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卜艳梅 《考试周刊》2014,(87):104-105
由于学生存在个体差异,这就要求教师在教学中以学生差异为基础实施差异教学。教师实施差异教学首先要转变教学观念,积极主动地关心了解每一位学生,根据学生的实际情况实施分层教学,充分体现差异性,达到调动学生学习积极性的目的,促进学生个性化发展。挖掘学生的潜能,使学生更全面健康地发展。文章围绕差异教学在初中英语教学中的正确运用谈谈看法。  相似文献   

教师在初中数学教学之中引入差异教育理念,不仅能够使教师教学的针对性意识更加强烈,还能够使学生在积极对待学生差异情况的基础上,根据具体的差异问题,来寻找有效的措施,努力使学生之间的差距得以缩短。由此,教师在应用差异教育的时候,需要对此加以注重。  相似文献   

农村初中的学生在学习习惯、行为方式、思维品质和兴趣爱好等方面都存在差异,就必须相应地使用不同的教育。差异教学就是针对学生的不同特征、不同基础、不同接受能力,运用不同的方法进行有差异的教学,努力使全体学生进步,使学生得到全面的提高。本文以《探索碱的性质》教学为主线对差异教学在科学教学中的运用做了一定的探索、实践。  相似文献   

教育的核心意义是要帮助学生认识自己、认同自己、提升自己,从而让学生做最好的自己。教师要从学生实际出发,根据不同对象的具体情况,采取不同的方法,进行不同的教育,使每个学生都能在各自原有的基础上得到充分发展。笔者认为,教师在教学中关注个体教育的本质在于:教学设计要了解学生的差异;教学过程中考虑学生的差异;学习方式上尊重学生的差异;教学评价上承认学生的差异,使之得到充分、全面的发展。  相似文献   

心理学研究表明,学生是存在差异的。针对学生存在的差异,不能采用整齐划一的教学模式来进行教学。依据因材施教的原则,在化学课堂教学中要尊重学生的差异,实施差异教学。在实施差异教学过程中,必须先分析差异,尊重差异,将学生分层,然后通过设立多层次教学目标,多样化的学习活动来满足各类学生的发展需求,使每位学生得到充分的发展,达到素质教育的目的。  相似文献   

所谓差异教学就是承认学生的差异,根据他们的差异创造与之相适应的教学环境,采取差异的教学对策、教学内容,使不同类型的学生都能得到个性的发展。这里结合生物教学,向大家介绍我们实施差异教学时的一些做法及思考。  相似文献   

关注学生个体差异和不同的学习需求,在语文课堂教学中可通过差异教学实现。差异教学,是指班集体教学中立足学生差异,满足学生个性化的学习需要,以促进每个学生在原有基础上得到充分发展的教学。差异教学强调教师要适应各层次学生的学习情况,不能只顾及一部分学生而牺牲另一部分学生的发展。为使学生得到充分发展,教师必须根据学生的具体情况采取不同的方式方法,尊重、激励学生,保护好每一个学生的自尊心。  相似文献   

吴晓胜 《学语文》2011,(1):78-78
所谓差异教学,是指立足于学生个性的差异。满足学生个别学习的需要,以促进每个学生在原有基础上得到充分发展的教学。差异教学关注学生的个性差异,注重对学生差异的测查,并设置照顾差异的挑战性教学目标,教学过程中注意兼顾不同学生的需要,采用灵活多样的教学方法,力求使每个学生在原有基础上都能得到充分的发展。  相似文献   

王伟 《现代教育》2014,(8):79-79
分层教育是一种教学模式,也是一种教学方法。教师要从学生的实际出发,使教学的深度、广度、进度适合学生的知识水平和接受能力,同时考虑学生的个性特点和个性差异,使每个人得到发展。在高中数学教学中,学生的个体差异尤其明显,所以高中数学教学更应以人为本,尊重学生个性差异,促进学生个性发展。  相似文献   

每个学生之间都存在着个体差异、智力差异、学习基础差异、学习品质差异。由于这些差异导致初中学生学习数学存在两极分化现象,而课堂式教学采用"一刀切"的授课方式,很难面面俱到,使各个层面学生都有提高。有必要根据学生的数学基础、智力水平以及学习的主动性,将学生进行分层教学,这样有利于使各个层面学生互相激励,共同进步。本文分别研究了各种分层教育方式。  相似文献   

Normalizing difference in inclusive teaching   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Inclusion practices and special education can be transformed by using a disability studies perspective, which constructs differences as natural, acceptable, and ordinary. Although inclusion is a moral imperative in promoting social justice, some inclusive practices continue to marginalize students with disabilities. A truly inclusive school reflects a democratic philosophy whereby all students are valued, educators normalize difference through differentiated instruction, and the school culture reflects an ethic of caring and community.  相似文献   

