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张爱玲对女性的解剖在文学界独具特色。她尖锐地提出在封建社会宗法制度影响下的女性对于男性的依附,对女性的"奴性意识"进行淋漓尽致的揭露与批判。张爱玲在写悲剧之时渲染了苍凉的气势。本文就张爱玲作品中的"女奴"形象作一评述。  相似文献   

《逝川》是一个典型的女性主义文学的范本。它通过"泪鱼"这一美丽的生灵,象征了一个叫吉喜的女人一生的悲剧命运。揭示了男权文化对女性的压迫,也描写了女性不甘于依附男性,转而反抗男权社会和寻求自身独立的思想意识。  相似文献   

作为社会性别中"他者"的女性,是以被扭曲的"镜像"呈现在世人面前的。在主流话语的浸染下,长期以来,女性形象及认识仍存在着悖谬之处。这主要包括新时代女性的自强不息与依附传统观念之悖;女性的情感特色与缺乏创造性之悖;女性的日益增强的独立意识与自我性别的否定之悖。当代女性随着自觉性的不断提升,社会评价逐渐提高",镜像"也开始逐渐被打破。女性的社会解放与自身解放,同等重要。  相似文献   

迟子建在小说《河柳图》中,以极其敏锐的眼光和独特的女性视角,展示了女主人公程锦蓝的人生轨迹。作为传统女性,"男尊女卑"思想和"男权主义"严重地影响着她;"依附人格"和"贞节观"在她的身上沿袭;传统文化中的"和谐"观念也是导致她丧失自我的重要因素。程锦蓝的情感、婚姻悲剧是男权意识的悲剧,是传统婚姻观念的悲剧。  相似文献   

张资平多产高量的小说创作中,塑造了大批女性形象,这些鲜活的生命形象几乎贯穿于其作品始终,也饱含了张氏对女性命运的认识和关怀。细读长篇小说《苔莉》,剖析隐含在女主人公苔莉性格中的两组矛盾对立因子——追求恋爱婚姻自由与主动依附男性、"五四"新女性现代意识与封建传统思想——之间的相互碰撞、牵制之关系,可以对其悲剧人生以及觉醒女性未完成的现代性之路作出有意味的探究。  相似文献   

刘丹  徐勤 《考试周刊》2011,(46):28-30
本文从女性主义角度,分别从生态岛人性、男权社会的依附品、男权统治的牺牲品和唤醒女性意识四个方面,揭示铁凝的小说《咳嗽天鹅》由生态的忧思发掘出人性的深邃,把人性的深层世界的善恶组合体予以充分地展开,在对人性的理性审视中,进而更深一层探究作者对女性在现实中的软弱与被主宰的命运进行了冷峻的揭示,旨在客观公正地评价《咳嗽天鹅》中香改这一形象,阐明在男权社会里,女性作为"第二性"的他者位置。  相似文献   

女大学生中的少数人在对待自己的爱情婚姻问题上,从"唯爱论"向"唯钱论"转身。其内在原因是依附心理、攀比心理和众从心理,外在的社会文化原因是市场经济的物化作用、女性就业的特殊压力。功利型婚恋观体现了部分女大学生追求幸福生活的尝试,也反映了她们在婚恋观上的迷茫。应通过加强学校的教育、父母家庭的积极影响等加以引导。  相似文献   

杨沫在小说《青春之歌》中探讨女性解放的出路,然而主人公林道静的解放始终都依附革命,依附男性,缺少对自我真正的探求,也迷失了自我,没有实现女性的独立和解放。  相似文献   

《中国式离婚》中的林小枫和肖莉都是婚姻生活的失败者,导致她们婚姻失败的根本原因是女性潜意识层面的对男性的“依附”观念和现实中存在的不公正的男性中心的社会文化状况。林小枫因依附而陷入囹圄,肖莉则因觉悟而突围。克服依附心理、增强女性自我意识,从囹圄中突围,这是作家王海鸰的女性主义主张。  相似文献   

《古诗十九首》中的思妇诗蕴涵了浓厚的闺怨孤独意识。这种闺怨孤独意识主要彰显为:女性对男性依附关系的破坏造成了稳定生活的解体。产生这种意识的原因,在于夫妻社会角色定位的不平等即女性的社会从属地位。因此,只有切断女性对男性的依附关系,改变女性的社会从属地位,实现女性的自我独立,才能最终消除这种闺怨孤独。  相似文献   


This paper examines the impacts of co-residence (admitting women to men’s colleges and men to women’s colleges) at the University of Oxford beginning in the 1970s. Co-residence increased the representation of women undergraduates at Oxford to near parity with men; the representation of women in academic positions rose but not as substantially as that of women undergraduates and postgraduates and today women comprise still only a third of academics in the colleges of the university; the fellowships of the former female colleges became genuinely mixed, the fellowships of the former male colleges more slowly; women are less likely to be appointed head of a former men’s college than are men to be appointed head of a former women’s college; the quality of Oxford undergraduates rose with the increased number of female undergraduates; and the quality of undergraduates in the former male colleges rose at the expense of the female colleges.  相似文献   

