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This study examined the argument patterns that result when Israeli-Jews and Palestinians confront each other during group dialogues. We tested predictions derived from two theories. The first was a theory of cultural communication which predicted that Israeli-Jews and Palestinians would argue in a manner consistent with their respective cultural communication codes known as dugri and musayra respectively. Thus, the Israeli-Jews were expected to be assertive and the Palestinians more accommodating. The second theory was rooted in majority/minority power relations and predicted the opposite. The data were generated from reconciliation-based dialogue groups of Israeli-Jews and Palestinians. Communicative acts were coded according to the Conversational Argument Coding Scheme. Analysis of covariance was used to determine which patterns of argument distinguished the groups, and to identify variance attributable to lag sequences and individuals. The results were supportive of predictions from majority/minority power relations.  相似文献   

This article examines the work of the ethics initiative in the City of Denver to see how talk about ethics contributes to an ethical culture. By paying particular attention to the communication in the city's Code of Ethics, ethics training discussion, employee interviews, and formal documents relaying the Board of Ethics' views, we show how ethics emerges within communication. We argue that the emergent quality of ethics is dialogically refined in communication. For practitioners and officials interested in advancing organization-wide ethics training, we urge pursuing dialogical means so that people can negotiate among competing interests to shape future policy and action reflective of their ethical concerns.  相似文献   

This article examines the work of the ethics initiative in the City of Denver to see how talk about ethics contributes to an ethical culture. By paying particular attention to the communication in the city's Code of Ethics, ethics training discussion, employee interviews, and formal documents relaying the Board of Ethics’ views, we show how ethics emerges within communication. We argue that the emergent quality of ethics is dialogically refined in communication. For practitioners and officials interested in advancing organization-wide ethics training, we urge pursuing dialogical means so that people can negotiate among competing interests to shape future policy and action reflective of their ethical concerns.  相似文献   

Arguments in interpersonal relationships can be divided into two types: public issue arguments and personal issue arguments. This study examines the ability of type of argument, trait argumentativeness and verbal aggressiveness, and gender to predict reported argumentativeness and verbal aggressiveness levels related to a particular argument episode. Reported argumentativeness levels were higher in the public argument condition, and reported verbal aggressiveness levels were higher in the personal argument condition. Trait argumentativeness predicted reported argumentativeness levels better in the public argument condition than the personal argument condition, suggesting that type of argument may serve as a moderator for the relationship between trait argumentativeness levels and argument-specific argumentativeness levels. Implications for using these two scales to examine interpersonal argument are discussed.  相似文献   

Research in intercultural communication competence (ICC) has flourished in the past several decades, arguably due to its relevance in an increasingly multicultural world. In fact the pervasive pragmatic relevance of effective and appropriate engagement with cultural diversity has spurred intercultural or cultural “competence” research in a variety of disciplines. While some scholars question the very concept of ICC as a Western formulation, researchers’ interest in studying the phenomenon of authentic, positive connection between individuals from different cultures is indisputable.  相似文献   

医院图书馆已成为社区居民获取医学信息资源的重要渠道。在介绍医院图书馆为社区服务现状的基础上,从建立社区卫生服务的信息支持系统、拓宽社区医疗服务职能以及增强馆藏资源的文化功能3个方面,深入阐述了新时期医院图书馆与社区互动带给医务工作者的启示。  相似文献   

The currently popular emphasis on democratic discussion in the “public sphere” often is critically viewed by observers commenting on issues of participation, empowerment, and efficacy without input from influentials, whose voices often are the content of public debates. Habermas was critical of the quality of democratic discourse, arguing for an “ideal speech situation” where participants are free to question all proposals; introduce proposals; and express their attitudes, wishes, and needs. This article examines perceptions of the climate of communication in the public sphere by influentials and the general public of a major urban area.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):443-463
Cultural differences in reasoning and persuasion have mainly been documented for the East—West divide. Nisbett (2003) expects such differences to be absent for Western cultures because of their shared Grecian inheritance. The results of two experiments, however, show that France and The Netherlands, both Western European countries, differ with respect to the persuasiveness of different evidence types. In Study 1 (N=600), cultural differences occurred between the relative persuasiveness of anecdotal, statistical, causal, and expert evidence. In Study 2 (N=600), the quality of statistical and expert evidence was manipulated. For the Dutch, but not for the French, normatively strong evidence was more persuasive than normatively weak evidence for both evidence types. Implications and possible explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

This reflection essay describes the Central States Region as an area rich in intercultural communication. González describes Mexican American migrant farmworker organizing as an intercultural activity since the union activists attempted to influence both Mexican heritage and European heritage audiences. González also describes the many interculturalists working in the Midwest who influenced his early research.  相似文献   

跨文化传播的焦虑常常表现为文化身份焦虑,其原因可从“自我不一致”理论、归因理论以及认知失调理论中得到解释。要摆脱焦虑,必须回到文化的主体间性上来建构文化身份,使之处于动态的过程之中。  相似文献   

This study investigated the degree to which religious pluralistic language varies as a function of the intergroup salience of a context and religious orientation. Based on a 2 (Religious Salience of Context) × 3 (Religious Salience of Topic) experimental design, participants (N = 239) were instructed to compose an e-mail to an interactional partner based on the randomly assigned condition. Messages were coded for religious pluralistic language, and participants completed measures of religious orientation and evaluations of the conversational partner. Modest effects were found for both intergroup salience of the context and topic as well as religious orientation.  相似文献   

