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什么是继续教育?所谓继续教育,指的就是包括在业的、失业的以及那些退休、离休的社会成人在内的全体社会责任人,为了提高自身的文化素质和专业技能,接受各种教育服务的活动。随着科学技术的不断发展,社会对于人们的要求越来越高,不仅要求具有较高的专业技能,而且对自身的文化素质也愈加苛刻。因此,就需要促使社会上的人员接受继续教育。那么,在我国成人继续教育的发展中存在哪些问题呢?如何进行成人继续教育的管理工作呢?怎样才能是管理效果更加显著呢?这些都是在继续教育发展中需要特别关注的问题,下面我们就来系统的分析一下。  相似文献   

经济的新常态下,竞争观念深入人心,在校大学生在竞争中,由于自身和社会的原因,竞争中存在的不良倾向,作为教育工作者,应注意引导大学生树立正确的竞争观念,提高竞争能力,保持良好的竞争心态,正确的策略指导和心理调控等教育措施,以便让学生更好地完成学业,更快地适应社会竞争。  相似文献   

This article concerns the importance of clarity in thinking and talking about certain core concepts of educational assessment. It begins by identifying three quite distinct interpretations of the term ‘assessment purpose’. It continues by challenging the supposed distinction between ‘formative’ and ‘summative’—arguing that the latter only applies to a kind of assessment result while the former only applies to a kind of use of assessment results. It ends by illustrating the wide range of uses to which assessment results might be put and stresses the importance of not concealing important distinctions by locating multiple discrete purposes within a small number of misleading categories.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this paper is to examine the objectives of higher education provision in Britain. The perspective of ‘educationists’ are compared with those of ‘economists’. In particular, the paper argues that the Department of Education and Science (DES) has moved substantially in the direction of the economists' approach to educational resource allocation. The paper also argues that the partticular characteristics of higher education (HE), where it is state-provided and free at the point of consumption, imbue it with the properties of a Niskanen-type bureau. This paper suggests that the current DES policy with its considerable implications for HE resource allocation can be rationalised in terms of the human capital approach and the problems of managing a bureau.“A professor was supposed to be a venerable kind of person, with snow-white whiskers reaching to his stomach. He was expected to moon around the campus oblivious of the world around him. If you nodded to him he failed to see you. Of money he knew nothing; of business far less. He was, as his trustees were proud to say of him, ‘a child’.On the other hand, he contained within him a reservoir of learning of such depth as to be practically bottomless. None of this learning was supposed to be of any material or commercial benefit to anybody. Its use was in saving the soul and enlarging the mind” (Leacock, 1922).  相似文献   

Open learning for continuing education   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The two concepts ‐ open learning and continuing education ‐ have recently come to exert a growing influence on educational provision in the United Kingdom. In this article, Malcolm Tight, Director of the Birkbeck Centre for Research and Development in Part‐time Higher Education, considers the interpretation of these concepts and the links between them, both in theory and in practice.  相似文献   

高校马克思主义理论教育存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前高校马克思主义理论教育中普遍存在的缺乏实效性问题,提出马克思主义理论教育要选好切入点,突出内化环节,教育行为要具有科学性。  相似文献   

Inclusive education has established itself as an important element within the general field of educational research. While the increasing attention to social inclusion is apparently consistent with the general aspiration for social justice, this paper reasserts the fragility of inclusive education as a vehicle for arguing against traditional notions of special educational needs in favour of educational disablement as identity politics. It is important that in a general consideration of education research and social justice space be afforded to interrogating the shortcomings of social justice research in education with regard to disabled students. This brief discussion aims to introduce a range of issues pursuant to the intersection of education and disability politics.  相似文献   

Kiswahili is one of the most widely used languages in East and Central Africa. In Tanzania, where it is the national language, attempts have been made to develop it so that it can be used as an efficient tool of communication in all sectors of the society, including education. This paper shows that although Kiswahili has successfully been promoted as the medium of primary and adult education, at secondary and tertiary levels of education, its position is still precarious. The notion that English and Kiswahili are in complementary distribution is rejected. It is argued that the two languages are in conflict, and that those who are in a better socio-political/economic position have more control of, and better access to, English. In such a situation the right question to ask is not in which domains English is used, butwhy it is used in such domains andwho uses it. The paper further argues that the present sociolinguistic environment makes the use of English as a viable medium unsustainable. For this reason, insistence on the use of English adversely affects the learning process. It is suggested that if Kiswahili became the medium of education at secondary school level and English was taught well as a foreign language, this would help to promote both languages without jeopardising the learning process.
Zusammenfassung Kiswahili ist eine der meistgesprochenen Sprachen in Ostund Zentralafrika. In Tansania, wo Kiswahili die Nationalsprache ist, versuchte man, die Sprache so weiterzuentwickeln, daß sie als effizientes Kommunikationsmittel in allen Bereichen der Gesellschaft, einschließlich der Erziehung, benutzt werden kann. Diese Studie zeigt, daß die Position des Kiswahili, obwohl in der Grundschule wie in der Erwachsenenbildung erfolgreich gefördert, in Sekundarstufe und höherer Bildung immer noch unsicher ist. Die Vorstellung, daß Englisch und Kiswahili in gegenseitiger Ergänzung verbreitet werden, wird abgelehnt. Man argumentiert, daß die beiden Sprachen in Konflikt stehen und daß diejenigen, die sich in besserer sozialpolitischer oder wirtschaftlicher Position befinden, besser Englisch sprechen und leichteren Zugang zu dieser Sprache haben. In einer solchen Situation lautet die richtige Frage nicht, in welchen Bereichen Englisch gesprochen wird, sondernwarum es dort angewendet wird undvon wem. In der Studie wird weiter ausgeführt, daß die gegenwärtigen sozio-linguistischen Gegebenheiten für die Verwendung des Englischen als brauchbares Medium nicht ausreichen. Aus diesem Grund beeinflußt das Beharren auf der englischen Sprache den Lernprozeß ungünstig. Es wird die Meinung vertreten, daß, wenn Kiswahili Erziehungsmedium auf der Sekundarschulebene wird und man Englisch als Fremdsprache unterrichtet, beide Sprachen gefördert würden, ohne den Lernprozeß zu gefährden.

