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This paper charts the legal and institutional status of academic freedom in America after Garcetti v. Ceballos, a key First Amendment case decided by the US Supreme Court in 2006. It also addresses, in comparative compass, academic speech protection in the UK and the EU more broadly. Although a managerial ethos of university governance has reshaped academic freedom on both sides of the Atlantic, the shaping process has not been uniform. Differences in policy formation and institutional structure have produced significant variations in the safeguarding of faculty speech. Policy groups on the Continent have been particularly active in drafting aspirational statements on academic freedom. Both the UK and the EU also have legislation outlining the rights and responsibilities of university teaching and research. No such legislation exists in the US, where the courts have played a central role in determining the legal status of academic speech. Statutory provisions in Europe, by contrast, remain judicially untested. It is anticipated that academic freedom on both sides of the Atlantic will increasingly be defined in contract, with varying degrees of third-party appeal.  相似文献   

This article explores recent developments inthe regulation of Internet speech, inparticular, injurious or defamatory speech andthe impact the attempts at regulation arehaving on the `body' in the sense of theindividual person who speaks through the mediumof the Internet and upon those harmed by thatspeech. The article proceeds in threesections. First, a brief history of the legalattempts to regulate defamatory Internet speechin the United States is presented; a shortcomparative discussion of defamation law in theUK and Australia is included. As discussedbelow, this regulation has altered thetraditional legal paradigm of responsibilityand, as a result, creates potential problems forthe future of unrestricted and even anonymousspeech on the Internet. Second, an ethicalassessment is made of the defamatory speechenvironment in order to determine which actorshave moral responsibility for the harm causedby defamatory speech. This moral assessment iscompared to the developing and anticipatedlegal paradigm to identify possible conformityof moral and legal tenants or to recognize theconflict between morality and law in assigningresponsibility to defamatory actors. Thisassessment then concludes with possiblesuggestions for changes in the legal climategoverning the regulation of defamatory speechon the Internet, as well as prediction of theresult should the legal climate continue todevelop on its present course. This is not tosuggest that all law, or even the law ofdefamation, be structured to reflect thesubjectivity of a moral construct, but since itis the authors position that the legalassignment of liability in online settings ismisaligned, this reflection can serve asbeginning reassessment of that assignment.  相似文献   

网络言论作为一种特殊的言论形式,它有别于传统的媒介,但是从本质上来说,它还是属于言论自由保护的对象.纵现各国对于网络言论自由的政策来看,各国主要还是从抑制网络带来负面效应的角度来保障言论自由的.因此,对于网络言论合理的限制是必要的,但是相比较而言,对网络言论的保护更为重要.  相似文献   

龚立群  方洁 《情报科学》2012,(4):535-539
用户生成内容的迅速增长,为普通用户和商业网站提供了巨大的机会,但同时也带来了一系列法律问题。本文首先介绍了国内外用户生成内容面临的法律问题研究现状;其次对用户生成内容带来的知识产权侵权、隐私侵犯、仇恨言论、诽谤、网络色情等法律问题进行了分析;同时也分析了用户生成内容规范过程中所面临的法律、法规及技术的缺陷;最后从各参与方角度,提出了用户生成内容所带来的法律问题对策建议。  相似文献   

Given the importance of trade secrets to the success of high technology employers and the concurrent responsibility of managers for their protection, the present article reviews the existing trade secret legal environment to identify important issues and principles to guide high tech managers in meeting their responsibility. Based on this review, organizational and human resource management research issues are posed to suggest an agenda for investigating the impact of trade secret law on individual firms, innovation processes in the high technology sector, and the ability to attract and retain knowledge workers engaged in trade secret sensitive jobs.  相似文献   

我国区域电力市场规制的相关问题探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
汤萌  沐明 《中国软科学》2004,(4):123-126
对于正在走向市场化的电力产业而言,政府的法律、法规、制度以及各种直接规制,既是电力市场化的制度前提,也是电力市场化有效推进的重要保证。区域电力市场规制既是电力规制的重要组成部分,也是区域电力市场建立和有效运行的前提条件。中央与区域电力监管机构的不同定位,决定了其规制的重心和方式的不同。相对于中央电力规制提出与确定统一的规制政策、法律和法规而言,区域电力市场的规制主要应侧重于维护和保障区域电力市场乃至区域电力产业的健康有序发展。具体到执行层面,区域电力市场规制的重心和着力点主要是进入的合法性、竞争的有效性、交易的规范与公平性以及运营的安全性规制。  相似文献   

