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This paper explores two current issues in the educational policies and practices of Hong Kong that have been shaped by the emergence of the nation-state and the return of Hong Kong's sovereignty from the UK to the People's Republic of China on 1 July 1997. Since this time there have been two great challenges facing music education. The first concerns how to incorporate diverse cultures, including Chinese music, into a Western-orientated music curriculum; and the second is to find a way to cultivate national identity and democracy through music education. The data presented here were collected via in-depth, semi-structured individual interviews with music teachers, school heads and assistant school heads across 40 primary and secondary schools between 2006 and 2007. The findings can be explained by referring to the shortcomings of multicultural education and the underdevelopment of democracy in Hong Kong's education system.  相似文献   

音乐素养对中职学生创新性学习和今后岗位工作创造性发展皆具有强劲的助力作用。中职教育阶段音乐教学活动的开展,应根据中职生特点和教学实际创新教学手段和方法,在潜移默化中提升学生的艺术修养,陶冶学生的情操,发展学生的情感,促进学生音乐素养不断提升。从关注个体发展、拓展音乐风格教学、鉴赏音乐作品情感基调、加强师生互动以及丰富音乐鉴赏活动等五个方面探究培养中职学生音乐素养的有效策略,旨在全面提升中职音乐教学的有效性,促进中职学生音乐素质的不断提高。  相似文献   

基于党的十八大以来有关学校美育教学系列改革和笔者17年实地调查、13年顺序性音乐教学研究,笔者认为,新时代中小学音乐课堂是高质量的音乐课堂,是扎根中国大地、遵循美育特点的高效能课堂。推进新时代中小学音乐课堂变革,有四个经验值得关注,即站在中国大地变革音乐课堂、遵循美育特点变革音乐教学、牢牢扭住中小学生发展音乐素养这个核心、用整体发展理论引领音乐课堂变革;有四个对策值得重视,即更加注重学习者中心,更加注重价值育人导向,更加注重深度教学理念,更加注重科研引领。希冀能够为新时代加快推进基础音乐课程教学高质量发展和学校美育现代化贡献智慧。  相似文献   

Ho Wai‐Chung 《Compare》2004,34(2):231-249
This study compares the music taught and its associated cultural values in Shanghai and Taipei primary and secondary schools. Both owe their cultural ascendancy to traditional Chinese music and western musicology. How do the music education systems of these two Chinese communities reflect their respective public cultures and political ideologies? Data from a sample of 3204 Shanghai and Taipei Chinese school students showed that tensions between classroom music activities and pupils' musical preferences arose from the difficult preservation of cultural and political identity in both Mainland China and Taiwan. Dilemmas concerning the use of music for patriotic and ideological purposes are also discussed in this study.  相似文献   

杨桦 《重庆师专学报》2013,(6):142-144,150
音乐教学论是我国高等师范院校音乐学专业人才培养方案中设置的必修课,对学生成长为合格的中小学音乐教师至关重要.文章从提高学生学习兴趣出发,从学生掌握音乐教学技能着手实施评价,形成着眼于学生发展的评价理念、评价方式、评价过程、评价内容的多元化,让评价更公正、客观,更好地为教学服务,促进学生综合素质的提高.  相似文献   

This study deals with the issue of incorporating values education in music education in Hong Kong's primary and secondary schools. It includes the development of the state's cultural and national identity since its handover from the United Kingdom to the People's Republic of China (PRC). Thirty primary and secondary school music teachers were interviewed in order to understand how notions of “musical values” and “non-musical values” have been addressed in the curriculum. In particular, this study focuses on music teachers' perspectives on teaching world music, traditional Chinese music, the PRC national anthem, and non-musical values. This paper questions the effectiveness of existing curricular and pedagogical attempts to encourage the students' musical experience and extra-musical education. It concludes that values education must have clear conceptions of “values”, “musical cultures”, and “national identity” in order to maintain unity amidst the intensifying plurality of ethnicities and cultures in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

