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This article explores the political dimensions of teacher learning, both in theoretical work on teacher professional vision, and in an empirical study of video-based teacher professional development. Theoretically, we revisit the origins of “professional vision” in linguistic anthropology and trace the concept’s evolution in teacher education research, demonstrating how its political dimension has been overlooked. We explore the implications of re-asserting the politics of professional vision through examination of a video-based teacher development programme conducted in an English primary school. We describe this research, investigate the contestation of teacher and researcher professional visions, and discuss implications for professional development practice.  相似文献   

Teacher professional development variously supports ongoing skill development, new knowledge, and systems change. In New Zealand, the implementation of major assessment reforms in senior secondary schools provided opportunity to investigate teacher professional development as a function of the particular stage of an educational reform. Multi-method data sources including teacher surveys and school case studies were employed to evaluate professional development during the embedding stage of a standards-based assessment system, revealing a positive relationship between professional satisfaction and teacher involvement in setting priorities for the professional development. Other positive features were networking, personalized learning, and facilitator expertise. This research illustrates the importance of tailoring professional learning to implementation phase of an organizational change.  相似文献   

This paper aims to contribute to the theorisation of effective teacher development (TD) provision in a reform context. Based on a literature review, the paper identifies key reform features, i.e., ambiguity and conflict generation, that shape teachers' engagement with pedagogic reforms and suggests a framework for designing TD programmes that address reform-specific needs. It then explores the utility of this heuristic framework through an in-depth case study of implementation of, and perceptions about, eight reforms in two schools in Hong Kong. The case study confirmed that customising the TD provision to perceived reform characteristics could contribute to teachers' positive perceptions of and experience with reforms.  相似文献   

Teachers' professional training and development has been the focus of intense academic and political debate. This paper contributes to this by considering Beginning Teachers' (BTs') self-views of their professional identity. The findings are derived from a mixed methods study with questionnaires (n = 886) and focus groups and interviews (n = 60) with BTs in Wales. Drawing on a socio-cultural approach, the findings illustrate how BTs’ integration of competing professional identities bolstered their sense of professional agency. These findings have salience within a policy context where both teacher education and professional development are increasingly aligned with the narrow organizational objectives of the school.  相似文献   

2012年开始将“教育专业观察”作为一门独立的专业必修课程列入了小学教育本科的人才培养方案,现在本课程的培养目标基本明确,内容体系基本形成,实践场所与教学设备基本健全,考核办法也基本规范。  相似文献   

This study probes teachers' attitudes toward parental involvement in schools as a function of four types of school governance as suggested by Bauch and Goldring. Participants of the study included headteachers, chairpersons of parents' committees, and teachers of 11 primary schools in a medium-sized town in Israel. A discriminant analysis found different profiles of teachers' attitudes toward parental involvement: resistant and negative attitudes characterized schools where parents were empowered. Ambivalent attitudes characterized schools with professional and bureaucratic modes of governance, and positive attitudes were found in schools with partnership governance. This implies that the latter mode of governance is a promising step toward a community-oriented approach.  相似文献   

基于美国教师专业发展学校(PDS),结合我国国情而创建的教师发展学校(TDS),实践中走过近十年的探索之路。回溯历史,陶行知晓庄学校"教学做合一"的教育模式蕴涵着教师发展学校的理念;总结经验,教师发展学校之建设经验与目标、架构体系与策略发人深省;展望未来,教师发展学校理应成为教师教育一体化发展的必然选择。  相似文献   

In a world where governments increasingly attempt to impose regulation on all professional activities, this paper advocates that professional standards for teachers be developed ‘by the profession for the profession’. Foucauldian archaeology is applied to two teacher standards documents recently published in Australia, one developed at national governmental level and the other by geography teachers through their professional associations. The excavation reveals that both students and geography teachers themselves are better served when teachers assert their own definition of professionalism and thus reclaim their professional territory, rather than being compliant with generic governmental agendas. Whilst we use Australia as an illustrative example, our findings are applicable to all other countries where governments attempt to impose external professional standards on the teaching profession.  相似文献   

当前我国中小学教师专业发展过程中存在着教师专业素养偏低,教育管理体制不完善等方面的问题。为了提升和优化我国中小学教师专业发展,教师教育通过提升教师专业化素养,树立教师光辉形象;把握教育发展趋势,推进教师专业发展等措施,努力提升我国中小学教师的综合素养,提升我国中小学专业发展水平,使得我国中小学教师专业发展走上一个更高的台阶。  相似文献   

美国专业发展学校(PDS)是上个世纪80年代兴起的一种基于合作的、新型的教师教育模式,它以其独特的组织形式和良好的效果引起了人们的关注,现已成为美国教师教育改革的主流趋势.本文旨在对PDS的产生背景、基本合作模式及其存在的问题进行分析与探究,以期能为我国的教师专业发展学校以及教师教育改革提供一些启示和参考。  相似文献   

