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文章对14种高等教育类全国中文核心期刊10年(2001 ~2010)刊载的335篇有关高等教育国际化的文章进行了统计分析,发现对于高等教育国际化问题的研究领域日益广泛,关注视角更加多样,研究成果呈增长趋势.同时,也发现了高等教育国际化问题研究的一些特征和存在的不足.  相似文献   

在当前的高等教育研究中,由于对于发达国家研究途径的依赖,使得对转型国家的高等教育关注不够,或者说形成了研究的盲点。[1]当今的转型国家主要是指由计划经济向市场经济转变的国家,包括中国、前苏联和东欧一些国家。高等教育的外部规律揭示了经济政治与高等教育的密切关系,研究东欧国家的高等教育对我国的高等教育发展具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

高等教育研究对学校改革和发展起着很大作用.深刻阐明了高等教育研究是综合性的研究活动,它不仅具有重要的先行地位,而且具有重要的总领地位;全面总结了中南工学院开展高等教育研究所采取的一些措施和取得的一些成果.  相似文献   

京津冀区域已被列入国家发展战略规划,受到国内外广泛关注。通过图表的形式,借助于翔实的数据,提取了能够反映京津冀区域高等教育的一些指标,分析了京津冀区域高等教育的现状及其优劣势,提出了做强京津冀区域高等教育的战略构想,以供读者参考借鉴。  相似文献   

基于对2006年中国高等教育核心期刊的关键词分析表明,2006年中国高等教育研究的热点问题和领域主要集中在10个方面,高校教育教学与管理是最活跃的研究领域;学生工作研究是高等教育研究的重要方面;高等教育发展理论和院校研究是研究热点;高校内部管理体制改革研究领域广泛;高等教育基本理论和学科建设研究有新的进展;教师教育发展与师资队伍建设研究长盛不衰;高校高等教育质量与评估研究得到深入发展;高等教育财政政策与管理得到广泛关注;高等职业教育,高校人文(哲学)社会科学教育,高等教育国际交流与合作等领域的研究有待进一步加强。  相似文献   

90年代以来,高等教育史研究取得重要进展,进入繁荣发展的新时期。不仅中国高等教育史研究硕果累累,外国高等教育史研究也出版了系统专著;不仅在高等教育史若干重大问题的研究上取得了不少新成果,高等教育史学科理论研究也受到关注。  相似文献   

高等教育机会均等是中国高等教育研究的重要议题,但现有研究集中于家庭背景与机会分配的对应关系,较少关注机会分配过程中的个人行动。对近五十年西方高等教育选择研究进行梳理发现,学生的高等教育选择受到家庭、学校和教育体制的影响,是一个包括不同阶段的连续转变过程。质性研究策略有利于分析各种影响因素对学生选择行动的作用机制以及特定人群的选择行动。理性选择理论无法对高等教育选择行动提供充分的理论解释,需与实践逻辑理论相融合,同时考虑社会结构因素的限制作用。借鉴这些研究经验,中国高等教育选择研究应丰富研究策略,突破单一理论解释;进一步整合与拓展选择阶段;关注家庭之外的影响因素;关注相关教育政策的影响。  相似文献   

以对传统文化进行解构和批判的姿态出现的文化研究,从深层次上改变了传统的文化观,文化“多元化”、“去中心化”的趋势日益明显,文化和权力的关系受到关注。这给与文化紧密相连的高等教育提出了诸多新挑战,它需要从文化研究的视角重新思考课程内容、师生关系、知识分子的身份角色等问题。本文正是从这一角度,探讨高等教育内部的文化选择和建构问题,期望引起人们对后现代社会中高等教育内部改革的一些思考。  相似文献   

德国高等教育研究经过40年的发展,已有了广泛而坚实的基础。本文从高等教育系统的数量—结构发展、高校治理、高校组织、高校中的行动团体和机会平等五个方面,概述了德国高等教育研究的相关内容和结果,认为该研究领域在理论、方法论和主题多元化等方面取得了令人满意的成绩。为了进一步发展高等教育研究,应该加强该领域的制度结构建设,特别是学术职业道路建设;同时,需要持续地发展理论和方法,并实现学术性与实践性导向的平衡。对未来发展而言,应该加强高等教育研究与科学研究的合作并关注高等教育领域的小众研究。  相似文献   

高等教育微观研究是较少受到高教界同行关注的领域。从研究内容及研究角度对1997年至2006年近十年来中国期刊全文数据库中有关高等教育微观研究的论文进行简要地分析与评论,可以清晰地看出国内高教微观研究已呈现出以下几个较为明显的发展趋势:日益重视决策、政策与规划研究;关注在较高层次上和多层面上研究高等教育质量与效益问题;更加重视“高等教育学科”基本理论与体系建设工作;高教领域高科技建设与基础性研究工作将进入新的发展阶段。  相似文献   

