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在论述了高技能人才的特点和现有培训方法的基础上,本文对高技能人才培养的实践活动进行了研究。通过比较高级技术工人和技师两个技能水平阶段的"参与性练习—强度反馈"、"参与性练习—中度反馈"和"参与性练习—弱度反馈"培训效果,发现"参与性练习—强度反馈"培训方法的效果最优。"速度导向—提高质量"和"质量导向—提高速度"的培训方法在高级工培训阶段效果差异不显著。  相似文献   

2012—2015年,研究团队通过实践研究,实现了常态化高中生物学翻转课堂教学,构建出鸢尾花(IRIS)翻转课堂教学模式,在实践中取得了好的效果。  相似文献   

本文论述“有趣、有用、有效”德育模式的构建方法与实践效果,指出“有趣、有用、有效”德育模式能够抓住中职德育工作的本质要求,有效革除中职德育的诸多弊端,通过“入情—明理—践行—笃信”四步德育法、“四元”协同育德机制、“四课”德育课程体系,细化德育形式和考核内容,有效培育学生的核心素养,促进学生的全面发展。  相似文献   

多年来,笔者在高等数学教学中采用“读、议、讲、练”的教学方法,取得较好效果。读─—教会学生阅读数学教材。数学教材是学生获得系统教学知识的主要来源。教师应承上启下,创设问题情境,激发学生求知欲,引导其抓住本质,认识新知。议─—教会学生探索知识规律。即让学生围绕提纲,针对自己阅读中存在的疑点和易犯的错误以及教材的重点、难点,进行大胆争议和多方探索,把新课内容弄透,培养独立思考、质疑求异的思维能力和良好习惯。讲─—教会学生掌握学习方法。教师作为主讲者,一方面指导学习系统归纳,理访知识脉路深入了解数学知…  相似文献   

在高一化学教材《卤族元素》一节中[实验4—9]、[实验4—10]两个演示实验在课前需要制备好氯气,课堂上演示时间长,操作烦琐,现象不明显,容易污染教室里的环境,直接影响师生的身体健康,导致影响课堂教学效果。我们对上述实验做了一些改进。  相似文献   

高等教育援藏政策是党和国家治藏方略的重要组成部分,也是推进西藏高等教育加快发展的重要举措。依据支援的目标、任务和方式,高等教育援藏政策变迁经历了起步探索期(1958—1965年)、初步成形期(1974—1986年)、改革发展期(1987—2010年)、深化提升期(2011年至今)四个阶段,有力推进了西藏高等教育的起步和快速发展,提升了西藏高校办学实力和社会服务能力。当前随着西藏社会经济高质量发展和高等教育内涵建设的持续推进,高等教育援藏政策在理念创新、体系建设和执行手段等层面仍面临着一些困境,导致政策运行成本较大,援藏效果不佳。今后应通过革新援藏政策理念,优化完善援藏政策体系,丰富政策执行手段提升援藏政策质量和援藏效果。  相似文献   

在政治制度的教课过程中,学生对课本上精简概括的语言往往无法理解,这就需要教师的详细解释。2008年版人民版必修1《专题七——近代西方民主政治的确立与发展》中的英国资产阶级君主立宪政治  相似文献   

中考物理第一轮复习是中考物理总复习的开始。教学过程中,为了激发学生复习的兴趣和主动性,指导学生掌握正确的复习方法,笔者在现代教学论的指导下,在大量教学实践的基础上,总结了基于学生自主建构的诊测—激趣—练习—建构—反馈的第一轮复习教学模式。  相似文献   

主题教学是一种通过跨学科领域的主题探究与学习来发挥学生的主体建构性,从而实现学生全面发展的教学形式。主题教学可以分为"单学科—主题""多学科—主题"以及"跨学科—主题"三种基本类型。为了更好地实现主题教学的教学目标,教师可以综合运用合科教学与知识整合的教学策略、多元智能理论与尊重差异的教学策略、主体建构与探究的教学策略以及信息化的教学策略等。在主题教学的理论研究与实践探索中,必须不断反思和矫正各种将主题教学肤浅化、偏离化和形式化的倾向,更好地实现主题教学的目标和效果。  相似文献   

周超 《考试周刊》2012,(63):47-48
在课堂教学中实施的"问、议、导、练"教学法,可细分为"灵活导入—目标问题—阅读自学—议论研讨—引导点拨—能力训练—反馈矫正—布置作业"等几个小环节。但在实际教学中,教师会依据每节教材的内容不同和学生特点对教学环节进行必要的增、删、并、调等,或侧重于一个或几个小环节,或个别环节交叉进行教学,但必须体现"三为主"原则,增加学生的活动,真正做到培养学生的创新精神,提高学生的学习能力,使其形成良好的创新素质,达到提高教育教学质量的目的。  相似文献   