This article presents the findings of a quasi-experimental study that evaluated the effect of differentiated instruction on students’ learning, in mixed ability classrooms. Participants in the study were 24 teachers and 479 grade-four elementary students. Results indicate that in classrooms where differentiated instruction methods were systematically employed, students made better progress compared to students in classrooms where differentiated instruction methods were not employed, the family's socioeconomic status did not lead to differentiation in students’ achievement and the quality of differentiated teaching had a corresponding effect on students’ achievement. Based on these findings, the article discusses the significance of the systematic employment of differentiated instruction methods in mixed ability classrooms for promoting equity, optimization of quality and effectiveness in teaching.  相似文献   

New approaches to instruction are increasingly being advocated to meet the needs of diverse learners. Educational researchers have identified the further development and application of computer-based instruction technologies for managing differentiated learning for all students as essential for shifting to a learner-centered paradigm of instruction in future schools. This study examines how a disadvantaged alternative high school implemented technology use and computer-based instruction to support a learner-centered culture of learning. Based on findings, the study looks for implications and future directions to better support learner-centered instruction for diverse students.  相似文献   

Students tend to comprehend little and lose focus of classroom instruction when their teachers fail to use instructional strategies that match students’ learning styles. Differentiated instruction can alleviate or eliminate this disengagement. This article describes a case involving a child having difficulty learning and shows how differentiated instruction was used to help this student learn. The author describes the theories on which differentiated instruction is based and provides practical strategies teachers can use to implement this method of teaching.  相似文献   

在以实用为主的职校英语教育中,面对英语口语基础差异大的职校生这一"特殊群体",英语教师采用差异化的教学方式与评价机制对他们进行英语口语教学,调动每位职校生学习英语的积极性。  相似文献   

We begin with an examination of the tensions that exist between educational efforts that target the needs of all students and efforts that target the needs of individual students with disabilities. Next, we provide reasons why, in beginning reading, a schoolwide system designed to teach all students to read can also support individualized and flexible instruction designed to teach each student to read. Finally, we describe a schoolwide beginning reading model that includes a schoolwide framework or infrastructure that supports comprehensive and coordinated reading goals, assessment, and instruction for all students integrated with ongoing progress monitoring and instructional adjustments that allow for differentiated and individualized instruction for each student, including students with disabilities.  相似文献   

In this study, the relationship between differentiated instruction, as an element of data-based decision making, and student achievement was examined. Classroom observations (n = 144) were used to measure teachers’ differentiated instruction practices and to predict the mathematical achievement of 2nd- and 5th-grade students (n = 953). The analysis of classroom observation data was based on a combination of generalizability theory and item response theory, and student achievement effects were determined by means of multilevel analysis. No significant positive effects were found for differentiated instruction practices. Furthermore, findings showed that students in low-ability groups profited less from differentiated instruction than students in average or high-ability groups. Nevertheless, the findings, data collection, and data-analysis procedures of this study contribute to the study of classroom observation and the measurement of differentiated instruction.  相似文献   

张侨平 《课程.教材.教法》2021,41(1):105-109,137
普及教育推行以来,处理课堂中学生的学习差异一直是一个世界性的课题。在数学科,按照数学问题或习题的难度进行分层教学是一贯的做法,期望不同能力的学生逐阶而上。然而,激发学生的数学思考,提供不同学生更多的学习机会,是处理差异化教学的关键。在面对混合能力的大班教学中,运用数学开放问题,结合平行练习任务进行分层教学或是一条有效的处理学生数学学习差异的途径。  相似文献   

The present paper examines the impact of ability matching and differentiated instruction on the learning outcomes of eighth and ninth grade students in a financial education programme. In particular, the effect of within-class ability matching is investigated by forming pairs of students either randomly or based on their abilities. In addition, the paper studies whether differentiated instruction, in the form of additional instructions for lower ability students, enhances the impact of the financial education programme. The paper provides evidence on the effects of both practices using two randomised control trials involving 65 schools and 2,407 students. Overall, the results suggest that the programme raises the financial proficiency of students by 0.18 standard deviations. Although the learning outcomes of the average student are not affected by the differentiation practices, non-native students significantly benefit from differentiated instruction.  相似文献   

In this article, we present the position that students with special needs, regardless of causation, share the same basic needs for literacy instruction. What sets special needs learners apart from higher performing learners is that systematic, explicit instruction appears to be critical rather than merely beneficial and that special needs students require more instructional time and opportunity to practice reading. The need for greater explicitness and time intensity does not, however, change the content of what composes good literacy instruction. We take the position that general education should maintain primary responsibility for literacy education for all children, with special educators and reading specialists providing instructional support and, if necessary, additional instructional intensity and practice opportunities. Obstacles to providing quality literacy instruction are examined, and a school-based case study in which these obstacles have been largely overcome are presented.  相似文献   

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