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National education reform agendas are increasingly prevalent in school systems around the world. Whilst we have a substantial body of research exploring the ways in which schools manage change agendas, there is less discussion of the impacts these agendas may have on beginning teachers and their retention in the profession. Here I report on a study of 14 beginning teachers at a time when two major reforms were being introduced – national standardised literacy teaching and the public reporting of those results. I describe the ways in which these reforms were experienced by the teachers and discuss the implications for school leaders seeking to support beginning teachers in their schools.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION The differential quadrature method (DQM) was proposed by Bellman and Casti as an analogous ex- tension of the quadrature method for integrals (Bellman and Casti, 1971; Bellman et al., 1972). It can be essentially expressed as the values of the de- rivatives at each grid point as weighted linear sums approximately of the function values at all grid points within the domain under consideration. As a distinct numerical solution technique to obtain the initial and/or boundary …  相似文献   

This article analyses the public responses in China to Shanghai’s performance in the 2012 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). Based on data obtained from media accounts and other materials published between 2013 and 2016, the research findings show that the responses in China are generally reflective, measured and self-critical. Drawing upon Gadamer’s notions of ‘tradition’, ‘horizon’ and ‘prejudice’, this paper contends that the responses reflect the prevailing worldviews in China that perceive Shanghai’s education system to be academically rigorous but too exam-oriented and burdensome. It is further argued that Confucian knowledge traditions and structures in China shape the Chinese interpretations of the PISA assessment format, leading them to downplay Shanghai’s success. This study introduces the metaphor of ‘triadic eyes’ and highlights the mediating effects of the ‘local eyes’ of policy actors in an era of global educational governance.  相似文献   

With the increasing demand for doctoral education, co-supervision, understood as the formally agreed supervision of a research student by two or more academics in doctoral programmes, has become common practice in postgraduate circles in the UK. If supervision with one supervisor is complex due to personal, academic, ethical and sometimes cross-cultural issues, having two supervisors makes this process sufficiently challenging in practice to be specifically investigated in research, not least because of the additional communication issues. However, co-supervision is under-explored in the academic literature. In this article we look at the experience of co-supervision as reported by co-supervisors and those supervised by them in a UK university department within an arts and social sciences faculty, and aim to contribute to the literature on co-supervision by considering co-supervisors’ and their supervisees’ perspectives on co-supervision practices. Amid a general welcoming of the practice, with both parties seeing co-supervision entailing learning opportunities – for co-supervisors, learning from colleagues; for supervisees, learning from two experienced researchers – we report shared and specific concerns of these two groups. Time is a concern for both groups, but in different ways. Particularly interesting is the issue of harmony between the co-supervisors, including in feedback, the desirability of which will be perceived differently within any co-supervisor–supervisee relationship. The need for awareness-raising for co-supervisors as regards what their supervisees may feel but may not articulate may be greater for co-supervision than solo-supervision arrangements, given the additionally complex web of institutional and interpersonal relationships co-supervision entails.  相似文献   

Key to renewed concern on the affective domain of education (Fensham, 2007) and on school graduates' readiness for a world of work (DEST, 2008; WDA, 2006) is the student's inclination-to-reflect when engaged in a learning or problem-solving task. Reflective learning is not new to education (Dewey, 1933; Ellis, 2001). Since the inclination-to-reflect may not be obvious even among adults at work (Seibert & Daudelin, 1999), how much more can we expect from school students? This article presents part of a research on secondary school students' inclination-to-reflect when engaged in chemistry learning tasks. The instrument used is the three-part Chemistry Learning and Thinking Instrument (CLTI). The first part seeks to characterize students' inclination-to-reflect while attempting chemistry learning tasks and the other parts aim to characterize their learning-thinking preferences in the subject. This article shares the construction of the learning tasks in the first part and how students' reflective responses to these tasks are encouraged, scored and analyzed. Since assessment is said to drive teaching and learning, an alternative form of assessment, such as these CLTI items, may help students become more reflective in their learning habits and hence mare adantable tn the world of work.  相似文献   

Assessment feedback allows students to obtain valuable information about how they can improve their future performance and learning strategies. However, research indicates that students are more likely to reject or ignore comments if they evoke negative emotional responses. Despite the importance of this issue, there is a lack of research exploring if certain types of students are more likely to experience negative emotional responses than others. This study builds on extant qualitative studies through a quantitative examination of two previously identified student variables: different citizenship backgrounds (domestic and international) and different grade expectations (higher or lower than expected). The participants were 4514 students from two Australian universities. Analysis of survey data revealed that, regardless of language experience, international students were more likely than domestic students to find feedback comments to be discouraging, upsetting and too critical. Students who received grades lower than they expected on a particular assessment task were more likely than students who received grades higher than they expected to feel sad, shameful and angry as a result of the feedback comments. This paper concludes with several recommendations, including the need to modify assessment feedback practices in order to be sensitive to different student cohorts.  相似文献   


