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Mexico's National Autonomous University (UNAM) is the most important higher education institution in this country. Although there seems to be broad consensus on the need for a profound transformation of this University, most attempts in the last 25 years have failed to generate the required reforms. The limitations and obstacles for university reform at UNAM are analyzed in this article. The established power relations and the bureaucratization process are identified as the main political and structural limitations for change. The dominating system at UNAM is analyzed in a historical perspective emphasizing the cultural elements in the conformation of the dominant discourse and alliance. Confrontation and conflict within the University and against external power structures are traced in this historical analysis and exhibited as permanent components in the modern history of UNAM. The existence of a legitimacy crisis in the governance structure of this University is argued in terms of the erosion of the prevailing dominating system, expressed in the open manifestation of inherent contradictions through social conflicts directed against the bureaucracy; the permanent challenge to rules, regulations and established procedures; the lack of academic leadership; and the internal dissent and the deficient articulation within the dominant block. Finally, the building of a new hegemony at UNAM (through a redefinition of the concept of university reform, the reconstruction of the social fabric, the establishment of new constituencies, a rebuilding of collegial relations, and the founding of a new pact with the Mexican State), is shown to be a unique path towards university reform.  相似文献   

如何解决好经济的现代化与国民素质现代化同步发展,是每个发展中国家教育所面临的新课题。本对新加坡的国民素质教育与现代化进行分析研究,这对于我国8当前的国民素质教育无疑具有积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

曲延春 《德州学院学报》2004,20(1):13-16,20
政治现代化是社会现代化的重要内容.国民革命推动了中国政治现代化的发展.国民革命推翻了北洋军阀的专制独裁统治,在国民革命中国共两党进行了民主政治建设的实践,国民革命还扩大了民众政治参与的广泛性,沉重打击了帝国主义,一定程度上维护了国家主权.但同时应当看到,国民革命后建立的国民党南京政府成为中国社会现代化发展的新的障碍.  相似文献   

The University of Salford is one of the most recent of Britain's new universities, having received its Royal Charter in 1967. However, Salford has an academic tradition dating from 1896 when the Royal Technical Institute was founded. Students have been following degree courses at Salford since the 1920's.  相似文献   

自主招生社会化旨在打破政府对招生考试权的垄断,形成政府监管、高校自主、社会参与的多中心考试治理结构。实行自主招生社会化的路径包括:建立政府的监督机制,确认高校的招生法人资格,完善社会招考组织以及考生作为独立主体参考四个方面的内容。  相似文献   

Anatomy has historically been a cornerstone in medical education regardless of nation or specialty. Until recently, dissection and didactic lectures were its sole pedagogy. Teaching methodology has been revolutionized with more reliance on models, imaging, simulation, and the Internet to further consolidate and enhance the learning experience. Moreover, modern medical curricula are giving less importance to anatomy education and to the acknowledged value of dissection. Universities have even abandoned dissection completely in favor of user‐friendly multimedia, alternative teaching approaches, and newly defined priorities in clinical practice. Anatomy curriculum is undergoing international reformation but the current framework lacks uniformity among institutions. Optimal learning content can be categorized into the following modalities: (1) dissection/prosection, (2) interactive multimedia, (3) procedural anatomy, (4) surface and clinical anatomy, and (5) imaging. The importance of multimodal teaching, with examples suggested in this article, has been widely recognized and assessed. Nevertheless, there are still ongoing limitations in anatomy teaching. Substantial problems consist of diminished allotted dissection time and the number of qualified anatomy instructors, which will eventually deteriorate the quality of education. Alternative resources and strategies are discussed in an attempt to tackle these genuine concerns. The challenges are to reinstate more effective teaching and learning tools while maintaining the beneficial values of orthodox dissection. The UK has a reputable medical education but its quality could be improved by observing international frameworks. The heavy penalty of not concentrating on sufficient anatomy education will inevitably lead to incompetent anatomists and healthcare professionals, leaving patients to face dire repercussions. Anat Sci Educ 3: 83–93, 2010. © 2010 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

我国是一个统一多民族社会主义国家,少数民族地区实行民族区域自治,有效促进了各民族平等和共同繁荣.随着城镇化建设的快速发展,民族自治地方建制已不适应当前的发展,改革建制,创建民族自治市已成为推动民族自治地方城镇化建设的必然要求.民族自治市建设需要国家法律制度的保证,采取有力措施,加大国家扶持和对口帮扶力度,并通过民族自治地方的努力,实现与全国同步进入小康社会的宏大目标.  相似文献   

民族区域自治制度是解决我国民族问题的一项基本政治制度.民族区域自治法制化是贯彻落实这一制度,加强依法行政,实施依法治国的必然要求,也是促进民族自治地方经济社会发展的迫切需要.目前,我国的民族区域自治制度已经逐步走上了法制化的道路,但随着经济体制的转型,依法治国方略的实施这一进程还是存在着不少的问题.本文就此作一些浅显的探讨,以期能够更好地促进民族区域自治法制化进程的发展.  相似文献   

