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介绍数据挖掘和关联规则的概念,引入一个关联规则新的度量值--兴趣度,并使用Visual FoxPro开发了一个关联规则挖掘系统。在设定最小支持度、最小置信度和兴趣度的条件下,使用挖掘系统对计算机专业学生的专业课成绩进行关联分析,通过分析找出它们间的内在联系,为课程设置提供依据。  相似文献   

近日,湖北省17所高校成立教师教育网络联盟,致力于打造学生培养新模式.网络联盟高校的学生可通过网络平台及面授或同步视频等方式免费修读辅修、双学位专业课程,成绩合格计入相应学分,达到辅修专业相应学分要求,可申请辅修高校的本科辅修证书;完成辅修、双学位专业学位课程和论文后,可申请修读高校本科双学位.同时,各高校教学资源还将向所有联盟内学校和相关中小学开放,互认省级以上精品课程学分,完成联盟内辅修、双学位课程的学生,发放微课程证书.  相似文献   

谢莹 《科教导刊》2023,(4):113-115
深化高校课程教学改革,积极鼓励学生跨校修读课程,是新时代培养学生自主学习能力和实现教育资源共享的重要举措。文章以“电机及拖动基础”课程教学为依托,通过跨校修读教学模式、混合式教学模式来增加课程维度、拓展课程广度,注重学生在学习过程中的参与程度,改革考核方式,使考核评价贯穿课程始终,形成了具有特色的“电机及拖动基础”教学体系,在学生专业水平和实践能力培养方面取得了显著成效,为助力一流课程内涵建设,推进学校电气工程及其自动化和自动化两个国家一流专业建设起到支撑作用。  相似文献   

王涛 《教育技术导刊》2012,11(1):160-162
开放实验室是学分制下实验教学发展和改革的趋势。智能开放实验室系统采用三层分布式B/S结构,同时利用聚类分析和关联规则等数据挖掘技术进行设计和分析课程与学生信息数据库,挖掘课程之间、学生专业与课程之间及学生兴趣与课程之间的关系,为每一位选择实验课的学生提供一份推荐课表,一定程度上避免学生选课的盲目性,从而实现了系统的智能化。  相似文献   

学分制作为一种教学管理制度,已被各高校普遍采用。但在实施过程中存在着学年制观念根深蒂固、高校办学自主权较小、教学资源难以满足要求、选课体系不够完善、学生个人因素、教育结构与经济结构不协调等问题。应采取转变教育观念、落实和扩大学校办学自主权、高校"联姻",学生跨校修读课程、学生自主选择导师和课程、校企合作等措施完善学分制改革。  相似文献   

吴玉章学院目前着力对三类优秀学生进行个性化培养: 一是综合能力强、发展潜质大的“综合拔尖创新学生”。在导师指导下,学生可根据自己的兴趣、特长和意愿自主确认主修专业,制定个性化的修读计划,修读专业模块课程、专业拓展模块课程和实践教育模块课程。  相似文献   

本辽宁省教育厅自2014年以来基于辽宁大学开放课程慕课平台和辽宁省精品资源课程鼓励省内高校推进跨校修读学分的实践,以推进师资、课程共享,满足学生的个性化学习需求。沈阳工业大学与沈阳理工大学共同承担了英国文学课程的跨校修读学分实践探索,并在使用网络优质资源的基础上增加了微课的应用,实现了精品资源课程的跨校应用。实践证明,跨校修读学分有助于促进建课与用课双方的课程建设水平,深化人才培养模式,助力教师职业发展。  相似文献   

跨校修读与学分互认是一种新型教学管理模式,有力地推动了高校在教学模式、教育管理、课程资源等方面的改革。本文以辽宁何氏医学院与沈阳师范大学合作项目"普通心理学"课程为例,说明课程体系的实施方法、项目成果及存在问题与建议,以期为同类项目的实施提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

附加数学(Additional Mathematics)是香港地区的特色数学课程之一,是在高中开设的需修读两年(中四与中五)的选修课程,主要面向在兴趣与能力上均达到一定水平,并将会在中六、中七年级修读理科或纯粹数学课程的学生,修读本课程的学生需要同时修读《中学课程纲要:数学科(中一至中五)》(1999年)规定的必修课程.为了顺应必修数学课程发展的要求,降低在中四、中五(相当于高一、高二)阶段开设的附加数学课程难度,并减低本课程与中六、中七数学课程重叠的影响,香港课程发展议会在修订原有附加数学课程纲要(1992年)的基础上,于2001年正式颁布《附加数学课程指引(中四至中五)》,并已于2002  相似文献   

为了推进互联网技术与高等教育的深度融合,辽宁省教育厅积极实施跨校修读学分试点工作。以汽车构造课程为例,开展跨校修读学分教学模式的探索与实践,实现了优质教育资源共享、学分互认,提高了学生的自学能力、分析和解决问题能力以及相互交流、相互合作的能力。从项目的实施方案、课程的组织与安排、教学方式与手段、考核方式、改革成效等几个方面进行阐述,为后续跨校修读学分工作的顺利开展提供参考。  相似文献   

We use three data sources to build a rationale for why intensive interventions are necessary for students with pervasive reading disabilities: current data on the performance of students with disabilities on reading achievement measures over time, observation studies on students with reading disabilities in general and special education classrooms, and findings from intensive intervention studies for students with reading disabilities. Results of these data sources indicate that students with disabilities are not making progress in reading at the same rate as students without disabilities, reading instruction for students with reading disabilities is comprised of excessive amounts of low level tasks, and findings from intensive intervention studies suggest positive impacts for students with reading disabilities. We argue that students with reading disabilities require ongoing intensive interventions that are likely to require schools to change the contexts and practices for these students.  相似文献   

