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Military surgeons are a special group of doctors.They are both medical workers and soldiers.Their mission is to serve the wounded on the battlefield.And there is no doubt that military surgeons will save our comrades in the army.However,should a military surgeon save the wounded enemy?It is indeed a dilemma.Some may save the wounded enemy because military surgeons are doctors after all and they can’t possibly abandon anybody to his fate,but some refuse to do so because military surgeons are soldiers.Therefore,some situations on the battlefield are discussed and advice is suggested for military surgeons,with heartfelt anticipation for there being less casualties on the battlefield as well as alleviating human suffering caused by war.  相似文献   

战场态势图成为信息化战争中各类指挥控制系统的核心。为提升参谋作战标图速度及绘制效果,提出以基本标号为基础设计含义丰富的组合标号方法。将设计的组合标号作为一个整体保存入库,绘制时通过基本标号进行绘制、属性修改等操作,一次性完成军标复杂含义符号绘制。实际应用表明,该设计可解决由于态势标绘中军用符号不可随时增加而无法满足需求的难题,使态势图标绘效率提高 30%。  相似文献   

Students’ negative perceptions of inmates are a challenging aspect of teaching criminal justice. Scholars suggest exposing students to the criminal justice system may provide a realistic approach to understanding offenders. Prison tours have become a viable solution for instructors who want to create such exposure, but contrasting perspectives on the impact of prison tours on students’ learning are present in research. Drawing upon theories of experiential learning, we designed a pre-/post-survey to address the following exploratory questions: (1) What perceptions do criminal justice students hold regarding corrections, inmates, and correctional officers? (2) Do these perceptions change after going on a tour of a correctional facility? Data were collected from a convenience sample of 123 students attending courses at two Midwestern universities. Findings add to the body of literature on prison tours as a component of criminal justice education and further our understanding of the complexity of student learning.  相似文献   

Understanding how students engage with assessment feedback is a key concern of higher education professionals. Research commonly represents the perspectives of students and academic staff, yet little consideration is given to the role of learning development staff, despite these individuals supporting students when interpreting and implementing feedback. We report the findings from interviews with learning developers working in a UK University, exploring their insights into the barriers students confront when engaging with feedback, and into the role of learning developers within the feedback landscape. This study suggests that, while many challenges exist for staff and students in the context of assessment feedback, learning development professionals are able to provide a meaningful source of guidance, in partnership with academic staff, and are able to promote students’ development through dialogic interactions. Hitherto these interactions have not been fully explored, yet they provide powerful insight into the hidden processes of feedback recipience.  相似文献   

Asian students bring to Australia a very different educational and intellectual experience from that which awaits them in tertiary studies here. Traditional attitudes to knowledge and styles of learning can lead to severe problems of intellectual culture shock, especially in approaches to knowledge and academic authority. If these students are to make a successful adjustment to the styles of teaching and learning in Australia, they need specific assistance in methods of study and language development. Academic staff may also have to recognize these problems of transition by adapting their own styles of teaching. If in the course of their studies here these students do not become capable of independent thinking and a critical approach to their area of expertise, they may not be able to adapt their new knowledge to the needs and constraints of their home country on their return. This paper is based on the experience of the Study Skills Unit at the Australian National University in working with postgraduate and undergraduate overseas students, and on two extended study tours in Southeast Asia and Burma to gain understanding of the cultural and educational backgrounds of students from this region. It draws attention to the need for academic institutions to provide adequate support systems for any increased intake of overseas students.  相似文献   

对《孙子兵法·行军篇》题解的五种观点进行了探讨和批评,指出"行军"便是"执行军务",具体而言就是"执行指挥职务"。因此,《行军篇》是孙子写给战役或战术指挥员的战地指挥条令,且是国际军事史上最早的战地指挥条令,是实用型军事著作的鼻祖。之后依照条款式应用文写作中"章断条连"的写法,对《行军篇》原文进行现代汉语翻译,从而更为直观地证实了其作为战地指挥条令的判断。按照这种判断对曹操将"取人"注为"厮养足也"的观点进行了批评,指出"取人"有"正确运用兵力"与"教化、管理好士卒"两层含义。  相似文献   

