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担保合同有效时,保证人承担的是保证责任,这种情形下又因担保合同是一般担保合同还是连带责任担保合同而承担不同的保证责任。担保合同无效时,保证人承担的是缔约过失责任,主要根据保证人在担保合同无效中的过错大小承担相应的责任。同时,保证人在担保合同中也有自己相应的权利,主要是对债务人及其他相关人员的追偿权和对债权人的抗辩权。  相似文献   

担保合同有效时,保证人承担的是保证责任,这种情形下又因担保合同是一般担保合同还是连带责任担保合同而承担不同的保证责任.担保合同无效时,保证人承担的是缔约过失责任,主要根据保证人在担保合同无效中的过错大小承担相应的责任.同时,保证人在担保合同中也有自己相应的权利,主要是对债务人及其他相关人员的追偿权和对债权人的抗辩权.  相似文献   

基于《担保法》的视角,论述了科研合同目的难以实现的制度原因,即科研合同的担保缺失。根据纵向和横向科研合同的属性、研究目标、经费来源的不同,提出了建立保证、质押等形式的科研合同担保制度的主张,该制度的目的在于防范科研合同履行的落空,保护国家或有关单位的科研资源,并以此净化科研风气。  相似文献   

家长合同是目前美国部分特许学校普遍采用的吸引学生家长参与学校教育工作的一个新的方式。家长合同包括订立合同的目的、家长的权限和家长的义务以及违反合同后所应接受的惩罚等项内容。了解合同的内容以及合同的实施状况对研究和改善我们当前的家长参与学校教育工作具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

<正> 基本建设合同,是经济合同的一个组成部分,是指有关基本建设工作的合同。它以完成一定基本建设为目的,与固定资产的扩大再生产紧密联系,因而它是国计民生中极重要的经济合同。基本建设合同除具备经济合同的法律特征(即主体特征、计划特征、内容特征、程序特  相似文献   

<正> 担保在银行借贷、商品交易、货物运输、加工承揽等经济活动中,可以保障债权人债权的实现,采用担保方式已成为经济活动的一种必要措施和手段。但由于人们对担保方式缺乏了解,导致产生一些经济纠纷案件。为了减少不必要的损失和纠纷,订立担保合同要“五戒”: 一戒人情担保。这种担保往往是由于担保人与被担保人原来关系较密切,在订立担保合同时,担保人碍于情面,对被担保人缺少应有的资信调查,便盲目签订担保合同,等到被担保人无力偿还,须负连带责任时,悔之已晚。  相似文献   

备用信用证是一种信用证,其特点在于备用性,二战以来,它已作为信用担保的一种方式使用,在其具体运行程序中就注意审查基础合同及信用证条款,信用证的性质在我国仍有争议,它有别于传统的保证提供,但作为信贷担保方式之一,它已在实践中广泛采用。  相似文献   

由一起学校担保合同案引出的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学校是教育教学单位,其要开展教育教学活动,必须获取各种教育资源。而各种资源的获得,必然要以民事主体的身份对外发生关系。这些关系的法律形式便是学校与其他民事主体签订的合同。学校,或由于资金短缺,或由于教学设施的工期紧,或其他原因,常会在合同书上许诺履行一些义务和承担一些责任。但是,在履行义务、承担责任的过程中又往往产生纠纷。因此,对学校签字担保的问题进行研究具有理论与实践意义。江西某市一中学为建造一栋教学大楼与该市某建筑工程有限公司(总承包人)签订了一份建筑工程承包合同,工程总造价为1100万元。学校为了能在新学…  相似文献   

源于行政合同在现代行政法中的崛起以及对纳税担保的法律性质的定位,在纳税担保中引入行政合同理念。纳税担保制度的核心是平衡原则和程序控制原则,一方面要合理配置各方权利义务,寻求其价值取向上的兼容非对等性之平衡;另一方面,要以程序控制原则来保障平衡得以实现。  相似文献   

办好学校的关键,是能否充分发挥校长在学校工作中的领导作用.下面试就我们努力探索的这一课题谈谈笔者州体会.一、抓好校长治校的“基本建设”我省在中小学实行等级评估制度,按办学条件和办学水平两大标准促学校上等级,这是深化和完善教育管理体制,落实校长责任制,把竞争机制和激励机制引入学校的一大举措.要办好学校,就要严格按照“学校等级评估标准”进行管理;而抓好校长治校的“基本建设”,则是使学校办得象个样子的重要一环.根据近几年的探索,我们概括出如下几条经验.  相似文献   

In the United States, controversy persists regarding what it means for heterosexuality to be the norm, or more pointedly, what it means for those not strictly heterosexual to be outside the norm. It is important that consultants in schools be aware of the current state of research bearing on homosexuality. Consultation provides a viable approach to assist educators with the questions that students, parents, teachers, and administrators themselves may be asking: What is homosexuality? Is heterosexuality the only natural sexual orientation? Can lesbian, gay, and bisexual people be psychologically healthy? Are the children of lesbian and gay parents “at risk”? Can one become ungay? What about a gay or lesbian teacher? This article explores these questions with particular attention to how consultation may be used to promote educational practices that foster positive school environments for all students.  相似文献   

