。研究大学生创新创业教育,借鉴国外先进的理念是必不可少的途径。  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study of implementation of a new system of faculty teaching evaluation at a graduate school of business in Thailand. The research employed a non-experimental, longitudinal case study design in the analysis of student course evaluation data gathered over a period of 21 terms during a seven-year period. The report describes the design of the performance and reward system and its role in the college’s quality improvement program. Quantitative data analysis focused on results related to both instructor performance and faculty turnover. The data suggest statistically significant improvement in levels of instructor effectiveness and faculty turnover in the college over the seven-year period. While the research is subject to the contextual limitations of case studies, it also demonstrates the possibilities and problems of employing performance and reward in higher education.  相似文献   

本科教育质量保证研究——历史与比较的视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从历史和比较的视角,依据高等教育大众化发展分期理论,以质量保证主体为主要依据,概括出精英阶段本科教育质量保证的三种类型:院校主导型、政府主导型和衍生型,并对不同模式的产生背景和特征做了详细分析。重点阐述了大众化和普及化阶段本科教育质量保证的模式及其趋向。提出了大众化阶段两种质量保证类型:前期大众化模式和后期大众化模式。并以英国为例,阐述了后期大众化国家中外部评估产生的过程及其特征。以美国和日本为案例,对普及化阶段本科教育质量保证的一般动向进行了简要概括,特别提出了通过外部或第三者评估,重视学习成果评估可能是未来本科教育质量保证的发展趋势。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to examine the relationship between motivations to learn and expectations of learning and to see if there are any differences across student groups based on their choice of degree programme and level of study. Six scales were used from Pintrich et al.’s Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire, of which two were adapted for this study, to measure motivations to learn and expectations of learning amongst undergraduate students. Across different levels of study and programmes, 564 responses were collected. The study suggests that there is a correlation between the degree of importance and interest that students attach to their studies, their beliefs about how well they will do and their overall levels of motivation to learn. These relationships vary across different student groups. The study also found that the degree of anxiety about assessment experienced by students was independent of their motivations and expectations and did not differ significantly between any student groups.  相似文献   


A modified essay is an open-ended question about clinical presentations, with the goal to test application of basic science principles to novel scenarios. Due to high reliability and validity, multiple-choice question (MCQ) examinations are more commonly used. We have employed a combination of MCQ and modified essay examinations in medical school. The correlation between MCQ and modified essay grades is positive but small, suggesting they may be testing different cognitive levels/skills. In this paper, we evaluate the impact of a non-graded mock modified essay on student’s performance and satisfaction, and outline our best practices. We have found that it is important to involve faculty from multiple disciplines to construct robust cases, and to review examinations and rubrics. The mock modified essay resulted in higher performance and student satisfaction, and fewer students’ comments related to subjectivity, frustration and anxiety. Yet, there was not an improvement in confidence. Moreover, there was no correlation between grades in the mock and graded modified essays, suggesting that the mock modified essay may not be useful to predict academic performance. Yet, the incorporation of a mock modified essay was useful to clarify expectations and provide guidance, potentially reducing the anxiety induced by an unfamiliar assessment.  相似文献   

The academic literature arguing that there is an urgent requirement for businesses to become more sustainable is rapidly expanding. There is also a demonstrated need for managers to develop a better understanding of sustainability and the appropriate strategies required to improve business sustainability. In addition, there have been international calls for educators to address sustainability in their programs. The aim of this study was to investigate the extent to which business sustainability was incorporated into undergraduate business and management courses in Australian universities. The high percentage of international students enrolled in these courses suggests our findings have implications beyond the Australian context. Students currently studying these courses are the managers and leaders of the future and their knowledge and skills will influence the extent to which business sustainability will be achieved. The findings demonstrate that more than half of Australian universities did not explicitly identify sustainability as part of their business/management curricula and those universities that did address sustainability did so, in most cases, only in a limited way.  相似文献   

个案工作方法通过有关"人与社会"的专业知识及技术手段,为社会适应不良、行为失范和社会功能失调的学生提供心理调适、环境改善等方面的技术支持。帮助学生摆脱困扰,充分认识自身拥有的潜能和现有的资源,建立健全人格、完善自我。提升学生适应社会和解决困难的能力,进而达到个人和家庭的良好福利状态,也使得思想政治教育工作变得更加丰富多样和具体可行。  相似文献   

Over the last 20 years, the voice of business and its impact upon Australian vocational education have transformed. These changes comprise the reluctance of enterprise to be involved; industry determining what is taught and assessed, and how; the principles for administering vocational education; and attempts to use vocational education to reform the schooling system. These transformations and government complicity in them are enmeshed in the restructuring of the Australian economy, allegedly in response to an increasingly competitive and globalised economy. They were also facilitated by vocational education continuing to be misunderstood and having low status. However, the expanded leadership role afforded to Australian business has not been matched by its purchase on the complexity of educational issues and practice, including the need to encompass other interests (e.g. small business and students). While vocational education has become the business of business, it seems it is business not understood. Even in addressing its own purposes (i.e. work readiness), business has demonstrated a preference for ideological and näive imperatives that have proved inadequate. Along the way, the goals for vocational education and standing of its institutions, practitioners and students have all been transformed, probably to their detriment.  相似文献   

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