Several nations are currently considering privatization of parts of their higher education systems. This paper, mainly based on the American experience, examines privatizing public institutions as an alternative to establishing solely private institutions.Institutions are analyzed along four dimensions: (1) ownership (public or private); (2) control (external or internal); (3) financing (public or private funds); and (4) mechanisms for public financing (who controls fund distribution and how). There are varying mixtures along these four dimensions both within countries and around the world, with the American system exhibiting the widest range of combinations. Six categories are described, including four common in the U.S.: I. Independent private, where institutions are independent in ownership, in control, and in basic financing; II. Dependent private, independent in ownership and financing but dependent in control; III. Independent public, dependent in ownership but independent in control and substantially independent in financing; IV. Semi-independent public (state/guild type), dependent in ownership, mixed in control, and heavily dependent in financing (less common in the U.S., but typical of Italy and Latin America); V. Semi-independent public (state/trustee/guild type), where control is shared among state, academic guilds and lay boards of trustees but with mainly state-controlled financing; and VI. Dependent public, the model in the Communist nations.Kerr traces the historical path that led to the mixed American system and examines some of its positive consequences, which include institutional autonomy, diversity, and flexibility. Negative results include possible over-responsiveness to short-term pressures, as from the labor market or student preferences for courses of study, and from supporting business or industry.The author concludes that the American experience with privatized public institutions may serve as a model for those elsewhere who now seek greater institutional differentiation, autonomy, and flexibility within national systems of higher education.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the analysis of subject matter structure for purposes of designing instruction. The underlying assumption is that subject matter structures provide an important basis for deciding how to sequence and synthesize the modules of a subject matter area. Four types of fundamental structures are briefly described and illustrated: the learning hierarchy, the procedural hierarchy, the taxonomy, and the model. Then a theoretical framework is presented for classifying types of subject mater content — both modules and structures. Finally, some implications of these content classifications are discussed. The classification of modules is hypothesized to be valuable for prescribing strategies for the presentation of single modules, and the classification of structures is hypothesized to be valuable for prescribing strategies for selecting, sequencing, synthesizing, and summarizing related modules. The need to take into account more than one kind of structure in the process of instructional design is emphasized.  相似文献   

Résumé Les difficultés scolaires éprouvées par les élèves immigrés ont été généralement étudiées en mettant l'accent sur leurs carences ou sur les stratégies d'adaptation dont ils se servent. Le travail qu'on présente ici vise à renverser cette optique — en inserant cette problématique dans le cadre théorique de la Transculturation, et en étudiant la façon dont ces élèves perçoivent l'institution scolaire.Une étude de l'énonciation porte sur 101 entretiens dans la langue d'origine, avec des sujets hispanophones et lusitanophones, garçons et filles, âgés de 10 à 17 dans.Sur la base d'une analyse statistique informatisée on a établi des indices visant à saisir (a) les rapports chercheur/sujet dans l'entretien; (b) les liens qui rattachent l'individu à son groupe (moi — nous); (c) sa perception de l'autre; et (d) la façon dont il se situe par rapport à son expérience (assumée ou subie, actant ou acté). Des mots-clé illustrent et soulignent les difficultés éprouvées par ces sujets et par l'institution scolaire pour appréhender les normes temporelles comme un modelage culturel et en saisir leur relativité.
The difficulties of immigrant children at school have generally been studied with the emphasis either on their deficiencies or on the schemes which they devise to enable them to adapt. The study which is presented here, however, aims at a radically different approach by viewing the problem within the theoretical framework of transculturation and by examining the way in which the pupils themselves perceive the French school system.A study is made of the outcome of 101 interviews which were conducted in their mother tongue with Spanish- or Portuguese-speaking boys and girls aged between 10 and 17 years old.On the basis of statistical analysis by computer, indices were formulated with the intention of establishing (a) the relationship between the researcher and the subject during the interview; (b) the links between the subject as an individual and his/her peer-group (me — us); (c) his/her perception of others; and (d) the way in which he/she relates to his/her experience (as something to be positively accepted — or to be suffered; active or passive). Keywords illustrate and underline the difficulties encountered both by pupils and by the school to grasp the idea of time norms as a cultural shaping and to perceive how relative they are.

Zusammenfassung Die schulischen Schwierigkeiten von Einwandererkindern sind allgemein entweder mit Schwerpunkt auf ihren Unzulänglichkeiten oder auf den von ihnen gewählten Anpassungsstrategien untersucht worden. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung jedoch wird ein radikal anderer Ansatz beabsichtigt, indem das Problem innerhalb eines theoretischen Bezugsrahmens der Transkulturation betrachtet und indem die Art und Weise geprüft wird, die die Schüler selbst dem französischen Schulsystem gegenüber empfinden.Die Studie wurde aufgrund von 101 Interviews von in ihrer Muttersprache spanisch- und portugiesisch-sprechenden Jungen und Mädchen im Alter von 10 bis 17 Jahren erstellt.Auf der Grundlage statistischer computergestützter Analyse, wurden Indices mit der Absicht formuliert, folgendes nachzuweisen: (a) die Beziehung zwischen dem wissenschaftlichen Befrager und dem Befragten während des Interviews; (b) die Verbindungen zwischen dem Befragten als einem Individuum zu seiner/ihrer Gruppe von Gleichaltrigen (ich — uns); (c) seine/ihre Wahrnehmung der Anderen; und (d) die Art und Weise auf der er/sie sich in Beziehung zu seiner/ihrer Erfahrung sieht (als etwas, das als positiv erleb wird, oder an dem man leitet; aktiv oder passiv). Schlüsselworte veranschaulichen und unterstreichen die Schwierigkeiten, auf die sowohl die Schüler als auch die Schule stossen, um die Vorstellung der Zeitnormen als Kulturform zu begreifen, und um ihre Relativität zu empfinden.

