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The high-rise frame structure has become more and more widespread, like its damage from the complication of the environment. The traditional method of damage detection, which is only suitable for the stationary signal, does not apply to a high-rise frame structure because its damage signal is non-stationary. Thus, this paper presents an application of the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) to damage detection of high-rise frame structures. Compared with the fast Fourier transform, STFT is found to be able to express the frequency spectrum property of the time interval using the signal within this interval. Application of STFT to analyzing a Matlab model and the shaking table test with a twelve-story frame-structure model reveals that there is a positive correlation between the slope of the frequency versus time and the damage level. If the slope is equal to or greater than zero, the structure is not damaged. If the slope is smaller than zero, the structure is damaged, and the less the slope is, the more serious the damage is. The damage results from calculation based on the Matlab model are consistent with those from the shaking table test, demonstrating that STFT can be a reliable tool for the damage detection of high-rise frame structures.  相似文献   

Shaking table test of pile-water-pier superstructure   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The model test of seismic simulation shaking table is an important method to study the seismic design of bridge structure. In order to evaluate the seismic response and dynamic characteristics of pile-water-pier system for developing more reliable design procedures, shaking table model tests of a submerged bridge pier system, including pile groups-cap-pier and inertia mass, were conducted. Since different similitude laws corresponding to different test objectives affected the validity of test results, the similitude law with the aim to consider the effect of hydrodynamic pressure was proposed and confirmed through an actual example. Based on the test results, the effect of water around model on seismic response under seismic excitation input was analyzed and the failure level was judged by observing the variation of basic frequency. The test results indicate that the transfer function of analytical model with water is different from that without water, the natural frequency without water is always higher than that with water, and the first modal shapes are various. It is also concluded that the similitude law is suitable for practical application and the dynamic characteristics and seismic response of the structure system can be changed because of the existence of the surrounding water, which should be paid much attention in the further investigation.  相似文献   

基于频率的结构损伤识别结果易受外界环境温度的影响,应用具有一定的局限性,为此,引入计量经济学中处理非平稳信息的协整概念来消除温度对识别结果的影响。将结构正常运营状态下采集的数据作为训练样本,计算得到协整余量,再根据统计方法选取协整余量的控制线。监测中若频率的协整余量超过该控制线,即认为结构发生损伤。采用上述方法对某实际悬索桥进行分析,结果表明,所提出方法能有效识别悬索桥主梁、主缆和吊索的损伤,具有较好的工程应用前景。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Structural damage detection technique addresses the problem of how to locate and detect damage that occurred in a structure by using the observed changes of its dynamic and static characteristics. In recent years, damage assessment of structure has drawn wide attention from various engineering fields. Gen-erally, the existing approaches proposed in this area can be clarified into two major categories: the dy-namic identification methods using dynamic test data and the static …  相似文献   

基于结构健康监测系统的悬索桥运行模态识别(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了联合应用峰值法和互谱法的模态参数识别方法,并提出了一种新的主梁振型优化方法.将上述方法应用于润扬大桥悬索桥的运行模态识别系统中,利用结构健康监测系统采集的振动响应数据获取结构的模态参数.作为应用实例,对台风麦莎作用下的主梁、主缆和桥塔振动响应数据进行了模态参数识别.结果表明:主梁部分振型的模态频率不仅能从主梁的振动响应识别出来,而且能够从主缆和桥塔振动响应中识别,主粱、主缆和桥塔之间存在较强的耦合振动.此外,将运行模态的识别结果和成桥之初的现场测试结果进行了对比,二者识别结果整体上吻合较好,但运行模态系统识别的部分振型模态频率,如L1和L2,发生了较明显的下降.  相似文献   

为研究吊索损伤对自锚式悬索桥动力性能的影响,基于自锚式悬索桥模型试验,建立了以弹性模量折减法模拟吊索损伤的全桥时程动力响应分析数值模型,研究了吊索损伤位置、损伤程度及索面损伤对自锚式悬索桥动力性能的影响.结果表明:边跨吊索损伤对中跨挠度变化无显著影响,中跨吊索损伤影响显著,且损伤位置越接近跨中,挠度增加越大;单根吊索损...  相似文献   