Résumé Le kiswahili est une des langues les plus répandues en Afrique orientale et centrale. La Tanzanie, dont la langue nationale est le kiswahili, a fait des tentatives pour promouvoir celle-ci de manière qu'on puisse l'utiliser en tant qu'instrument de communication efficace dans tous les secteurs de la société, incluant celui de l'éducation. Le présent article montre que bien que cette langue ait été promue avec succès en tant que langue d'enseignement dans le primaire et le secondaire, sa position reste précaire aux niveaux secondaire et tertiaire. On rejette la notion de la distribution complémentaire de l'anglais et du kiswahili. On soutient que ces deux langues sont en conflit, et que ceux qui ont une meilleure situation socio-politique/économique maîtrisent mieux l'anglais auquel ils ont aussi plus facilement accès. Dans une situation de ce genre, la question n'est pas de savoir dans quels domaines on utilise l'anglais, maispourquoi il l'est dans tel ou tel domaine etqui l'emploie. Cet article prétend par ailleurs que le milieu socio-linguistique actuel rend impossible l'emploi de l'anglais comme instrument praticable. C'est pour cette raison que l'insistance sur l'emploi de l'anglais a des effets dommageables sur le processus d'apprentissage. On affirme qu'il serait possible de contribuer à la promotion des deux langues sans nuire au processus d'apprentissage si le kiswahili devenait le moyen d'instruction dans le secondaire et si l'anglais y était enseigné comme seconde langue.

In recent years BBC Continuing Education and public libraries have established a successful policy of collaboration, with public libraries advising on local resources and acting as referral points and local back‐up agencies for educational broadcasts. This paper summarises a joint BBC Educational Broadcasting Services and Cheshire Libraries project, started during autumn 1981, designed to encourage the process of linking educational broadcasting, public libraries and the community. The project's main aims were to see how the library service might increase involvement with the work of BBC Continuing Education, thereby becoming a more effective partner in developing interest in Adult Education, and to explore how a public library might operate as a multi‐media resource centre for the public in relation to educational broadcasting.  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,不断深化的市场经济和飞速发展的计算机技术,在使档案载体、管理方式、服务手段发生根本转变的同时,也对档案专业人员的素质和能力提出了更高的要求。然而,我国现有档案专业技术队伍存在着兼职人员占多数,且在职档案人员岗前所学多不为档案学专业等突出问题,这些直接影响到档案事业的建设。笔者立足我国的档案管理的实情,深入分析了当前我国档案继续教育师资队伍存在的问题,并提出了合理的应对之策。  相似文献   

随着新课程改革的推进,贵州省都匀市三都水族自治县中小学教师继续教育工作得到稳步推进,但仍存在一些问题与不足,需要从改革中小学教师继续教育的内容和实践模式等方面入手,加大资金投入,增强培训工作的本土适应性,以提高继续教育工作实效。  相似文献   

上个世纪末,是我国幼儿教育的发展阶段,幼教师资匮乏。具体表现在:第一,新世纪初我国出现了大量的托儿所,私立幼儿园,很多教师都是非学前教育专业的,也有的是未接受教育的"阿姨"充当了幼儿教师的角色。第二,过去很长一段时间,学前教育专业在我省以函授、中专、大专的教育为主,在学时间较短,理论知识较为薄弱。第三,一些非学前教育专业的教师参与幼儿教育工作,她们虽在一线教学过程中积累了丰富的实战经验,但理论知识较为薄弱。因此,国际上先进的教育理念很难以投入到现实的课堂教学中;有代表性的教学经验也难以转化成已有经验,进行交流。结合分析幼儿园的发展趋势,未来园所之间竞争激烈,将会走上品牌化发展道路。因此,幼儿教师应通过继续教育提升理论水平、提高科研能力、提高管理能力,指导实践教学,提升幼儿教育的质量,促进学前教育事业的发展。  相似文献   

The author describes the confusion surrounding postmodern conceptions of social science, including the blurring of traditional distinctions between science and art. He argues that the disinction is an important one, for, as the two basic forms of human inquiry, science and art serve fundamentally distinct purposes. Unfortunately, only (social) scientific texts are considered useful by many educationists. The author attempts to clarify the basic purpose of value negation that is served by good arts-based research texts and argues for their legitimacy as a form of educational research.  相似文献   

The concept of inclusive education is a relatively new phenomenon within the Irish education system, with considerable developments in government policy only occurring since the early 1990s. These developments are aiming to advance special education provisions and legislation for individuals with disabilities and special educational needs (SEN). This increased attention is illustrated by the Special Education Review Committee (SERC) report, the report of the Government Commission on the Status of People with Disabilities, A Strategy for Equality (1996 Commission on the Status of People with Disabilities (1996) A strategy for equality , Report of the Commission on the Status of People with Disabilities . [Google Scholar]), the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) Discussion Document (1999), Special Educational Needs: Curriculum Issues, the Education Act, the Equal Status Act and the recently published Education for Persons with Special Educational Needs Bill and the Disability Bill (2004). However, despite these advancements in SEN developments, it can be argued that the Irish government and education system still fall short of providing a rights-based education to all children with a disability or SEN in the state. This article discusses the educational provision for children with SEN from 1990 to 2004.  相似文献   

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