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The problem of continuing professional development (sometimes capitalised as CPD) of professionals in higher education is that it operates around a series of unresolved tensions: between higher education institutions as major providers for other professionals and as a relatively new provider in terms of its own professional development; between the prestige associated with continuing professional development in the service of research and that accorded to learning and teaching. These problems are compounded by a tendency to regard professional or staff development as comprising only those sorts of activities that are formally recognised. Rather than attempting to resolve these two tensions, the paper argues that problematising our conceptions of continuing professional development can open up space for debate. The paper re‐visits some of the recent history of CPD in order to pinpoint some of the contradictions. This allows new questions to emerge: for example about whether the multiple practices of continuing professional development constitute “domesticating” (Land, ) or more critical tendencies within the newly emerging regimes in higher education. The arguments have implications for practising educational developers in meeting the challenges of a broader mandate for CPD, and in recognising the importance of the non‐formal in development practice. The paper takes its examples mostly from an English context, but many of the contradictions highlighted are relevant to other state‐dependent higher education systems.  相似文献   

在数字化时代,新的环境、新的技术、新的用途等因素,使得传统的读写活动在网络教育、信息技术、语言教育、科学教育等领域里呈现出新的特点,因此,读写素养(Literacy)的内涵不断丰富和发展,并被学术界称之为“新读写素养”。而且,随着承载阅读和书写的外部环境不断更新和变化,“新”的含义得以继续扩展,并在与读写素养相关的实践中,呈现出种类繁多的术语和解读方式。如果从科学研究的本体论角度出发,探索新读写素养的最基本要素,以Platform (平台)、Participant (参与者)、Potential (潜力)、 Position (立场)和Praxis (反思实践)五个维度为基础,建构并研究新读写素养基本内涵的理论模型,将有助于促进不同学科之间关于读写素养的深层次对话。  相似文献   


Audio teleconferencing is a distance learning delivery system that has often been overlooked by educational institutions and other organizations. However, the trend toward adoption of “high‐end” (and high cost) delivery systems is giving way to a new trend toward appropriate selection of a delivery system based on course content, course design, and intended audience. This article takes a close look at audio teleconferencing as a viable option for many distance learning situations, discusses the importance of the audio component in distance learning, and suggests management and delivery strategies for organizations considering this medium.  相似文献   

Higher education institutions (HEIs) worldwide have been undergoing significant levels of structural change for a number of years, ranging from minor re‐alignments of roles and responsibilities to radical changes such as the creation of new roles and new models of operating. This article discusses some initial findings from a recent UK‐focused research project that investigated the challenges and changes associated with the composition of “top management team” (TMT) structures in HEIs. Using the key findings from desk research and empirical investigation in a sample of UK institutions, the article identifies some of the key changes in the roles and responsibilities of the TMT, and identifies examples of good “practice” or “process” within institutions.  相似文献   

The “employability” paradigm is beginning to be publicly regarded as one of the key developmental paths and “modernisation” principles of higher education institutions. In this context, the article first overviews the existing practices for tracking graduates’ early careers in Europe. Next, it identifies and discusses relevant conceptual aspects for designing system(s) for tracking graduates’ careers and using the results of graduate studies. This includes understanding and interpreting employability, possible societal tensions surrounding higher education when seeking to support the needs of graduates, employers or initiating new “professional projects”, and the development of disciplinary assumptions about career success. Third, based on the results of a national survey among higher education institutions in Slovenia, it explores institutional views related to establishing systems for monitoring graduates’ “employability”. Understanding higher education institutions’ attitudes and capacities towards monitoring the employability of their graduates is important for the success of tracking surveys in terms of their involvement in the collection of data, adapting the research instrument to reflect possible disciplinary particularities and the use of survey results. By combining the institutional perspective with the previously elaborated conceptual framework, the article calls on higher education stakeholders to support the strategic function of career monitoring systems for exploring new professional opportunities of graduates in the context of broader societal and economic developments.  相似文献   

