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This article provides a brief overview of segregated education in Kansas and then explores 3 legal cases: (a) Reynolds v. The Board of Education of the City of Topeka (1903), (b) Wright v. Board of Education of Topeka (1930), and (c) Graham v. Board of Education of Topeka (1941), the precursors to Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1954). These lawsuits, brought by Black citizens in Topeka, Kansas, provide insights into the legal challenges to segregated education in Topeka prior to Brown and provide an analysis of the legal role Topeka played in terms of shaping and influencing the terrain of segregated education in not only Kansas but the United States.  相似文献   

笔者于2013年12月应台湾国立宜兰大学通识教育委员会邀请,前往座谈交流海峡两岸的大学通识教育情况。台湾各类国立、私立、教会大学多已设立通识教育委员会或通识教育中心,大力贯彻通识教育课程,内地的大学教育则有公共选修课、人文素质教育、国学教育等几种形态,不仅教育理念难与台湾高教的通识教育对应,更为重要的是在高教发展阶段上,尚且存在着时段不对等的差异。  相似文献   

美国通识教育中思想政治教育功能显示出非常突出的特点。通过合理借鉴和吸收其经验和方法,对改进我国当前高校思想政治教育工作具有非常现实的意义。  相似文献   

加州是美国公立高等教育发展水平最高的一个州,其独具特色的教育组织结构和组织管理运行方式一直是美国其他各州和世界其他各国纷纷仿效的典范。加州高效有序的高等教育结构体系和运行方式由《加州高等教育总体规划》设计,作为处理高等教育大众化阶段典型发展矛盾的法律汇编和当代教育史上最重要的高等教育改革文献,《加州高等教育总体规划》代表了全球化时代高等教育的政策发展走向,对美国乃至世界高等教育都产生了重大影响,与我国现在高等教育分类发展、内涵发展的现实要求具有很大的相似与切合之处。充分吸收其经验,规避其不足是我们今天再一次认真研读《加州高等教育总体规划》的价值所在。  相似文献   

为应对信息社会和教育信息化对教师提出的新挑战,提高教师的信息素养和信息技术技能水平,美国制定了一系列教师信息技术教育标准并逐渐形成了完整的体系。文章试图就该标准体系及其在实践中的应用效果进行简单评述。  相似文献   

由大学协会主导的美国高等教育认证制度在世界上几乎是独一无二的。作为一种“公共产品”,美国高等教育认证制度的内在逻辑要求其从由高等教育机构组成的“独立”的治理结构(Governance)发展成为其他利益相关者可以参与的共同的治理结构。2005年,由美国时任教育部长发起了一轮以认证制度为核心的高等教育改革,本文试图通过对改革进程的详细记录和解读,阐释上述逻辑在美国特有的文化传统和政治体制下的展示方式。改革的失败似乎表明,由于高等教育对学术自由的特殊依赖性,美国社会更倾向于选择不把高等教育认证制度纳入公共管理范畴。  相似文献   

美国高等教育认证制度的变革趋势研究(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由大学协会主导的美国高等教育认证制度在世界上几乎是独一无二的.作为一种"公共产品",美国高等教育认证制度的内在逻辑要求其从由高等教育机构组成的"独立"的治理结构(Governance)发展成为其他利益相关者可以参与的共同的治理结构.2005年,由美国时任教育部长发起了一轮以认证制度为核心的高等教育改革,本文试图通过对改革进程的详细记录和解读,阐释上述逻辑在美国特有的文化传统和政治体制下的展示方式.改革的失败似乎表明,由于高等教育对学术自由的特殊依赖性,美国社会更倾向于选择不把高等教育认证制度纳入公共管理范畴.  相似文献   


