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2004年全国女子举重锦标赛成败率技术统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以参加2004年全国女子举重锦标赛各省市代表队参赛选手为研究对象,运用观察统计法所获得各种数据,进行统计分析处理。并根据运动员试举成功率较低情况,对其原因进行分析和探讨,为举重训练提供参考依据。  相似文献   

高水平举重比赛制胜战术与良好心理素质的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2005年世界举重锦标赛和第10届全运会男、女举重比赛为依据,阐述正确的制胜战术与良好心理素质可以提高试举成功率。  相似文献   

通过对中国男子举重队在第67届世界男子举重锦标赛上试举成功率的分析,探究中国男子举重队提高试举成功率的技术和战术水平等问题,为今后举重训练和比赛提供参考  相似文献   

对提高我国青年男子举重运动员比赛成功率的探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法,对参加第30、31届世青赛的中国男队及俄罗斯、保加利亚男队和参加2003-2005年国内青年男子举重锦标赛的比赛成功率及其影响因素进行统计分析。研究认为:按影响比赛成功率的次序排列分别为:盲目选定试举重量、赛前训练、减体重、准备活动等,建议采取有针对性的措施,以提高试举成功率。  相似文献   

通过文献资料、专家访谈等研究方法,探究举重竞赛规则重要条例的变化对运动员试举成功率的影响。结果表明:中国男子举重队认真研究新规则,合理有效地运用战术,提高比赛中的试举成功率,为运动员获得比赛优异成绩奠定了基础。  相似文献   

前言举重比赛按规则规定抓举和挺举各有3次试举机会(破纪录有第4次试举但不计算总成绩)。在比赛中能否正确合理利用6次机会,对于发挥运动员成绩,赢得比赛的胜利,都具有重要意义。在比赛中,运动员试举成功率低是我国当前普遍存在的问题,也是我队近年来在比赛中比较突出的问题。试举成功率的高低,在某种情况下,往往是决定胜败的主要原因。比赛中成功率的高低,又与教练员、运动员的比赛经验、赛前训练、技术掌握、临场发挥等诸因素  相似文献   

通过录像观察法、文献资料法、专家访谈法、数理统计方法对2008年北京奥运会女子举重7个级别的全部赛事成败率进行了技术统计分析,结果表明本届北京奥运会女子举重试举成功率比上届有了大幅度的提高;抓举比赛中的后掉次数比前掉次数高;挺举的上挺失败次数高于下蹲翻失败次数;北京奥运会女子举重的试举方案比上届增多;同时,对各国运动员试举技术失败的原因进行了分析表明,运动员技术发挥不稳定、实力不足和比赛心理素质不好是造成试举失败的主要原因。  相似文献   

从近两年的几次全国举重比赛及去年两次参加国际举重比赛的情况看来,我们的运动员在抓举中,显得稳定性不高,成功率较低,打零的不少。造成这些情况的原因是多方面的,有技术方面的、训练方面的以及比赛试举战术方面等等。下面着重从抓举  相似文献   

如何选定试举重量?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
试举成功率低,这是近几年来我国举重比赛中普遍存在的问题。影响试举成功率的因素很多,例如赛前训练、准备活动、技术动作的稳定性、心理因素、试举重量等等,然而影响试举成功率的直接因素却是试举重量。运动员的试举重量应该根据其平时(特别是赛前一个月)的训练最高成绩、体力好坏、技术稳定性、竞技状态、心理因素、比赛经验、是否减体重以及对手情况等各种客观因素,综合起来慎重地研究而定。选定试举重量这是主观的东西,然而其依据却是客观存在着的。因此,试举重量选得是否合适,就看我们的主观判断是否符合客观实际情况,符合了就能够使运动员水平得到充分发挥,当然成功率一般也就比较高;反之则否。如何选定两个动作总共六次的试举重量呢?确定试举重量是否存在一些客观规律呢?本文主要通过对近几年来国内和国际举重比赛的统计分析,企图探讨某些客  相似文献   

通过第八届和第九届全运会总成绩前六名的优秀女运动员的成功率与运动成绩的统计及其分析 ,探讨举重试举成功率对提高举重运动技术水平与充分发挥竞赛技术水平的关系。  相似文献   

