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“资源诅咒”是经济发展的一个突出悖论,在绿色发展和实现“碳中和”的背景下,“资源诅咒”对教育带来的影响及其机制也越来越引人注目。本文将教育经费统计数据、地区经济社会数据和地理数据相结合,使用空间断点回归法发现“资源诅咒”不仅在中国的县级地区存在,而且对教育投入产生了严重的“挤出效应”,而通过自身发展摆脱“资源诅咒”的地区往往在教育上有着更高的投入,也更符合“碳中和”和“碳达峰”的绿色发展的理念。在此基础上,本文对资源型城市的教育资源投入和经济转型发展提供了理论参考和政策建议。  相似文献   

本文运用2005年各省市1399所地方高校的教育经费统计基层报表数据,首先对各地方高等院校预算内教育经费收入各项指标与预算内教育支出的各项指标进行多元方差分析,显示各地区高校财政状况存在显著差异。然后选取有地区差异和代表性的教育预算内经费拨款、预算内教育事业费支出、预算内公用经费支出3个指标与地方经济发展水平指标进行典型相关分析,研究发现第三产业的构成比、人均GDP、城镇居民消费支出、城镇居民可支配收入4个指标最能反映地方经济发展水平,并与地方高校预算内教育经费有较强相关关系,而通常所认为的GDP总量、财政收入和支出与各地预算内高校经费没有显著相关。研究还认为,地方高等教育财政状况与该地区的居民实际富裕程度有关。  相似文献   

当前国际金融危机对我国教育发展造成了强烈的冲击,同时又带来教育发展的难得机遇。基于经验和事实提出了我国未来教育规模扩张的理论预期,但金融危机下的教育扩张面临教育财政、办学条件和毕业生就业等严重压力。西方国家在历次金融危机中积累了丰富的经验,也有些严重的教训,为我国中长期教育改革和发展提供了一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

针对城市品位的探讨和研究,大多关注于城市的硬件建设和管理,或从人文历史的角度寻找路径。本文则从电大教育的特点出发,研究其对提升城市品位的特殊价值。具体分析电大教育在体现“以人为本”的城市宗旨;实现人人享有优质教育资源的城市追求;提高社会生产力,服务当下社会经济发展;为政府规范成人教育市场发挥杠杆作用、为基础教育补位;成为构建和谐社会的重要支撑等方面的作用,阐明电大教育在城市品位构建中的独特价值。  相似文献   

教育效率——一个需要重新审视的概念   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以往对教育效率的理解多是在经济学的分析框架下进行的,教育效率与公平的悖离就带有明显的经济学思维特征。重新厘清教育效率的内涵具有重要意义。教育效率应包括社会学和经济学两个层面的涵义。在这种解释模式下,教育效率与公平均有很强的内在一致性。我们应该在一个更广泛的意义上追求教育效率,把教育效率作为重新调配教育资源的一个重要指标,这是均衡配置教育资源的一个重要突破口。  相似文献   

高等职业教育与无锡区域经济发展关系研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
运用定量分析和定性分析相结合的方法,对无锡区域经济结构、产业结构、技术层次特点以及无锡市城市发展定位作系统分析,把对无锡各高职院校人才培养现状的调研结果放在无锡经济社会发展的总体格局中进行考量,指出目前无锡高职教育与区城经济发展和城市建设之间存在的不协调性。在此基础上提出,应针对区城经济的产业结构特点,系统整合区城内的教育资源,建立与区域经济发展要求相适应的高职教育专业结构和人才培养模式。  相似文献   

Globalisation and Higher Education Development: A Critical Analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article sets out to analyse critically the nature of globalisation and how it is affecting higher education. The author first reviews the nature of globalisation, and then examines its international impact on higher education development. He contends that globalisation is predominantly economic, and points out that global exchanges in the economic, cultural and educational domains continue to be unequal. At the same time, education is increasingly treated as a business. By exposing the negative side of globalisation and its effects on universities, the author aims to counter the uncritical acceptance of globalisation as a positive force for higher education and society as a whole.  相似文献   

This article sets out to analyse critically the nature of globalisation and how it is affecting higher education. The author first reviews the nature of globalisation, and then examines its international impact on higher education development. He contends that globalisation is predominantly economic, and points out that global exchanges in the economic, cultural and educational domains continue to be unequal. At the same time, education is increasingly treated as a business. By exposing the negative side of globalisation and its effects on universities, the author aims to counter the uncritical acceptance of globalisation as a positive force for higher education and society as a whole.  相似文献   

通过对贵州高等教育供需现状及其对经济增长的促进作用进行分析,从大力发展高等教育的视角来探寻"科教兴黔"的实现路径,深刻认识高等教育对经济的拉动作用,加大政府对高等教育的投入,改善高校办学条件,缩小贵州高等教育资源与需求的差距,使全社会形成合力,贵州的高等教育才能达到与国民经济发展相适应的目标。  相似文献   

The secondary-education models implemented in Ghana since colonial times constitute a classic case of "educational transfer and adaptation". Transferred from England, and in recent years the United States of America and Japan, these models have had a significant impact on Ghana's development in diverse ways. Yet educational research on Ghana has under-recognized this important issue of "educational transfer and adaptation", especially the relationship between these transferred models and national development. This study addresses such neglect by first focusing on those institutions that served as prototypes. Second, it appraises the models pointing out their implications for national development. It is contended that the foreign models that were adapted (indigenised) have been significant instruments for the human- resource and socio-political development of Ghana. However, their emphasis on the academic type of education ultimately has tended to create a situation of dependency particularly with respect to techno-scientific and economic development.  相似文献   

