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随着本科翻译专业不断普及,口译课程的设置问题成了教学管理者关注的焦点。本文从本科翻译专业口译课程的定位和前期准备入手,着重探讨了教师、学生、教材、教具方面的问题。  相似文献   

本文首先分析了高校英语专业口译现状及其存在的问题,即口译教学的定位和目标不明确、口译课程设置不合理、缺乏优秀的口译教材,教学缺乏系统性、口译课师资力量薄弱,然后根据存在的问题重点研究了高校英语专业口译教学的改革方向。  相似文献   

在德语口译教学的基础上,根据口译工作的特点,从五个方面探讨了德语口译教材的选取和编写原则,力求口译教材以口译理论为基础,以技巧传授为目的,以社会需要为导向,使学生逐步掌握口译的基本技能和方法,促进德语专业口译课程的完善和改进。  相似文献   

科技英语口译(EST Interpretation)是一门职业性很强的技能。为提高本科生就业率,二本类高等院校应重视并开设科技口译选修课程。本文参考口译教师的教学经验和口译研究专家的一些研究成果,并结合笔者自己科技口译工作经历和体会,从学生、课程设置、师资、教材、硬件设施、口译训练模式、内容和方法以及口译测试评估等方面探讨科技口译教学,并提出一些建议。  相似文献   

李旭 《教育教学论坛》2022,(45):132-135
大学英语课程思政作为高校英语课程改革的全新方向,符合国家对高校大学生培养的需求。英语口译作为英语听、说、读、写、译的核心能力,具有十分重要的实践作用。通过实施背景介绍,阐述了在课程思政框架下实施大学生英语口译能力培养的必要性,科学分析了课程思政背景下英语口译培养的现状,如英语口译课程思政特色教材较少、英语教师在课程思政背景下对英语口译能力培养的两个“缺失”、课程思政背景下英语口译能力培养实践机会不足,提出了打造英语口译课程思政特色教材,提高大学英语教师课程思政意识及英语口译能力,多方式、多渠道培养大学生的英语口译能力、口译学习兴趣等方式,并展现了英语口译课程思政教学设计实例,理论结合实践地阐明了课程思政理念下大学生英语口译能力的培养途径。  相似文献   

大学口译教学在近几十年来获得飞速发展,但仍存在一些不足。现代信息技术的发展和网络的普及.给大学口译教学提供了新的契机。网络资源内容丰富,种类繁多,使用便捷,可以给口译教师和学生提供有效的辅助,弥补教材、课时等方面的不足。从而有效促进高校英语口译教学,提高口译人才培养的质量。  相似文献   

高职院校的日语口译课程,是一门实践性很强的专业课程。口译教师要在充分了解学生特点和课程性质的基础上,锐意改革、大胆创新,选用具有实用性和时代感的教材或教学内容,尤其要从思想上、观念上改变"以教师为中心"的传统教学模式,采用与口译课程相适应的教学手段和教学方法,通过有效的课堂活动挖掘学生主观能动性的潜力,激发学生的学习兴趣,强化教学效果,为培养符合行业需求的实践型日语口译人才创造有利条件。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化程度的不断加深。我国的对外开放程度也不断深入,对口译从业人员的需求加大.相应的口译资格认证考试也成为必需。本文简要介绍了目前国内较为普及的两大类口译资格认证考试,通过介绍考试流程及考试目标,从而帮助学生对于社会口译认证考试更进一步了解.通过社会口译从业资格考试更进一步促进英语专业学生口译能力的加强。本文对高校口译课程的教学模式、教学方法加以探讨,提出具体细化口译课程的步骤。从而完善口译课程结构.提高该课程教学质量,进一步提高口译课程教学质量。  相似文献   

口译教学训练的要务在于社会所需的双语人才,国内口译教学研究缺少口译教学现况的研究以确保其教学成效。本文通过问卷调查佐以半结构访谈的方式,针对全国有开设口译课程的高校进行调查,包含大学口译课程设计、师资结构、教学方法、教学困难及教材使用等范畴,主要研究目前口译教学的现况,突显国内口译教学近几年来快速发展的脉络。针对目前的口译课程规划提出建议,以期能为口译教师提供教学上的相关信息以提升口译教学质量,并为社会培育出更多的外语专业人才。  相似文献   

随着区域经济的勃兴和区域对外合作的发展,地方综合性大学针对区域发展的特点和需求,改革了本科专业课程设置和教学内容。中国—东盟自由贸易区的建成急需各类口译人才,广西大学外国语学院英语专业在本科阶段建立了译课程群。本文通过讨论地方综合性大学本科口译课程的定位及其面临的市场需求和学生实际水平,以及分析目前市场上的口译教材,结合口译技能的培养原则,探讨了为本科口译课程中编写和使用具有地方特色的口译教材,以期为地方综合性大学本科口译课程选择教学材料提供建议参考。  相似文献   

教师的角色定位和学生自主学习行为一直是困扰《高级英语》授课者和学习者的一大难题。结合大纲要求以及《高级英语》课程的特点和教学目标,教学中教师新角色的实现主要体现为帮助学生建立正确的词汇识解策略,培养学生的篇章分析和欣赏能力,以及培养学生多角度解读语篇的能力;而学习者自主学习行为的实施则需要改进语言学习策略,提升学习的兴趣和动力,减少学习焦虑,以及建立师生间平等合作关系。  相似文献   