Psychoanalytic theory postulates that an individual’s for gotten past can shape his or her behavior in the present. In psychotherapy, clients relive past conflicts and direct them toward their therapists in the present. This phenomenon, known as transference, is not limited to treatment considerations, but influences all interpersonal interactions. However, the professional literature has given minimal consideration to the importance of transference for understanding classroom dynamics. This and a companion article focus upon how transference shapes relationships between teachers and students by integrating narrative case studies with a literature review. However, the ideas and examples are thought to be relevant for all mental health and educational workers with children. The previous article provided an overview of transference concepts as they emerge in the context of clinical psychoanalysis and human development with implications for classroom life. This article centers on transference as it affects teachers and teaching, as it emerges through teachers’ behavior and their dreams, and how consultation and emotional education can become vehicles for professional education and personal change.  相似文献   

Relocation of an academic unit affects not only the staff, but also the students. A pre- and post-move study examined the responses of undergraduate students to the relocation to a new and spacious campus carried out during the break between two semesters. The distance between the old and the new site did not require home relocation. However, it required change and adaptation to issues of commuting duration and transportation. 314 students participated in a pre-move survey. Second-year students were less satisfied about the move than were first- and third-year students. The significant predictors of pre-move satisfaction with the impending relocation were the estimated change in commuting duration, estimated advantages and disadvantages of the relocation, extent of thinking about the move, and a feeling of uncertainty. 203 students participated in the post-move survey. The significant predictors of post-move satisfaction with the relocation were perceived changes resulting from the relocation, a feeling of uncertainty, and a belief that relocation is a common organisational change. Among the 126 students who participated in both surveys, there was a significant increase of positive feelings associated with the relocation, relocation satisfaction, and its justification, and a significant decrease of negative feelings and feeling of uncertainty.  相似文献   

Student evaluation questionnaires are used to measure academics’ performance in most English universities. Academics are assumed to respond professionally to student feedback, making appropriate improvements to their teaching. This paper describes a small-scale study into lecturers’ responses to student feedback. The evidence from semi-structured interviews suggests that the process is complex and is influenced by lecturers’ perceptions, beliefs and feelings. A typology of lecturers’ responses is developed, linked to concepts of performativity and professionalism, and consisting of four possible reactions: shame, blame, tame (the students) and reframe (the negative as something positive).  相似文献   

In a quasi-experimental study, we investigated whether preservice and inservice teachers differed in their responses to minor student misbehavior. The participants’ task was to estimate how likely they would be to apply various predefined intervention strategies, while we simultaneously assessed response latencies. Results indicated that preservice teachers were more likely to choose harsh interventions such as school suspension, whereas inservice teachers were more likely to use mild strategies such as ignoring and nonverbal responses. The response latencies showed that the application of mild strategies seemed to belong to the behavioral routines of inservice teachers and were less likely to belong to those of preservice teachers. However, neither the ratings nor the response latencies of the two groups of teachers differed when it came to the application of moderately harsh strategies. The results are discussed with respect to teacher development and teacher education.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Recently, more and more investigations have been conducted on multilayer piezoelectric media. Kharouf and Heyliger (1994) and Heyliger and Ra- mirez (2000) dealt with the free vibration problems of laminated piezoelectric cylinders and discs, respec- tively. Chen (2000) considered the free vibration of (multilayer) nonhomogeneous piezoceramic hollow spheres by employing a separation formulation for displacements. Chen (2001) developed a state-space method for free vibration …  相似文献   


This paper examines the extent to which parents have absorbed New Right ideas about education and acted accordingly. What emerges is that their commitment to the rhetoric of school choice is strong. However, concepts such as the market and competition are viewed less favourably. An important theme here is the avoidance by parents of any collective agenda in discussing education policy, a factor that may thwart those who attempt to predict their responses to government policy for schools.  相似文献   

Eliciting and responding to student thinking are high-leverage practices that have powerful implications for student learning. However, they are difficult to enact effectively, particularly for novices, and more research is needed to understand how teacher education can support teachers in developing these skills. This study examined ways prospective elementary teachers (PSTs) responded to unanticipated incorrect student solutions to high-demand problem-solving tasks and how their responses changed over a 6-week field experience embedded in a practiced-based mathematics methods course. Data were collected in 6 weekly cycles of planning (written plans), enactment (video of problem-solving sessions with students), and reflection (written reflections on video). Problem-solving task implementations were analyzed using cognitive demand and math-talk frameworks. Of the three collaborating PST groups, two groups improved at responding to unanticipated incorrect solutions, but these two groups also developed a tendency to shut down anticipated solutions. The third group showed no patterns in their responses to unanticipated incorrect solutions, but did maintain the cognitive demand when responding to anticipated solutions. I present a case of one group of collaborating PSTs who made improvements in responding to unanticipated incorrect solutions in terms of the pedagogical moves they employed, cognitive demand associated with their responses, and how their responses changed over time. Implications for teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