运用举重指数对我国男子举重现状的评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
举重指数是由举重成绩和运动员的体重2项指标进行计算而得,是一个较为通用的举重力量评价指标。通过对2 0 0 4年全国举重锦标赛上8个级别的前8名运动员的举重指数分析表明,目前我国运动员的平均抓举、挺举、总成绩指数分别为8.2 0、9.97及18.0 7,与世界纪录相比,我国抓举指数要差13.4 % ,挺举差12 .6 % ,总成绩差13.5 % ;举重指数在中、小级别上变化较为平稳,而在94kg级以上的大级别中,指数有一个明显的下降趋势;8个级别中,我国 10 5kg级发展水平最底,而6 9kg及6 2kg级的发展水平最高,竞争最强。  相似文献   

通过对国家女子举重队备战2010年世锦赛运动员运动疲劳心理学指标的测试和客观生化指标的测试,力图找出心理学指标和客观指标两者之间的相关性,找到更科学的监控手段和评定方法,指导训练,提高举重的运动成绩。结论:1)2010年世界举重锦标赛备战期间的5次心理疲劳测试结果,成就感的降低、情绪/体力耗竭、运动负评价3个心理指标的变化均不明显(P>0.05),说明此次备战训练对国家女子举重运动员的心理疲劳的影响不是很大。2)肌酸激酶、血尿素氮、睾酮、皮质醇是监控女子举重训练的敏感指标,其中睾酮受训练的影响最大。3)从各指标变化情况来看,本次备战过程中运动员能够很好地适应训练强度和训练量,训练计划安排合理。4)心理指标成就感的降低与客观指标睾酮之间、心理指标运动负评价与客观指标肌酸激酶之间、心理指标闪光融合频率与客观指标血尿素氮之间出现了高度的负相关。运动员心理疲劳的变化除受到运动量和运动强度的影响外,还受到多重因素的影响,且相对于客观生化指标的变化,有滞后现象,并非同步。  相似文献   

当今我国男子举重的格局与我省的比赛成绩分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对2004年全国男子举重锦标赛暨奥运会选拔赛的成绩分析,得出如下结论:目前我国男子举重广西、江苏位居全国前列,两广在中小级别上称雄,东三省则在中大级别上具有较大的优势,江苏发展较为全面,而我省只能在中大级别上有一定的竞争力;我省运动员抓举及挺举的成功率严重偏低,我们必须高度重视。  相似文献   

运动损伤是困扰运动员的重要影响因素,在举重项目中表现得尤为突出,举重是一种竞争性很强的体育运动项目,是力量、技巧、智力的较量,由于其竞争激烈,再加上该运动项目强度很大,技术动作不好掌握等原因,使得运动员在运动训练或比赛当中的损伤发生率较高。本文通过问卷调查法和数理统计法对江苏地区举重运动员的损伤状况进行调查研究,针对损伤部位损伤种类,损伤原因,损伤的多发季节等若干方面进行了相关分析和讨论,并针对这些常见的伤病问题提出了有关预防损伤的建议,为今后减少或避免运动损伤的发生以更好的促进举重教学训练进展以及比赛的开展提供一定的参考性的意见与建议。  相似文献   

Prestigious professional organisations have questioned the efficacy of resistive training by children or have often neglected to address weightlifting in their position papers on resistive training for children. The purpose of this paper was to address the deficit in data regarding the efficacy of training children for weightlifting and to report data regarding to safety in this population. Eleven subjects (3 female, 8 male) who had trained at the USA Weightlifting Development Centre in Shreveport Louisiana for a minimum of 22 months (mean = 28.8; SD +/- 4.4) served as subjects for this study. Means for the pool of subjects subjected to t-test to compare data obtained at each subject's initial competition with that obtained at the individual's most recent competition revealed significant positive changes in body weight, snatch weight, clean and jerk weight, and total weight lifted. The latter three were significant both in absolute weight and in weight lifted per kg of body weight. Total weight lifted at competitions plotted separately for boys and for girls across time indicated an apparently steeper slope of improvement for boys. The latter were not tested for significance because of the small sample sizes. The lack of injury in training and in 534 competitive lifts was discussed. None required medical attention or loss of training time. It was concluded that there can be no doubt regarding the efficacy of weightlifting as carried out at the USA Weightlifting Development Centre. The importance of proper application of scientific theory of conditioning in a conservative manner for this population was emphasised.  相似文献   