军训是实践育人的主要形式之一,为了解新版《普通高等学校军事课教学大纲》 实施后的高校军训成效,对福建某大学2019 级新生军训实践育人情况进行问卷调查,运用SPSS 软件对1104份样本数据进行统计分析,研究发现:90.31%的大学生对2019年军训总体比较满意;大学生对军训目的理解占比高的前三项是磨练意志、锻炼身体、培养吃苦耐劳精神;学唱军歌、战场医疗救护、战术训练是大学生最喜欢的军训科目;92.48%的大学生对军训教官总体比较满意。基于研究数据和访谈结果,提出在新大纲背景下要不断提升军训实践育人成效,  相似文献   

晚清编译的克虏伯炮学书籍近二十种,对于提高晚清军事教育的水平有很大帮助。克虏伯来华人员参与到了中国军队、军事学堂和军工企业以及赴德留学生派遣的活动之中,促进了中国近代军事教育的进步,晚清直至民国时期的留欧生、兵工人员与克虏伯公司有广泛的联系,他们在回国后促进了中国军事的近代化。  相似文献   

Carceral tours remain a controversial aspect of pedagogy and curricula in criminology and criminal justice. In recent years, critics have questioned the pedagogical and ethical validity of conducting prison tours. In response, we clarify definitional ambiguities and provided a rationale for carceral tours that occur within the United States. Here, pedagogical justification for prison tours is based on the work of Lev Vygotsky which is subsumed under the broader paradigm of experiential education. Criticisms leveled at prison tours are described as missed opportunities; with experiential learning examined in terms of the epistemology of criminological expertise, the concept of impression management (i.e. Goffman), and the notion of the penal gaze. The efficacy of pedagogical tours is discussed with reference to the role of active and innovative teaching methods in criminology and criminal justice.  相似文献   

A study of docent‐led guided school tours at a museum of natural history was investigated. Researchers engaged in naturalistic inquiry to describe how natural history content was conveyed to students and what students gained from this model of touring. They also investigated how the content and pedagogy within the guided tour complemented recommendations from formal science standards documents and informal learning literature. About 30 visiting school groups in Grades 2–8 were observed. Teachers (n = 30) and select students (n = 85) were interviewed. Researchers found that tours were organized in a didactic way that conflicted with science education reform documents and research related to learning within informal contexts. Students' responses to interview questions indicated high satisfaction with the tours but low levels of science learning. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 40: 200–218, 2003  相似文献   

随着人类文明进入信息化时代,新军事变革深入发展,高新技术武器装备在战场上广泛运用,新作战样式不断涌现,战场环境更加复杂,信息战作为一种战争形态,已经成为各国军界研究的世界性重大课题。在对《孙子兵法》中关于"知彼知己"、"信息保密"、"虚实变换"、"军事心理"、"民众战争"、"先胜后战"、"不战而胜"等观点再认识的基础上,通过对现代战争资料的分析研究,提出《孙子兵法》对现代信息战具有指导意义的一些见解。  相似文献   

杨春 《河西学院学报》2004,20(6):103-106
中学英语成绩测试是中学英语教学中的重要环节,对准确评估学生的学习和教师的教学具有重要的意义。实践中,由于教师和教学管理人员在语言测试方面存在的模糊认识,往往使测试的信度和效度得不到应有的保证,从而使测试不能全面反映教学情况。文章从测试的试题命制开始探讨,分析了施考、阅卷、成绩分析四个环节中容易出现的九种问题,提出在新课程标准的背景下,教师要促进自身业务的不断发展,必须重视英语语言测试。  相似文献   

International short‐term study tours are a fast‐growing format for outbound education and provide exciting experiential learning opportunities for students in the creative industries disciplines. This success has encouraged researchers to seek a comprehensive view of the various concrete experiences that contribute to student learning during study tours. To that end, this article presents evidence from a qualitative online post‐tour questionnaire administered with students studying various art and design disciplines who participated in short‐term international study tours at a large Australian university in 2015. Using Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory as a framework, data collected explored student perceptions of which concrete experiences on a study tour are most impactful and which may actually hinder learning. Findings revealed: experiencing key industry venues are the most significant aspects of a study tour, rather than networking or personal growth; poor itinerary planning and travel issues are the least liked aspects of a tour, yet are often the most easily addressed with better tour management and planning; and students were positively impacted by unexpected gains in knowledge about their creative industries discipline. This study, therefore, provides unique insights into which concrete experiences may be most impactful as part of the experiential learning cycle within an international study tour for creative industries students.  相似文献   