This article reviews key findings from six surveys of technology-enhanced learning (TEL) across the UK higher education (HE) sector, conducted by Universities and Colleges Information Systems Association in association with Jisc. Updating the findings presented by Jenkins, Browne, Walker, and Hewitt [2010. The development of technology enhanced learning: Findings from a 2008 survey of UK higher education institutions, Interactive Learning Environments. First published on: 22 January 2010 (iFirst)], the article reports on the emerging and planned patterns of TEL across the UK HE sector over the last decade. Our analysis shows that against the backdrop of Higher Education Funding Council for England capital funding, institutions have made considerable investments in technology and infrastructure to support learning and teaching – specifically in the domain of learning management and assessment systems. While the drivers for TEL development have consistently focused on enhancing teaching and learning over the years, the subject of this investment has been directed to the implementation of enterprise-wide systems to manage and control learning processes, delivering efficiencies of scale and standardised learning experiences through centrally managed solutions, rather than support for student-controlled tools. In contrast, the diffusion of technologies supporting collaborative learning and knowledge sharing has been more a feature of local TEL provision, as evidenced through the informal learning practice of students and departmental projects. The evolution of course delivery models and pedagogic developments supported through the use of technology have been noticeably much slower to realise; growth in “web-dependent” rather than “supplementary” course design models has been quite limited across the sector and we have observed negligible growth in distance learning provision over this period. The evidence suggests that challenges remain in developing course delivery models which focus on active student learning, maximising the opportunities that web and mobile technologies now offer for interactive student-centred learning design. We speculate that the recent upsurge of interest in Massive Open Online Courses may act as a catalyst in this respect, in driving campus-based courses to embrace new learning models supported by TEL tools.  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》2000,13(3):245-266
The steering and regulation of Continental European higher education systems remains, in general, dominated by State authorities. However, recent developments in public administration and finance have produced some changes in the traditional role of the State as the sole provider of funding and central regulator for higher education institutions. The idea of a “market” for higher education has also been used, in many countries only in a rhetorical way, but in other countries some market-like mechanisms are actually being employed by governments in order to increase the efficiency and the responsiveness of universities and colleges to societal demands. In Portugal, a very large private sector of higher education has been allowed to develop. By analysing the governmental policies vis-à-vis its results, we arrive at the conclusion that, despite this very large private sector, no “real” market has emerged, and that the simultaneous lack of efficient State regulation has resulted in a situation of deep crisis for the sector.  相似文献   


Higher education institutions (HEIs) worldwide have been undergoing significant levels of structural change for a number of years, ranging from minor re-alignments of roles and responsibilities to radical changes such as the creation of new roles and new models of operating. This article discusses some initial findings from a recent UK-focused research project that investigated the challenges and changes associated with the composition of “top management team” (TMT) structures in HEIs. Using the key findings from desk research and empirical investigation in a sample of UK institutions, the article identifies some of the key changes in the roles and responsibilities of the TMT, and identifies examples of good “practice” or “process’ within institutions.


《Open Learning》2012,27(1):53-64
Reduced higher education funding and other austerity measures imposed by governments and institutions have resulted in cascading cuts in resources for programme design, delivery and revision. The instructional design function is often the first casualty of these cuts in many universities. This paper considers the roles and functions of instructional design, illuminates the differences in instructional design functions in on-site learning and in distance learning, and examines the broadening of skills and responsibilities encompassed in instructional design, especially in dual-mode institutions. Two case studies, illustrating different levels of instructional design in course development for distance learning in a dual-mode institution, lead to reflections on the value of instructional design in the current and future higher education landscape.  相似文献   


With the growing demand for tertiary education, especially in Africa, the transformation of contact universities to dual-mode institutions is critical. However, conventional universities have had limited success establishing the dual-mode delivery stream. This paper assesses barriers to adoption and implementation of open and distance learning (ODL) in conventional higher education institutions in Cameroon, Kenya and Rwanda by applying a framework on innovation adoption to case studies of ODL in higher education in these countries. This qualitative meta-study shows that the transition to dual-mode is not systematic and that there are various barriers, ranging from national policy and funding; infrastructure, organisational structure and capacity; complexity and cost of ODL; as well as student and staff skills and perceptions, which have impeded adoption. Based on the findings, this paper makes recommendations for implementing ODL in existing conventional universities. Cases of successful transition to dual-mode are provided.  相似文献   

