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The author reviews a set of articles on ethical and moral matters in teaching and teacher education previously published by Teaching and Teacher Education. Comparisons are made and a summary of findings offered.  相似文献   

Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT), as a culturally sensitive framework, realises the totality of caring in context. Few, if any, investigations into caring have articulated CHAT as a feasible mode of inquiry for inserting the cultural perspectives of both the researcher and the researched. This article elucidates CHAT as an intelligible and fruitful alternative to unearthing the moral agency of a culturally specific care outlook. Cultural Historical Activity Theory, as an epistemological orientation, brought into relief the complexities associated with agency, culture and morality as they pertain to one African American educator. A data example delineates this educator’s moral agency as deliberate, unconscious intentions and actions shaped by powerful determinants such as race and racism. Her goal-directed moral actions gave way to activities that motivated a particular care theory and approach grounded in Black Cultural Ethos.  相似文献   

德育在教育教学中的地位重要,课堂教学是渗透德育的主渠道.在中学物理教学中要充分利用教学内容以及教师自身的言传身教对学生进行德育教育.  相似文献   

本分析了当前高校思想品德课教学存在的问题,探讨了思想品德课教学改革的思路,以期通过改革增强教学的针对性和实效性。  相似文献   

当前对次道德如何考量定位,学术界争议颇多.作为一种客观存在的特殊道德现象,次道德的产生及其存在有其合理性:客观上反映了道德的多维度多层次,主观来自于主体的良心和道德自律,本质具有主流道德的真实内涵.次道德对个体、社会和法律而言都极具伦理价值,有利于抑制深度犯罪,但只适用于特定人群.  相似文献   

德育,历来都是学校教育的永恒主题,新的课程标准把德育教育放在十分重要的地位。美术学科里也蕴含着丰富的德育资源,作为美术教师要把思想品德教育寓于美术教学之中,努力做到教书与育人紧密结合。一要充分认识美术作品的德育内涵;二要深入挖掘爱国主义思想,培养爱国主义情感;三要在美术教学中有效的进行思想品德教育。  相似文献   

This paper makes the case that environmental education needs to be taken up as a moral education to the extent that we see the connection between harm and destruction in the environment and harm and destruction within human individuals and their relationship, and proceeds to show this connection by introducing the key notion of human alienation and its psychological factors of wounding, dissociation or split, self and other oppression and exploitation, all of which result in compromised moral agency. To this end, the paper further makes the case that we need to replace the culture of alienation with a culture of healing and reclamation of fundamental humanity manifest as compassion and wisdom, and presents an ideal of moral agency that would emerge when all parts and dimensions of one’s being—body–mind–heart–energetics—are aligned, attuned and integrated, having healed from the body–mind split, mind–heart split, body–spirit split and mind–matter split. Concepts and imagery borrowed from Asian philosophies, such as Buddhism and Daoism, are offered as illustrative resources for the project of reclaiming uncompromised moral agency and its manifestation through compassion and wisdom. These concepts include hungry ghosts, bodhicitta, sunyata and wu-wei.  相似文献   

审美教学是思想品德课教学的要求,思想品德课审美教学的核心是将诸多教学因素转化为审美对象,视其教学过程为一种审美活动,本文分析了思想品德课审美教学的功能,提出了审美教学模式和审美因素的构成,认为情感化教学,诱导式教学和具体化教学是思想品德课审美教学的主要策略。  相似文献   

中等专业学校的德育课是加强和改进学生思想政治教育的主渠道和主阵地。因而应加强对德育课的教学探讨,文章从明确的德育目标、学校的认真安排、高质量的课堂教学、高素质的教师队伍、多形式的实践活动五个方面浅谈了如何提高中等专业学校德育课的教学质量。  相似文献   

Educating for virtue has been a task of U.S. colleges and universities since the founding of this nation's first institution of higher learning. The authors of this article suggest that campus ethical elders have obligations toward students and toward younger colleagues who aspire to a life in education.  相似文献   

社会是人们在一定利益基础上形成的交往关系,是需要进行管理的。人类的管理除了强制性手段之外,还有伦理道德等非强制性手段。伦理道德主要依靠社会舆论、道德榜样来引导和规约人们的思想、行为和关系,从而维持一定的社会秩序。伦理道德作为管理社会的特殊方式,它具有导向性、非强制性、移情性、渐进性和组织性等特点。  相似文献   

活动性课堂教学在新课程改革背景下备受关注,它打破从传统教学忽视学生发展的问题,以活动促发展为教学目标,针对学生的需求进行课堂教学活动。  相似文献   

大学生是国家建设的栋梁,是中国特色社会主义物质文明和精神文明建设的中坚力量,应该掌握渊博的科学文化知识,同时具备较高的道德水平,以适应新世纪我国社会主义市场经济发展的需要.根据社会发展的要求和新世纪人才培养的需要,针对大学生思想品德的现状,本文对高校体育教学中如何结合本学科的特点,有针对性、有目的性地做好大学生思想品德教育工作,提出了一些看法及建议.  相似文献   

关于德育教学创新的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“加强社会主义思想道德建设,是发展先进文化的重要内容和中心环节。”高校德育是思想道德建设的一个重要方面。教育要创新,高校德育教学更要创新。本文就如何搞好德育教学改革,谈谈自己的点滴体会。  相似文献   

关于以德治教的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以德治教的关键是师德教育,开展高校师德教育要明确高校教师的职业道德规范,建立高校师德评价、考核、奖惩制度,提高高校教师的整体素质,重视舆论褒贬和榜样示范等。  相似文献   

《中小学德育课程标准》指出:“寓德育于各科教学内容和教学过程之中,是每一个教师的职责。”中学音乐教师应责无旁贷地将德育教育有机地渗透于中学音乐教学之中,并依托中学音乐教学的特点,以达到“润物细无声”的无痕化境界。  相似文献   

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