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 In this revision, three species are recognised. A discussion is made on merging the genus Polysolenia into Leptomischus. Indopolysolenia burmanica Deb et Rout is reduced to a synonum of Leptomischus primuloides Drake.  A key to species is given below: l. Flowers larger, with corollas more than 2cm long.   2.Stipules 3-fid or torn;  Leaves narrowly lanceolate;  stigmas with 2 short obtuse     lobes  ......................................................  1.L. wallichii   2.Stipules entire;  leaves obovate to elliptic;  stigmas with 2 slender elongate lobes         .........................................................  2. L. primuloides 1.Flowers smaller, with corollas 6-6.5mm long;  stigmas with 2 lanceolate lobes       ..........................................................  3. L. parviflorus  相似文献   

国产三角瓣花属(茜草科)订正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三角瓣花属Prismatomeris Thw.在Hooker(1873)和K.Schumann(1891)的茜草   科分类系统中隶于巴戟族Morindeae Miq.但在 Bremekamp(1966年)的分类系统中,其分类   位置未定。本属的胚根下位,花冠裂片镊合状排列和具针晶等特征与巴戟族相同,但它的花   离生,子房2室,胚珠盾形而着生于子房隔膜上半部等特征则与巴戟族明显不同。  因此,   将本属分立作族并置于Bremekamp所定界的茜草亚科Rubioideae中似乎较合适。  本文还提   供了经挑选的本属10对特征及其分类价值的说明。辨别了两个种:(1)将分布于中国的P.   tetrandra(Roxb.)K.Schum. 修订为 “P.tetrandra  (Roxb.)  K.  Schum. subsp. multiflora   (Ridley,)Y.Z.Ruan”. (2)P.  connata Y.  Z.  Ruan 被记述作新种它的热带新亚种是  P.  connata Y.  Z.  Ruan  subsp.  hainanensis Y.  Z.  Ruan。  相似文献   

根据对12个国家53个标本馆收藏的5,000余份五味子属Schisandra植物标本的研究,结合野外调查和采集,对世界范围的五味子属种类作了分类学订正。在五味子属中,10个种被确认,22个种、7个亚种、14个变种和1个变型的名称被作为新异名。文中附有分种检索表。  相似文献   

本文是对菊科莴苣属Lactuca L. 的分类订正, 文中起用了乳苣属Mulgedium Cass.和山   莴苣属Lagedium Sojak两个较老的属名, 建立了二个新属,即翅果菊属Ptrocypsela Shih与假   福王草属Paraprenathes Chang. 文末提供了莴苣属及邻近属以及东亚地区的有关种类的分属分种检索表。  相似文献   

This paper is here presented as a material for a flora of the Chinese grasses.  At the beginning, it chronologically gives a brief historical sketch on the study of the sub- tribe Isachninae.  The category which this group should constitute is here delimited, and its position in the natural system of grass-classification is also discussed.       Secondly it deals with a taxonomic treatment on the genus Isachne which comprises 16 species and 7 varieties in China, amongst which two species (I. hoi and I. hainanensis) and four varieties (I. albens var. glandulifera, I. truncata vars. crispa & maxima, and I. nipponensis var. kiangsiensis) are published here as new to science.  In addition, a new combination, I. hirsuta, (Hook. f.) Keng, f., based upon I. albens var. hirsuta Hook. f., is made here.  The two species (I. ciliatiflora Keng, and  I. tenuis  Keng)  published in Chinese only in the “Flora Illustralis Plantarum Primarum Sinicarum Graimeae 1959”, arehere supplemented with Latin diagnoses for validation.  相似文献   

叉蕨属是蕨类植物的大属之一,全世界约150种,分布于世界热带及亚热带地区。据记载,中国 有27种、2变种,分布在长江以南,仅有2种北达长江以北四川境内,而大部分种类集中分布在云南。近 来,笔者主要对保存在中国科学院昆明植物研究所标本室的标本进行了清理,也参考了中国科学院植物 研究所标本馆的标本,这些标本不少是近年来所采集,其中,发现1新种并有1种和1变种为中国新记 录,1种为云南新记录,1种为贵州新记录,有4个种名是新异名,即Tectaria cosimilis Ching et C.H.Wang, T.decurrenti-calata Ching et C.H.Wang,T.fengii Ching et C. H.Wang,T.Simaoensis Ching et C.H.Wang。至此,所知云南产叉蕨属有22种、2变种。  相似文献   

The present paper deals with taxonomic studies on the genera Lathraea Linn. and Christisonia Gard. (Orobanchaceae) in China.  In the genus Lathraea, only a single species in China, L. japonica Miq., is recongnized in the paper. It occurs in sou- thern Shaanxi, southern Gansu, southeastern Sichuan, northern Guizhou and northern   Guangdong, also in Japan. L. miqueliana Franch. et Sav., L. chinfushanica Hu et Tang and L. japonica Miq. var. miqueliana (Franch. et Sav.) Ohwi are treated as new synon- yms of L. japonica Miq. in this paper.       In the genus Christisonia, the most of collections from China, which were identi- fied as C. sinensis G. Beck before, are treated as a new synonym of C. hookeri C. B. Clarke.  A few collections of this genus from China, which were mistakenly described as Gleadovia lepoense Hu snd G. kwangtungense Hu, should be transferred to Christi- sonia hookeri C. B. Clarke.  It is distributed in southeastern and south China, westwards to the Himalayas.  相似文献   

