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<正>It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch  相似文献   

吕浙  碧群 《初中生》2006,(5):45-46,36
《Who was the kidnapper》译文: 1.一天深夜,洛杉矶市G董事长接到一个陌生人打来的电话。董事长的儿子被陌生人绑架了。绑匪开口要50万美元。  相似文献   

吕浙  碧群 《初中生》2007,(5):58-59,62
1. Detective Jim was told on Monday morning that Mr. White was killed at home on Sunday afternoon. At once he drove to Mr. White’s. It was difficult to drive on the wet street, because yesterday afternoon, it rained very hard. Through the rain lasted only half an hour, it was indeed heavy. 1.星期一上午,侦探吉姆得知怀特先生于周日下午在家遇害。他驱车前往现场。因为昨天下午下了大雨,道路湿滑,车子非常难开。虽然这场雨只持续了半个小时,但雨量很大。  相似文献   

卿 再 , … 疑 曹 1 .At 3 p.m.on a Sunday,an old woman was killed in her house,whieh was 50 kilomete玲away from the eenter oftheeity. 2.Afte:deree石ng([di’rekt]侦 察),Je叮山ought rhe old man’s nephew([‘nevju(:)〕外甥)might be lhe murderer([’m3:d。怕(:)]凶手). 今 入草哥黔、 3.仆eOld物manwasve叮rieh.After her deatll,her nePhew eodd get all her money.But the young man looked ve叮 honestandtoleont(〔,tol。。nr〕忠厚). 4刀刀len questioned,the young man took a photo out of}一15 busineos …  相似文献   

1It was a very deep night,but there w ere still a lot of people in a bar, drinking and chatting In the m iddle of the bar,three m en w ere at table They talked and drank very happily2郾Suddenly,all the lights in the bar w ent out because of the power cut郾 Soon the bar was bright again because the boss asked the waiters to light the candles([謖k覸ndl]蜡烛)郾3郾Itw as very rom antic([r藜謖m 覸ntik] 浪漫的)to drink and chat in the light of the candles郾A llthe people were stillvery happy郾A ll…  相似文献   

马祥琴 《初中生》2007,(12):60-61
同学们,读完精彩的侦探小故事后,请你先猜猜看,Jerry探长的推断正确吗?按故事情节将每幅图片的顺序排列好。[编者按]  相似文献   

吕浙  碧群 《初中生》2006,(11):86-87,90
夜色已深,但一家酒吧里仍然聚集着许多人在饮酒聊天。在酒吧的中央,三个男子正围坐在桌旁。他们开心地聊着,喝着。  相似文献   

刘碧群 《初中生》2007,(36):60-61
同学们,读完精彩的侦探小故事后,请你先猜猜看,Jerry探长的推断正确吗?按故事情节将每幅图片的顺序排列好.  相似文献   

A woman was having some trouble(毛病 ) withher heart(心脏 ) ,so she went to see the doctor.Hewas a new doctor,and did not know her,so he firstasked some questions,and one of them was,“Howold are you?“Well”,she answered,“I don't remember,doctor,but I will try(尽力 ) to think.”She thoughtfor a minute and then said,“Yes,I remember now,doctor!When I married (结婚 ) ,I was eighteen yearold,and my husband was thirty.Now,my husbandis sixty,I know,and that is twice(两倍 ) thirty.So Iam twic…  相似文献   

<正>全国优质课一等奖教材内容:外研社版(新标准)英语教科书九年级上册Module 1 Unit 2所教年级:九年级学生背景:九年级的学生已经有了一定的认知能力和生活经历,他们喜欢旅游,善于探索,渴望了解、体验这个神奇世界。Module 1 Wonders of the world中Unit 2来自一篇游记,介绍世界奇观美国科罗拉多大峡谷,学生会非常感兴趣。读游记,感自然神奇;品游记,舒心中热爱。  相似文献   