The effect of measurement errors on structural damage identification using artificial neural networks (ANN) was investigated in this study. By using back-propagation (BP) networks with proper input vectors, numerical simulation tests for damage detection on a six-storey frame were conducted with measurement errors in deterministic as well as probabilistic senses. The identifiability using ANN for damage location and extent was studied for the cases of measurement errors with different degrees. The results showed that there exists a critical level of measurement error beyond which the probability of correct identification is sharply decreased. The identifiability using the neural networks in the presence of modeling and measurement errors is finally verified using experimental data on a two-storey steel frame. Project supported by Hong Kong Polytechnic University.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Identification of an unknown systemfrom availabledata is i mportant in many fields . There are severalmodels representing systems that are dominated bynonlinear characteristics . NARMAX model provides aunified and si mple representation for a wide class ofdiscrete-ti me nonlinear stochastic systems , proposedby Leontaritis ,et al.[1]System identification usingNARMAX model consists of two stages : model struc-ture determination and parameter esti mation proce-dure . The ide…  相似文献   

The purpose of using life extending control for Black Hawk UH-60 helicopter is to make a trade-off between the handling qualities and the service life of critical components. An increase in service life span results in enhanced safety and the reduction in maintenance costs. This paper presents a design methodology of life extending control for structural durability and high performance of mechanical system, which is based on an explicit dynamic inversion control scheme. A real-time nonlinear fatigue crack growth model is built to predict fatigue damage resulting from the impact of cyclic bending stress on rotor shaft, which serves as an indicator of service life. The 4-axis gain- scheduled flight controller, whose gains are adjusted as a function of damage and flight velocity, is designed to regu- late roll attitude, pitch attitude, vertical velocity and yaw rate. The nonlinear system simulation results show that the responses can meet the requirements on ADS-33 Level 1 handling qualities and that the 4-axis decoupling control is realized. As the damage increases, the tracking performance is slightly degraded, which results in smaller transients in bending moment response.  相似文献   

题目:一种支持产品平台设计的多准则模块划分方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:研究多准则约束下的产品模块划分方法,为企业建立稳健的模块化产品平台奠定基础。方法:采用改进的多目标进化算法对建立的多准则模块划分数学模型求解,并采用模糊集合评价机制进行最优解的寻取,得到基于多准则模块划分方法的产品模块划分结果。结论:通过改进的多目标进化算法求解多准则模块划分模型,能够得到有效支持产品平台设计的产品模块划分方案。通过与已有优化方法的比较验证了本文提出的多准则模块划分方法的优越性。  相似文献   

A distortion identification technique is presented based on Hilbert-Huang transform to identify distortion model and distortion frequency of distorted real-world image sequences. The distortion model is identified simply based on Hilbert marginal spectral analysis after empirical mode decomposing. And distortion frequency is identified by analyzing the occurrence frequency of instantaneous frequency components of every intrinsic mode functions. Rational digital frequency filter with suitable cutoff frequency is designed to remove undesired fluctuations based on identification results. Experimental results show that this technique can identify distortion model and distortion frequency of displacement sequence accurately and efficiently. Based on identification results, distorted image sequence can be stabilized effectively.  相似文献   

提出一种环境激励下的模态识别方法.具体方法是通过对非平稳随机激励下的线性时不变系统的结构响应进行小波变换,对各级小波系数利用协整理论进行线性合成得到新的信号.若此信号是平稳的,则以它代替原始的结构响应,然后结合平稳随机激励下的模态识别方法--NExT方法和修正的连续最小二乘法,只通过输出信号就可以实现对非平稳随机激励下系统模态参数的识别.仿真结果表明,该方法可以极大程度上消除非平稳随机激励所引起的结构响应的非平稳性,而且具有很高的精度和稳健性.  相似文献   

提出了考虑温度变化影响的悬索桥结构损伤预警方法.首先,采用神经网络技术建立桥梁实测模态频率与温度的相关性模型,用以消除温度变化对模态频率的影响.然后,将不同温度下的实测模态频率进行"温度归一化",在此基础上利用神经网络新奇检测技术建立自联想神经网络进一步识别模态频率的异常变化.通过润扬大桥悬索桥236d的实测数据分析验证了该方法的可行性.分析结果表明,不同季节下模态频率的相对变化平均约为2.0%,采用所提方法可以识别出悬索桥模态频率0.1%的异常变化,适用于悬索桥结构的在线整体状态监测.  相似文献   

Too many sensors and data information in structural health monitoring system raise the problem of how to realize multi-sensor information fusion. An experiment on a three-story frame structure was conducted to obtain vibration test data in 36 damage cases. A coupling neural network (NN) based on multi-sensor information fusion is proposed to achieve identification of damage occurrence, damage localization and damage quantification, respectively. First, wavelet packet transform (WPT) is used to extract features of vibration test data from structure with different damage extent. Then, data fusion is conducted by assembling feature vectors of different type sensors. Finally, three sets of coupling NN are constructed to implement decision fusion and damage identification. The results of experimental study proved the validity and feasibility of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