This paper reports two new species of Morina L.from western China, namely M.bracteata C. Y. Cheng et H.B.Chen and M.lorifolia C.Y. Cheng et H. B.Chen.  相似文献   

 根据对中国楼梯草属Elatostema植物标本的研究,将碧江楼梯草E.bijiangense归并入楼梯草E. involucratum,长叶墨脱楼梯草E.medogense var.oblongum和树志楼梯草E.shuzhii归并入墨脱楼梯草E. medogense,光茎钝叶楼梯草E.obtusum var.glabrescens归并入三齿钝叶楼梯草E.obtusum var.trilobula- tum,三裂楼梯草E.sinense var.trilobatum归并入对叶楼梯草E.sinense,赤水楼梯草E.strigulosum var.semitripilinerve归并入伏毛楼梯草E.strigulosum。  相似文献   

山茱萸属应予重新确认   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The genus Macrocarpium has been accepted only by a few scholars since its separation from Cornus L. by T. Nakai in 1909. Bentham,  Hooker,  Hutchinson and the others consider that the ovary of Macrocarpium is 2-celled and the genus should be placed back into Cornus. We have discovered that are generally I-celled.  In addition, Macrocarpium is different from Cornus in basic chromosome number  (X),  flowering physiological character,  inflorescence type and involucral scale. Thus the genus Ma-crocarpium (Spach) Nakai should be reaffirmed.  相似文献   

This paper, which consists of a part of pertinent data obtained through a cri- tical revision of the genus Lonicera of China. discusses 28 noteworthy species and infra- specific taxa. Among them, 3 subspecies and 1 variety are new grades and combinations. Be-sides, 31 species, 11 varieties and 6 forms have been reduced to synonyms.  相似文献   

中国木犀属小志   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the present paper a new species, Osmanthus gracilinervis Chia ex R. L. Lu, is described from Guangxi.  The new species is also distributed in Guangdong, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Hunan and Sichuan.  Based on the analysis of a great deal of specimens, eight spe- cies, i.e. Osmanthus corymbosus H. W. Li, O. longispermus H. T. Chang, O. angustifolius H. T. Chang, O. triandrus H. T. Chang, O. longicarpus H. T. Chang, O. omeiensis Fang ex H. T. Chang, O. nanchuanensis H. T. Chang and 0. cylindricus H. T. Chang, are reduced as the synonyms of O. marginatus (Champ. ex Benth.)  Hemsl. var. marginatus. O. longissimus H. T. Chang and O. pachyphyllus H. T. Chang are respectively reduced to varieties of O. marginatus, i.e.O.  marginatus var. longissimus (H.T. Chang) R. L. Lu and var. pachy- phyllus (H. T.Chang) R. L. Lu.  And finally O. maximus H. T. Chang is treated in this paper as a synonym of O. matsumuranus Hayata.  相似文献   

中国珠蕨属的分类修订   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对国产珠蕨属Cryptogramma R.Br.的分类进行了修订,承认2种1变种,即稀叶珠蕨C.stelleri(Gm l.)Prantl,高山珠蕨C.brunoniana Wall.ex Hook.&Grev.和珠蕨C.bru noniana var.sinensis(Christ)G.M.Zhang。将峨眉珠蕨C.emeiensis Ching&K.H.Shing并入高山珠蕨。同时对该属的系统位置进行了讨论。  相似文献   

 About 22 species of the genus Scorzonera L. are so far known to occur in China. Among them, S. pamirica Shih is described as new and 3 species, S. tau-sahyz Lipsch. et Bosse, S. pubescens DC. and S. transiliensis M. Pop., are new records to China.  Four names in the literature are reduced to synonyms,and some wrong identications in Chinese botanical literature are pointed out in this work.  Some species with considerable variation in morphology, such as, S. pseudodivaricata Lipsch. and S. sinensis Lipsch. ex Krasch., are also discussed here.  相似文献   

本文根据最新研究结果,对国产杜英属植物进行了清理。这里报道的是对《中国植物志》 49(1)杜英属的修订和补充。它包括:(1)纠正3个错误鉴定:Elaeocarpus rugosus Poxb.=E. apiculatus sensu Merr.;E.sikkimensis Mast.=E.fleuryi sensu H.T.Chang;E.decandrus Merr.=E.chinensis sensu H.T.Chang pro parte。 (2)  发表1个新种和1个新变种:E. limitaneioides Y.Tang;E.glabripetalus Merr.var.grandifructusy.Tang.  (3)归并了4种2 变种:E.boreali-yunnanensis H.T.Chang归并为E.lacunosus Wall. ex Kurz,E.floribundioides H.T.Chang归并到E.austro-yunnanensis Hu,E.fengjieensis P.C.Tuan归并至E.duclouxii Gagnep.,E.kwangsiensis H.T.Chang归并为E.glabripetalus Merr. var.alatus(Knuth) H. T. Chang,E. glabripetalus Merr. var.teres H.T.H.T.Chang归并为E.glabripetalus var.glabripetalus,E.prunifolioides Hu var.rectinervis H.T.Chang归并至E.prunifolioidesHu。  (4)报道了一些省级分布新记录;并简单讨论了属下系统。  相似文献   

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