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教师教育智慧的生成已经成为当前的时代主题,在这种背景下,需要进一步探询教师教育智慧生成的路径,根据教育智慧的三种形态的转化需要经过三个环节,对应地提出教师教育智慧的生成需要教育启蒙、教育反思以及行动研究。  相似文献   

“How can we develop forms of collegial association that might support our efforts?” (Simon, 1988, p. 4)


Journal of Science Teacher Education -  相似文献   

The development of curriculum materials that are also educative for teachers has been proposed as a strategy to support teachers learning to teach inquiry science. In this study, one seventh-grade teacher used five inquiry science units with varying support for teachers over a two-year period. Teacher journals, interviews, and classroom videotape were collected. Analysis focused on engagement in planning and teaching, pedagogical content knowledge, and the match to teacher learning needs. Findings indicate that this teacher’s ideas developed as she interacted with materials and her students. Information about student ideas, task- and idea-specific support, and model teacher language was most helpful. Supports for understanding goals, assessment, and the teacher’s role, particularly during discussions and group work, were most needed.  相似文献   

为了更好地评估职前教师实际教学表现和提高教师教育机构培养质量,美国政府与斯坦福大学联合开发了一套职前教师表现性评价标准体系(edTPA),在评价目的、评价主体、评价框架上具有明确的要求和规定,突破了传统以量化方式评估职前教师教学质量的方式,但在推广实施过程中也面临着一些挑战,对我国职前教师培养和评估改进具有重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

发展性教师与发展性教师评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展性教师是一个整合性概念。从教师发展的整体性看,发展性教师是离不开学校教育的总目标和一般规律的。因此,发展性教师是在社会和学校教育事业发展,从学生的实际出发,创造性地贯彻教育方针,形成其特有的教育理念为核心的,并内化为具有稳定的个性和  相似文献   

本文主要对当前我国教师评价研究情况进行述评。作者收集了近五年我国中文期刊上关于教师评价的50余篇论文,内容主要涉及四个方面:关于教师评价理念和功能的研究,关于教师评价模式的研究,关于教师评价的标准、内容、方式、方法与技术的研究,关于教师评价的问题和改革动向的研究。  相似文献   

Contemporary test-based reforms are often grounded in the claim that test performance is the key to international economic competitiveness. However, this oft-repeated assertion lacks empirical support. According to the World Economic Forum, the United States' recent loss of economic competitiveness standing is due to macroeconomic instability rather than to a lack of workforce skills and knowledge. In contrast to the claims of President Obama and Secretary Duncan, the nation has no shortage of qualified job applicants. There are, on average, three qualified applicants for every high tech job. Furthermore, 80% of projected jobs require only technical or on-the-job training. The vast majority do not require the skills measured by contemporary accountability schemes. For example, only 5% require any math beyond basic operations. Educators must continue to focus on equality of educational opportunities for all children and, as contrasted with narrow economic rationales, embrace a broader vision of the purposes of education.  相似文献   

知识、技能、品性是美国"教师能力"概念的经典构成要素,"能力课程论""社会能力论""行为能力论"、"标准能力论"、"学习潜能论"是美国教师能力概念的历史变形与内在延伸。美国教师能力观的显著特征是社会建构性、文化敏感性、助学中心性与动态发展性,导致中美教师能力观差异的根源在于研究者秉持的研究方法论差异。  相似文献   

Tracy completes her laboratory assignment and gathers her books as her second period science class draws to a close. As she leaves the room and heads to her next class, Tracy stops by her locker to drop off her science text and pick up an English literature book for third period. For her, the separation between science and English is both physical and mental. In the time it takes to move from one room to another, Tracy has also moved from one ‘mind set’ to another, exit science, enter English.  相似文献   

A series of recent speeches, articles, and books have outlined a radical perspective on physical education derived from critical theory, feminism, and postmodernism. This radical discourse has been particularly critical of what it describes as positivistic approaches to research and technocratic views of teaching and curriculum. This article outlines our concerns with this literature, including (a) polemical presentations and vitriolic language, (b) zero-sum arguments that polarize, (c) cartooning, (d) a lack of evidence to defend assertions, and (e) assumptions that it alone occupies high moral ground. We acknowledge that the radical literature has not only brought moral issues to the ongoing forum among physical educators but has also had a direct, positive influence on our work. Areas where we might engage in a collegial discourse include the nature of the subject matter called physical education, the basis underlying a moral perspective on professional work, and the nature of teaching skill development.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine teachers’ attitudes, values, and beliefs about inquiry. The participants of this study were 275 middle grade and secondary science teachers from four districts in North Carolina. Issues such as class size, accountability, curricular demands, and administrative support are perceived as constraints, impeding the use of inquiry. These are the issues that must be effectively dealt with in the professional education and professional development of all science teachers.  相似文献   

教师评价研究述评--兼论我国高校教师评价研究的迫切性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过梳理教师评价研究的历史脉络,并对教师评价研究的总体状况进行评析,认为:教师评价研究的对象主要是中小学教师,由此也导致教师评价研究的内容多局限于教师教学水平评价,忽略了高校教师评价的特殊性;我国高校教师评价研究已经远远落后于现实要求,迫切需要从理论与实践两个层面进行拓展。  相似文献   

福泽谕吉为日本的近代化作出了巨大的贡献,尤其是他在庆应义塾的教育实验,更具有鲜明的时代特色。不论从教育理念到教育的具体环节都具有开日本教育风气之先的意义。研究他的思想与教育实验有助于我们更好地把握改革与教育、变革与稳定以及许许多多的更深层次的问题。  相似文献   

作为培养基础教育师资的师范专业,实践教学呈现"集中实习"、"顶岗置换实习"、"义务支教实习"、"微格教学实习"、"自主拜师学教实习"、"家教实习"等多元形态。这些实践教学形态产生的动因是高师院校办学定位与特色的引领,是师范生自主发展的诉求,是实践教学的社会环境、资源配置方式的变化。师范专业实践教学正在发生着变革,实践教学的内容从教学技能实习向研究性实习转变,实践教学的组织由单一主体向校地合作转变,实践教学的空间由中小学现场向现场与实验环境相结合的转变,实践教学变革的价值追求从形式状态向注重质量转变。  相似文献   

音乐是净化心灵的熔炉,是开启智慧的钥匙,是激发学生创造能力、提高学生学习兴趣、培养学生爱国热情的重要途径。学校和音乐教师要积极配合,加强音乐教育。  相似文献   

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