本文对参加1989年5月太原全国女子举重锦标赛124名运动员进行了比赛前后盆腔血流图的测定与分析,结果表明从事女子举重训练不会对盆腔器官机能造成不良影响,女子举重运动员具有闭气发力,腹压急剧增高,盆腔血流相对减少的项目生理特点。  相似文献   

采用献综述的研究方法,论述了举重腰带可以通过增加腹内压和防止脊柱过伸来增强不背部的稳定性,因此在极限和亚极限重量举重和力量训练等竖肌群需要承担很大的阻力的动动中有非常的作用。然而,不正确的使用举重腰带可以导致血压升高和腹肌力量减弱等不良影响,为举重腰带在力量训练中的正确使用提供参考。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the association between weightlifting performance and vertical barbell acceleration patterns. Barbell kinematic time-series data were tracked from 18 snatches from six weightlifters during a regional weightlifting competition. These data were used to calculate vertical barbell accelerations. Time-series data were normalised to 100% of lift phase, defined as the time interval between barbell lift-off and maximum height of the barbell during each snatch lift. The time-series data were then entered into a pattern recognition algorithm that extracted principal patterns and calculated principal pattern scores. Body mass-normalised lift weight, which was used to quantify weightlifting performance, was significantly correlated (r = 0.673; P = 0.033) with a pattern that captured a difference in peak vertical barbell acceleration between the transition and the second pull phase. This correlation indicated that barbell acceleration profiles of higher weight snatch lifts were characterised by smaller decreases in acceleration during the second knee bend and smaller peak acceleration during the second pull phase. Weightlifting coaches and sports scientist should monitor and track vertical acceleration of the barbell, with focus on acceleration profiles that limit (1) deceleration during the transition phase between the first and second pull and (2) peak acceleration during the second pull phase of the snatch.  相似文献   

运用三维运动学研究方法,对参加2019年亚洲举重锦标赛暨东京奥运会资格赛的我国男子举重67kg公斤级优秀运动员谌利军与冯吕栋抓举技术进行对比分析。研究结果认为:提铃准备阶段,冯吕栋身体姿势更符合抓举中“近”的技术要求;总体上,冯吕栋伸膝提铃和引膝提铃阶段技术动作优于谌利军,谌利军发力和惯性上升及接铃阶段技术动作优于冯吕栋。谌利军抓举过程中主要存在伸膝提铃阶段髋关节打开过早,引膝提铃阶段膝关节回屈角度小以及整个抓举过程中杠铃重心左右偏移量过大的问题;冯吕栋主要存在发力和惯性上升阶段“两心”前后距离过大,杠铃相对于运动员水平运动幅度大,垂直运动幅度小以及接铃过程中杠铃下落距离长,下降速度过快的问题。建议谌利军加强膝关节主要屈伸肌群的力量训练以及进行身体左右侧力量平衡的评估;冯吕栋应掌握在发力和惯性上升阶段正确的用力方向,并改善接铃节奏。  相似文献   

The development of peak performances is a main research focus in sports science. It is unclear how many former top junior athletes achieve success in the elite class later. The aim of the present study was to examine the careers of athletes who participated in major junior or adult/elite cycling events using prospective and retrospective analysis of competition results. The official results of major junior (age < or = 18 years) and elite (age > 18 years) cycling races from 1980 to 2004 were analysed. Age-related aspects, career lengths, and success were compared between riders who presented results in both junior and elite races (JUNIOR ELITE) and riders who had no junior race results (ELITE ONLY). Altogether, 27,454 results of 8004 athletes from 108 countries were collected. We found that 29.4% of the elite athletes had participated in junior World Championships, and that 34% of the participants in junior World Championships later participated in major elite competitions. JUNIOR ELITE athletes are significantly more successful in several cycling disciplines and have their first and last elite result at a younger age than ELITE ONLY athletes. No difference was found in career lengths. The data presented here emphasize the importance of long-term training programmes in the development of peak performance in cycling.  相似文献   

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