This article considers implications for partnership working across the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) system in England, at a time when a long-overdue SEND Review is imminent and the SEND Code of Practice 2015 is awaiting a significant overhaul. It highlights the role local policy actors occupy within this system, as the progression of the Covid-19 pandemic moves SEND partnerships towards a ‘new normal’ and there is heightened concern about missed opportunities for reform and renewal. Previously published findings from an online questionnaire (n = 100) undertaken by the Special Educational Needs Policy Research Forum provided insight into how school staff had been supported in the teaching of pupils with SEND during periods of school closures and what lessons had been learned. The present article offers a thematic analysis of the narrative responses provided in addition to the closed survey questions. The analysis generated six statements that can be understood as lessons learned from the pandemic for partnership working, drawing on the experiences of parents, school staff, and advising professionals working in local authorities.  相似文献   

四个朋友在为谁的狗最聪明而争吵。第一个人是个工程师,他对自己的狗喊道:“三角形,露一手。”这只狗便跑向书桌,拉出一张纸和一支铅笔,画出了一个完美的三角形。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to expand the theory of self-efficacy in relation to feminist perspectives by exploring the factors and the dynamics that foster a low sense of professional self-efficacy in Israeli female teachers. Listening to their voices enables us to learn about their past experiences in the nuclear family and consider their repercussions for professional self-efficacy in the present. Fourteen teachers who were identified as having a low sense of professional self-efficacy participated in in-depth open interviews. Data were analysed according to Grounded Theory methodology, implementing the axial coding procedure. Findings indicated that these teachers’ sense of professional self-efficacy was affected by their experience of having been silenced by the dominant authority figures in two spheres of life: the nuclear family (parents) and the workplace (school principal). Similar patterns in the two spheres and their implications for teachers and principals are discussed.  相似文献   

The Bologna Process is an important factor which has had an impact on higher education in Europe. In this paper the implementation of the Bologna Process in Poland, the Netherlands and Flanders is discussed, to show how the different contexts influenced its realization. In order to study the transformation of higher education, new institutionalism and resource dependence theory were applied. Research focuses on six case studies – different universities, which are seen as organizations operating in a specific context and which respond to changes in this context.  相似文献   

I was Shy     
I was a very shy girl when I was a child. Now I am still shy, but I think that I am much better. I have made progress, partly1 because I grow up ,partly because I follow the advices from a book. It tells me how to overcome2 the shyness. It says that one f…  相似文献   

esponse curves of SMA to NE and Ca~(2 ) on 1,2h after shock shifted to the right,the maximal contractions(Emax) of NE and Ca~(2  相似文献   

Recent criticism of the over‐representation of minority students in special education do not adequately account for gender, despite the fact that urban special education classrooms in the USA are largely populated by young men of colour. In fact, we know very little about how being female shapes the experiences and understandings of young women of colour labelled disabled in schools. Using an interdisciplinary framework informed by Black feminist studies, disability studies, and class studies, we analyse autobiographical portraits of five young women of colour who received special education services. Focusing on their perspectives of life in and out of school, we examine how they understand and negotiate multiple subject positions and actively and creatively work to resist these constraints.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine ninth-grade students’ perception of a Swedish national test in science (high-stakes for the students) and a field trial (low-stakes for the students), in terms of test-taking motivation. The study is based on semi-structured interviews with 12 students. Overall, the students had a positive perception of the national test; they were motivated to do their best, believed they did well and found the test important and good. Several students were nervous before the test and some during the test whereas others felt okay, or even enjoyed taking the national test. The students talked about less effort and test anxiety in the field trial and perceived the test as less important compared to the national test. The interviews provided a rich understanding of the different aspects of test-taking motivation as described by the expectancy-value theory. Furthermore, they indicated how the test administration could be adjusted so as to achieve higher test validity.  相似文献   

Like all the other girls, Li Na(厉娜) likes snacks, little pets, idol(偶像) plays...but unlike the other girls, she was lucky enough to become an idol who has plenty of her own fans last summer. Though she has become famous overnight, Li Na is still a plain girl. She even says that she was once a crazy fan of Zhou Bichang(周笔畅) the year before last.  相似文献   

This teaching note gives a real‐life example of Bayesian thinking. It discusses how credible accusations are that the outcome of the draw for the quarter‐finals in the 2013 European Champions League Football was manipulated.  相似文献   

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