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许多英语学习者在英语的口语表达上都无可避免地受到汉语思维模式的影响,因此,有意识地培养学习者的英语思维模式是十分必要的。汉语思维模式呈开放螺旋型,而英语思雏模式呈直线型。掌握直线型的英语思维模式,有助于学生在英语口语表达中正确定义事物,顺畅描述过程以及准确地表达观点。  相似文献   

陈招 《考试周刊》2008,(50):228-229
基本颜色词是指那些本来就可以表达事物色彩的颜色词。从英汉两个民族对颜色的感受来说,对基本颜色的概念是一致的。但是由于历史和文化背景的不同,导致了在英语和汉语中颜色的应用有差别。本文主要讨论的是红色在英语和汉语之间的应用及其差异。  相似文献   

英语的听说读写是相互影响、相互作用的有机统一体。训练英语书面表达能力要贯穿于英语教学的始终。书面表达一直以来都是高考英语试题的重要组成部分,它要求学生必须在具备一定词汇、句型、语法的基础上,能够合理、自由地运用英语知识,描绘事物,记叙事件,表达情感。  相似文献   

不同的语言形式传递各类信息,同时也反映了事物之间的关系和表现了思维活动逻辑特征质的取向。形式逻辑把众多事物间纷繁复杂的关系抽象化加以研究,抓住事物运动变化发展的主要矛盾,显示出事物之间关系和逻辑特征的基本含义。语言传递信息,表示事物间的关系与逻辑特征质的取向只有在合理有效的范围内表达才是真正的规范语言。  相似文献   

张巍 《成才之路》2014,(1):71-71
正英国语言学家威尔金斯(D.Wilkins)说过,"没有语法,人们可以表达的事物寥寥无几;而没有词汇,人们则无法表达任何事物。"不论学习哪一种语言,背单词算是一项"基础工程"。只有当你大脑中的"资料库"储存了足够的词汇量,有了对各种事物、各种情境自由描述的本领,才能流利地运用英语进行听、说、读、写,才能自由地运用英语进行社会活动。不过,背单词也是学习英语时最让人头疼的事了。其实,英语的词汇虽然浩瀚,似乎一下子就把人吓住了,但是日常生活与工作中,每个人需要掌握的英语单词数量是有限的。所以,对于学生来说,学习英语单词并不是一件高不可  相似文献   

王芹 《现代语文》2001,(7):42-42
“隐私”包括隐事和隐情。“隐事”指的是一些为学生亲见亲闻亲历的事件,这些事件与他们通常的理解和接受标准形成了冲突,从而淤积在心里成为“隐事”。“隐情”则指淤积在学生心底的情绪,如发生在男女学生之间的爱恋之情等,只能隐藏在心里。韩愈在《送盂东野序》中说:“凡物不得其平则鸣。”这些隐藏在学生心底的隐事隐情强烈地寻求着表达的途径。于是,作课就最有可能成为他们表达“隐私”的机会。“写隐私”作的出现就证明了这种可能已经成为现实。  相似文献   

在跨文化交流中,文化空缺现象普遍存在。近几十年来,为了真实地再现中国文化,人们创造性地用英语表达中国文化下特有的事物、现象、观念等。中国英语在词汇、语法、语篇三个层面不断发展,然而,学生用英语表达中国文化的能力不容乐观。本文从课程设置、教材设计、教师观念及素质三个方面论述如何提高学生中国文化英语表达能力。  相似文献   

由于语言文字不同和社会差异,涉及中国或汉语特有事物的汉译英,往往无法用现成的英语表达,应视原文的可译性采取适当的方法,表达既要符合原意又要道地。切忌不顾真义死扣字面直译。  相似文献   

文章从认知语义关系入手.在词的层面对英语名词短语中前置/后置修饰语的选择进行了研究.研究表明,英语名词短语中修饰语和名词之间存在着永久性和暂时性两种从属语义关系,这两种关系来自于人类对客观世界中事物特性与事物主体从属之间关系的认知,并对英语名词短语中前置/后置修饰语的选择具有制约作用.英语名词短语中前置/后置修饰语选择的基本原则是:表示事物永久性特征的词作前置修饰语,表示事物暂时性特征的词作后置修饰语.  相似文献   

你在生活中有没有后悔的时候?比如,做错了事,怕挨骂而撒谎,很后悔;和要好的同学吵了嘴,影响了友谊,很后悔;由于粗心大意,错怪、冤枉了别人,很后悔……请你把自己最后悔的一件事写下来,要把事情的经过写具体,表达自己的真情实感:如果不愿意写这方面的事,写别的事也可以:  相似文献   

