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John was the only on of a rich American businessman(商人).Usually hewas taken to school by the chauffeur([汽车]司机)in his father’s beautiful car,before the chauffeur took John’s father to his office.One evening his father toldhim that he had to go to the airport(飞机场)early the next day,so he wouldneed the car at the time when John had to go to school.He said that John’s  相似文献   

Pandas look very nice.Manypeople like them.When children go to the zoo,they usually like seeingpandas.Pandas only live in China,and there aren’t many.The Chinesegovernment(政府)has give somepandas to Japan,Great Britain,the  相似文献   

A very rich man bought a farm and paid more than it was worth(有……价值的)because a very old tree was growing there and it was said that it was 300years old.When he was back in the city,many of the people did not believethe tree was that old,so the new owner called his steward(管家)to check thetree’s age.  相似文献   

No.14MiddleSchoolisinthecenterofthecity.Thecampus(校园)isveryenchanting(迷人的).Beautifulflowersandgreentreesstandonbothsides  相似文献   

Mr White is very kind and often helps the poor. He doesn't have much money, though he has been a teacher for thirtyyears.  相似文献   

Once upon a time, a mother mouse and her children went for a walk in the garden. They were looking around for something to eat when they suddenly heard a loud noise. "Hiss, Hiss, Meow!" It was Elgato, the cat.  相似文献   

Long,longago,therelivedayoungfarmer.Hisparentsdiedwhenhewasachild.Sohehadtoliveallbyhimself.Theyoungfarmerworkedveryhardinthefields.Butnobodyhelpedhimwithcooking.Hedidithimself.Dayafterday,yearafteryear,thefarmerfeltverylonely(孤独)inhislife.Heboughtapictureofabeautifulgirlandhungitonthewall.Oneevening,thefarmergothomeafteradayshardworkandwant-edtocookforhimself.Tohisgreatsurprise,hefoundthatsomeonehadcookedthemeal.Hewantedtoknowwhohaddonethis.Buttherewasnobodyinthehouse.“Whatshappening?…  相似文献   

Thestudentswerehavingaclassonacoldwintermorning.Theteacherstoodinfrontofafire.Hewantedtogivesomegoodadvice(建议)tothe  相似文献   

A little boy came to a new town.His name was Jack Smith.He lived withhis parents.His family was very rich.They had a beautiful house with a biggarden.They had a gardener and a cook,and also some other servants(佣人). Jack was going to a new school.On the first day his mother said to him,“Jack,be modest(谦逊的).Don’t show off that MY FAMILY  相似文献   

Maryisfifteenyearsold.Andsheisverybusy.Sheneverhasenoughtimeforallshewantstodo.Likemanyothergirlsaboutherage,shespendshoursonthetelephone,talkingtoherfriends.Sheoftengoesoutonweek-ends,andshelooksafterchildrenforotherfamiliestogetsomemoney.And,ofcourse,duringtheschoolyearssheherselfhasalotofhomeworktodo.Duringthefootballseason,Maryisbusierthanusual.Sheandotherprettygirlsarecheer(欢呼)leadersforthehighschoolfootballgames.Theyleadthecrowdincheeringforthefootballgames.Theyleadthecrowdincheerin…  相似文献   

WASHINGTON:Georges de Paris,who once slept homeless on thestreets in the US capital,has measured US presidents inside the White House for the past 40 years.  相似文献   

Itsnearlymidnightinthebigcity.Butthebigcityisnotasleep.Thesidewalksarecrowdedwithpeople.Someareleavingthecinemas,thetheatresandthecon-certs.Somearestoppingtolookinthebrightstorewindows,andsomearewaitingforbus-esandtaxis.Therestaurantsarefilledwithdin-ers,andthehotelsfilledwithtouristsandbusi-nessmenwhohavecomefromallovertheworld.Manypeopleworkatnightinthebigcity.Brightlightsareshiningfromthewindowsofthetallbuildings.Whileinnewspaperofficesre-portersaretypinguptheirstoriesandeditors(编辑)areb…  相似文献   

The Central European University came into existence as a result of the post‐1989 political and economic changes that occurred in eastern and central Europe. It is a reflection of the emerging identity of this region in a formerly divided Europe. As this multi‐campus regional institution develops, it should evolve with the times but not turn its back on certain of the more traditional roles of universities.


Manyyearsagotherelivedapooryoungboyinasmallvillage.Hewasabouttenyearsold.Everyafternoon,hewalkedaroundthevillagesellinghiscookingoil(食用油).Hecarriedtheoilinasmallwoodenbasin(盆).Oneafternoon,afterhesoldallofhisoil,hefeltverytired.Hethoughtthathewouldtakearest.Helefthiswoodenbasinunderatree,putthemoneyinitandfellasleep.Abouttwohourslater,hewokeup.Helookedintothebasinandfoundthathismoneywasgone.Hewentatoncetoseeawomanjudge.Thejudgelistenedtotheboysstoryverycarefully.Shet…  相似文献   

Shoesinhand,JimwenttoarepairshopandsaidtoRon,theshopkeep-er,"I'dliketohaveapairofshoesrepairedhere,please."  相似文献   

玉峰海 《中学生英语》2000,(3):18-18,31
Mr Lynch left the snow-filled streets of Chicago for a vacation in Florida. His wife was on a business trip and was planning to meet him there the next day. When he reached his hotel, he decided to send his wife a quick E-mail. Unable to find the piece of paper on which he had written her E-mail address, he did his best to type it in from memory.  相似文献   



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