Administrators, instructors, students, and employers need to know the essential concepts taught in occupational courses. In particular, instructors require this information in order to avoid some common teaching traps and to avoid establishing a series of cumulative deficiencies for their students. To provide this information, community college accounting instructors performed a forced Q‐sort of 56 accounting concepts. The high level of agreement on the Q‐sort was evidence for a “community of preference.” Lists of the essential and least important concepts were developed from this community of preference. The Q‐sort appears to be an efficient and effective “method” for determining what emphasis instructors should place on course content items.  相似文献   

This qualitative research study was designed to inform the development and implementation of effective online learning environments by exploring, from both teacher and student perspectives, what constitute effective online learning experiences. The study examined course content, tasks, and pedagogical approaches, as identified by students and instructors, which contributed to or hindered positive online learning experiences. Researchers interviewed 6 online course instructors and 10 adult students to understand their experiences in undergraduate and graduate level online degree programs. Using a Cognitive Apprenticeship Model to inform the analysis of data, findings revealed an emphasis on text-based content and lecture; instruction that led to disconnect between students, teachers, and course content and goals; and one innovative program that links real-world experiences with online classroom learning. Given the growing number of online programs, the study provides insight for course development and pedagogy as well as offers possibilities for additional research.  相似文献   

General education classes involve extensive course readings. College instructors have a limited time to cover every detail of the materials students are supposed to learn in class; thus, they expect students to learn through course readings. However, many college students demonstrate a low level of engagement in course reading tasks. Existing research has reported that most college students do not complete their assigned readings or they only engage in shallow levels of reading such as skimming and literal comprehension. Despite this negative phenomenon in college, a lack of research has been conducted to promote reading engagement in college classrooms. The purpose of this paper is to provide college instructors with practical guidance on using Web 2.0 tools to enhance student engagement in this task. According to self-determination theory (SDT), Web 2.0 tools share several engagement-enhancing factors. The paper discusses the potential of Web 2.0 technology to engage students by aligning with SDT. Based on the potential of Web 2.0, the paper suggests practical ways of using different Web 2.0 tools (i.e., GoogleDocs, Blog, Twitter, and Facebook) to promote reading engagement in a college classroom.  相似文献   

This study explored a concept that learning study skills in the context of the content area under study may transfer across courses, multiplying the benefits towards academic success. Methods that have been reported to influence academic growth at the community college level include success courses and applied study skills. In this pilot project among community college students, two instructors provided an enriched study skills curriculum by linking a success course with a psychology course. The instructors used techniques and activities geared toward enhancing study skills such as developing metacognitive strategies. The Learning and Study Skills Inventory (LASSI) was used to assess students’ progress. Despite few statistically significant findings, there were several interesting interaction effects. These provide some evidence for the need to emphasize the development of study strategies in existing success courses while also formally or informally tying such courses with a content course.  相似文献   

The way in which mid-semester course evaluations are structured, administered and reported is important for generating rich and high-quality student feedback for the enhancement of learning and teaching. Mid-semester evaluations usually contain open-ended questions that trigger more elaborative feedback about what is going on in a class than that from end-of-semester evaluations with Likert scale-type questions. The anonymity of the process for students and the confidentiality of the process for instructors make the process more reflective for students and less stressful for instructors. This study describes how the mid-semester course evaluation process can be used as a feedback tool for improving the quality of teaching and learning at an institutional level. Through a longitudinal analysis of 341 mid-semester course evaluation reports, positive areas and areas of concern with respect to learning and teaching were identified, and changes in student evaluations over the years were examined meticulously to make an overall evaluation of the quality of learning and teaching at a non-profit Turkish university. This research showed that the value of mid-semester course evaluations can go beyond course-level if we use open-ended questions and are able to gather the reports together to make some comprehensive analysis at university level.  相似文献   

翻译专业高年级口译课程教学效果不佳,学生听力水平难以达到口译课程要求,因此有必要从低年级开始在听力课中引入基础口译技能训练,在提高低年级学生听力能力的同时,为高年级口译课程打下良好听力基础。本文指出了低年级听力课与高年级口译课程之间的脱轨问题,建议针对这些问题在低年级听力课中实施教改,以期改善低年级听力课和高年级口译课程的教学效果。  相似文献   

This study examined some of the factors which influence college students’ evaluations of their instructors. Data were collected from 557 students enrolled in a basic speech communication course. Overall, a student's relationship with the instructor was the best predictor of the student's evaluation of the instructor. This study lends partial support to the idea that students evaluate male and female instructors differently. The variables examined in this study were better predictors of student evaluation of female than male instructors.  相似文献   

高校辅导员在大学生思想政治教育过程中起着关键作用,加强辅导员队伍建设,促进大学生德智体美全面发展成为党和国家对高等教育提出的明确要求和重点任务。在素质教育和培养过程中,融入社会主义核心价值观,通过社会主义核心价值观创新辅导员的工作意识和工作方法,不断加强辅导员队伍的建设,将辅导员打造成为学生的"青春领航员"。  相似文献   

This article recognizes the critical role community college instructors serve in preparing today's students for successful postsecondary education. Well-designed course assignments are a critical component of effective teaching and learning processes. The author summarizes some common assignment pitfalls (based on student input) and makes recommendations for avoiding them in community college classrooms. Then the author presents the Course Assignment Framework, which was designed to facilitate the planning of productive course assignments. The Course Assignment Framework delineates ten assignment categories, their rationales, and advantages for professors and students. The framework also promotes their combining of tasks so that instructors can customize and minimize the assignments that they expect of contemporary students. The article includes an example of an assignment planned using the framework and encourages instructors to refine course tasks to improve teaching, learning, and assessment.  相似文献   

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