The current study investigated how changes in psychological (cognitions and emotions) and physiological (cortisol concentrations) threat/challenge responses develop over the course of a presentation and whether initial intensity levels and their changes are related to self-efficacy and presentation performance. Based on the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST), 123 students held video-recorded presentations about their dream job, which were evaluated by three raters. Selfefficacy was measured before the TSST, saliva cortisol concentrations and psychological threat and challenge responses three times during the TSST. Data were analyzed with latent growth modeling. Threat and cortisol increased during the presentation, while challenge decreased. The growth curve coefficients of challenge correlated negatively with the respective coefficients of threat. Also, initial intensity of challenge responses correlated positively with corresponding cortisol concentrations. Higher self-efficacy was associated with higher initial intensity of challenge responses, lower corresponding concentrations of cortisol, and a smaller cortisol increase, but neither with the growth curve coefficients of threat responses nor with presentation performance. Better performance was associated with lower initial intensity of threat and a smaller increase in cortisol. Threat responses and increasing cortisol concentration appear to inhibit presentation performance, while self-efficacy may strengthen challenge responses and reduce corresponding levels of cortisol concentration as well as its increase.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the reasons of parents request for the initial evaluation to determine their children’s special educational needs (SEN) and the state authorities’ response in the Greek educational system. For the needs of the present study, 250 case files were randomly selected from a state Centre for Differential Diagnosis and Support, which is responsible for the identification, evaluation and intervention for students with SEN. Various data were recorded, such as parental reason for requesting the evaluation, the official designation for each case, whether the parent accepted the evaluation results and whether any individualised intervention plan or other recommendations were specified. The analysis suggested that most cases involved students with learning disabilities, although a certain degree of disagreement in the classification of students was observed. For the majority of cases, parents accepted the official diagnosis; however, the state centre did not offer an intervention plan to benefit the students in the majority of the cases. Implications based on the present study findings are considered.  相似文献   

The role of the principal is imperative in creating a school climate that nurtures differences and equality at the same time. Policy and legislation in Ireland dictates the responsibility of school principals in preventing and intervening in issues relating to bullying. The current research investigates the extent to which principals consider the impact of bullying on their students and the strategies they take to combat it in their schools. We consider how principals respond to bullying and what supports they feel are missing for them to adhere to relevant policy. A sample of 918 principals from a range of schools across Ireland completed an online survey. The results demonstrated some positive actions by principals such as the provision of anti-bullying policies. However, they also document areas that need more action such as increased access to counsellors and appointing a specific staff member to deal with and tackle bullying in each school. Guidance from the Department of Education and Skills in Ireland on the development and provision of an anti-bullying programme is called for. Results are discussed in light of the current Anti-Bullying Procedures established by the Department of Education and Skills and the Action Plan for Bullying 2013.  相似文献   

Theories of learning emphasize the importance of both the cognitive and affective state of the learner. The current study focused on children’s affective reactions to corrective feedback during mathematics problem solving. Eighty-seven elementary school children (M age = 7.6 years, 41% female, 68% White) solved mathematical equivalence problems during an online video call and received trial-by-trial feedback on their answers. Trained researchers used children’s facial expressions, tone of voice, and verbal statements to quantify their positive and negative affect on each trial. Overall, children tended to express more positive affect than negative affect. However, negative affect was more prominent when the child was incorrect and received negative feedback, and higher negative affect was associated with lower accuracy and lower persistence on the task. These results provide novel empirical evidence for the role of emotions during children’s STEM learning in a non-evaluative context.  相似文献   

A new approach to curriculum and implementation in a new era normally requires schools and teachers to take more responsibility for student learning. This might present a challenge at any time, particularly when teachers have been used to more directives and less professional approaches to curriculum implementation. In order to meet such a challenge, a new approach to curriculum policy, namely “soft” policy, was used by policy-makers to implement curriculum reform. With the provision of substantial resources, it was expected by the policy-makers that schools and teachers would have better opportunities to develop themselves professionally and manage the new changes effectively. However, such a view misread the situation because the historical trend and present situation of teachers’ professional development were overlooked. This paper uses case studies of schools and teachers involved in the current reforms to show how teachers and schools implemented the reform process. The cases demonstrate how reforms were understood at the local level and the extent to which it could be claimed that implementation had taken place.  相似文献   

Researchers have developed indices to identify persons whose test results ‘misfit’ and are considered statistically ‘aberrant’ or ‘unexpected’ and whose measures are consequently potentially invalid, drawing the test’s validity into question. This study draws on interviews of pupils and their teachers, using a sample of 31 10‐year‐olds who were flagged as most ‘aberrant’ in a standardised mathematics test. The children’s and their teachers’ explanations were analysed and attributed: (i) to item‐, person‐ (self/other) and classroom‐levels; and ii) according to causal dimensions. Children’s and teachers’ explanations were mostly in agreement in relation to unexpected negative results and they included references to previously well‐cited sources of construct‐irrelevant variance (e.g. ineffective test‐taking strategies, careless mistakes) as well as construct‐relevant variance (e.g. misconceptions, weaknesses in particular topics). Findings of this exploratory study are discussed from a test validity and attribution theory perspective: we conclude that this approach offers grounds for multi‐level explanations of person misfit and that this qualitative research approach to unexpected responses is worthy of more attention.  相似文献   

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