Anonymous communication on the Internet offers new opportunities but has ill-understood risks. This article helps to ground the policy debates by examining some fundamental aspects of anonymous social behavior and current controversies over anonymous communications. It is a companion to the article in this issue, "Anonymous Communication Policies for the Internet: Results and Recommendations of the AAAS Conference." It examines the social character of anonymous communication and the ways that anonymous communication has played important roles for professionals such as journalists and the police. It also explains some of the new technological supports for anonymous communication on the Internet. The openness, decentralization, and transnational character of the Internet challenge the efficacy of traditional control mechanisms and have raised issues related to accountability, law enforcement, security and privacy, governmental empowerment, and e-commerce. Yet, to ban or restrict all anonymous communication online because of the harms it could bring would deny its benefits to those people who may legitimately gain from it. This article helps to understand how to balance these positions.  相似文献   

Anonymous communication on the Internet offers new opportunities but has ill-understood risks. This article helps to ground the policy debates by examining some fundamental aspects of anonymous social behavior and current controversies over anonymous communications. It is a companion to the article in this issue, "Anonymous Communication Policies for the Internet: Results and Recommendations of the AAAS Conference." It examines the social character of anonymous communication and the ways that anonymous communication has played important roles for professionals such as journalists and the police. It also explains some of the new technological supports for anonymous communication on the Internet. The openness, decentralization, and transnational character of the Internet challenge the efficacy of traditional control mechanisms and have raised issues related to accountability, law enforcement, security and privacy, governmental empowerment, and e-commerce. Yet, to ban or restrict all anonymous communication online because of the harms it could bring would deny its benefits to those people who may legitimately gain from it. This article helps to understand how to balance these positions.  相似文献   

起源于德国的信赖保护原则,被大陆法系和英美法系的其他国家在立法和司法实践中承认,从而使得信赖保护原则成为行政法的一项基本原则。信赖保护原则在我国的行政法治中有重要价值,是我国构建法治政府和诚信政府之必需。尽管信赖保护原则之理念逐步获得共识,但规范相对薄弱。理念与规范之间的差距与博弈亦非常明显。随着司法实践和行政法治的推进,理论需要进行深度探索,规范内容也需要不断完善。  相似文献   

杜辉  陈德敏 《资源科学》2012,34(1):58-64
《矿产资源法》在立法理念、框架体系和核心制度上存在的问题给我国矿产资源开发利用和保护的法治化造成了阻碍。在法律模式上,修订后的《矿法》应当是一部能够兼容公共利益和私权利,兼具民法和行政法属性的完整性法律。厘清包含在矿产资源开发利用中三组法理关系,即所有权与用益物权关系、利益分享关系、资源开发与资源安全和环境保护关系,是《矿产资源法》修改的前提。矿业权、矿产资源税费、矿产资源规划、矿产资源储量、矿山环境保护和法律责任等方面是《矿法》修改的重心。  相似文献   

我国文化创意产业发展中涉及的主要法律问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王素娟 《科技管理研究》2012,32(13):166-169,199
从我国文化创意产业发展的实际情况出发,通过考察分析其他国家和地区文化创意产业的发展概况,对与文化创意产业相关的概念进行了界定和分析;在此基础上,从三个方面概括说明了文化创意产业与知识产权之间的关系,指出了我国文化创意产业发展过程中在知识产权立法和司法保护中需要解决的法律问题。  相似文献   

如何把握数据驱动创新与个人信息保护之间的平衡,深刻影响一国数字经济发展的未来,尤其在医疗数据等敏感个人数据领域。日本在医疗数据规制领域建立"基本法+专门法"双层法律体系,并在操作层面创设"匿名加工+认定"制度,以平衡医疗大数据开发与个人信息保护之间的关系,形成独树一格的日本式规制模式。针对我国在个人信息保护和数据开发利用2个方面立法滞后、制度不健全的现状,建议:(1)加快推进数据保护体系构建,弥补"保护缺位";(2)系统思考数据保护与运用的平衡关系,探索实效性发展举措,弥补"发展缺位";(3)借鉴日本经验做法,为推进医疗数据开发利用,完善相关配套制度。  相似文献   

周洲  夏晓宇  冉戎 《科研管理》2019,40(2):44-53
本文采用1998-2013年我国30个省市的面板数据,利用以Driscoll-Kraay方法估计标准误差的固定效应模型对司法保护、法律服务与科技创新的关系进行分析。研究发现:司法保护和法律服务对我国的科技创新有显著的正向作用,司法质量对科技创新的促进作用比司法效率更大,司法效率对发明创新有显著的正向影响,而对实用新型和外观设计的影响不显著,实用新型和外观设计则对司法质量更为敏感,法律服务对发明创新的促进作用更大。另外,司法效率只是对东部地区的科技创新有明显促进作用,而司法质量以及法律服务对西部地区科技创新的促进作用最为明显。  相似文献   