The United States Congress’ Southern Congressional Delegation promulgated the Declaration of Constitutional Principles, popularly known as the Southern Manifesto, on March 12, 1956. The Southern Manifesto was the South’s primary means to effectively delay implementation of public school desegregation as ordered by the United States Supreme Court decision, Brown v. Board of Topeka, Kansas (1954; as cited in Day, 2014). This essay places the desegregation of American public school system within the larger context of the time period in which it transpired, and explains how racial disparity in public education was perpetuated after the Jim Crow caste system was dismantled in the 1960s. Ironically, while de jure desegregation of American public schools was effectively accomplished by the early 1970s under the administration of President Richard M. Nixon, government spending during the era after World War II, perpetuated racial and economic disparity in America’s public schools that prevails up to the present day.  相似文献   

通识教育的现状审思与路径探寻   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通识教育是提升人才培养质量的重要策略。当下通识教育正处于教师烦教和学生厌学的困境。要走出困境理应树立育人为本的教育理念,强化通识教育课程建设,在专业教育中渗透通识教育,提升通识教育教师的素质。  相似文献   

Education Management Organisations (EMOs), for-profit and non-profit management companies engaged in take-over and operation of public education, are becoming big business in the USA and the UK. It is estimated that in the US, EMOs were projected to generate up to $123 billion dollars in revenue in 2000. In the smaller UK system it is estimated that about 5 billion of services in public education could be contracted out to private organisations per annum. This paper examines the policy frameworks that have enabled EMOs to take-over and progressively contribute to the privatisation of public education in two national settings, the USA and England and Wales. The British scene is distinctive because government policies that have sought to expand the role of the private sector, via public-private partnerships, in the provision of public sector services and its strong accountability system, have provided opportunities for EMOs to be engaged in, or take-over, schools and educational administrative services formerly provided by LEAs. In the US, in the mid-1990s, EMOs were invited to take over school districts and specific schools. However, this practice has been succeeded by a new focus on taking over the management of charter schools. A large capital market that is able to finance enterprises involved in educational services supports the development of EMOs in the US. Our research findings, however, point to halting progress by EMOs in public education in the US. There have been well-publicised failures to deliver the promised better education at a lower cost and also well-documented failure to raise student performance levels in school and school districts. The paper concludes with reflections on the extent to which EMOs have taken forward privatisation and its implications for the governance of education.  相似文献   

《教育通论》是我国高等师范教育学专业的一门基础理论课课程,是学生进入大学后接触的第一门专业课,教学难度大。视频案例教学是一种在高等师范教育中刚刚兴起的教学方法,视频案例具有信息含量大,生动具体等特点,有利于调动学生多种感官参与学习,从而提高学习的效率。当今,电视、网络上可资利用的视频案例十分丰富,如果能将已经被证明是有效的视频案例教学与《教育通论》有机结合起来,则不失为该课程方法上的革新,值得探索。  相似文献   

1996 年,南卡罗来纳州议会通过“359 法案”确立绩效拨款制度。该绩效拨款制度面向所 有州公立高等院校, 由州高等教育委员会主要负责制定、解释和修订绩效评价体系和绩效拨款方 式,开展绩效评价工作。通过绩效拨款,南卡州公立高等院校在公共责任和教育质量方面都有所改 善,但其并未解决财政拨款充足问题,且在教育质量与教育效率、绩效评价体系应用等方面存在一 定的问题。  相似文献   

教育信息化是推动高等职业教育发展的有力措施,教育信息资源建设是教育信息化建设的重要内容。科学的开发、合理的配置和有效的利用优质教育信息资源,是示范性高职院校提高自身教育教学质量和效益,发挥示范作用的重要途径。高职教育信息资源建设应针对存在问题,在"统筹规划,专项建设"、"组建开发团队、创新开发模式"、"健全区域共享,建立用户培训体系"三方面下工夫。  相似文献   

While focusing on Democracy and Education, James Campbell attempts in this essay to offer a synthesis of the full range of John Dewey's educational thought. Campbell explores in particular Dewey's understanding of the relationship between democracy and education by considering both his ideas on the reconstruction of education and on the role of education in broader social reconstruction. Throughout his philosophical work, Campbell concludes, Dewey offers us a vision of a society self‐consciously striving to enable its members to live fully educative lives.  相似文献   

