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美国语言学家格莱斯的合作原则是人们言语交际活动的重要准则,但在交际中违反合作原则的现象很多。戏剧《雷雨》中很多违反合作原则人物的对话蕴含着特殊的会话含义,反映出剧中人物的性格特征和人物之间的矛盾冲突,展现了人物复杂的内心活动。  相似文献   

席娟  陈莉霞 《考试周刊》2014,(25):28-29
对话作为电影艺术的一种主要表现手法,不仅是生活的再现,更是作者的艺术创作。本文从语用学角度,运用格赖斯的会话含义理论,以电影《当幸福来敲门》中的对话片段为语料,分析其中不同角色在特定的语境下违反合作原则四条准则所传递出的会话含义。通过分析主要人物之间的对话,得出以下结论:电影利用违反合作原则的方式制造人物对话的会话含义,从而表现戏剧冲突和人物内心活动。了解了人物对话的会话含义,可以更清晰地理解人物形象,解读电影作品意义。从语用学角度分析电影中对白的会话含义,无论是对英语理论研究还是对跨文化交际,都有积极的参考价值。  相似文献   

对于《渔父》中人物对话的研究,传统的文本分析缺少对言语行为自身的关注.以语用学会话理论中的合作原则和礼貌原则为基本工具,分析人物对话,把握对话特点,同时结合语境理论解读多层会话含意,深入文本,理解对话所蕴含的人物心理与文化特性,创造性地发掘了文本语用学视角下的教学功能与价值.  相似文献   

Grice的"合作原则"认为交际双方都要遵守合作原则,对话才能顺利而有效地进行,而在实际情况中,人们常故意违背合作原则,以实现表达真正意图的目的。在文学作品中会话含义的使用也很常见,人物不断利用会话含义来完成对话和沟通的目标。本文以《哈姆雷特》为例,以人物对话对于合作原则的遵守与违背为切入点,运用Grice会话含义理论对文本进行语用学分析。  相似文献   

格赖斯的"合作原则"和会话含义推导理论为理解人类交际过程中违背交际准则的对话提供了强大的分析工具。小说对话中作者通常故意违背交际准则以达到传递会话含义的目的。在翻译小说对话时,使用"合作原则"和会话含义推导理论,使译文与原文在语用效果上等值。《红楼梦》两译本中对人物对话的处理为总结小说对话翻译策略提供了原材料。  相似文献   

语用模糊是说话人在特定语境中向听话人同时表达数种言外行为或言外之力的语用现象。它在戏剧文学作品中的人物对话中普遍存在,用以突出人物性格和冲突。从语用模糊的角度分析戏剧名篇《雷雨》中的人物对话,纵深地挖掘其中的人物性格和戏剧冲突,展现语用模糊的使用对戏剧冲突发展的突出作用。  相似文献   

合作原则是话语分析的重要理论,被广泛运用于小说、戏剧,及日常生活的人物对话的分析中。电影《致我们终将逝去的青春》上映后得到广泛的喜爱,影片中很多人物对话由于合作原则的违反都蕴含着弦外之音和言外之意,折射出影片的主题。从违反格赖斯合作原则的角度分析影片中的经典对话,体现语言运用对电影文学艺术表达的重要性。  相似文献   

在《玩偶之家(节选)》中,作者通过“对话”完成了三个人物的人物形象的刻画、故事情节的推进和矛盾冲突的发展,足见“对话”在戏剧文学中的重要作用和独特魅力。教学时可从对话对主、客观叙事的作用着眼,探析对话在推动故事情节及矛盾冲突的发展、展现剧中人物的心理变化、完成小说主题的构建等方面的特点和魅力。  相似文献   

运用违反合作原则与礼貌原则分析了马克·吐温《汤姆·索亚历险记》中人物的经典对话,进一步探讨了违反合作原则与礼貌原则在刻画儿童心理时的重要作用。  相似文献   

Grice的会话合作原则提出了数量准则、质量准则、相关准则和方式准则四项交际原则,而在电影作品中人物对话往往可以违背合作原则来表现特定的会话含义,本文以Grice合作原则为理论基础,以冯小刚贺岁片《手机》中台词为实例,分析人物对话违背合作原则所表达出的会话含义及其体现出来的喜剧效果。  相似文献   

本文试从语用目的原则下的目的与策略手段出发,分析《呼啸山庄》作者艾米莉·勃朗特的创作目的及其在目的指引下采用的相应的叙事策略。通过分析发现,目的原则的分析模式同样适用于文学作品中语篇连贯的分析。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of goal relations on self-regulation in the pursuit of multiple goals, focusing on self-regulated performance, the self-regulatory process, and task enjoyment. The effect of multiple goal relations on self-regulation was explored in a set of three studies. Goal relations were divided into two categories: facilitating goal relations and conflicting goal relations. A facilitating goal relation is a relationship in which the pursuit of a focal goal enhances the attainment of an additional goal, whereas a conflicting goal relation is a relationship in which the pursuit of a focal goal generates conflicts with additional goal pursuits. Specifically, Study 1 tested the general hypothesis that conflicting goals decrease self-regulatory performance, task enjoyment, and the adaptive self-regulatory process, whereas facilitating goals increase them during the performance of the focal goal task. Studies 2A and 2B tested how the extent of facilitating or conflicting relations between goals affects self-regulatory performance, the self-regulatory process, and task enjoyment during the pursuit of the focal goal. The findings of the three studies were consistent with the authors?? hypothesis that facilitating goal relations increase self-regulatory performance and the self-regulatory process, whereas conflicting goal relations decrease them. The author also discuss the implications for self-regulation, intrinsic motivation, and classroom organization.  相似文献   

