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Faculty in the School of Education have collaborated to re-envision teacher education at our university. A complex, dynamic, time-consuming and sometimes painstaking process, redesigning a teacher education program from a traditional approach (i.e. where courses focus primarily on theoretical principles of practice through textbooks and university-based classroom discussions) to a model of teacher education that embraces teaching, learning and leading with schools and in communities is challenging, yet exciting work. Little is known about teacher educators’ experiences as they either design or deliver collaborative field-based models of teacher education. In this article, we examine our experiences in the second implementation year of our redesigned teacher education program, Teaching, Learning, and Leading with Schools and Communities (TLLSC) and how these unique experiences inform our teacher educator identities. Through a collaborative self-study, we sought to make meaning of our transformation from a faculty delivering a traditional model to educators collectively implementing a field-based model, by analyzing the diverse perspectives of faculty at different entry points in the TLLSC development and implementation process. We found that our participation in an intensive field-based teacher preparation model challenged our notions of teacher educator identity. In a culture of iterative program design, this study documents the personal and professional shifts in identity required to accomplish this collaborative and dynamic change in approach to teacher education.  相似文献   

民族文化认同:内涵与结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民族文化认同是个体获得、保持与创新自身民族文化的社会心理过程,是文化变迁和融合中的必然现象.在考察民族文化认同相关研究的基础上,结合心理测量和社会认知理论,探讨民族文化认同的内在属性、基本内容与结构,旨在为民族文化认同的计量研究夯实相关的理论基础,进而准确把握民族文化认同及其相关变量间的确切关系,寻求民族文化认同对于民族延续、社会促进与和谐的理论与实践价值.  相似文献   

教师具有的专业技能是教师专业身份的重要维度,但主要是有关教育活动的效用维度,且主要以技术性和工具性为特征.使"教育"成为可能的层面还必然涉及"价值维度",因而教育价值和教育理想在教师的专业认同中占有不可或缺的角色.教师"使命"背后的教育理想无不与个人价值密切相关.个人价值是个人认同的一个构成维度,所以,教师的专业认同与其个人认同在价值层面应是一致的.如此,教师对教育理想的反思和对其专业认同的理解与她/他对个人认同的理解分不开.哲学家利科对个人认同概念和叙事认同概念的分析,为教师反思其教育理想和理解其专业认同提供了一种可能的学习模式.  相似文献   

唐敏丽 《海外英语》2012,(8):287-288
This paper elaborates the diversity of culture from two aspects,the evolution of culture and different divisions of culture.From the origin,genetics and social learning are the key factors of its diversity;while from its divisions,it can be divided according to regions,history,"power" and individuals.Faced with the diversity of culture,collaboration is necessary for developing different cultures.However,collaboration doesn’t mean giving up the native culture.Maintenance of the native culture is an important way to keep the diversity of culture.  相似文献   


Recent educational policy reports in the U.S. have called for significant changes in teachers’ work to increase their effectiveness. The paper examines the relationship between the restructuring strategies in two comprehensive high schools and teachers’ engagement, which is defined as a multi‐dimensional construct. In one school, the restructuring strategies focused on creating a supportive climate for students, and in empowering students and teachers; in the other, emphasis was on developing professional skills of the faculty and strengthening group cohesiveness. The implications of the strategies for teacher engagement are illustrated with case study data. The discussion points to several conclusions: (1) the effects of restructuring are more bounded than is often assumed; (2) a quality of work life framework drawn from the social scientific literatures is useful for analyzing the effects of reform policies on teachers’ work; (3) teachers make trade‐offs between different types of engagement in order to increase their work satisfaction; and (4) restructuring has potential for increasing teachers’ engagement in schools with mixed socio‐economic and racial populations.