During the last decades, the education system has been marked by distinct processes of internationalisation. In the field of higher education, there are numerous and varied schools with different international profiles. This paper focuses on processes of internationalisation in the German sector of higher education. We contrast two higher secondary schools with international profiles: one international school in a West German metropolitan region with a long tradition and a younger internationally-profiled school located in the periphery of an East German urban centre. This institutional analysis presents school cultural similarities and differences with regard to different claims and concepts of internationality. This analysis is complemented by a reconstruction of three patterns of biographical meaning examining the internationality of pupils and their respective habitual fit to these internationally-profiled schools. We draw on qualitative data, consisting mainly of interviews with head teachers and pupils of these two schools. We argue that these differing regional forms of internationalisation indicate a stratification and hierarchisation in the field of higher education in Germany.  相似文献   

高等旅游教育涉及多个相关学科,它覆盖课程范围很广。在教育层次上,它属于高等教育的范围;在教育内容上,它是一个包含多种学科的专业体系;在培养目标上,它是为旅游企业培养各类中高级服务及管理人才。随着旅游业的进一步发展,河南高等旅游教育逐渐显示出其滞后性,我们应当依靠高等旅游教育来培养适应现代旅游的高级管理人才。  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》2002,15(2):197-215
This article examines parallel developments in the fields of quality assurance in higher education and in environmental policy. Starting from empirically grounded analytical frameworks for the two fields separately, Fischer's framework of policy argumentation is overlaid on both to gain deeper understanding of underlying similarities and contrasts. We argue that quality management in the field of higher education faces choices already addressed in environmental quality assurance. In the light of these practical and theoretical lessons, the relative success with higher education quality assurance may be less of a reason for optimism.  相似文献   

The field of Australian higher education has changed, is changing and is about to change, repositioned in relation to other “fields of power”. It is a sector now well defined by its institutional groupings and by their relative claims to selectivity and exclusivity, with every suggestion of their differentiation growing. The potential of a “joined-up” tertiary education system, of vocational education and training (VET) and universities, has the potential to further rework these relations within Australian higher education, as will lifting the volume caps on university student enrolments. Moreover, Australian universities now compete within an international higher education marketplace, ranked by THES and Shanghai Jiao Tiong league tables. “Catchment areas” and knowledge production have become global. In sum, Australian universities (and agents within them) are positioned differently in the field. And being so variously and variably placed, institutions and agents have different stances available to them, including the positions they can take on student equity. In this paper I begin from the premise that our current stance on equity has been out-positioned, as much by a changing higher education field as by entrenched representations of social groups across regions, institutions, disciplines and degrees. In taking a new stance on equity, the paper is also concerned with the positioning in the field of a new national research centre with a focus on student equity in higher education. In particular, the paper asks what stance this new centre can take on student equity that will resonate on a national and even international scale. And, given a global field of higher education, what definitions of equity and propositions for policy and practice can it offer? What will work in the pursuit of equity?  相似文献   


The structure of higher education in China is characterized by a high degree of hierarchy as well as strong homogeneity, differing from not only American higher education, which features a high degree of both hierarchy and heterogeneity, but also higher education in continental Europe, which exhibits a low degree of hierarchy. Previous studies have provided analysis of the structural characteristics of higher education in the United States, Europe, and elsewhere, as well as their differences, but have been unable to explain the situation in China. Drawing on Pierre Bourdieu’s field theory, this article proposes an explanatory model for the field of higher education as shaped by state power. The state created various forms of symbolic capital linked to economic capital in the field of higher education, and monopolized the quantity in which and means by which these are bestowed, thus causing differentiation in the total amount and composition of symbolic capital and economic capital between different schools, and forming a steeply stratified structure. The bestowal of symbolic capital was not restricted to a particular group of institutions of higher education: instead, the scope of this bestowal was gradually expanded, such that the vast majority of institutions of higher education regard the acquisition of symbolic capital and its attendant economic capital as the objective in their endeavors, resulting in the development of strong homogeneity between institutions. The article applies field theory to three key universities policies after the founding of New China, to describe and analyze the influence of symbolic capital on the field structure of higher education in China.  相似文献   

