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本文以“水族达人训练营”活动为例,从研究问题的提出、研究对象的选择、研究方法和过程的确定和实践及研究资源的获得等角度,探讨博物馆与研究性学习的关系,提出基于博物馆资源的研究情境的构建。以组织开展研究性学习的角度,从参与学校研究性学习实践活动到建设博物馆研究性学习实践课程,拓展现有馆校合作项目,深化博物馆教育的内涵。  相似文献   

展览作为博物馆的核心特色产品,对博物馆教育功能的发挥起着非常重要的作用。本文分析了我国自然科学博物馆常设展览的特点及其教育效果的现状,从教育项目规划和教学设计两个方面指出了当前我国自然科学博物馆教育体系中存在的不足,并提出了通过教育活动来提升常设展览教育效果的“展教合一”的建议对策,包括注重“分众化、衍生化、一体化、观众研究”的教育规划思路,根据“不同人群和活动形式”设计教育活动,以及“围绕核心概念、运用探究方法、选用本地化和内生性内容”的教学设计原则。  相似文献   

University‐based natural history museums are specialized cultural institutions that serve diverse constituencies. On one hand, these museums promote scientific research and collections through the work of curators and students and must advance the universities' missions. On the other hand, they must provide exhibition and public programs for the local community, or if they are a state museum, serve the citizens of the entire state through these activities. The challenge for university‐based natural history museums is to achieve a balance among their activities and services, given available resources. In the twenty‐first century, university natural history museums must further adapt by promoting social awareness of topics such as biodiversity and fostering learning in informal and formal settings. The Florida Museum of Natural History, an official State museum located at the University of Florida, is a prime example of a comprehensive university museum with a broad spectrum of programs that promote and enhance learning activities.  相似文献   

University museums and their collections are among the oldest and most significant in the world, yet their role and future is being questioned. They have critical needs for facilities, staff, and support. At risk are millions of objects that document our natural and cultural history and programs for research, teaching, and public education and exhibits. The museums are attempting to redefine, reposition, and clarify their educational mission. Museums such as the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural history are successfully meeting the challenges through strategic planning and funding for new facilities. Other museums are finding solutions with partnerships, links, and tailor‐made service programs. New leadership and management will need to emerge for university museums to reestablish their stature and relevance. Physical and intellectual access to the museums and their objects is a key to their future. The new technologies are tools that museums can use to improve their interpretive programs and increase the depth of their research. Facing shared concerns and challenges, the museums are generating a growning sense of collective urgency and a call for intenational organization, advocacy, and cooperation, resulting in formation of the International Committee for University Museums and Collections.  相似文献   

学术是博物馆的立馆基础,学术交流是自然科学博物馆高质量发展的基础保障。我国自然科学博物馆已搭建了以学术会议、学术出版与新媒体为主的多渠道多层次的学术交流平台体系,但在学术会议数量与参与度、学术出版物的影响力、新媒体平台互动性等方面存在较大提升空间,需进一步重视学术研究与交流、搭建综合服务平台、完善学术激励机制、丰富交流手段等,以提升自然科学博物馆学术交流的质效,促进科普事业高质量发展。  相似文献   

As museum staff search for ways to broaden their audience, creative collaborations are emerging among various institutions with the hope that visitors who typically visit science centers, for example, will venture over to their local natural history museum. Typically, front-end evaluation is used for understanding details about visitors in the context of a proposed exhibition. Front-end evaluation can also help collaborating museums understand the nuances among their visitors regarding demographics, attitudes, and preferences for interpretive strategies. Carefully articulating the characteristics of the actual audience, potential audience, and target audience will help exhibit developers fine-tune their exhibitions to meet the needs and expectations of a more diverse public. This article presents partial findings from a front-end evaluation that analyzed the differences between visitors to natural history museums and science centers.  相似文献   

关于创办图书馆专业博物馆刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了创办图书馆专业博物馆的构想,就图书馆专业博物馆的概念、创办的理由和目的进行了分析,并从科学定位、藏品征集计划书、选址、专业团队以及资金和人员保障机制等方面提出了建议.  相似文献   

Curator作为策展师的概念逐渐在博物馆学术界成为讨论的焦点。由于没有明确的职责界定,国内博物馆行业内部对其角色的认知和定位还不够全面。本文结合伦敦自然历史博物馆、诺丁汉自然历史博物馆等具体案例,试图从管理架构、职能内容、教育培养等三个方面,以实践的角度来着重讨论Curator一职的本质。文章也就Curator一词的汉语翻译进行了尝试性讨论。  相似文献   

Data on curatorial budgets and hiring practices of the University of Minnesota's Bell Museum of Natural History (BMNH) since 1970 are presented and discussed relative to those of academic departments in the College of Biological Sciences (CBS). Throughout the administration of the collegiate dean who recruited the museum into the college, the museum was considered to be a department equivalent and fared neither better nor worse than the departments regarding budgets and faculty recruitment. When a new dean was hired in 1987, the museum ceased to be considered as a department equivalent. Its state-allocated budgets for both public programs and collection curation have been retrenched greatly to mitigate departmental retrenchments. Four curatorial positions vacated by retirement have gone unfilled. Administrative reporting lines for museum directors within universities are discussed. It is concluded that a natural history museum is best viewed and administered as a university resource and responsibility rather than as a departmental or collegiate unit.  相似文献   

以2008—2013年全国30个省份科普场馆面板数据为基础,利用数据包络分析方法中的BCC模型和 Malmquist指数模型,分别从静态和动态两方面来测度科普场馆的运行效率。结果表明:我国有半数以上省份的科普场 馆属于增长型,1/3以上场馆处于规模报酬不变或递增阶段。各省科普场馆应结合自身特点,从开展特色活动、拓宽资 金来源、完善评估体系三方面提高运行效率。  相似文献   

This report is based on research findings of a National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded study conducted by the Philadelphia/Camden Informal Science Education Collaborative (PISEC), which consists of four institutions: The Franklin Institute Science Museum, the New Jersey State Aquarium, The Academy of Natural Sciences, and the Philadelphia Zoological Garden. The first year's study addressed the question “How can we identify and measure family learning in science museums?” It documented a relationship between learning levels and observable behaviors. On the basis of coding family conversations and interview data for level of learning, we see that families do learn from exhibits and that the level of learning is related to specific observed behaviors. Grouping these behaviors as performance indicators provides a useful measure of exhibit learning.  相似文献   

为激发青少年科学家潜质,储备科技创新人才,提升青少年科学职业理想愈发重要。科学职业理想会影响个体从事科学领域的职业选择,而场馆教育情境对其培育具有重要促进作用。本研究梳理了英国伦敦科学博物馆和纽卡斯尔生命中心的场馆生涯教育实践,以资借鉴。英国科普场馆教育以提升青少年科学职业理想为目标,在个体维度关注职业关联性感知,在社会维度聚焦机会公平,并衍生出了以生涯理念指导馆本课程、在教育空间开展体验活动、加强馆校结合、发挥科学家群体榜样作用和关注女性等弱势群体等生涯教育策略。结合英国两个场馆的实践经验,我国科普场馆可通过创新活动设计,融入科学家精神,汇集多元主体,实现面向科学职业理想的场馆科学教育变革。  相似文献   

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