This article critically examines the methodology and findings of the emergent environmentalism research project as reported in Environmental Education Research (EER), 4(4). We challenge both the ontological stance implicit in the research as well as its explicit epistemology. We argue for a wider theoretical underpinning to the research and specifically advocate the use of identity theories to explain personal and social phenomena. We also argue for the use of theoretical frameworks that empower rather than ‘capture’ cultural groups.  相似文献   

康巴文化是当地羌文化与汉藏文化不断融合,且适应当地特有自然环境而形成的。历史上由于当地人口的高流动性、小规模部落分治的社会制度以及各种外部影响,整个康巴社会内部始终没有形成统一局面,也没有族群意义上的康巴认同。文成公主的传说和格萨尔王的传说分别体现了汉文化与康巴文化及其身份认同、康巴本土文化与其身份认同的关系。  相似文献   

In response to school environments in which teachers and students feel disconnected from the learning process, we developed a three-part curriculum feedback system with the goal of creating a school-wide culture of engagement through participatory feedback processes. Here we describe the barriers to participation and ownership that are addressed by our curriculum feedback process, provide a rationale for each component of the multi-prong feedback process, and illustrate how each part of the feedback system was implemented in our pilot schools. We argue that addressing feedback regularly, optimizing the process to be user-friendly, and demonstrating appreciation for positive and constructive feedback can help any curriculum supervisor foster a school-wide culture of engagement among teachers and students.  相似文献   

This article reports different ways researchers work with stakeholders in national projects targeted at raising achievement of students. Specifically, New Zealand has a persistent high performance–low equity profile in international tests, with indigenous Māori students and immigrants from the Pacific Islands most at risk of underachievement and of leaving school without qualifications. Policy has aimed to address this issue largely through provision of high-quality professional development to enhance effectiveness of practice. The notion of a continuum of collaboration is proposed; examples are presented that are positioned at different points in terms of the ideal of coconstructed, evidence-based judgments and decisions. The examples represent models or ways of working and the analysis captures both the varied nature of the interface that researchers have with policy makers, ministry officials, deliverers of professional development, and schools, and the affordances and tensions that accompany each model. Student achievement outcomes are identified.  相似文献   

通过文献摘录、开放式访谈等方法构建妈祖文化测量题库,然后经专家评鉴分析筛选题项,并采用问卷调查法进行初步测评,最终编制完成了妈祖文化认同量表。该表分为文化认知、信仰知觉、自豪情感、意愿行为等四个维度,共30个题项。对妈祖文化发源地的福建省居民进行初步测评,得出结论:1)妈祖文化认同量表的构建科学可行;2)当地对妈祖文化认同度较高,尤其是自豪认知度情况较好。  相似文献   

文化身份的认同在全球化时代显然已成为非常尖锐的问题。可持续发展不仅是人类当前利益和长远利益的兼顾,而且也必须做到人口、资源、环境各方面的兼顾。即不能不顾环境进行掠夺性的发展,也不能以环境问题为借口,无视人口发展的正当要求。当我们完美的环保主义进化到要把人类文明的范围,扩大到全部生物物种和整个世界的时候,我们至少应该保留对我们同类中的弱势群体的同情心,特别是对现有贫困地区人口的生存和发展问题决不能视而不见。文化身份不仅仅是一个认同的问题,它也包含着重新建构的问题,即如何在新的历史背景下实现传统文化的现代性转型问题。  相似文献   

近年来,合作型教师文化的建设成为提升幼儿园教育质量的重要途径.园长是幼儿园合作型教师文化建设的主要推动力量.要想建设合作型教师文化,园长需要转变观念,超越管理者成为领导者;超越监控者,成为服务者;超越教育者,成为共同成长者.幼儿园应以共同愿景为前提,以彼此互爱为要义,以人人平等为基础,以真诚对话为核心,以正面激励为推手,以柔性制度为保障,促进合作型教师文化建设.  相似文献   

This paper describes how two women, a university professor and a public school teacher, discovered how they had used the power of stories to develop the trust and understandings which were precursors to their engagement in collaborative teacher research. Stories became an intervention that promoted dialogue and helped to establish a collaborative identity. Collaboration between universities and public schools allows educators to engage jointly in research and rethinking of practice. The paper discusses the difficulties they experienced trying to break down barriers while bringing both voices to their writing and research. It also raises numerous questions about university/public school partnerships and the time, energy, and commitment needed to recognize the potential of this type of inquiry to the ‘world’ of teacher research.  相似文献   

教师专业认同:教师教育改革的新视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育理论研究的深入和教育实践的迫切需要使得对教师专业认同的研究成为当今教师研究的重点之一。教师专业认同具有动态发展性、个体性和能动性,是提升教师生命意义的内在基础。我们应从关注教师的自我认同、注重职前专业学习和初任教师实习的经历、注重教师的实践性知识三方面反思和改善教师教育。  相似文献   

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