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I visited many places of great in terestin China.In this winter vacation.I want to know something about other countrys.I decide to go to Hawaii.I’ll go there with my parents.My father likes fishing,so my father and mother are going to fish pool.Ilike sea very much,so I’m wakling along the sea.I am going to swimming pool to see diving and synchronizeds wimming.I think synchronized swimming is very beautiful,Ilike it.I hear that Hawaii has kinds of clothes and it’s very popular.So we dec…  相似文献   

D ear editorI’m sorry to trouble youM y nam e is Y in X in.I’m sixteen.W hen I was twelve I suddenly got badlysick.I don’t know the reason for this kindof illness.From then on I have had tostay at hom e and can’t go to school tostudy with all the other children.I amvery sad.B ut I have been fighting againstthe illness hard since three year ago.A l-though the doctor told m e that I wouldkeep the illness all of m y life and I lostthe chance of going to school to study withother student…  相似文献   

A man who is driving a car stopped by a police officer.Thefollowing exchange takes place...Man:No,sir,I was going65.Wife:oh,Harry.You were going 80.(Man gives his wife a dirty look.)Officer:I’m also going to give you a ticket for your brokentailings.Man:Broken taillight?I didn’t know about a broken taillight!Wife:Oh Harry,you’ve known about that tail for weeks.(Mangives his wife another dirty look.)Officer:I’m also going to give you a citation for not wearingyour seat belt.Man:Oh,I…  相似文献   

I’d like to go to a rainforest—the place I’ve alw ays dream t of going to. D uring m y long holiday in M ay, it m ay take a w eek to be on m y adventure. A nd I think it’ll be a really fantastic journey as there m ust be a va- riety of creatures along m y w ay. W henever I get tired and bored,they’ll cheer m e up.D if- ferent creatures m ake m e excited. A nd the m ore dangerous m y journey is, the m ore curi- ous I w ill be. I m ay get to m y destination by air, but in order to enjoy …  相似文献   

I’d like to go to a rainforest—the place I’ve alw ays dream t of going to. D uring m y long holiday in M ay, it m ay take a w eek to be on m y adventure. A nd I think it’ll be a really fantastic journey as there m ust be a va- riety of creatures along m y w ay. W henever I get tired and bored,they’ll cheer m e up.D if- ferent creatures m ake m e excited. A nd the m ore dangerous m y journey is, the m ore curi- ous I w ill be. I m ay get to m y destination by air, but in order to enjoy m y journey to the ful...  相似文献   

The Rare People     
One day,Tim’s father stayed at home with Tim.It was 9:00.It was time to go to bed.But Tim is anaughty boy.He didn’t want to go to bed.His fathersaid to him:“I’ll tell you a myth,then you must fallasleep.Please don’t make troubles.”The words thatfather said had a good effect,Tim agreed.“I’ll tell  相似文献   

I’m not a perfect person There’s many things I wish I didn’t do But I continue learning I never meant to do those things to you And so I have to say before I go That I just want you to know I've found a reason for me To change who I used to be A reason to start over new And the reason is you  相似文献   

1TEA C H E R:A lfred,how can one person m akeso m any stupid m istakes in oneday?A LFR ED:I get up early.2TEA C H E R:Tom m y,w hy do you always get sodirty?TO M M Y:W ell,I’m a lot closer to the groundthan you are.3H A R O LD:Teacher,would you punish m e forsom ething I didn’t do?TEA C H E R:O f course not.H A R O LD:G ood,because I didn’t do m yhom ework.4TEA C H E R:I hope I didn’t see you looking atD on’s paper.JO H N:I hope you didn’t either.5G A R Y:I do…  相似文献   

Hello! Glad to see you again. Today we’ll deal with another new topic——"BeGoing to …". Clever Mouse and Miss Bee meet again. Let’s listen to them.Miss Bee: Summer vacation is coming. Where are you going during the summervacation?Clever Mouse: I’m go  相似文献   

I’ll never forget the day Momma made me go to a birthday party. I was in Mrs. Black's third grade class in Wichita Falls', Texas, and I brought home a slightly peanut-buttery invitation."I am not going, "I said, "She's a new girl named Ruth, and Berniece and Pat aren' t going. She asked the whole class, all 36 of us. "  相似文献   

