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The association between the estrogen receptor α gene (ESR1) PvuII polymorphism (c.454-397T>C) and coronary artery disease (CAD) is controversial. Thus, we conducted a meta-analysis to evaluate the relationship. Data were collected from 21 studies encompassing 9926 CAD patients and 16 710 controls. Odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were used to assess the relationship between PvuII polymorphism and CAD. The polymorphism in control populations in all studies followed Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. We found a significant association between ESR1 PvuII polymorphism and CAD risk in all subjects. When the data were stratified by region, a significant association between ESR1 PvuII polymorphism and CAD risk was observed in Asian populations but not in Western populations. The current study suggests that ESR1 PvuII polymorphism has an important role in CAD susceptibility.  相似文献   





傅真 《当代学生》2014,(Z2):22-24


<正>为保持原貌,本栏目所选考场作文中,对于漏字、错别字、错词、病句等采取如下形式处理:漏字(含标点)的补正,在"()"内用楷体字标出;错别字(含标点)、错词、病句的更正,在"〔〕"内用楷体字标出。——编者昨天,我又梦见他了,梦见他立在狭小的厨房里,手拿着蒲扇,不急不慢地扇着药锅下的灶火。那泛着苦涩的雾气氤氲开来,将他的背影映衬得虚幻,我还没来得及说出心里话,它就渐渐消散了。曾经,我认为外公不爱我,在我因病无法继续上体育课时也没说什么安慰的话。他的生活足不出户,只是多了项任务——为我煎药。他说吃药的人自己是不能煎药的,因为那味道令人不适,因此,每次他都把自己锁在窄得不能再窄的厨房里,即使夏天也如今天,我想说说心里话  相似文献   

我特别感谢我的导师、德国模拟科学研究生院以及国家。同时我也十分感激我的父母和妻子。诗云“行百里者半于九十”,此言末路之难。我寄语在求学路上的同行者们.要相信自己能够比前人做得更好,在科学的国际舞台上为中国学者赢得声誉。——张超  相似文献   



To assess whether the TaqIB polymorphism of cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) is associated with coronary artery disease (CAD) in Chinese population, we performed a meta-analysis in this paper.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP9) in nasopharyngeal carcinoma and the association between MMP9 and Epstein-Barr virus infection. Methods: The MMP9 expression was studied by immunohistochemical analysis; and Epstein-Barr virus encoded small nuclear mRNA-1 (EBER-1) produced by in situ hybridization were examined in 41 nasopharyngeal carcinoma sections, and the relation between them, and the associations of MMP9 with clinical features were statistically analyzed. Results: Positive expression rate of MMP9 was 73.17%. The expression of MMP9 showed significant positive correlation with the expression of EBER- 1 (γ=0.483, P=0.001). There was significant association of MMP9 expression with lymph nodes metastasis and clinical stage (P<0.001), non-significant association with age, gender, pathological classification and T classification. Conclusions: The highly pronounced expression of MMP9 is associated with cervical lymph nodes metastasis. Epstein-Barr virus can enhance NPC metastasis by up-regulating the expression of MMP9.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP9) in nasopharyngeal carcinoma and the association between MMP9 and Epstein-Barr virus infection. Methods: The MMP9 expression was studied by immu-nohistochemical analysis; and Epstein-Barr virus encoded small nuclear mRNA-1(EBER-1) produced by in situ hybridization were examined in 41 nasopharyngeal carcinoma sections, and the relation between them, and the associations of MMP9 with clinical features were statistically analyzed. Results: Positive expression rate of MMP9 was 73.17%. The expression of MMP9 showed significant positive correlation with the expression of EBER-1 (γ0.483, P=0.001). There was significant association of MMP9 expression with lymph nodes metastasis and clinical stage (P<0.001), non-significant association with age, gender, pathological classification and T classification. Conclusions: The highly pronounced expression of MMP9 is associated with cervical lymph nodes metastasis. Epstein-Barr virus can enhance N  相似文献   

