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Be a friend. You don’t need money;Just a disposition sunny; Just the wish to help another Get along some way or other; Just a kindly hand extended Out to one who’s unbefriended; Just the will to give or lend, This will make you someone’s friend.  相似文献   

Appreciation 友谊——一个永恒的话题,千百年来为人们所赞美和向往。本期Violet特意向大家推荐这首广为传唱的AuldLang Syne,相信里面的古英语不会影响大家对歌词的理解。  相似文献   

对我来说,一个人生命里不能没有朋友。你有烦恼时只要向朋友们诉说苦衷,他们就会使你快乐起来。当你垂头丧气,心情不好时,他们会用所有的办法使你高兴。  相似文献   

One of the most important things in every teenager's life is a friend.So thismonth in “Teen Life”we thought it would be good to reflect on what friendshipmeans.We have brought you three people’s stories of friendship about makingfriends,losing friends and a tale about the difference a friend can make in a  相似文献   

她是一个美籍华人,一个在白人学生占多数的学校上学的黄皮肤小女孩,在融入学校姐妹淘的过程中由于自己矮小的身材.害羞的个性.遭遇到很多的阻力,但与此同时另一位小女孩对其的不离不弃还是促成了一段真挚的友谊!  相似文献   

As a friend I do wish you The best of life's blessings And freedom from sickness and pain. May your prayers and oblations, As blooms of carnations, Flourish in sunshine and rain. May the blessings of heaven Be showered upon you With favor from God and fr…  相似文献   

You've tasted(尝,体会)bitter defeat(失败的痛苦)and the sweet success(成功的甜蜜)You want it all and you settle for nothing less You've tried harder than the rest  相似文献   

Sneaking into the kitchen at night to eat ice cream with little chocolate footballs Making chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast Buying lip gloss to add to our collections Getting makeovers at the Clinique makeup counter Spending all of our money at the mall Forming creative nicknames for people at school Shelving hundreds of books together at the library  相似文献   

You've tasted (尝,体会) bitter defeat (失败的痛苦) and the sweet success(成功的甜蜜)You want it all and you settle for nothing lessYou've tried harder than the restYou've become(成为) one of the bestThis is the time you'll remember for all your lifeForever friends  相似文献   

In kindergarten I had no friends,maybe because I was very shy,and alsonot good with words.In primary school,I had no real friends either,the reasonis that I was very rude to people.They didn‘t know I'm a very pleasant personat heart.But now in middle school I have many friends.  相似文献   

词:MichaeI Kunze 曲:Giorgio Moroder演唱:孙楠李玟创作背景由著名音乐家乔吉奥·莫罗德尔和孔祥东联合创作的2008北京奥运歌曲《Forever Friend》2007年11月29日正式对外发布。  相似文献   

每个人都离不开朋友。如何使友谊之树常青?作者以简洁明快的语言,从五个方面进行了阐述:吐露真情实感;不要过分卷入朋友的痛苦;友情也会有盛衰;切勿低估忠诚的价值;巧妙利用时间,增进友谊。相信对我们在待人处世方面会有所帮助。  相似文献   

Around the corner I have a friend In this great city that has no end, Yet the days go by and weeks rush on, And before I know it,a year is gone And I never see my old friend’s face, For life is a swift and terrible race, He knows I like him just as well, As in the days when I rang his bell, And he rang mine.  相似文献   

刘占兰 《学前教育》2011,(10):29-31
建立良好的同伴关系、结交朋友和维系友谊是人一生的课题,也是从幼儿期起就应该学习和发展的重要能力。同伴关系在儿童发展和社会适应中起着重要作用。正是产生于同伴关系中的合作与感情共鸣,使儿童获得了关于社会的更广阔的认知视野。归属、爱和尊重是人类的基本需要,儿童在同伴群体中,尤其是在亲密的友谊关系与朋友关系中,获得爱、亲密和可靠的同盟体验,并获得自我价值感和归属感。友谊在儿童社会化发展过程中具有重要意义,而没有朋友则会导致许多不良后果:有情感问题、利他行为少、在一些社会技能上(如加入群体、合作游戏和处理冲突等方面)有缺陷等。  相似文献   

Women with a large social circle are actually less content with their lives than those with a smaller group of friends, according to a study from the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research. Evidently, women often find that as they grow older and have increasingly complicated lives, some friendships can be more of a burden than a support.  相似文献   

最近,我们新学了一个英语单词,叫"Friendship",翻译成汉语就是友谊的意思。友谊,一个多么美好的字眼!每当读到这个词,我的心中总是荡漾着幸福的涟漪。因为我有好多要好的同学,我们都是好朋友。可是有一天,老师给我们听写时,我却把"Friendship"写成"Friendsheep"了。望着卷面上老师标出的鲜红标记,我很懊恼。怎  相似文献   

活动目的1.了解获得友谊的条件,掌握交往的技巧。2.学会正确对待朋友间的消极压力,学会对朋友的不当要求、不良行为说“NO”。活动过程主持人:在少年期,生活的一个重要内容就是朋友和友谊。没有哪个年龄阶段的人象我们一样,渴望得到朋友,没有哪个年龄阶段的人像我们一样,为友谊不惜一切。今天,我们一起来讨论朋友和友谊这个话题。(一)友谊辞典主持人:我们每一个人都渴望友谊,但友谊是什么?让我们用一句话来说一说。学生自由发言:友谊就是把一份快乐变成两份快乐,一份忧愁变成一半忧愁。友谊就是连接心与心的纽带。友谊就是两双紧紧握在一起…  相似文献   

在秋风瑟瑟的树林中,这枯黄的叶儿还能挂多久?在你走过的小径旁,是否有谁的脚步相随?在你的生命旅程中,可有友人与你长相宁?不要孤独地走,让我们紧握双手;不要寂奕地走,让我们一起手牵手,不要把一切都带走,我要夺享你的所有.在这个世界上,我愿做你的最好的朋友;在你快乐时,不乞求你记得我,在你排徊孤独、寂奥时,定会仲出我的双手。在这个世界上,我愿做你最真诚的朋友1 州卜之声尸住习,健护内八 也什定县到也许,也许是真的,我的泪是那流星,要不,为何梦中的泪不干,也许是弃的,该来的一定不会庄度,要不,为何梦中的太阳不落,也许是弃的,舒草比舒…  相似文献   

One day a teacher asked her studentsto list the names of the other students inthe room on two sheets of paper,leavinga space between each name.Then she toldthem to think of the nicest thing theycould say about each of their classmates  相似文献   

把我们积才货的友谊 放在心窝里保鲜 永不风化的情感 滋润着岁月的甘甜 一遇上分别的土攘 就冒出满怀思念 月光施肥 寂寞浇灌 睡梦里收割无尽的从前 草木枯荣 四季变换 永不苍老的 是友谊的容颜 十六岁。永叹调 十六岁眼泪不再属于自己 十六岁天真的影子走进记忆 十六岁lLI难和顺利堆在]iJ际 十六岁不愿全听别人的主意 f一六岁明星的光亮闪烁在心地 十六岁难以启齿的真情涂满日记 十六岁朦胧的诗句正渐渐明晰 十六岁脸上泛出师长不解的涟漪 啊一十六岁的滋味让人回味 十六岁待放的花苞还缺一声春雷 匆匆藏起十六岁的足印 甩一头乌发走向新…  相似文献   

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