A critical aspect of teacher education is gaining pedagogical content knowledge of how to teach science for conceptual understanding. Given the time limitations of college methods courses, it is difficult to touch on more than a fraction of the science topics potentially taught across grades K-8, particularly in the context of relevant pedagogies. This research and development work centers on constructing a formative assessment resource to help expose pre-service teachers to a greater number of science topics within teaching episodes using various modes of instruction. To this end, 100 problem-based, science pedagogy assessment items were developed via expert group discussions and pilot testing. Each item contains a classroom vignette followed by response choices carefully crafted to include four basic pedagogies (didactic direct, active direct, guided inquiry, and open inquiry). The brief but numerous items allow a substantial increase in the number of science topics that pre-service students may consider. The intention is that students and teachers will be able to share and discuss particular responses to individual items, or else record their responses to collections of items and thereby create a snapshot profile of their teaching orientations. Subsets of items were piloted with students in pre-service science methods courses, and the quantitative results of student responses were spread sufficiently to suggest that the items can be effective for their intended purpose.  相似文献   

This article examines the design of a professional development model that aims to improve student achievement. This model has been designed by combining and supplementing elements from school-improvement literature and existing professional development models. Existing models from two largely independent approaches to professional development of teachers were examined for the presence of nine principles for effective school improvement. On the basis of this examination six aspects from the existing models were incorporated in the new model (presentation of theory, demonstration of skills, practice in a secure environment, pre-conference, observation and post-conference). Three further aspects were added to ensure compliance with all nine principles for effective school improvement (creation of the appropriate conditions, evaluation and monitoring conference and a focus on goals at school, teacher and student level).  相似文献   

教师的教学观念转变是一个复杂的心理过程,涉及到对新教学观念可理解性、合理性和有效性的多层次认识,并最终外显为具体的教学行为。教师教学观念转变的现实情境是教学过程中的各种内外影响因素。通过对在职教师和在读师范生的调查和访谈发现:教师对新教学理念的可理解性和合理性的认同度较高,对有效性的认同度较低,教师原有的教学经验和教学评价制度是影响教师观念转变的两大主要因素。教师普遍认可信息技术给实际教学带来重大变革,对教学观念转变有重要作用,但在教学设计和自身专业发展中却不能较好地应用信息技术。因此,在教师教育和培训中,应充分发挥信息技术的优势,搭建教师发展平台,通过网络集体备课和课题研讨等方式反思教学问题产生的深层次原因,促进教师的观念转变。  相似文献   

教师成长档案袋对教师专业发展的促进价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师成长档案袋是在教师角色重新认同、课程发展以及学校管理转型等大背景下出现的新事物。教师成长档案袋对教师专业发展具有重要的促进价值:建立教师专业成长档案,有利于教师享受职业幸福感;教师本人是档案袋的主人,有助于教师专业化的反思成长;教师成长档案袋是一种实质性文档,学校能够为教师的个体专业化成长提供帮助;探讨教师成长档案袋有助于教师形成自己的教学风格,彰显教学的艺术性。  相似文献   

Teacher–teacher dialogue is a central activity within many professional learning programmes. Understanding how and why dialogue works as an effective tool for teacher change is a question, however, that needs more careful probing in the extant literature. In this paper, I draw upon the philosophical theory of practical reason in order to show why and how teacher–teacher dialogue plays such a crucial role in the evolution of teacher practice. This conceptual analysis also builds our understanding as to the kinds of teacher–teacher dialogues that are more likely to be effective at catalysing teacher learning.  相似文献   

Teacher evaluation instruments frequently fail to support teacher growth and improvement—particularly in critical constructs surrounding pedagogical content knowledge that promote student growth and achievement. The current study details the development and validation of the Teacher Intentionality of Practice Scale (TIPS), an observational protocol designed to measure intentional teaching practices and provide support for teacher growth over time. Findings suggest that TIPS provides a valid and highly reliable research-based teacher observational instrument that also serves as a professional development model to help scaffold the growth and improvement of K-12 educators. This paper details the theoretical foundations of TIPS, reports reliability and validity measures (including both Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses), and discusses applications and implications of TIPS for teacher evaluation and professional development.  相似文献   

In this article the author explores the policy discourse on teacher professionalism (TP) in Singapore. Various types of relevant policy texts are collected and analysed, considering the three different perspectives of TP discussed in the existing literature – the managerial view, the professional view and the transformative view. The author argues that the current discourse presents a hybrid notion of TP that integrates managerial and professional views to serve policymakers’ intentions, but this is a constrained view that may de-professionalise the teaching profession by narrowing TP to faithful alignment and effective implementation of the national curriculum.  相似文献   

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