Researchers’ motivations are important for high-quality research and the productivity of the scientific system, but remain largely uninvestigated. Using three studies, we tested the usefulness of Achievement Goal Theory (AGT) for describing research motivations, investigated which goals researchers pursue, and examined their associations with job burnout/engagement and professional learning. Interviewing 20 researchers (Study 1), we found that most of their goals in the research context were classifiable as achievement goals. Apart from mastery and performance goals that are well-established in the AGT literature, they also mentioned relational and work-avoidance goals. Mastery goals comprised task and learning standards, performance goals comprised appearance and normative strivings. In Study 2, we used a standardized questionnaire to assess these goals in 824 researchers, along with burnout/engagement, professional learning time, and professional learning gains. Results confirmed the separability of all conceptualized goals, measurement invariance across academic status, and differential patterns of associations with burnout/engagement and professional learning. In Study 3, we analyzed these constructs in 471 researchers at two time points, six months apart. Results attested measurement invariance over time. Cross-lagged analyses documented similar associations as in Study 2. Learning approach and relational goals had positive effects on professional learning; appearance avoidance and work-avoidance goals were negative predictors. In contrast, burnout was negatively predicted by normative avoidance goals. However, high initial burnout levels were associated with reduced task approach and learning approach, and stronger work-avoidance goals six months later. Taken together, the results highlight the usefulness of AGT for understanding researchers’ motivations, and their relatedness with professional learning and well-being at work.  相似文献   

笔者运用弗洛伊德的精神分析批评解读理查德.柯内尔的短篇小说小说中三个主要人物间的象征含义并探讨他们的冲突与联系。雷斯弗德、惠特尼和扎罗夫分别对应精神分析的三个概念:自我,超我和本我。冷酷凶残的扎罗夫按"本我"的快乐原则行事,理性善良的惠特尼信奉"超我"的至善的原则,二者思想的激烈冲突使代表"本我"的雷斯弗德左右为难、备受煎熬,而小说正是通过揭示主人公雷斯弗德内心的矛盾、困惑与痛苦,达到反思人性和人类战争的目的  相似文献   

Goal setting and behavior contracting were combined for students with emotional and behavioral difficulties in a public elementary school. Attainment for daily, weekly, and total contract goals were analyzed over 5 years across 43 special education students. Goal setting involved goal specificity, goal difficulty, goal acceptance, and performance feedback. Behavior contracts involved a main goal, target behavior, recording, feedback, and reward contingency. Contracts focused on low-frequency behaviors to be increased (e.g., cooperation), or high-frequency behaviors to be decreased (e.g., aggression). Mean completion time for contracts was 6.4 weeks. Results indicated high and consistent attainment percentages for daily (75%), weekly (72%), and total (86%) contract goals. Findings suggest that the motivational aspects of behavior contracting and goal setting may combine to produce maximum success for students with emotional and behavioral difficulties. Limitations and implications are discussed. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between cellphone use and achievement goals in junior high school students. The participants were 282 students randomly selected from a secondary school in Xi'an, China. The Frequency of Cellphone Use Questionnaire and the Achievement Goal Questionnaire were used as measurement tools. The results showed that cellphone use at Time 1 (T1) was significantly associated with performance goals orientation and with mastery goals orientation at both times; cellphone use at Time 2 (T2) was not correlated with performance goals orientation or mastery goals orientation at T1. The cross‐lagged analysis showed a negative causal relationship between the frequency of cellphone use and mastery goals but no causal relationship between the frequency of cellphone use and performance goals. These results may be helpful for guiding adolescents to reduce cellphone use, pay attention to the mastery of knowledge, and establish mastery goals.  相似文献   

A training program designed to teach Learning Disabled junior high school students to set realistic achievement goals, to expend effort to reach the goals, and to accept personal responsibility for achievement outcomes was conducted with 61 LD adolescents attending four junior high schools. Students were randomly assigned to an experimental or control group. Goal setting strategies and effort attribution training were introduced for a six-week period. Pre- to posttesting indicated that the experimental group learned to set realistic goals and to attribute achievement outcomes to the amount of personal effort expended.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of different goals (process, performance outcome, and multiple goals) and self-recording on self-regulation of learning a dart-throwing skill. Participants were 105 fifth and sixth graders who were randomly assigned to six (3 Goal type × 2 self-recording) experimental and one control group. Results showed a positive effect of self-recording on students’ performance, while no difference was found between the goal conditions. Moreover, goal group students made more technical attributions and adaptive inferences compared to the control group students. Results are discussed with reference to self-regulated learning, the pursuit of multiple goals and self-recording in physical education.  相似文献   

This study extended Dweck's model of achievement motivation to the collegiate level, and it is the first to apply this model to nontraditional students. We examined the relationship between goal orientations and academic performance in 262 undergraduate students grouped by nontraditional vs. traditional status. Although both groups rated themselves higher on learning goals than on performance goals, non-traditional students endorsed learning goals even more strongly than their traditional peers. Goal orientations were a better predictor of academic success than student status. Consistent with Dweck's model, a learning goal orientation was positively related to successful academic performance for both groups. The relationship between performance goals and academic success was less straightforward, but students who rated both goal orientations as relatively weak had the lowest cumulative GPAs. Traditional and nontraditional students differed on variables that were inversely related to academic performance. Less successful traditional students endorsed irrational beliefs (a possible index of learned helplessness), while less successful nontraditional students worked more hours at a paid job.  相似文献   

教师成为时间管理的专家,需要牢记三个法则,即:象限法则、目标法则、节约法则。象限法则启示教师需要培养优先意识。目标法则启示教师要制定个人目标、学会授权、协作共进。节约法则要求教师减少浪费、科学使用时间、节约时间、勤于学习。  相似文献   

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