Coronary artery bypass grafting surgery is increasingly being carried out on patients with multi-vessel coronary artery disease, but the best grafting candidate for non-left anterior descending coronary arteries is unclear. This research sought to systematically compare the efficacies and safeties of coronary bypass with radial artery and other available grafts. A systematic literature retrieval was performed for all clinical trials comparing the outcomes of coronary artery bypass surgery with radial artery and other grafts in PubMed, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library. Seven eligible clinical studies, comparing radial artery and great saphenous vein grafts, were found between 1966 and 2010: one prospective non-randomized and six prospective randomized trials. The pooling analysis obtained a relative risk of 0.507 (P<0.05) of graft occlusion in radial arteries compared with great saphenous veins. There was a significantly lower infection rate in arms (i.e., harvest sites for radial arteries) relative to legs (harvest sites for veins), with a pooled relative risk of 0.140 (P<0.05). From the reports on mortality after follow-up ranging from one year to six years, there was no significant difference in mortality between the two graft types (P=0.927). In addition, four cohort controlled trials for radial and right internal thoracic artery grafts were included. The radial graft was associated with less cardiac related events relative to the right internal thoracic artery graft (P=0.014), but with comparable mortality and comparable rates of repeat percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. Subjects with radial arteries seemed to have a lower occlusion rate and a lower graft harvest site infection rate than those with great saphenous veins. Moreover there were fewer cardiac related events with radial arteries relative to the right internal thoracic artery grafts. More studies are needed to confirm these findings concerning the favorable outcomes of coronary artery bypass grafting with radial arteries on long-term patency and mortality.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Conventional coronary artery bypass graftin(CCABG) with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) habeen accepted as an effective and safe treatment fomulti-vessel coronary heat disease. CPB may stilcontribute to the operation field because of threlatively easier technical requirement; but it alscauses a serious systematic inflammatory reactiowhich will lead to dysfunction of important organand higher cost for the patients. Off-pump coronarartery bypass grafting (OPCABG) has r…  相似文献   

The dysfunction of coronary microcirculation is an important cause of coronary artery disease (CAD). The index of microcirculatory resistance (IMR) is a quantitative evaluation of coronary microcirculatory function, which provides a significant reference for the prediction, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of CAD. IMR also plays a key role in investigating the interaction between epicardial and microcirculatory dysfunctions, and is closely associated with coronary hemodynamic parameters such as flow rate, distal coronary pressure, and aortic pressure, which have been widely applied in computational studies of CAD. However, there is currently a lack of consensus across studies on the normal and pathological ranges of IMR. The relationships between IMR and coronary hemodynamic parameters have not been accurately quantified, which limits the application of IMR in computational CAD studies. In this paper, we discuss the research gaps between IMR and its potential applications in the computational simulation of CAD. Computational simulation based on the combination of IMR and other hemodynamic parameters is a promising technology to improve the diagnosis and guide clinical trials of CAD.  相似文献   



Although computed tomography coronary angiography (CTCA) can identify coronary stenosis, little data exists on the ability of multislice computed tomography (MSCT) to detect myocardial perfusion defects at rest.  相似文献   

探讨普通人群血浆同型半胱氨酸水平升高是否能独立预测死亡风险。  相似文献   

Objective: To study the relationship between plasma adiponectin concentration and the functional activities of circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Methods: Circulating EPCs were enumerated as AC133+/KDR+ cells via flow cytometry and identified by co-staining with Dii-acLDL and fluorescein isothiocy-anate (FITC)-conjugated lectin under a fluorescent microscope. The migratory capacity of EPCs was measured by modified Boyden chamber assay. Adhesion capacity was performed to count adherent cells after replating EPCs on six-well culture dishes coated with fibronectin. Results: The number of circulating EPCs (AC133+/KDR+ cells) decreased significantly in CAD patients, compared with control subjects [(74.2±12.3) vs (83.5±12.9) cells/ml blood, P<0.0\]. In addition, the number of EPCs also decreased in CAD patients after ex vivo cultivation [(54.4±8.6) vs (71.9±11.6) EPCs/field, P<0.01]. Both circulating EPCs and differentiated EPCs were positively correlated with plasma adiponectin concentration. The functional activities of EPCs from CAD patients, such as migratory and adherent capacities, were also impaired, compared with control subjects, and positively correlated with plasma adiponectin concentration. Conclusion: The study demonstrates that the impairment of the number and functional activities of EPCs in CAD patients is correlated with their lower plasma adiponectin concentrations.  相似文献   



To clarify the association of IL-6 polymorphisms and periodontitis, a meta-analysis of case-control studies and a systemic review were conducted.  相似文献   

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