对美国新闻教育职业化的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国的新闻教育最为明显的特征即职业化,“职业化”也就是所培养出来的人才能够最大限度地满足新闻实务的需要。但是,“职业化”的思想却是深刻的。在以前,人们将职业教育等同于技能训练.但通过一系列对于美国新闻教育的研究,我们发现在美国新闻教育的职业化思想中包含有三个因素:技能训练、新闻专业主义精神和学术性。本文详细探讨了三种要素的定义和它们各自的发展背景,以及三个要素之间的关系。  相似文献   

Christian religious educators in the Religious Education Association are challenged to reclaim their theological nerve and their partnership in public conversations about the educational practices of U.S. society. Beginning with the work of Randolph Crump Miller in the 1950s, this essay traces through the pages of Religious Education the dialogue about the partnership of education and theology. A practical theology of education is offered where the teaching and forming of Christian identity is complemented with a public theological examination of educational practices and meanings in the wider culture.  相似文献   

The need for coherent programmes of environmental education in all aspects and in all phases of education systems has been strongly and persuasively argued within the European Union (EU) and beyond. However, nowhere yet across the EU has environmental education been introduced in a consistent or coherent fashion into pre‐ or in‐service teacher education programmes. Although a range of factors are at work here, the lack of a commonly understood and agreed pedagogical‐didactical basis to this aspect of the curriculum and the lack of teaching/resource materials may be seen as a major contributory factor to this lack of consistency and coherence. As a consequence, opportunities for broad pan‐European developments in this essential area are constrained. This paper discusses development work carried out under the auspices of the Association of Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE) with the assistance of funding from the European Commission's Directorate General XI and from individual institutions. The five papers which follow are written by members of the project and provide examples in greater detail of work carried out in five member states. Fuller detail of the work of the Environmental Education into Initial Teacher Education in Europe project in all eleven countries has been reported to the Directorate General XI and a number of aspects have already been published (see Brinkman & Scott, 1994).  相似文献   

中师生物学课堂教学要实施素质教育,教师必须更新教育观念,研究教学艺术和技巧.本文从教育者身教的示范性,受教育者亲身的体验性,教学手段的间接性等方面探索以教师的“无为“促学生的“有为“,提高教学实效的的一些方式.  相似文献   

教育认证是提升和保障专业学位教育质量的重要途径。美国教育认证体系发展已经相对成熟和规范,在教育质量提升和人才培养方面发挥了重要的作用。文章从基本框架、法律法规、认可和认证机构、认证标准、认证流程等五个方面阐述了美国教育认证体系;分析了美国教育认证体系网络化、专业化和标准化的特征;从中得到启发,并结合我国专业学位教育认证实际情况,从五个方面对构建具有中国特色的专业学位教育认证体系提出建议,并介绍我国石油与天然气工程领域工程硕士研究生教育认证的情况。  相似文献   

This essay examines the development of a research faculty and culture at the Lincoln School, a laboratory school founded in 1917 by the Rockefeller General Education Board (GEB) at Teachers College, Columbia University. The school was dedicated to the production of education research by practicing teachers. The essay focuses in particular on the role played by the two men first charged by the GEB to organize and administrate the school, Abraham Flexner and Otis Caldwell, and some of the school's teachers. Flexner and Caldwell promoted a working environment marked by experimentation, academic freedom, and faculty collaboration. This leadership model created tensions between Flexner and Caldwell and some Teachers College faculty over the use of Lincoln School classrooms as a resource for education research. Over the twenty‐four years of the school's existence, Lincoln School teachers published hundreds of studies and textbooks focusing on curriculum development, child development, teaching techniques, and democratic school administration. In a profession where members are expected to be consumers rather than creators of knowledge, and practitioners rather than “experts,” the teachers and administrators of the Lincoln School defied many of the most foundational premises that have guided schools and the production of education research alike.  相似文献   

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