俗语是民族智慧的结晶,蕴含着民族丰富而深厚的文化内涵,通过俗语我们可以透视这个民族丰富的文化。女性是社会的一个重要群体,中韩两国俗语中有关女性的俗语俯拾皆是,从各方面展示了女性的社会生活。由于中韩两国几千年来把儒学作为统治思想,为传统女性制定了严格的封建礼教,这使传统女性只能作为男性的附庸而存在,女性无论在社会上还是在家庭中都处于从属地位。通过对中韩俗语中有关女性俗语的分析,可以从不同角度探讨这一社会现实。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、数理统计等方法,通过统计我国运动员在14届莫斯科田径世锦赛中获得的名次和成绩,分析我国田径竞技实力整体水平有所提高;优势项目集中在男女20 km竞走、女子铅球、女子链球等;男子跳远、男子跳高、女子标枪等项目有培养成为优势项目的潜力;男子110 m栏、男子标枪、男子马拉松、女子马拉松、女子跳高、女子撑竿跳高等项目竞技水平较低,亟待提高。  相似文献   


This is a report of a student-developed 24-item human sexuality survey administered pre/post to human sexuality and comparison course students in the 1970s and 1990s with 10 questions added in the 1990s. In the 1970s, nine of the item responses for human sexuality students showed significant pre-test gender differences that were not found in post-testing. This was largely due to changes in the responses of the men, whose views became more egalitarian and more like the women's. In the 1990s, it was changes in the views of women that accounted for most post-test differences but not in a clear pattern. Women in both course types in the 1990s (1) became more accepting than men of sex between same-sex partners and (2) reported less frequency and more 'wrongness' about masturbation. Human sexuality men responded more conservatively in the 1990s than in the 1970s with less post-test similarity to women, as predicted. Nonetheless, in general, after human sexuality input gender responses became more similar in both time periods. Some implications are discussed with reference to sexuality education.  相似文献   

“女耕男儒”表面上看似是海南古代社会的一种特殊性别分工形态,但从社会性别角度出发,视其为一种性别权力关系,会发现其背后蕴含着两性之间权力和地位的博弈.“力田”、“负贩”的行为让海南女性从家里走到家外,极大挑战男性的尊严和地位.但流行于古代海南地区的“男子生来即读书”的价值观将“女劳”与支持男性“向学”的目的相挂靠,使女性“主外”行为成为服务于男性的从属性行为.在这种情况下,女性“主外”行为的从属性和服务性使其社会价值被贬低,相反,男性的权力和地位却得到维护和加强.“女耕男儒”的性别关系最终演变成海南独有的“女劳”且“女卑”、“男逸”却“男尊”的父权文化表现方式.  相似文献   

In recent years, there have been valuable studies of medical education that have highlighted the importance of shared educational activities and the changing image of the student. Less attention has been paid to how masculine ideals were passed on to students and how educational and extra-curricular spheres became sites for the maintenance of hegemonic masculinity. Taking Irish medical schools as a case study and drawing on the student press, doctors’ memoirs and novels, this article will illustrate how rites of passage in medical education and social activities such as pranks and rugby became imbued with masculine tropes. In this way, the transformation of student to practitioner was often symbolised as the transformation of boy to man. The cultivation of the image of the medical student as a predominantly male individual became an important force in segregating men and women students and helped to preserve Irish medicine as a largely masculine sphere.  相似文献   

艳诗内涵考论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“艳诗”的含义最初与音乐相关,其源于楚地的民歌“荆艳”。可它在发展过程中逐渐褪去了音乐方面的含义,而成为描写与女性相关题材的诗歌泛称。唐代以后,它又逐渐被用来指称吟咏女性和描写男女恋情的诗歌。  相似文献   

This article looks at women teachers' involvement in educational reform from a gendered perspective. Using qualitative data collected in interviews with secondary level educators, the authors show how women teachers' beliefs and actions towards reform efforts were influenced by their gender identity. Socialization of women as nurturers and caretakers created in many women particular notions regarding the appropriate role they should play as teachers. When an educational reform effort 'fitted' with these conceptions, women teachers became advocates for and participated in the reforms. The support and commitment by women teachers in turn facilitated the success of the reforms. However, it was also found that the overrepresentation of women in a reform effort had the potential of creating negative political ramifications. When the character or profile of the reform took on a gendered identity, it ran the risk of facing resistance by men teachers in the school, ultimately thwarting implementation.  相似文献   

从《世说新语》中可以发现,魏晋男女角色出现审美错位:男性展现阴柔美,女性表现出阳刚美。这一反常现象背后有着深层次的原因。其一,魏晋阴柔的审美观使然;其二,受老庄哲学影响;其三,与魏晋玄学蔚然成风相关;其四,这是社会动荡激起晋人心灵的一种反映。  相似文献   

美国消费社会初期的男性消费透视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
19世纪末期。由于经济的快速发展。一个现代消费社会在美国逐步兴起与发展。消费成为美国生活方式和大众文化的重要组成部分。长期以来,人们普遍相信消费是一种女性化行为。而忽略了男性作为消费者的角色。但高涨的消费浪潮将美国男性卷入了不同层次的消费活动中。男性开始成为美国现代消费社会的一部分。随着20世纪的推进,男性消费群体的兴起逐渐获得了社会大众的普遍认同。  相似文献   

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