中小学音乐教师声乐能力的培养与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
声乐能力对于中小学音乐教师来说十分重要。中小学音乐教师的声乐能力应是一个有机的能力指标体系,它以其声乐演唱能力为基础,以声乐教学能力为核心,以声乐拓展能力为动力,相互支撑,相互促进。在中小学音乐教学实践中,国家对中小学音乐教师的声乐演唱能力提出了较高的职业要求,中小学生对音乐教师的声乐能力有较强的心理需求,中小学校对音乐老师的声乐能力有全面要求。但当前对中小学音乐教师声乐能力的培养现状不尽如人意,表现在,教育行政管理部门对音乐教师的配置重视不够,师范声乐教育存在着较大缺陷,在职进修受到诸多条件的限制。为此,应进一步明确中小学音乐教师声乐能力的评价指标,定期进行培训,为中小学教师创造更多的艺术实践机会,加强教师之间经常性的教研活动等,加强中小学音乐教师声乐能力培养与发展。  相似文献   

In this paper the idea of social entitlement to conceptual knowledge is considered in relation to students’ views of music at secondary school in New Zealand. The data was collected as a means of triangulating the key focus of a study concerning the beliefs and actions of teachers in relation to curriculum. In interpreting the student data I utilise thematic categories developed in the study but also Bernstein's concepts of pedagogic rights and identities to consider whether students’ experience of the curriculum empowered them to look beyond what they already know to consider alternatives. Most students were able to recognise themselves and their aspirations within their school music departments while also recognising the potential importance of the theoretical knowledge of the discipline. The interplay between enabling pedagogy and curriculum content appears to be pivotal in developing these rights for students.  相似文献   

中国学校乐教的全面兴盛是在西周时期,但人们对在西周之前的殷商学校乐教状况的认识却有些模糊不清.任何事物的发展不是一蹴而就的,正是殷商时期的铺垫,才造就了西周的辉煌.在记载殷商的历史文献中出现了“商人以乐造士”“殷人作乐于瞽宗,瞽宗殷学也”的文字记载,可见乐教在殷商时期就受到人们的重视.笔者从考证商代学校出发,继而考证其乐教场所、音乐教育内容,授乐者及“受众”,力图再现殷商时期的学校音乐教育.  相似文献   

日本学校音乐教育发展脉络及其特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从历时性的角度,分析日本学校音乐教育的发展脉络及其特点,了解日本学校音乐教育发展概况,从中汲取借鉴某些对我国学校音乐教育改革发展有益的经验。日本中小学音乐课对音乐实践活动极为重视,在音乐课中始终贯穿着充分发挥学生个性发展的指导思想,重视团体主义意识的集体性音乐活动,高校音乐教育专业的课程设置充分体现了面向中小学音乐教育的方针,重视音乐教育类课程的开设,重视音乐教师职后进修。  相似文献   

伴随着大众音乐文化的蓬勃兴起,音乐教育在大众音乐文化发展进程中的地位与作用日益凸显。大众音乐文化的健康发展离不开音乐教育,音乐教育也不能脱离大众音乐文化的发展轨迹而躲进自我欣赏的"象牙塔",两者相互融汇,互相促进。音乐教育在大众音乐文化发展进程中责无旁贷地承担起了传授知识、培训技能、正确引领、提升水平等职责与任务,这对我们正确认识大众音乐文化对学校音乐教育的影响,以及如何在音乐教学过程中整合各类音乐资源,调整教学结构,提高学生审美意识、培养大众积极健康的音乐欣赏心理等,都有一定的帮助和促进作用。  相似文献   

澳大利亚作为一个多元文化移民国家,政府鼓励学校开设多种语言课程,并为学生的语言文化学习提供各种鼓励机制。华人移居澳洲最早可追述于19世纪中期,并在近年来增长更为明显。随着华人社区的扩大,中国国际地位的提升,以及中澳两国紧密的合作关系,越来越多的澳洲中小学开设汉语课程。2014年即将颁布的新的全国汉语教学大纲更成为汉语作为澳洲学校科目发展史上的重要里程碑。然而,透过汉语教学欣欣向荣的表面冷观其实践,汉语教学在澳洲学校的进展却差强人意。具体表现在学习汉语学生的人数随着年级的升高而逐渐减少,高年级汉语学生多为母语留学生,汉语非母语学生语言学习效果不佳因而缺乏成就感,等等。这样的现状和汉语学习本身的难度以及学校课程设置的合理性有关,但同时也与汉语教学的整体质量紧密相关。笔者认为,提高澳大利亚学校汉语教学的整体水准从而鼓励更多的学生学习并喜爱汉语所需采取的关键措施之一是加强对汉语教师的专业培训。本文旨在阐述和分析当前澳洲本土对汉语教师的职前教育和在职培训,从而为其进一步提高提供借鉴。  相似文献   