A NEW THRUST for the integration of students with a mild disability has been initiated by special education scholars and Federal government officials in the U.S. The “regular education initiative” is based upon the assumption that mildly disabled students’ educational and social needs can be better served in regular education settings. Proponents of the regular education initiative are seeking “waivers for performance” that would allow school districts to experiment with alternative service delivery models and the allocation of resources without being Financially penalized under the current funding systems. Critics argue that the strength of the research base used to support REI is insufficient to warrant wholesale changes in current service delivery systems. They are sceptical of the argument that REI type programs can eliminate the effects of labeling by better integrating students who need supplemental educational resources. An analysis of the REI proposals and their conceptual relevance to the Australian context is presented.  相似文献   

In this essay, I review the main elements of the Dawkins program for change in Australian higher education ‐ very rapid expansion of enrolments, amalgamations, the designation of “priority areas”, the equity plan which aims to increase the participation of disadvantaged groups, the re‐organisation of distance education, the requirement for staff appraisal and the development of performance indicators ‐ and explore, in a speculative and personal way, some possible effects on the nature and quality of teaching in higher education institutions. Both positive and negative scenarios for future development are presented and I argue that the outcome is still in the balance, while acknowledging that the financial situation created by the steady erosion of per capita funding and recent patterns of over‐enrolment may be tipping the balance decisively towards decline.  相似文献   


Distance education reaches out to non-traditional students in geographically dispersed locations, who are unable to attend face-to-face classes. Contact institutions have been quick to realise the many advantages of distance (online) learning, such as easy access to learning materials, interactive activities, assessment and communication tools. However, the path to anything approaching dual-mode provision has not been without obstacles. In South Africa in the early 2000s, the Council on Higher Education reinforced the mandate of distance education universities and decreed that contact institutions should not encroach on this territory. Subsequently, various frameworks and guidelines emerged which can inform current consideration of dual-mode provision. This practitioner report presents two case studies (University of Pretoria, South Africa; and University of Oxford, United Kingdom) which explore the implications for contact institutions in expanding their provision to include distance education.  相似文献   

This article asserts whiteness as an ideology that reaches beyond race/racism to shape and reproduce other interlocking oppressive systems. In higher education, this notion of whiteness permeates commonly celebrated “high impact practices” (HIPs) to undermine the success of trans* students in US postsecondary education. Through an intersectional approach, we illustrate how HIPs lead to jeopardizing trans* students’ success in higher education and advance a different approach that we have coined “trickle up high impact practices” (TUHIPs). TUHIPs prioritize the needs of those students who are most vulnerable and incorporate an acknowledgement of the oppressive contexts within which students with multiple minoritized identities must navigate higher education. We discuss the implications of this approach and offer five recommendations to move higher education institutions toward policies, practices, and systems that support the college success of trans* students.  相似文献   

Despite China’s recent remarkable performance in high-quality research, the number of students going abroad to pursue doctoral degrees in STEM fields has been rising rapidly. This study investigates the motivations of Chinese international doctoral students (CIDS) in STEM fields for undertaking a PhD abroad, and the external factors influencing this major life decision. Based on in-depth interviews with 35 CIDS from seven universities in four Australian states, the findings show that for the current generation, enriching life experiences and self-cultivation emerged as most prominent personal motivations. The choice to study abroad, though ultimately a personal decision, was influenced by a range of factors and particularly long-term cooperation between host and home institutions. Both academic and personal reputation of supervisors played important roles in the selection of host institutions. This study may be of value to supervisors and higher education policy-makers, at institutional and government levels in all countries, whether “home” or “host”, invested in sustainable international doctoral education.  相似文献   