The Changing Debate on Internationalisation of Higher Education   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Internationalisation, the growing border-crossing activities between national systems of higher education is losing ground to globalisation, increasing border-crossing activities of blurred national systems which is often employed to depict world-wide trends and growing global competition. This article addresses recent issues of knowledge transfer. It points out tensions between increasing diversity in higher education and efforts to facilitate recognition of prior studies on student mobility. It shows the diversity of steering and management policies with respect to internationalisation and globalisation. Finally, it asks whether globalisation of higher education has to be viewed as a manifestation of turbo-capitalism or could be viewed instead as a move towards global understanding.  相似文献   

对2-羟基-4-甲氧基苯乙图的高效液相色谱分析方法进行了研究。结果表明,在Spherisorb-ODS柱上,以甲醇-水(80:20,v/v)为流动相,在268mm波长下能很好地分离和检测题示物质。在药物浓度5~80mg/L范围内具有良好的线性关系,Y=8.345X—0.018,r=0.9998,检测限为0.3mg/L,平均回收率为99.7%,精密度RSD=1.3%。  相似文献   

Reopening Inquiry into Cognitive Processes in Writing-To-Learn   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Writing produces generally positive, but inconsistent, effects on learning. The reasons for this inconsistency are unknown. This review examines four hypotheses about writing-to-learn: Writers spontaneously generate knowledge at the point of utterance (Britton, 1980/1982); writers externalize ideas in text, then reread them to generate new inferences (Young and Sullivan, 1984); writers use genre structures to organize relationships among elements of text, and thereby among elements of knowledge (Newell, 1984); and writers set rhetorical goals, then solve content problems to achieve these goals (Bereiter and Scardamalia, 1987; Flower and Hayes, 1980a). These four hypotheses invoke different aspects of writing, and so are mutually compatible. The genre hypothesis has been supported by empirical research; the other three hypotheses have been tentatively supported by research concerning writing-to-learn, or indirectly supported by other research concerning learning or writing. Further investigation is needed concerning: The empirical validity of the four hypotheses, and interactions among the processes that they identify; the declarative and procedural knowledge that underpins writing-to-learn; and the educational effectiveness of applying cognitive strategy instruction to learning through writing.  相似文献   

The effect of district strategies for improving high-stakes test scores on science teachers practice is explored in case studies of six middle schools in six Massachusetts districts. At each school, science teachers, curriculum coordinators, principals, and superintendents shared their strategies for raising scores, their attitudes towards the test, the changes that they were implementing in their curriculum and pedagogical approaches, and the effects that the test was having on staff and on students. Results from these case studies suggest that districts chose markedly different strategies for raising scores on high stakes tests, and that the approaches taken by districts influenced the nature of pedagogical and curriculum changes in the classroom. District strategies for raising scores that were complementary to the districts prior vision of science reform tended to cause less teacher resentment towards the test than strategies that departed from previously adopted goals. Differing effects on teachers in socio-economically advantaged, middle, and challenged districts are discussed.  相似文献   

This statistical study of Canadian university presidents was prompted by the discovery that there is no systematic demographic information available on university administrators in Canada. The vitae of 98 current Canadian university presidents and their immediate predecessors were collected and statistics such as age and length of tenure were compared with those of American counterparts. The Canadian university presidents assumed office at about 49 years of age and held office for about eight years. They tend to be born in geographical proximity to the institution they will head and to circle it geographically during their careers. A former association with the University of Toronto, either as a student or teacher, was common. There appears to be a career ladder which includes a decanal and/or vice-presidential position, particularly in central Canada; few presidents move to a second presidency, although several move into what might be termed an academic superstructure. Few Canadian presidents majored in the field of Education as a student or teacher and there is generally poor representation from the Arts as compared to the U.S.; on the other hand, the hard sciences are well represented. The implications of these tendencies are discussed.  相似文献   

This article represents an attempt to allay the myth that the gifted will be successful anyway and, if they are not, they are not really gifted. On the contrary from an early age the gifted suffer problems in peer interaction. They are bored at school, at University, at work, and in personal relationships. Although their work may be excellent they can impair their promotion prospects and even run the risk of dismissal because they do not fit in. Career changes are relatively frequent for this minority.A sample of creatively gifted students has been questioned and followed up since 1973. While it is readily admitted that the sample is small it is strongly suggested that the results make clear that this problem merits investigation. The responses of the creatively gifted students were compared to the responses of a larger sample of students not identifiable as creatively gifted. Of the creatively gifted sample:- only one has gone on for a Ph.D.- the entire group found school and university an alienating experience.-the majority of the females in this group felt that for a girl to be too smart impaired social acceptability.- 66% have contemplated suicide and devised a means.The dangers of perceiving creativity as a unidimensional construct are discussed.  相似文献   

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