在高校扩招以及由国家教育部组织专家制定并颁布实施的《全日制义务教育音乐课程标准》的背景下,如何在声乐师资短缺条件下能高效率地培养出更多高质量的中小学音乐教师,是我们高师声乐课面临的一项艰巨任务。本文旨在对高师声乐课程的内容应如何适应培养目标、教师应具备怎样的素质、学生应该怎样学习、教学方法应该怎样调整方面做一些积极的探讨。  相似文献   

袁吉红 《天津教育》2021,(5):141-142
随着时代的发展和进步,社会涌现出了许多流行音乐,加之外国音乐元素的流入,中小学生为之痴迷,因此对我国音乐教育产生了一定的影响,种种现象都冲击着我国传统民间音乐的发展和传承。如何在音乐课堂传承民间音乐和传统文化,成为当今音乐教育的重要课题。基于此,本文主要对民间音乐在中小学课堂中的传播途径进行探讨和研究。  相似文献   

随着经济的快速发展,文化也有了现代化的标志,在音乐方面,我国的音乐文化吸收了西方文化的精髓,同时,融入了中国风的音乐在社会上更是掀起了视听狂潮。文章通过对在音乐欣赏课中培养中专生审美能力的重要性出发,提出了加强中专生音乐审美能力培养的有效措施,并对未来中专生审美能力的培养提出了展望,希望能够引起中专教学的重视,加强学生音乐学习,培养学生的音乐审美能力。  相似文献   

The article examines the complicated interplay of globalization, localization and sinophilia that, along with associated social changes, determines reforms in Taiwanese music education today. Students are expected not only to be tri-lingual, in so far as they are obliged to learn English, Mandarin and a local language, such as Southern Fujianese, Hakka or an aboriginal dialect, but they must also become tri-cultural with respect to western classical music, traditional Chinese music and indigenous Taiwanese music. The findings of our questionnaires suggest that the processes of globalization, localization and sinophilia are unequal determinants in the transformation of Taiwanese music education. The survey, which was conducted among 2596 primary and secondary school students (1309 from Tainan and 1287 from Taipei) between May and November 2000, shows that schools are less inclined than the Taiwanese government to promote local music. Students in the survey much prefer western classical and popular music to local Taiwanese and traditional Chinese styles. They show little interest in promoting Chinese culture or in singing Taiwan's national anthem. By examining the major concerns of music education from the perspective of the complex dynamics of globalization, this study illuminates the tensions and dilemmas facing the music curriculum of Taiwan today.  相似文献   

河南省新农村中小学音乐艺术教育中存在着一些问题,如受"应试教育"的影响,地方行政部门、学校领导不重视音乐艺术教育,认为音乐艺术课是学生劳逸结合的调节课,可有可无;农村音乐艺术类教师严重缺乏,经费短缺现象极为严重等。文章通过对农村中小学音乐艺术教育现状的分析,探讨了新时期农村中小学音乐教育所面临的问题及发展对策。  相似文献   

清末民初学校音乐会的出现是中西音乐文化相互交流、碰撞和融合的产物。学校音乐教育为学校音乐会奠定了基础,专业音乐教育的兴起推动了学校音乐会发展。在此过程中,音乐团体和音乐机构的探索起了开路先锋的作用,来华外国音乐人士的表演和讲习起了示范和带动作用,报刊媒体的宣传起了舆论推进的作用,外来音乐和民族音乐的博弈与竞争起了相互促进的作用。  相似文献   

Recently China has been undergoing an unprecedented urbanisation process which has resulted in millions of rural families living in urban areas. As part of a study of Chinese migrant children's educational experiences, surveys and interviews were conducted with primary school teachers in a metropolitan city in East China. The objectives of this study were to describe teachers’ perceptions of migrant children's education in both migrant schools and in public schools, and to investigate differences in their beliefs between school types. Results found that urban teachers’ perceptions of educational inclusion of migrant students were slightly negative in general. However, teachers in public schools showed significantly more positive attitudes to inclusion of migrant students than migrant school teachers. In the light of these findings, the paper concludes with implications for practice and policy for education of migrant children in China.  相似文献   

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