This article explores the possibilities for the development of autonomous learners within the confines of an institutional education setting. Student participation in setting curriculum, in collaborative learning, and self‐ and peer‐assessment are discussed as fundamental aspects of learner‐controlled learning. They are reviewed in the context of a university research methodology unit aimed at developing autonomous researchers/learners. Outcomes for the students taking the unit included increased motivation; excitement; confidence; in‐depth learning; an appreciation of new ways of learning; respect for their peers as co‐learners and experiences of self‐reflection and self‐assessment. The study indicates that if autonomous learning is to be encouraged in universities, staff need to develop new conceptions of teaching and learning and new skills, as they move from the role of knowledge expert to that of resource person and facilitator. Students need to develop new learning strategies, as they move from being passive learners to becoming autonomous learners.  相似文献   

高校自主招生的研究一直是我国学术界研究的一个热点问题,并且已经取得了较多的研究成果。目前,学术界对高校自主招生的研究主要集中在:内涵的研究,优点的研究,存在的问题的研究,改革措施的研究,改革趋势和方向的研究。但当前学术界对我国高校自主招生的研究还存在一些不足,在以后的研究中应予以关注。  相似文献   

大学:国家精英的加工厂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等教育大众化的实现,远没有达到教育促进社会公平的目的.即使在标榜民主、平等的西方发达国家,在教育公平的表象下依然存在着教育机构的等级制,而位于等级制塔尖的所谓精英教育机构始终深刻地影响着各国的政治、经济、文化.本文主要探讨法国、英国、美国、日本、德国等西方发达国家在精英教育机构方面存在的异同.  相似文献   

我国高校自主招生的制度选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校自主招生改革试点的推行,是对我国高校招生考试制度的补充与完善,也是与国际高校招生考试制度接轨的一项重要举措.在这几年的改革试点进程中,高校自主招生虽取得了不小的成绩,但也存在一些不易解决的问题.我们要使高校自主招生改革试点工作顺利健康地开展下去,就必须深入探讨阻碍我国高校自主招生健康运行的制约因素.  相似文献   

赣南脐橙产业发展目前已进入提升转型的关键时期,物流环节作为赣南脐橙产业发展中的关键性因素,在产业发展中发挥了重要作用,然而因为物流行业本身与脐橙产业相互结合的过程中所存在的问题,成为了制约赣南脐橙产业发展的瓶颈,赣南脐橙产业的发展直接要求物流环节中的国际化、现代化、系统化和规范化,而这一系列要求的归结点却在于物流法律制度的完善。  相似文献   

Most investigations into the effects of funding changes on higher education systems have been carried out in developed economies. This article focuses on the Thai higher education system, applying theoretical arguments and empirical analyses to the case of a newly industrialising country. One goal of the Thai higher education funding reform is to cut public spending and to stimulate university–industry cooperation as a means to obtain additional university income. This article presents empirical data based on an investigation into the cooperation activities of five Thai universities. The results show that both individuals and organisations react to changes in university funding: university–industry relations are becoming more frequent and are promoted by university administrations. The financial benefits for the universities as well as the technological benefits for the cooperating companies are, however, both very limited.  相似文献   

日本国立大学法人化改革:背景、内容及启示   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
日本国立大学独立行政法人化改革是二战后日本高等教育领域影响最大,也最有争议的改革。本文分析了日本国立大学独立行政法人化改革的背景、内容,提出了对我国高等教育改革的几点启示。  相似文献   

王磊 《商洛学院学报》2007,21(1):114-118
政党与政党制度的发展与政治现代化有着密切的关系。伊朗的政党伴随着政治现代化的起步而产生。在整个20世纪,伊朗政党与政党制度的形成、发展和演变,经历了一个十分曲折的过程,成为伊朗政治现代化的表现和主要内容,推动了伊朗政治现代化的进程。伊朗在改朝换代和社会巨变时期会出现众多政党一一这一时期恰好是独裁统治弱化期间,或者说是两个独裁统治时期的中间过渡阶段,是政治环境宽松的时机。伊朗政党的政治走向与伊朗政治文化的多元性相一致。伊朗众多政党身受西方资产阶级政治、东方无产阶级政治、伊朗君主专制主义和伊斯兰主义影响。由此,我们也可以考察伊朗政治现代化缓慢艰难、复杂多变的步伐。  相似文献   

高职类院校课堂教学的模式主要包括"生命课堂"、"知识课堂"和"智能课堂"三种,每一种课堂教学模式都有其自身的特点。要实现高职类院校课堂教学模式的现代化,要求我们必须科学地认识教育的本质、有先进的课堂教学模式观以及在教育价值追求和实践操作等方面要实现突破。  相似文献   

知识经济时代,全球范围内的国际竞争使一流大学成为国家发展的重要战略资源。应对时代的机遇与挑战,新加坡国立大学成功的创业型大学发展实践为加速我国世界一流大学建设提供了范例。本文以新加坡国立大学为例,站在历史分析的视角对其选择创业型发展道路的原因进行分析,从革新一体化创业精神、广泛吸纳国际学术精英、变革组织管理核心、开辟多元经费来源、革新科研发展模式五个方面,探索学校创业型之路的发展特点。在此基础上,从重塑组织文化、释放大学创新活力、服务国家和区域发展、构建世界级伙伴关系四方面,提出了对我国世界一流大学建设的启示意义。  相似文献   

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