1.all things to all men八面玲珑A:Maybe we all will be all things to all men. B:How terrible! A:But for the life.we’ll be changed by this society. B:I really don’t want to go into the world.I feel afraid of it. A:Don’t be silly.We have reached the age to take the responsibility by ourselves. B:I know. A:也许有一天我们都会变得事故圆滑。B:真可怕!  相似文献   

Sports and Sportsmanship—体育和体育道德Recently I received a few letters from our readers asking about sports in America.Well,today let’s talk about some of the popular sports played here.C1osely related to playing sports is"sportsmanship".So,we’ll also touch on how sports should be played.Of course,what I’m telling you are the kinds of sports that I think interesting.There are many types of sports people play in the different parts of the world,and here I’m only going to mention a few that I think I know how to play.  相似文献   

第一部分听力(略)第二部分英语知识运用第一节:单项填空题从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.The British are not so fam iliar with differentcultures and other ways of doing things,isoften the case in other countries.A.as B.that C.so D.it22.—A ren’t you going to breaking thatwindow?—W hy should I?I didn’t throw the ball.A.start with B.apologize forC.drink to D.think of23.Thank you very m uch for giving m e onhow to im prove m y English.A.so m any advices B.such m any …  相似文献   

1 TEACHER:George,go to the map and find North America. GEORGE:Here it is!TEACHER:Correct.Now,class,who discovered America?CLASS:George! 2TEACHER:Didn’t you promise to behave?STUDENT.Yes.sir.TEACHER:And didn’t I promise to punish you if you didn’t?STUDENT:Yes,sir,but since I broke my promise,I don’t expect you to keep yours. 3  相似文献   

Ⅰ. 选择填空 1.M any boys and girls are m ade what they’r not . A.to do;interested B.to do;interested in C.do;interested in D.doing;interested 2.─H ello。W ould you like to go to the concert with m e tonight? ─I’m sorry,I can’t.M other won’t m e to go out in the evening. A.let B.allow C.offer D.ask 3.Don’t buy things in a hurry.Only when prices can you see which is m ore expensive and which is cheaper. A.are listed B.are list C.list D.will be listed 4.M any restaurants,especially…  相似文献   

Asking the way     
Last week Fred had to go toNew York.It was his first timethere,and he didn’t know his wayaround the city.He had a meetingat 10 o’clock.and he wanted tobe on time.The meeting was inthe Peterson Building on 34thStreet,but Fred didn’t knowwhere that was.Seeing two menstanding on a corner,he askedthem.  相似文献   

I.选择填空。从A、B、c、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。1.She had a good time,——she? A.hadn’t B.had C.didn’t.D.wa,srl’t2.My mother:likes eating apples and— A.so do I B.SO am I C.do I SO D.are you SO3.This is not take—away food.This home ! A.eook B.cooking C.cooks D.a cook4.China is very famous———————the Great Wall. A.for B.with C.about D.Oil5.I’11 ring him up when he——back. A.comes B.will come C.is going to D.come6.Don’t——others when they are in tro…  相似文献   

Mrs Smith is busy today,so she can 1 take Susan to school.When 2 the school, she says,"Your daddy is going to London.I’m going to the airport(机场) to see him 3 this afternoon.I can’t come here to meet you.Can you go home yourself 4 school?""Don’t worry,mum,"says the little girl."I’m seven now."The fifth class is over and Susan leaves school.But she 5 find the way home.She  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择 共 30小题 每小题 1分 共计 30 ( , ,分 )1. M ay I go sw im m ing now芽— N o熏you .Y ou m ust finish your—hom ework first.A .m ustn t B.m ay not ’C.couldn t D .needn t ’ ’2.There are so m any shops on side ofthe street.A .all B .either C .both D .every3.They don t know if it tom orrow.If it ’ 熏they will not go to the park.A .will rain鸦will rain B .rains rains ;C.rains鸦w…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.语法复习 . 从 A 、B、C、D 中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1.I think it’s going to be a big problem .I wonder we can do about it. A .if B.so C.what D .that 2.—I m issed the film last night. —Oh,what a pity.I wish you another chance. A .had had B.would have C.will have D.would have had 3. it rain tom orrow,the crops would be saved. A .W ill B.Can C.Could D .Should 4.—Is your friend com ing to the party tonight? — . A .I’m afraid she didn’t B.I’m afraid not C.I’m not afraid D .I’m afraid she doesn’t 5.—Are you still thinking about ...  相似文献   

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