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利用网络资源辅助远程英语学习   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
网络技术的不断发展,为信息的迅速传递提供了有利的条件,特别是使得音频和视频等多媒体的传递成为了可能。在国际互联网上存在的大量英语学习网站,部分解决了中国远程学习没有英语学习环境的问题,是远程英语学习的有益补充。  相似文献   

有效利用网上资源对于促进英语自主学习是很重要的。比较主要的网上英语学习资源包括一些广受欢迎的免费在线词典、一些在线翻译网站、一些网上英语学习论坛等。另外掌握和了解一些利用谷歌搜索引擎查找词汇、查找词汇搭配、证实词汇用法准确性等的简单实用的方法和技巧,对于英语学习者也很有帮助。  相似文献   

本文主要论述基于网络环境下的英语个性化学习的可行性和如何在网络环境下进行英语个性化学习。  相似文献   

郑华  袁华 《考试周刊》2007,(14):34-35
以网络为支撑,培养自主学习能力的英语教学受到了越来越多的关注。本文介绍了目前网络资源教学的概况,同时探讨了怎样将英语网络资源教学融入到学生的自主学习中,从而真正提高英语的应用水平。  相似文献   

在英语课堂上使用网上资源能活化学生的知识结构,使他们对真实世界的交际符号更敏感。从而加强他们的交际能力。首先,因特网使范围广阔的真实材料充分呈现于英语学习者面前,涉及听说读写语言学习的方方面面。这些材料在交际语言教学课堂上被广泛使用,对现行语言教科书起到了一定的补充作用。真实网络报刊往往声色并茂、图文辉映,更富于激发思维。并且,在真实语言材料中挑选课文和话语增强了学习者的信心,创造了提高学生语言流利性的机会。真实材料的可能使用性对这种有意义的、激励人的课内活动比如讨论、角色扮演、发言、辩论和演讲等提供了基础。  相似文献   

以新课标的全新理念为指导,借助网络开展英语教学活动,让学生成为学习的主人,能使学生的主体意识、主观能动性和创造性不断得到发挥,激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生学习英语的自信心和合作精神。  相似文献   

小学英语教学中自主能力的培养是新时期英语教学的一大目标,随着当今网络资源的盛行,如果将二者结合,对于小学生英语学习来说将起到极大的推动作用。  相似文献   

在大数据时代,网络信息资源比传统的信息资源更具交互性,存储量更大,表现形式更加多样化,增长更加迅猛,传播速度更快。如何把丰富的网络资源和英语学习结合起来是人们一直探讨的问题。本文以设计一款帮助学习者便捷地查阅单词的各种变化形式的App为例,初步阐释了网络资源在英语学习中的利用。  相似文献   

在21世纪的网络时代,如何利用丰富的网络资源改善目前的英语阅读教学,是一个重要的话题。文章论述了网络资源辅助教学的优越性,对网络资源在英语阅读教学中的运用作了一个探讨,以期改进英语阅读教学和提高学生的语言应用能力。  相似文献   

利用网络资源辅助英语阅读教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在21世纪的网络时代,如何利用丰富的网络资源改善目前的英语阅读教学,是一个重要的话题。文章论述了网络资源辅助教学的优越性,对网络资源在英语阅读教学中的运用作了一个探讨,以期改进英语阅读教学和提高学生的语言应用能力。  相似文献   

基于Internet学习资源的分析与评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文针对远程学习者基于Internet学习资源自主学习与探究的要求,讨论了Internet学习资源的类型和特点,分析了对Internet学习资源进行评价的必要性,提出了评价的基本方式及评价的一般标准,并根据基于Internet资源学习的实际,为学习者评价Internet学习资源的质量,提供了常用的评价量规。  相似文献   

现代信息时代有着丰富的网络资源,学习内容选择性范围很大,但存在着学习者学习目的和方法无助和茫然的问题。故此,根据构建主义学习环境理论构建网络自主学习模式。英语网络自主学习模式资源建设包括两方面内容:实施资源优化和网上讨论。  相似文献   