发电机组的一次调频对维持电力系统频率起着至关重要的作用.结合水口水电机组的运行实际情况,并考虑机组的调频死区和水头水流扰动环节的影响,对其一次调频动态特性进行仿真分析,给出了相应的调频动态响应过程和特性指标值.  相似文献   

With the increase of capacity and size of the hydro-generator unit, the spiral case becomes a more super-giant hydraulic structure with very high HD value, where H and D denote water head and maximum intake diameter of spiral case, respectively. Due to the induced lower stiffness by the more giant size and adverse operation conditions, dynamic performances of the powerhouse and the supporting structure for the giant units have become more important and attracted much attention. If the manner of steel spiral case embedded directly in concrete is adopted, on some locations of the concrete surrounding the spiral case, distributed and concentrated cracks will emerge due to high tensile stress. Although the concrete is reinforced well to control the maximum crack width, definitely these cracks will reduce the local and entire stiffness of the powerhouse. Under dynamic loads such as hydraulic forces including water pressure pulsation in flow passage acting on the structure, effect of the cracks on the dynamic characteristics of the local members and entire structure needs to be evaluated. However, research on this subject is few in hydroelectric engineering. In this paper, Three-Gorge Project was taken as an example to evaluate effect of such cracks on natural frequencies and the vibration responses of the powerhouse under hydraulic and earthquake forces in detail. Results show that cracks only reduce the local structural stiffness greatly but have little effect on the entire powerhouse especially the superstructure; vibrations of powerhouse with cracks in concrete surrounding the spiral case are still under the design limits. Results in this paper have been verified by practice of Three-Gorge Project. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.50679009) and Foundations for Young Teachers in Dalian University of Technology(No.893219). TIAN Ziqin, born in 1965, male, doctoral student, senior engineer.  相似文献   

Based on pseudo strain energy density (PSED) and grey relation coefficient (GRC), an index is proposed to locate the damage of beam-type structures in time-domain. The genetic algorithm (GA) is utilized to identify the structural damage severity of confirmed damaged locations. Furthermore, a systematic damage identification program based on GA is developed on MATLAB platform. ANSYS is employed to conduct the finite element analysis of com- plicated civil engineering structures, which is embedded with interface technique. The two-step damage identification is verified by a finite element model of Xinxingtang Highway Bridge and a laboratory beam model based on polyvi- nylidens fluoride (PVDF). The bridge model was constructed with 57 girder segments, and simulated with 58 meas- urement points. The damaged segments were located accurately by GRC index regardless of damage extents and noise levels. With stiffness reduction factors of detected segments as variables, the GA program evolved for 150 generations in 6 h and identified the damage extent with the maximum errors of 1% and 3% corresponding to the noise to signal ratios of 0 and 5%, respectively. In contrast, the common GA-based method without using GRC index evolved for 600 generations in 24 h, but failed to obtain satisfactory results. In the laboratory test, PVDF patches were used as dynamic strain sensors, and the damage locations were identified due to the fact that GRC indexes of points near damaged ele- ments were smaller than 0.6 while those of others were larger than 0.6. The GA-based damage quantification was also consistent with the value of crack depth in the beam model.  相似文献   

主要对小波分析的一些基本数学理论进行了详细的介绍,并对小波变换以及多分辨率分析进行了重点且深入的分析。在此基础上,通过实际数据试验研究了小波基函数的选取,以及软、硬阈值处理方式对GPS变形数据序列去噪效果的影响,得到一些有益的结论。还对小波分解的噪声特性进行了详细分析,在此基础上通过实例验证了基于小波分析方法对GPS动态监测数据进行变形特征特征提取的可行性和可靠性,得出了其提取结果要优于中值滤波方法进行提取的结论。  相似文献   

对软件测试建立动态运行模型,提出基于逻辑统计特征描述的软件测试方法。通过软件运行的统计特征对软件运行状态在可行域中的风险进行评估,从而得到软件测试的一个量化安全指标。最后从工程角度提出了有现实意义的软件测试框架,并从数学上证明了该框架的有效性。有一个隐含前提,就是程序应该是实际系统的拟合,程序功能模块的划分对实际系统所具有的逻辑约束与自身稳定性不构成破坏。  相似文献   

A new optimization algorithm based on chaos   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
INTRODUCTION Chaos (Wang et al., 2002) is a common nonlin- ear phenomenon, whose action is complex and similar to that of randomness. The characteristics of chaos being highly sensitive to the initial value of chaos make a world of differences due to the ergodic prop- erty of the phase space—chaos can go through all states in certain ranges without repetition; the inher- ent randomness of the system—means that chaos behavior is similar to randomness which is disorderly; but at the same t…  相似文献   

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