The secondary-education models implemented in Ghana since colonial times constitute a classic case of "educational transfer and adaptation". Transferred from England, and in recent years the United States of America and Japan, these models have had a significant impact on Ghana's development in diverse ways. Yet educational research on Ghana has under-recognized this important issue of "educational transfer and adaptation", especially the relationship between these transferred models and national development. This study addresses such neglect by first focusing on those institutions that served as prototypes. Second, it appraises the models pointing out their implications for national development. It is contended that the foreign models that were adapted (indigenised) have been significant instruments for the human- resource and socio-political development of Ghana. However, their emphasis on the academic type of education ultimately has tended to create a situation of dependency particularly with respect to techno-scientific and economic development.  相似文献   

目前韩国的教育出现了一些令人关注的问题,例如学历至上而淡化了教育的育人功能;教育与经济、社会发展失调,高学历失业者居高不下;资源配置不合理,地方大学面临危机;私教育①过度发展带来的社会问题等。文章在介绍这些问题的基础上,分析了问题的根源,并提出了促进韩国教育健康发展的建议。  相似文献   

人力即国力,是提升国家竞争力之基石,而高等教育的发展更与人才培育息息相关。随着知识经济时代的来临以及全球化趋势的影响,如何促进高等教育的健全发展,乃成为各国关切的重要课题。由于社会变迁已是必然的发展趋势,当前在多数国家普遍重视高等教育之际,有必要反思高等教育在社会变迁中的定位。全文重点探讨了变迁社会中,高等教育学校经营管理所面临的挑战与前瞻。首先分析社会变迁对高等教育之影响,其次探讨社会变迁对高等教育学校经营所产生之挑战,最后提出高等教育面对挑战之前瞻作为。  相似文献   

职业教育在经济社会发展中扮演着重要角色,建立健全现代职业教育体系,不仅是我国职业教育改革发展的重点,也成为我国社会经济发展的重要任务。从资源管理角度来讲,构建现代职业教育体系,实际上是职业教育资源在适应社会与经济发展过程中优化配置的体现。通过发挥政府主导作用,优化职业教育资源配置,以资源共享推动校企深度融合,促进中高职教育协调发展,是建立现代职业教育体系的有效途径。  相似文献   

经济增长不仅伴随着经济不平等,还伴随着教育的增长和教育的不平等。在建立社会主义市场经济体制的过程中,教育平等的理念和现实之间还存在着一定的反差,从而成为社会广泛关注的焦点。按照马克思主义观点,权利永远不能超出社会的经济结构以及由其所有制约的社会化发展,这为我们分析初级阶段的教育平等问题提供了一个很好的视角。一般来说,教育平等概念往往容易导致抵触教育现实的倾向,而教育公平概念往往倾向于认可教育现实,可谓是现实化、具体化了的教育平等。在生产力发展水平较低,教育资源相对不足的情况下,我们国家在对教育进行投资以及在教育系统内部进行教育资源再分配时,不应忽视弱势群体的实际占有份额,而公平与效率兼顾,追求二的最优化,理应成为我们的基本指导原则。  相似文献   

发展教育事业对经济增长有重要作用。笔者通过对内蒙古地区教育发展和经济增长关系的定量分析,指出内蒙古地区教育和经济发展中的不足之处,提出协调教育和经济深入发展的一些对策:增加政府财政中教育支出的比重;政府经济政策的制定应加强对投资办学的鼓励和引导;发挥各方面的力量,确保教育支出的落实;提高教育的普及率,利用其外部性发展经济。  相似文献   

Although education is considered to positively affect the quality of life in old age and to be instrumental in helping older adults successfully negotiate later‐life transitions, educational programming has not addressed the particular challenges facing older women as they age. Women's economic, social, and personal resources are more vulnerable in old age due to gender‐related limitations experienced across their entire life span. The predominantly leisure‐oriented perspective that governs educational opportunities for the older adult does not significantly impact on the well‐being of the aging woman in acknowledging this imbalance in resources. By grounding educational objectives in a resource development paradigm, efforts can be made to enhance individual resources as well as to promote changes in the social relations of power, privileges, and opportunities upon which current access and allocation of resources are based.  相似文献   

在教育现代化的进程中,服务能力显著提升已经成为职业教育迈向现代化的主要发展目标。以苏州高职教育为案例,聚焦人才供给、人才需求、人才服务和人才质量4个维度分析苏州高职教育服务苏州经济发展的人才贡献度现状,发现苏州高职教育存在人才供给与社会需求存在落差、人才培养规格与民生期盼存在落差、多元办学与均衡发展存在落差等问题。解决这些问题,需要优化资源配置、促进均衡发展、打造高职名校、提升人才地位和推进体系建设。  相似文献   

The entry of China in the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001 holds a number of promises for educational services. The purpose of this article is to explore both the direct and the indirect influence of China's entry into WTO on its education system. The direct influence mainly refers to the increase in the demand for education overseas and in the number of foreign students studying in China, the cooperation between China and educational institutions overseas, and China's administrative and legal frameworks for education. As to the indirect influence, the article focuses on the impact of economic growth on public and private expenditure on education, of income growth on demand for education and of changes in industrial structure on educational output. On this basis, the article examines the challenges that China's education system will face following its entry into the WTO.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between educational development and the role of the State in Malaysia. The focus is on the major shift in educational policies towards democratisation, decentralisation and privatisation of the Malaysian education system in the post-NEP (New Economic Policy) era. The article argues that the nature of the State has changed over historical periods depending on the condensation of power among the competing groups in this multi-ethnic society. The recent political developments in Malaysia show the emergence in the 1990s of a “developmental State” which perceives education as a means of human resource development as it strives towards rapid urbanisation, industrialisation and globalisation of the Malaysian economy.  相似文献   

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