The term MOOC, an acronym for massive open online course, has been nearly ubiquitous in recent discussions about online education and distance learning. Some articles have questioned the MOOC's tentative role as “the future of education,” while others have framed it as a disrupter of traditional higher education. Research in earlier years trended toward the ways in which MOOCs may be changing the landscape of higher education. However, in the past two years, greater consideration has been focused on how MOOCs may play a role in the corporate world. The year 2012 may have been deemed “The Year of the MOOC,” but many saw 2014 as “The Year of the Corporate MOOC.” Despite MOOCs reaching their prominence as disrupters of traditional higher education, MOOC providers are now aggressively pursuing opportunities in the corporate sector. This presents a great opportunity for corporations to drive this relatively new learning platform and to tailor it to meet their organizational needs. The potential uses for MOOCs in the corporate world are vast. MOOCs can expand corporate training options, offer new recruiting techniques, and provide innovative marketing and branding channels. This article identifies the features of MOOCs, briefly reviews the history of the MOOC movement from academic MOOCs to corporate MOOCs, and discusses the possibilities for extending the MOOC format to a corporate training and employee development environment.  相似文献   

The versatility, intimacy and ease of production of podcasting make it a logical technology to apply to flexible education contexts. As a result, there has been increasing scholarly interest in the value of education podcasting in recent years. While education podcasting literature has tended to explore podcast implementation in institutional contexts, education podcasts outside of academia have also grown in popularity, to the extent that “education” is a common sub-group in podcast aggregation sites. This paper adapts Fernandez, Sallan and Simo’s framework of variables in education podcast design, to conduct a textual analysis of emergent design themes in non-institutional education podcasts. The findings reveal how highly successful podcasts from outside of educational institutions can both reinforce and challenge norms about education podcast design that exist within academic discourse, including in regard to podcast length, pedagogical approaches and the position of the podcast in the learning experience. It is the hope that the findings of this study might shift discourse from an interest in universalising ideas about “good practice” in education podcast design, towards more nuanced discussion of design practices that fit within specific contexts.  相似文献   

The Waste Wise Schools program has a longstanding history in Australia. It is an action-based program that encourages schools to move toward zero waste through their curriculum and operating practices. This article provides a review of the program, finding that it has had notable success in reducing schools’ waste through a “reduce, reuse, and recycle” (or “three Rs”) approach. Since the program's conception, an evaluation process has continually occurred alongside the actual program. This report presents the most recent program evaluation results: a 2007 statewide survey that was administered to 1,015 primary (elementary) and secondary teachers. The article outlines the past, present, and future directions of the Waste Wise Schools program and, in doing so, discusses the broader implications for school-based environmental education programs. In particular and of most significance, the findings reveal a growing sustainability culture in Australian schools and communities.  相似文献   

The core values in medical practice which are essential for the humane outlook of a physician are clubbed within the domain of medical professionalism. Professionalism along with other discipline-independent skills (human skills) is propagated implicitly in medical schools as components of a “hidden curriculum.” Evidence suggests a strong association between “hidden curriculum” delivery and development of professionalism in the human dissection room. In this review article, the authors have tried to highlight a few exclusive practices adopted by medical schools which enhance the implementation of the “hidden curriculum” within the practice of human dissection and successfully inculcate the key components of professionalism such as integrity, respect, and compassion among students. These distinctive concepts are aimed at humanizing the experience of anatomical dissection by revealing the identity of the donors along with their personal details either through display of video clips of donor interviews, interactions with the family members of the donor over a meal or recognition of the donor as a mentor and organizing memorial services in honor of donors after conclusion of the dissection in the presence of their family members. The resounding success of these good practices in building professionalism among medical students from the onset of the academic curriculum has signaled a new chapter in anatomical sciences education. It has become imperative to recognize the visionary efforts of a select few medical educators and begin incorporating these recent trends into the delivery of the “hidden curriculum” within the evolving gross anatomy education model.  相似文献   

This essay brings together two lines of inquiry. Firstly, I revisit research on futures in education conducted during the 1980s and re-examine some of the propositions and principles that this research generated about “the future” as an object of inquiry in education. Secondly, I argue that the language of complexity invites us to rethink education in terms of emergence, and potentially destabilises the instrumentalist rationality that “programs” educational systems to privilege orderly and predictable processes culminating in stable output, a potentiality that may be undermined by a pervasive politics of complexity reduction. I conclude by drawing upon these two lines of inquiry to outline some strategies that might resist complexity reduction and catalyse emergence in Australian educational research as preconditions for inventing possible~impossible futures.  相似文献   

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