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余苗  黄莉莉 《中国出版》2023,(19):33-39
近几年国外NFT市场发展迅猛,国内数字藏品也逐渐开启中国化探索。2021年是数字藏品元年,国内外各大平台开始布局赛道,新闻媒体也开启了探索NFT市场的“媒介实践”。NFT利用区块链技术和去中心化的记录方式,为新闻媒体数字化资产的创造和流通提供动力支持。数字新闻藏品作为媒体领域的新型产业,给传统媒体机构带来新的创收途径。文章从市场探索、NFT技术赋能、媒体融合出版动态方面分析国外NFT赋能数字藏品的发展现状,继而思考国内媒体未来在数字藏品领域的发展方向。  相似文献   

从可供性理论视角出发,认为NFT具有的信息可供性、连接可供性与行动可供性型构了数字出版领域中的生产、流通与消费环节。在元宇宙需求和我国文化数字化的战略导向下,NFT在未来数字经济的发展中发挥着重要的基础性作用。  相似文献   

电子图书出版对纸质图书出版的替代性,涉及到两个层面的问题:一是电子图书的媒介形态能否代替纸质图书,二是电子图书出版能否形成不同于传统图书出版的模式和体制。本文认为,新的媒介技术的社会作用不可夸大,从媒介形态和媒介机制这两方面来说,电子图书出版都难于替代传统图书出版。电子图书出版对纸质图书出版的替代不仅是曲折而缓慢的,并且最终将是局部的,电子图书出版与纸质图书出版将长期并行、复线发展。  相似文献   

元宇宙作为人类未来媒介和虚拟社会的形态,为出版业带来继数字化之后的又一转型升级机遇和价值增容空间。当前的互联网环境中,数字出版遭遇侵权、盗版等行业“顽疾”,基于区块链技术的最新应用NFT能够为数字出版物确定其唯一性与稀缺性,并通过智能合约自动履行规则更好地解决数字出版商品在流通中的版权保护、交易、利益分配等方面存在的问题,凸显其版权价值。在促进数字出版产业链健康发展的基础上,NFT有望将数字出版带向更加广阔的元宇宙未来。  相似文献   

莫林虎 《中国出版》2012,(18):36-40
苹果公司自其创始之初就坚持技术创新为先导、产品与服务创新为依托、市场创新为抓手的发展战略,从数字出版产业赖以发展的IT技术入手,在10多年的时间里,介入到了数字出版产业的数字音乐、数字影视、数字报刊、电子图书等多个领域,并且以其电子设备硬件加应用程序加数字内容商店的商业模式,在很大程度上改变了传统的音乐、影视、报刊、图书产业的发展格局,在相当程度上影响了美国数字出版产业格局的形成与走向。研究苹果公司在数字出版产业拓展中的经验,对我国数字出版产业的发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

数字出版是出版领域最热门的话题。那些在教辅图书的出版领域占有重要地位的出版商,如何在未来的数字出版领域占有一席之地,是必须要面对的一个重要课题。1.初期应该以合作的方式销售电子书,形成规模优势,尽快在教辅图书的数字出版领域占有一席之地。对教辅图书来讲,出版机构在其赢利模式上要找准定位,目前以电子书的形式比较常见。出版商的优势在  相似文献   

元宇宙是与真实世界拓展交互的虚拟世界,它是由虚拟现实、增强现实和混合现实技术所构建的虚拟活动平台。在图书出版领域元宇宙相关技术的应用可以为图书出版提供新生态的运营体系、有效转化资源输出模式、实现立体化知识传播、强化版权管理及保护措施,并为读者提供沉浸式场景体验和提升信息获取效率。文章在分析元宇宙技术赋能下图书出版的方式及未来发展方向的同时,也对未来图书领域元宇宙技术的应用场景进行探索,以期为出版业的技术革新和产业变革赋能,为当前数字教育发展带来新的可能性。  相似文献   

电子书产业发展下的高校图书馆馆藏建设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电子书产业与数字出版引发的阅读革命给图书的出版、发行和服务带来了重大变化,直接影响图书馆的上下游产业,同时给高校图书馆馆藏建设带来了较大影响。高校图书馆应建立样本馆藏、核心馆藏和虚拟馆藏,采用密集书库、藏阅分离的空间布局,建立多种合作获取图书资源模式,提供纸质图书与电子图书一体化检索,建立纸质图书与电子图书整合评价体系,以应对电子书产业的发展和读者阅读新趋势。  相似文献   

随着我国数字出版产业的迅速发展,传统图书出版在一定程度上受到了较大冲击。面对数字出版呈现的大好前景,国内多家图书出版集团一心想早日跨入数字出版领域,但由于数字出版与传统出版在产品开发、发行平台、赢利模式等方面有着本质的区别,所以传统出版人做好图书出版数字化必须转变经营思路,树立并强化技术、深加工、合作、精品、版权保护、服务等6种意识。  相似文献   

王娟 《东南传播》2013,(7):58-59
近年来,传统出版业在一些国家和地区出现了经营滑坡的迹象,然而新兴的数字出版业则发展迅猛.面对数字化技术所带来的变化,我国出版业面临着前所未有的机遇与挑战.数字出版将成为未来出版的主流,数字出版是出版业新的经济增长点.图书数字出版的变革必然带来图书数字出版贸易的发展,图书贸易产品的内容、形式以及交易方式等相对于传统出版贸易必然发生质的变化.本文以数字出版的基本概念为研究出发点,通过分析美国及中国数字出版发展现状及趋势,对中国图书数字出版贸易的未来发展进行了展望.  相似文献   