Developing students' ability to interpret the vast amount of quantitative data they encounter on a daily basis has become a major task for today's educators. However, very little attention has been given to students' strategies of analyzing multivariate data. This study investigated how students interpret and analyze multivariate data organized in tables and the nature of external visual displays that they tend to create and use for this purpose. Ten middle school students were asked to think aloud while solving five problems demanding an analysis of data organized in tables. The students were then interviewed. Results indicated that (1) students based their conclusions on only part of the data; (2) students did not use either efficient or sufficient visual representations; (3) students did not apply mathematical operations efficiently; and (4) students referred to or built a context to the problem. The results of the current research may assist educators to design efficient curricula while being aware of and taking into account (1) students' difficulties in employing previously learned mathematical devices to analyze data, (2) students' skills in choosing appropriate and efficient visual representations to present and interpret the data, and (3) strategies employed by students in analyzing multivariate data.  相似文献   

在分析化学实验中,评价学生的实验成绩,传统的方法是用教师预先所做的几个测量数据作为标准,这样给学生的数据评分是不完全合理的。文章以学生测定水的硬度实验为例,应用Matlab软件编制程序对学生的数据进行分析,能快速、简便、直观地绘制出相应学生实验数据分布的图形,这样就能客观、公正地评价学生的实验数据。  相似文献   

Grades are important for admission of students in most higher education programs. Analyzing admission and student performance data at a major Norwegian business school, we find that the grading practice of teachers at regional colleges sending students to the school is affected by the average performance of the students being graded. Teachers at colleges recruiting good students from upper secondary school tend to be strict in their grading practice, while teachers at colleges recruiting less good students tend to follow a lenient practice. This has implications for the interpretation of grades and hence for optimal admission procedures. We develop a methodology to assess the consequences of differential grading standards. Approximately 10% of the students in our data are admitted at the expense of more competent students. We demonstrate costs for the school admitting the wrong students and in particular for the rejected students.  相似文献   

文章结合新疆特殊地理位置和文化环境,通过实地走访新疆主要高校调查新疆高校图书馆现状及留学生图书资料情况,分析留学生图书使用现状,针对留学生图书使用中存在的障碍,提出对策及措施。希望进一步丰富新疆高校图书馆的留学生图书文献服务内容,提高留学生图书文献服务水平,完善高校图书馆图书文献功能。  相似文献   

Student absence in South Australian schools   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Students who are frequently absent from school (‘non-attenders’) are considered to be ‘at risk’. State education departments have recently begun to improve their collection of student absence data, often to contribute to the development of performance standards for schools. This paper presents a summary of data from the Term 2 collection in South Australian government schools. The data were combined with student information, which allowed examination and comparison of attendance patterns for different groups of students. The author provides details about which students were absent in those years, the frequency of students’ absences, which students had no absences, and the stated reasons for students’ absences. The author recommends that no single attendance standard can be set for schools, based on the differential targets shown for different groups of students.  相似文献   

In the context of an afterschool program in which students explore relatively large authentic datasets, we investigated how 11- to 14-year old students worked with categorical variables. During the program, students learned to use the Common Online Data Analysis Platform (CODAP), a statistical analysis platform specifically designed for middle and high school students, to create and interpret graphs. Following the program, we conducted individual clinical interviews, during which students used CODAP to answer questions about relationships between variables. Here, we describe how students engaged in exploratory data analysis that involved looking at relationships between two categorical variables. Students worked from data in table form and created “contingency graphs,” a variant of contingency tables, which they used to analyze and draw insights from the data. Our research identified four strategies that students used to examine the data in order to explore patterns, make comparisons, and answer questions with the data.  相似文献   

Technology has become affordable and available for science teachers of all grade levels. This study presents the results of collecting attitudinal data from over 240 ninth grade physical science students prior to the integration of technology into their science curriculum. The data were evaluated utilizing a probabilistic model, which corrects for the nonlinearity of rating scale responses. Results indicate that surveyed students, on average, were supportive of the integration of a wide range of technology into their classroom. Although students were generally positive, they were statistically more supportive of activities that involved the sending of electronic messages to other students when a comparison was made to their attitudes toward the collecting of data with computer probes. The results suggest that physical science teachers may want to initiate the integration of technology into classes by first requiring students to use electronic mail to share data collected without the aid of a computer. This activity could, in turn, be followed by labs that require the collecting of data with computer probes and subsequent sharing of that data with other students through electronic mail.  相似文献   

高校学生精准资助是我国精准扶贫政策在高校领域的有效延伸,它能够提升高校扶贫工作的针对性、目的性和精准化。当前,在“互联网+”背景下,借助大数据技术推进贫困生精准资助工作成为高校学生精准资助的崭新模式。通过对大数据的科学内涵、基本价值、大数据助推高校精准资助工作的必要性以及当前大数据视域下高校学生精准资助工作存在的问题进行客观准确分析,提出了大数据视域下高校学生精准资助模式建构的有效路径。  相似文献   

中国科大研究生与全国科教人员体质比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本应用统计法和比较法,分析了中国科大研究生的体质现状,揭示研究生体育工作中存在的问题,为研究生体育锻炼和学校体育工作的决策提供科学的指导和依据,为相关部门提供有关重要参考价值的基础数据。  相似文献   

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