This study illustrates the potential role of model and anti-model arguments in organizational crisis communication. Specifically, model and anti-model arguments are described as a strategy for moving the focus of a crisis from an organization to its industry. Model arguments enable organizations to establish their corrective action as industry standards that merit imitation. Conversely, organizations can set minimum standards for their industries with anti-model arguments. Phil Knight's May 12, 1998, speech announcing Nike's new initiatives in global manufacturing is analyzed as a case study. The essay concludes that model and anti-model arguments can suspend criticism of the organization, create the foundation for a return to industry prominence by the organization, and establish proposed new industry standards that are favorable to the organization.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):199-206

This study attempts a new approach to the problem of “meaning.” The authors are concerned primarily with meanings as they are encountered by decoders rather than as they are devised by encoders, and they focus almost exclusively on cognitive rather than on emotional aspects of meaning. A scheme comprising three dimensions—concreteness, iconicity, and conventionality—is proposed as a model for relating symbols to their concepts and their users. Emphasis is on ease or difficulty of decoding symbols in the cognitive realm. Experimentation is recommended for testing the hypotheses advanced in this approach.  相似文献   

在吉尔兹(Clifford Geertz)所开创的跨文化传播研究中,传统的研究者们始终将目光聚焦于发现不同种类文化间的差异,并在了解差异的基础之上,实现相互理解。这一经典的研究方法所存在的一个最重要问题就是它假设了全人类没有一个共通的认知共性,从而导致文化与认知之间相互循环论证的解释悖论。在本文中,作者将另辟蹊径,试图结合近年来文化心理学与认知心理学的前沿成果,在发现人类认知共性的基础上,寻找跨文化传播中的共识,并重新审视中国文化走出去战略中的核心问题。  相似文献   

This study explores the relationships between features of an initial serial argumentative episode and the number of subsequent episodes. Initiators of the initial episode report a self-demand/partner-withdraw pattern occurs and this pattern is positively related to the number of subsequent episodes. Also, targets of the initial episode report that in the first episode they engaged in partner-demand/self-withdraw, and this pattern was positively related to their perception of constructive outcomes, but these constructive outcomes are not related to the number of subsequent episodes. Participants report that mutual hostility often results in partner-demand/self-withdraw, which is positively related to constructive outcomes. This model is produced in a sample of individuals in intact relationships and replicated in a sample of participants in terminated relationships.  相似文献   

This study aims to increase our understanding of the dynamics of the Palestinian media and the conditions and circumstances in which they work, including both the conflict with Israel and the internal political strife within Palestinian society. It is based on the use of qualitative research methods and was conducted in two stages. First, we performed a mapping of Palestinian media outlets. Data on these Palestinian media outlets were collected online from the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority’s Ministry of Information website, the Gaza-based Hamas government’s Ministry of Information website, and statements published by Palestinian media outlets on their websites describing their affiliation and ownership. Second, to gain a more in-depth understanding of the dynamics and experience of practicing journalism in a situation of asymmetrical conflict, semistructured in-depth interviews were conducted with 25 professional local Palestinian journalists working for local media outlets in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem. Through this study we aim to learn more about how groups shape and express their narratives and agendas through the media when restricted by the conditions, pressures, and limitations of asymmetrical conflict.  相似文献   

地方文献是一个地区重要的文化旅游资源,丰富的地方文献为旅游业的发展提供了信息和文化支撑,促进了地方旅游业的发展;旅游业的发展又彰显文献史料的价值,为文献史料的保护提供资金、人才和技术上的保障。因此,文献开发与旅游发展存在着互动关系。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):302-308

Previous research indicates that data yielded by the method of ordered alternatives are not suitable for univariate parametric analysis. As an alternative to the measurement of latitudes of rejection, acceptance, and noncommitment by frequencies of rejected, accepted, and unchecked stands on social issues, a scalar distance index is proposed. Under the scalar distance model, a ratio‐scaled map of the alternative stands is derived from multidimensional scale analysis. Latitude of rejection is defined as the absolute difference of the distance from the subject's own position to the rejected stand. A FORTRAN IV program, LATSCAL, is available to compute scalar distance measures of the three latitudes.  相似文献   

This study explores the experiences and practices of Palestinian journalists working for Palestinian media outlets during the 2014 Gaza war. Our findings, based on data gathered from 10 in-depth interviews, indicate that the practices of Palestinian reporters and editors who covered the 2014 Gaza war were shaped by their personal experiences during the war and by a strong motivation to represent the Palestinian narrative, perspective, and suffering in the conflict with Israel.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the hospitality and hostility of Turkish Cypriot identity in North Cyprus in its various configurations today. It contends that we become who we are by extending hospitality to different and differing representations of who we are like a name or a land, all the while being unable to reduce this differential relationship to a self-identical ipseity. This differential relationship is the origin of identity and not a singularly self-sufficient subjectivity inherited from a past history and culture. Using the alibi of an inheritance cannot hide our complicity in the production of that history and culture anew in the present. This shift in perspective opens “Turkish Cypriot identity” to its future becoming, hopefully to a future beyond ethnocentrism, towards a form of solidarity different from the border politics of a paternal hospitality like that of nation states.  相似文献   

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