Use of the Internet and other forms of information and communications technology (ICT) by people with learning difficulties has not been extensively researched. This article by Peter Williams of the Rix Centre at the University of East London reports some of the findings from 'Project @pple', a major ESRC-funded programme exploring the ways in which people with learning difficulties access and use information and communication technologies. Using observations, interviews and formal usability tests, project researchers built up a multi-layered view of computer use, Internet access and interaction with software among people with learning difficulties. A number of key themes emerged, including the nature of the tasks encountered, engagement, relevance to needs and the role of supporters. Peter Williams summarises these issues and indicates avenues for the future development of targeted products and for further research.  相似文献   

本文针对实践领域中普遍存在的课程学习资源信息观和技术观 ,在对 AECT有关定义的分析基础上 ,提出应从活动的观点来认识课程学习资源 ,课程学习资源是在课程实施层面上对学习活动有关要素的统整 ,是支持学生学习活动的特定资源。  相似文献   

大学英语计算机辅助合作学习模式设计和实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文根据大学英语改革趋势,结合本校自身情况,设计了以建构主义和合作学习理论为基础,以计算机网络为辅助的新型大学英语教学模式,以期提高学生学习兴趣和教学质量并推进大学英语教学向以学生为中心的个性化教学方向发展。  相似文献   

This article reports on a case of participatory self-directed online learning within the context of a graduate-level instructional technology course. The course was about online learning environments and relied on both asynchronous and synchronous technologies. In this case, the instructor and students engaged in collaborative course design through one of the assignments where student teams and the instructor led one week’s worth of course activities and discussions. This article begins with a discussion of the literature on participatory self-directed online learning. Then, the article presents an overview of the course design, detailed discussion of the assignment that framed student participatory self-directed learning and two examples of student assignments. The framing question for organising this case was as follows: What lessons can a team of graduate students and the instructor learn about self-directed participatory online learning from a collaborative design project? The article ends with the overall lessons learned from the case and implications to future design of online activities.  相似文献   


Background: Outdoor learning and computer-based learning are two different alternatives to in-class conventional teacher-centered learning.

Purpose: This study compares the outdoor learning setting with computer-based learning in class. It examines the influence of the two different learning settings on academic achievements, the learning experience, and pro-environmental perceptions.

Sample: A total of 90 elementary school students (third and fourth-grade classes) participated in the study.

Design and methods: The academic knowledge of the study participants was tested through identical exams for both learning settings. In addition, in each group the students’ perceptions were examined by means of a questionnaire about environmental values and the learning experience.

Results: The study demonstrates that academic achievements in the two settings were similar, but the students expressed more enthusiasm about the outdoor learning experience than about in-class learning. In addition, the outdoor learning setting contributed more to promoting positive environmental perceptions even though students did not learn directly about environmental issues and sustainability.

Conclusions: These findings suggest that learning in the natural environment is valuable: Alongside the fostering of computerized learning, it is also important to promoteoutdoor learning settings and integrate both settings by implementing mobile technologies in the outdoor teaching.  相似文献   

以模具工艺课教学为例,介绍了计算机技术在各教学环节中的应用,包括多媒体技术、计算机仿真技术等,提高了教学效果,强化了计算机软件的应用能力,达到培养适应企业需要的模具人才的目的。  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a qualitative study that investigated 25 international students’ use of online information resources for study purposes at two Australian universities. Using an expanded critical incident approach, the study viewed international students through an information literacy lens, as information-using learners. The findings are presented in two complementary parts: as a word picture that describes their whole experience of using online information resources to learn; and as a tabulated set of critical findings that summarises their associated information literacy learning needs. The word picture shows international students’ resource use as a complex interplay of eight interrelated elements: students; information-learning environment; interactions (with online resources); strengths-challenges; learning-help; affective responses; reflective responses; and cultural-linguistic dimensions. In using online resources, the international students experience an array of strengths and challenges, and an apparent information literacy imbalance between their more developed information skills and less-developed critical information use. The critical findings about information literacy needs provide a framework for developing an inclusive informed learning approach that responds to international students’ complex information using experiences and needs. While the study is situated in Australia, the findings are of potential interest to educators, information professionals and researchers worldwide who seek to support learning in culturally diverse higher education contexts.  相似文献   

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