Until recently there have been no universities or study programs in Germany that were connected to claims for top level positions in the field of higher education. However, by now efforts to vertically differentiate higher education are increasing and emphasize differences in quality. Such efforts have so far been observed with respect to research. In contrast, this article focusses on stratificatory efforts that are primarily connected to education at universities. It is based on cases studies in the field of graduate schools funded by the German excellence initiative and in the field of private higher education institutions that belong to law, business, and the social sciences and try to positions themselves as top level institutions. The first part addresses specific forms in which stratification is institutionalized in the field of higher education at present. The second part then exemplifies the various ways in which vertical differentiation is mobilized along a common attribute in both fields—internationality. We show that stratification is not a monolithic process but involves highly complex differentiations along various attributes and in multiple ways.  相似文献   

This article seeks to shed light on current dynamics of stratification in changing higher education and proposes an analytical perspective to account for these dynamics based on Martin Trow’s work on “the analysis of status.” In research on higher education, the term “stratification” is generally understood as a metaphor that describes a stable vertical order. In sectors that are experiencing considerable change, such an order is still in the making. In following Trow, we propose to look at stratification as an open ordering process that constructs verticality. We distinguish between sector and field stratification, i.e., between stratification through coercive regulation by the state and through status judgements by a wide range of stakeholders. Within the last decade, field stratification has grown in importance as governments in continental Europe have provided universities with more leeway. Specific devices (rankings, etc.) channel such judgements and construct images of how a field appears. By applying this concept to two empirical cases from German higher education, we will show how devices redefine verticality in higher education through specific field images. First, master rankings in business administration/economics expand the topological boundaries to include degree programs outside national sectors, raise the importance of alumni and increase the recruitment of female students. Second, the Excellence Initiative triggers the construction of a new unregulated sector of doctoral education; excellent graduate schools model themselves along the scales of the field image as selective, interdisciplinary, international, and part of a holistic university image.  相似文献   

In this article we focus on constraints to post-apartheid transformation in the higher education sector of South Africa via a case study of an attempt to introduce a new curriculum for the Bachelor of Education. Thirty-one semi-structured interviews were the main data-gathering method. We use Pierre Bourdieu’s concepts of field, capital, habitus and hysteresis to explain why transformation proved difficult in this case. We analyse the higher education field that gave rise to this curriculum with a brief historical overview of the position of Afrikaners as the dominated part of the dominant white group in the early years of the twentieth century. Their lack of cultural, economic and intellectual capital gave rise to a position-taking that placed Afrikaans language universities in general and Faculties of Education in particular into the heteronomous part of the higher education field. At first the curriculum, and their intellectual habitus, was in synch. However, it started to drift apart because of a number of economic and political changes that made their position at the heteronomous part of the higher education field increasingly untenable. Because of their insulation from the wider higher education field, academics in the Faculty of Education were at first only vaguely aware of the implications of these changes. However, when a dean was appointed in 2000 with a mandate to transform the curriculum for the BEd, they experienced hysteresis, and they were no longer feeling at home in the field. This explains why the new curriculum was consequently substantially subverted.  相似文献   

The agenda for widening participation in higher education has led to increasing numbers of students with a broader range of education and family backgrounds. However, transitioning to the university landscape remains a highly complex negotiation process, especially for first‐in‐family students, who cannot draw on previous experience from higher education in their families. Gaining access to informational capital—a combination of cultural and social capital—plays a crucial role in managing education transitions. We draw on rich empirical data obtained from 26 autobiographical narrative interviews with first‐in‐family university students in Austria to investigate how transitions to university are affected by informational capital. We also explore how access to informational capital was influenced by (1) institutional practices, such as initiatives to support students, especially first‐year students; and (2) cultural fit—the extent to which a student's cultural capital corresponded with the dominant cultural capital in the field of their chosen discipline or higher education establishment. Our findings show that gaining access to informational capital was strongly affected by the institutional practices at universities within the different disciplines, thus highlighting the importance of higher education institutions in supporting their students during transition processes. We conclude with policy implications for how higher education institutions can assist first‐in‐family students to succeed at university.  相似文献   

European higher education is awash with educational reform initiatives that purport to transform universities into better-managed higher quality organizations that more directly contribute to national development. This exploratory study examines patterns of research discourse in higher education in Europe. We argue that these patterns are changing in the direction of greater isomorphism with globally favored models of the university. First, we show some global trends that reveal the rise of “world class universities” and “higher education and development” discourse. Next, we analyze discursive shifts in European higher education research publications in the period between 1990 and 2009. Our initial analysis of these publications shows changes in the expected direction: we find a growing emphasis on management, organization, and quality and less emphasis on student access to higher education, an earlier equity concern. We propose further research to see whether higher education has become a more consolidated research field over time, perhaps suggesting an erosion of the historical legacies that often informed higher education systems and universities in Europe. Lastly, we briefly reflect on the implications of influential world models on comparative studies of higher education.  相似文献   

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