With the development of electronic publications, the digital publishing industry is increasing. The digital features of a digital publishing platform and electronic books bring new changes of learning style and learning outcomes in the process of reading. This paper discusses the popularization of service function of words extraction on digital publishing platforms, which can provide assistance to readers of electronic books as well as corresponding paper books. It can help readers to solve the problem with reading original works more efficiently and conveniently.  相似文献   

我国电子图书数字图书馆建设现状的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解我国电子图书数字图书馆建设与数字出版市场现状,设计面向全国图书馆采购与使用电子图书数字图书馆情况的调查问卷,利用问卷调查法、统计分析法和信息计量分析法对调查结果进行分析,结果表明目前电子图书市场是以超星、方正、书生之家、中国数字图书馆为首的完全竞争市场,电子图书数字图书馆的发展依赖于政府支持、先进技术支持、读者素养的提高和采购经费的增加4个方面。  相似文献   

This paper explores the topic of electronic books (e-books) and the effect that these digital devices and other new technologies has on the publishing industry. Contemporary society often claims that the publishing industry is dying and that the innovation of the e-book will eventually sentence the printed book to death. But this study will show that such is not the case. While it is true that the world is undergoing a digital revolution, publishers today have not been left in the dust, because these firms have embraced electronic publishing (e-publishing). The invention of e-books opens a world of opportunities and since the e-book market is still in its growth stage, there is much work left to be done. As with any new venture, the industry faces certain challenges, such as piracy, but with tools like encryption, digital asset management (DAM), digital rights management (DRM), and digital object identifiers (DOI), publishers are well on the way to a solution. While it is safe to say that the digital revolution has forever changed the face of publishing, e-books could actually revitalize the industry. No one knows what the future of e-publishing will hold, but developments affect publishing houses, authors, and consumers alike. And while the ultimate fate of the printed book is yet unknown, for now, it is here to stay.  相似文献   


Croatia considers the book a priority cultural product. Today various forces, both positive and negative, affect publishing in Croatia. A survey of traditional publishing in Croatia based on statistical data collected by the author in the Croatian ISBN Agency over the past 8 years introduces the main topic. The author then reports on the results of a survey of 1,000 publishers, aimed at establishing which medium publishers used for their books between 1993 and the beginning of 1998, the period when book production passed from printed to digital form. The research results show that modern electronic book forms have been gradually developing in Croatia in parallel with traditional publishing. The number of publishers producing books in electronic format is not great. However, the fact that nearly a quarter of the publishers who returned the questionnaire do produce electronic books, shows that Croatian publishers accept new technologies as they appear in countries with a developed publishing industry, onlyin amuch more modest scope. The author mentions electronic books published by as many as forty publishers, and gives a survey of online-bookstores in Croatia. Special attention is paid to book legislation in the country. As a conclusion the author proposes an incentive for electronic publishing.  相似文献   

王芳 《图书馆建设》2007,(5):104-106
由于出版业纷繁复杂,影响图书出版因素诸多,导致了一书多号,一号多书等许多不规范现象,给图书馆采购及著录工作带来了困扰。本文对目前图书中使用不规范ISBN的现象进行了分析,指出了在机读目录中应采取的处理方法。  相似文献   

This is the only English language summary report on the major and rapid developments that have taken place in China’s book publishing industry during 2010. The key companies and individuals who have been the change agents are presented in context of the developments in traditional and digital book publishing. The transition to capital investment and shares sold in the major Chinese stock markets is described including specific examples of this completely new business practice. The further dramatic growth of the mobile phone market with related information delivery for publishers is presented with financial data for the past, present and future trends for the installed base. The new roles of the General Administration for Press and Publications (GAPP) is described in relation to the reorganization of smaller publishing companies into groups with outside capital investments. Also, the role of GAPP in relation to the new requirements of copyright for digital and electronic publishing is covered. Very interesting is the emergence of three major players in e-commerce selling both consumer products and books as a form of online department stores. Finally, the emergence of Chinese language publishing as a regional language including the mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan is a welcome new development.  相似文献   

What was the market for consumer books in the United States between 1985 and 1995? What were the Domestic Consumer Expenditures for books during those years? What market problems did consumer books confront? Who purchased books? What types of consumer books did they select? When did they buy them? Where did they shop for them? Why did individuals select a particular title of book category? In this article, the author evaluates statistical data about net book unit and dollar sales and presents the theory that the U.S. consumer book industry is involved in a “zero sum game,” a hotly contested marketing campaign to increase (or at the least maintain) market share against: (1) the incursions of other mass media formats (i.e., television, radio, videos, film, recorded music, the Internet, etc.); (2) competing book categories; (3) sharp increases in periodical purchases by libraries that could cut deeply into this sizable and traditional market for books; and (4) the emerging but increasingly popular electronic publishing formats, including CD-ROMs, online services, and electronic texts (or E-Texts) of books.  相似文献   

数字阅读时代,随着种种电子阅读器的出现,读者可以随时实现阅读需求,图书的电子出版也在如火如荼地发展,因此,传统的书评也与"网络"有了千丝万缕的关联。豆瓣网作为数字阅读的新兴网站,在国内网络书评界一直深受读者喜爱。书评网站的发展不仅影响着作家的创作与读者的阅读,甚至为图书的出版带来了巨大的转变。  相似文献   

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