The recency of the community college movement has prevented large scale organization and dissemination of knowledge concerning the processes and steps required to establish a community college. There is, therefore, a need for means to incorporate contemporary evidence into the curriculum of prospective administrators of higher education. The purpose of this study was to compare Higher Education Administration students’ peceptions of a logical sequence of events for establishing a community college with a sequence of events for establishing a community college as determined by practice. The Edwards’ matched-pair technique was used to rank the perceptions of the students. A sequence of twenty-nine events was selected from the literature. Each event was matched with every other, thus providing 406 decision situations. From these decisions an ordering was obtained. Using the Spearman rho correlation technique, a coefficient of 0.82 was found between the sequence of events taken from the literature and rank ordering of these events as determined by the Edwards’ matched-pair technique.  相似文献   

以光锥和二惯性系映射的几何方法结合洛伦兹变换 ,讨论了参考系变换下不同的时空区域中事件的时间顺序 ,直观的描述了狭义相对论的因果律  相似文献   

In 3 experiments, 4-, 5-, and 6-year-olds' ability to sequence events was examined. We hypothesized that children initially construct temporal sequences by relying on the organization of their world knowledge instead of inferring logical relations among actions. In the first experiment, children generated picture sequences of familiar and unfamiliar events in forward and backward order without having seen the pictures in their correct sequence. In the second experiment, children reconstructed previously seen sequences, and in the third experiment, children were shown forward and backward sequences and reconstructed them in the opposite direction. Across experiments, the same pattern of performance was found; familiar events in forward order were the easiest to sequence, then unfamiliar events in forward order, familiar events in backward order, and finally unfamiliar events in backward order. These results are discussed along with other findings suggesting a similar pattern of performance across a wide developmental age span.  相似文献   

When rats receive a sequence of rewards of different magnitudes for traversing a runway, they learn to “track” the sequence, showing anticipation of the forthcoming reward by appropriate running speed. There is disagreement as to whether this behavior depends on rats’ encoding and recalling a complete sequence of foregoing hedonic events or just the immediately preceding one. The present experiments showed that rats can remember more hedonic events than the most recent one. In Experiment 1, when exposed concurrently to the sequences 10-1-0 (pellets) and 0-1-10, they were faster on Run 3 of the increasing than of the decreasing sequence, a discrimination which cannot be made on the basis of the preceding (1-pellet) reward alone. Experiment 2 showed that this behavior reflects genuine anticipation of the Run 3 reward, not simultaneous contrast or other simple aftereffects of Runs 1 and 2. It is argued, however, that these results, together with related findings by Capaldi and Verry (1981), show merely that rats can recall a hedonic event other than the most recent one, not that a sequence of such events is fully recalled in order.  相似文献   

主要探讨排名算法的原理及在实际应用中的实现。通过区分"田赛"和"径赛"的升降序,实现对比赛成绩的类似于Excel的Rank排名,并与裁判所提交的赛场手工排名进行比较,来判断裁判所提交的纸质数据是否有效,从而具有一定的纠错功能。  相似文献   

References to the past have taken one or another of two general forms, which we call mythic and historical, or a mix of the two. We tend to think of mythic accounts of the past as belonging to oral cultures and historical forms to be one of the “consequences of literacy.” Mythic accounts have tended to refer to an original beginning whose events are seen to determine, rather directly, current conditions. The intervening events, represented in a causal sequence, and secured by rational inquiry, are generally seen as a product of the development of historical thinking. But the difference between the two is not so clear. Increasingly it is recognized that our imaginations play a constructive role in the kind of meaning we compose from past events. This leaves us with some discomfort, or at least challenges, in considering the kind of thinking we are encouraging in our pupils as we teach them history.  相似文献   

Objective setting and evaluation for learning in the affective domain are often neglected in educational programs, largely because affective learning is a poorly understood phenomenon. This is particularly problematic in nonformal science education facilities, which are uniquely suited to facilitate affective learning. To address this problem, a heuristic model of affective learning in nonformal educational facilities was developed. The model, referred to as the Meredith Model, displays a sequence of events occurring in the affective responses of learners in nonformal educational experiences and identifies factors which may influence individual events within this sequence. The model is proposed as a conceptual framework for gaining an increased understanding of affective learning and for making recommendations for practice of nonformal science education and for further research. J Res Sci Teach 34: 805–818, 1997.  相似文献   

This article examines different conceptions of causation and their implications for understanding educational phenomena and conducting educational research. Specifically, I discuss four research designs for pursuing questions about causation in education. Two of these research designs take a variance approach to causation (that is, they attempt to show correlations between earlier events and subsequent ones), while the other two take a process approach (that is, they attempt to show a demonstrable sequence of events by which one variable flows into or leads to another). The point of the discussion is to illustrate, first, their respective strengths and, second, their necessary interdependence. Ultimately, I argue that just as both hammers and saws are needed to build a good house, both variance and process approaches are needed to build a good understanding of causation in education.  相似文献   

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