受战场侦察监视需求的牵引和军事遥感技术飞速发展的推动,军事遥感概论课程建设与教学改革在各高等军事院校相关专业备受关注和重视。本文首先分析了军事遥感课程的特点和现有军事遥感概论课程建设的不足,并联系实际,针对军事类电子与信息专业,在课程体系、教材建设、教学内容、教学方法、网络课程等环节中设计课程建设与教学改革方案,丰富了教学内容,开阔了学生视野,提高了课堂的教学效果,增强了学生的专业素养。  相似文献   

A strategy for teaching and learning was developed at Britannia Royal Naval College during 2006 in order to address several key issues. These included improving professional knowledge and skills retention, enhancing pedagogical practices to increase levels of student motivation, and adapting the training and educational package to an extremely diverse student population. Additional drivers such as those provided by externally accredited programmes of study were also addressed. This article presents a brief review of the development of strategies for teaching and learning in higher education, together with a history of teaching and learning in the military environment. Data from a recent MORI (Market & Opinion Research International) student survey conducted at Britannia Royal Naval College are presented and analysed. It has been found that the unique nature of the military education environment, where students from a wide variety of educational and ethnic backgrounds follow a compressed programme involving a combination of both training and education, requires the modification of existing best practice in the strategies for teaching and learning employed at ‘civilian’ universities. This case study, highlighting the key areas of the development and use of a bespoke teaching and learning strategy, shows how such a strategy benefits students, staff and the wider organisation. Findings highlight the fact that an appropriate balance of training and education enables military college officer graduates to cope with the unpredictable challenges of the modern world more effectively than training alone, pertinent to any organisation involved in professional training and education.  相似文献   

电报局是洋务运动中的重要企业,它的创办对近代社会的发展有重要作用。甲午战争时期,从朝鲜战场到国内战场,中国电报局承担了大量不可或缺的事务,尤其是电报局通过架设随军电报直接参与战斗,为清军提供了诸多有利条件。当然,电报局的作用发挥也受到当时时代社会条件的限制,如清廷财力的匮乏,使得战时电报局的建设颇受影响。此外,战事的不利也使电报局遭受人、财、物三方面的重大损失。  相似文献   

Reflection on events at work, including errors is often as a means to learn effectively through work. In a cross-sectional field study in the banking sector, we investigated attitudes towards workplace errors (i.e. error orientation) as predictors of reflective activity. We assumed the organisational climate for psychological safety to have a mediating effect. The study participants were 84 client advisors from the retail banking departments in branches of a German bank. The client advisors’ were being affected by a range of changes in their workplaces at the time of the data collection. This situation afforded these workers opportunity for learning but also involved the risk of error by these staff. Regression analyses identified that error competence and learning from errors were significant predictors of reflection. The results confirmed the mediating role of psychological safety on the association between attitudes towards errors and reflective working behaviour.  相似文献   

抗日战争时期,国民党既在正面战场作战,又在敌后开展游击战争。国民党军队的敌后游击战,一定程度上牵制了日军,配合了正面战场的作战。但国民党的阶级本性决定了它既抗日又反共,不敢真正发动群众,最终导致其战斗力愈益下降,游击区不断缩小,作用也日益降低。  相似文献   

孙子与克劳塞维茨军事情报思想比较   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
克劳塞维茨对情报有着独特的认识。孙子和克劳塞维茨两位兵学大师的战略情报思想有许多相通之处,而他们对战场情报的认识之各具特色,则源于他们所处时代的不同和研究战争问题方法论的差异。  相似文献   

二战中,美英苏在开辟欧洲第二战场问题上经历了从立场冲突到妥协合作,直至成功实现诺曼底登陆的过程。三国围绕登陆作战问题在军事、经济、政治等方面展开合作,最终实现了击溃德国法西斯的共同目标。  相似文献   

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