How do state educational authorities use statewide test data to rank schools? Can refinements in the procedures change the rankings of schools? Will interpretations based on such rankings be fair, accurate, and valid? Does ranking school districts reveal anything meaningful about the schools? Can ranking schools be counterproductive?  相似文献   

Can the discontinuities inherent in school university partnerships become generative sources of educational change? The purpose of this study was to analyze how participants viewed an evolving collaboration and the ways in which discontinuities between school and university agendas were negotiated. Findings over the 3-year period from interview, questionnaire, and journal data indicate patterns of changing roles and relationships between and among university faculty, cooperating teachers, and student interns. The findings indicate that as participants negotiated a common agenda for teaching and curricular improvement, a spiralling process of educational renewal in schools and university emerged.  相似文献   

山西省农村义务教育经费保障机制运行状况分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2007年农村义务教育经费保障机制在山西农村全面展开后,存在中小学公用经费预算形式化、取暖费在公用经费中所占比例过大、教辅材料费用依然沉重、校舍维修改造组织管理欠规范等问题。为保证政策的实施效果,应采用化解必须的教辅材料费用、重新核定农村中小学公用经费预算定额、完善"校财局管"机制、建立农村校舍维修改造电子档案等对策。  相似文献   

This article intends to identify the effects of school social capital on the educational plans of students, particularly those staying in school and obtaining an intermediate certificate. It is hypothesised that social capital helps to explain individual educational plans and differences between schools regarding the amount of students with particular educational plans. The analyses are based on a survey of 1638?year 8 Hauptschule students in Germany. The results show that the quality of relationships with teachers is of crucial importance for the educational plans of individual students. Furthermore, differences between schools can be explained by the degree of school expectations. This finding supports the assumption that schools provide different settings, not only for learning processes but also for developing educational aspirations and plans.  相似文献   

寄宿制学校是民族地区发展教育的有效途径之一,它的可行性和必要性已为实践所证明。但是民族寄宿制学校从建立到运行,面临着许多问题,这需要借助制度的力量规范和协调,制度建设已成为关系学校发展的重要一环。应加大资金投入力度,保障制度更好的实施;调整制度相关内容,使其更切合实际;加强制度执行和监督的力度。  相似文献   

In the companion article, Spirit of the Game: Empowering Students as Designers in Schools?, author Cher Ping Lim puts forth strong arguments supporting the creation and use of curricular, educational games in our schools and education. His essay ends with the question ‘Can students build such games?’ This paper responses to this question and provides examples of how students can design and build games within the school curriculum to enhance engagement in the classrooms. Two approaches are suggested: Mini‐game‐based curriculum and complex game for entire course.  相似文献   

The traditional discourse in the scholarship on cultural capital theory has focused on how exclusive participation in elite status culture by students from higher socioeconomic status families benefits their learning in schools, the effects of which are most evident in linguistic subject areas such as reading achievement. However, some scholars have argued that cultural capital is not restricted to elite status culture but could include parental familiarity with school evaluation standards and job market requirements, and that the effects could transcend languages to include performance domains with more objective evaluation that are susceptible to school influences (e.g. mathematics and science). The present study systematically examines this position using data involving 96,591 15‐year‐old students from 3602 schools in eight countries who participated in the Programme for International Student Assessment 2012. Results of three‐level hierarchical linear modelling showed positive relationships between seven cultural capital variables and student mathematics achievement. The cultural variables comprised: home educational resources; parental educational attainment and occupational status; parental expectations of their children's educational attainment, future career in mathematics and school; and parental valuing of mathematics. In particular, the three parental expectations variables had substantively larger effect sizes on student achievement than the other cultural capital variables. The results demonstrated that parental familiarity with school evaluation standards and future job requirements, especially as measured by parental expectations, may constitute cultural capital that privileges student mathematics achievement in schools.  相似文献   

Conclusions As black students move into private schools at greater rates, a number of questions are raised. To what extent and under what conditions is a private school education better than a public school education for black students? What are the social and educational benefits and costs of being educated in a largely white environment? And what will be the benefits and costs as private schools themselves become increasingly black? Are the economic sacrifices made by black families to send their children to private school worth it to the individual child—to the black community?  相似文献   

This article examines how teachers and parents in 10 municipal schools serving students growing up under conditions of social vulnerability represented themselves, and others, as valid agents for charting school improvement. In four schools parents and teachers saw each other as trustworthy and collaborating to provide an education that could transform students’ life chances. In the other six schools, social relations were marked by distrust, staff constructed students as lacking the resources necessary to benefit from a rigorous academic programme, and parents in leadership positions shared with teachers the belief that school failure could largely be attributed to uncommitted parents. These results suggest that the impact of quality assurance policies tends to be associated with the social capital of municipal schools, thus educational policy needs to consider developing and strengthening social capital within schools.  相似文献   

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