夏果平 《科教文汇》2014,(26):16-18
2月12日中央办公厅印发《关于培育和践行社会主义核心价值观的意见》,自由、平等、公正、法治成为社会主义核心价值观基本内容的组成部分,在新形势下,加强大学生法制教育,培育具有法律信仰的社会公民,践行核心价值观,是高校应该加强的责任。作为在校生人数超过高校总在校生一半的高职院校,在过去的法制教育中存在诸多的问题,法制教育边缘化。只有改变思路,根据高职院校的实际情况和学生特点,采取相应的措施,才能使自由、平等、公正、法治的观念扎根学生的心灵,从而践行社会主义核心价值观。  相似文献   

由于法律制度、组织体制和能力建设等方面的缺乏,我国专利行政管理职能制度长期滞后于知识产权事业的发展,难以适应现阶段实施创新驱动发展战略的实际需求。在加快推动知识产权强国建设的新形势和新要求下,各级知识产权管理部门在专利行政方面存在的管理职能定位虚化、执法职能手段单一和公共服务职能支撑缺乏三大问题已经成为严重制约我国知识产权强国建设的瓶颈。文章提出以新形势下政府行政职能改革的基本路径为依归,以继续强化专利行政保护职能、尽快健全市场监督管理职能作为专利行政职能制度改革的主要方向,按照固本强基、提能扩权的基本思路,理顺专利行政部门与创新市场的关系,实现以加快知识产权强国建设为牵引的专利行政职责制度全面改革。  相似文献   

当前互联网信息服务市场秩序法律规范缺失非常严重,而制定互联网信息服务市场秩序法律规范必须要弄清楚几个基本定位:在法律体系中的定位、在立法依据上的定位、在调整对象上的定位、在监管部门上的定位;必须要解决一个关键问题:建立对互联网信息服务用户权益行政保护的法律机制。  相似文献   

我国电信法律制度,其中重点是电信管制法律制度还存在着许多缺陷和不足,这极大地影响了我国电信改革的进程。如何健全和完善我国电信管制法律成为我国电信业发展道路上亟待解决的问题。文章首先对电信管制法律、电信管制法律关系进行了界定,接着分析了目前我国电信管制法律制度面临的主要问题,最后作者从完备电信管制法律体系、建立独立的电信管制机构和健全电信管制法律制度的内容等方面提出了完善我国电信管制法律制度的建议。  相似文献   

高洁  徐茗丽  孔东民 《科研管理》2015,36(3):92-102
基于各地区市场中介组织的发育和法律制度环境指数,以及手工搜集的各上市公司专利数据,利用Tobit回归模型,考察法律保护对企业创新的影响。研究发现:知识产权保护、市场组织服务条件显著地促进了企业创新,说明法律保护为企业创新活动提供了激励;对国有企业而言,律师、会计师等市场组织服务条件对于企业创新活动的影响不明显,表明国有企业在市场组织服务方面占有资源优势从而较少受到其约束;在社会信任程度低的地区,企业创新对法律保护的依赖程度更高,这反映了社会资本不足时,正式制度对市场发展的重要作用。  相似文献   

The concept of privacy as a basic human right which has to be protected by law is a recently adopted concept in Thailand, as the protection of human rights was only legally recognized by the National Human Rights Act in 1999. Moreover, along with other drafted legislation on computer crime, the law on privacy protection has not yet been enacted. The political reform and the influences of globalization have speeded up the process of westernization of the urban, educated middle-class professionals. However, the strength of traditional Thai culture means that a mass awareness of the concept of privacy rights remains scarce. This paper explicates the Thai cultural perspective on privacy and discusses the influence of Buddhism on privacy rights, including the impacts of globalization and the influence of Western values on the country’s political and legal developments. The paper also discusses the legal provisions regarding privacy protection, and the debates on the smart ID cards policy and SIM cards registration for national security.  相似文献   

赵黎青 《学会》2013,(5):5-17
非营利组织在美国文明发展进程中发挥了重要作用。美国的非营利组织乃至非营利部门,是在法制的保障、规约、支持与激励下形成与发展起来的。公民的结社自由权不仅由宪法予以保障,还通过制定相关法律法规予以落实。针对非营利组织,美国建立了由各州与联邦两级政府实施的规制与监督的公共管理体系。美国政府对非营利组织依法进行规制的指导思想是保障公民自由结社权的实现,支持公民结社与激励公益事业发展,同时监督非营利组织活动以抑制不良行为。联邦政府通过税收优惠机制实施对非营利组织的规制,体现了保障公民结社权利与积极支持非营利组织发展的立法意图。税收优惠机制通过年度报表制度构成公开、透明的低成本的但相当有效的监督体系。美国的相关法律根据组织创建与运作的目的以及为实现该目的而开展的活动,将非营利组织定义并划分为宗教组织、政治组织、互益组织以及公益组织四大类别。根据各类非营利组织的不同性质与职能,美国政府的规制与监督在宽严上也有所不同。  相似文献   

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