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Chinese modern drama is embracing its 100th anniversary. Since the founding of the first modern drama workshop in China in 1907, this artistic expression has demonstrated its extensive impacts and unparalleled appeals that can never be rivaled by any other art forms. Over the past century, modern drama has witnessed the Chinese people's persistent struggles for national independence and freedom as well as their endeavors for social development and prosperity. It has been employed as a significant means to unite and inspire the Chinese people when the nation is at a critical moment or to encourage them for reforms and innovations when the nation strives for modernization. Initially introduced as an imported art, modern drama has been successfully integrated with Chinese culture and now become one of the Chinese people's favorite artistic expressions.  相似文献   

2005 marks the 60th anniversary of the victory of Chinese people's anti-Japanese war. Many events have been organized to commemorate this glorious war. Reviewing this part of history, Chinese dancing circle feels proud of a Chinese master dancer who danced for Chinese people and soldiers amidst the fire of war. Her name is Dai Ailian.  相似文献   

Over the past decade or so, the topic of world literature and Chinese literature has been frequently discussed and seminars on the topic held quite often. It would be impossible twenty years ago. After keeping closed and backward for quite a long time, China has adopted the policy to open its door to the outside world. As a result, Chinese economy has seen rapid growth and economic globalization has changed Chinese people's mindset and way of thinking, and Chinese literature as well.  相似文献   

The year of 2005 marked the centennial anniversary of Chinese film.Over the past century,film has changed people's ways of life,influenced their ideas and concepts and expanded their sphere of imagination.As a celebrated American critic said.film is the most typical art form of the time which has an integrated feature in both technology and society.Therefore,it takes an important responsibility to develop,restore and upgrade people's ability to feel and experience. The year of 2005 has passed and to review Chinese movies in the past year will fring us a delightful memory.  相似文献   

Lecture series on Chinese archeological discoveries took place in China Culture Center in Paris late November, 2006, as part of the center's lecture program aiming to respond to French people's growing interest in Chinese culture. Diverse subjects such as archeological discoveries, heritage conservation, Chinese history and civilization as well as traditional ways to enhance bodycare, all attracted the French audience to come. So far, this lecture program has made itself a brand name of the culture center as a primary means to spread Chinese culture and information and provide French people with training on the Chinese language.[第一段]  相似文献   

Culture serves as a bridge linking people's hearts and deepening mutual understanding and trust between countries. China and Russia are each other's biggestneighbors and enjoy longstanding friendship. Over years, the two countries have made efforts to expand exchange and cooperation in various fields. On October 18, 2013, as part of the agenda for the 17th Session of the Chinese and Russian Premiers' Regular Meeting Committee, vice premiers of the two countries held talks at the Tang Paradise in the historic city of Xi'an, experiencing the time-honored history and culture of theTang Dynasty.  相似文献   

The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival for the Chinese people.
With the increase of Ch'ina's overall strength, more and more people from different countries and with different skin colors are attracted by the joyful atmosphere and unique traditions of the Spring Festival. While experiencing and enjoying the charm of Chinese culture, they can get the cultural conception of the Spring Festival, which is "Happy, Harmony and Sharing".  相似文献   

Chinese nuo culture, consisting nuo operas, dances and rituals, has evolved from an ancient type of sacrifice and magical ritual held to ward off evils and drive away epidemics, with masks as its most distinctive feature. The nuo culture, popular among the Han people, contains rich information about history and society, reflects ancient Chinese people's value on the universe and enjoys great value for academic studies.  相似文献   

Shanxi, located in the Loess Plateau of North China, is one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization. Over the sweep of history, local people used their wisdom and creativity to make flower-shaped steamed buns in various designs. Today, dough figurines in Dingxiang and flowery flour buns in Jinnan have been inscribed on China's national list for the protection of intangible cultural heritage.  相似文献   

March 5, 2008 marked the 110th anniversary of late Premier Zhou Enlai's 110th birth anniversary. Zhou Enlai was a great Marxist and outstanding revolutionary. As a major member of the first generation of the leadership of Chinese Communist Party and the People's Republic of China, he devoted all his life to his beloved motherland and people. He enjoyed widespread respect among Chinese people of all ethnic groups and his lofty spirit and personality have been considered valuable assets in the history of Chinese nation. On the occasion of his 110th birth anniversary commemorative events were launched nationwide.  相似文献   

In November 11, 2003, the renowned Chinese writer Zhou Erfu, at age 83 and in the advanced stage of cancer, strenuously wrote a letter to his Japanese friend Yi Kenichiro, inquiring about the translation and publication of the Japanese edition of his novel "The Panorama of the Great Wall" which reflects the whole period of the Chinese people's anti-Japanese war from 1937 to 1945. Yi Kenichiro, with a medium-sized figure, gentlemen-like appearance and unswerving disposition, is a Japanese professor expert in Chinese literature and language. He was then busy with his teaching work and the translation of the Japanese version of Zhou's novel. Receiving Zhou's letter, he fell into a sad mood and hoped Zhou could be recovered soon and live up to the day when the whole novel was published in Japan.  相似文献   

While four Chinese large sculptures featuring the theme of "peace and friendship" arrived in Washington DC, New Jersey, Atlanta and Kansas respectively, four American sculptures with the same theme were shipped to China and set in Beljing, Shanghai, Foshan and Changchun respectively. This ambitious cultural exchange event, in celebration of the 30th anniversary ot Chino-US diplomatic ties, aimed to promote peace and friendship through art and express Chinese people's value highlighting harmony and their sincere expectation for o more peaceful world.  相似文献   

Editor's words:Over the sweep of history,Chinese people have paid heavy price in their struggles with the ocean.A large number of sunken ships are evidence that testifies to the history of South China Sea as an important maritime passage linking the mainland to the outside world since the Song Dynesty dating back to more than 1000 years.In 1987 the discovery of the sunken Song-Dynasty ship"South China Sea No.1"in the border area between Yangjiang and Taishan counties in Guangdong Province is the landmark event for China's underwater archeologists.20 years from then on,surveys and excavations done to this ancient ship have witnessed the development of Chinese underwater archeology.With decades of efforts by experts from various fields,the sunken ship was eventually salvaged out of water in 2007 and will be housed in the newly-built Maritime Silk Road Museum in Guangdong...  相似文献   

In the mankind history, the Chinese people is the first to tame the wild insect into silkworms subject to human will and spinning white silk to better people's life. Therefore,  相似文献   

Chinese people have apprecriated jade since remote antiquity, Jade represents the lofty spirit of humanity and carries Chinese people‘s expectation for happy life. In ancient times when tools were primitive, carving a beautiful jade required extraordinary talent and perseverance. Chinese emperors and poets wore beautiful jade wares as symbols for gentlemen. After emerald was introduced from Burma to China, its brilliant colors and crystal-clear quality fit for Chinese people‘s taste far beauty and has created a new fashion.  相似文献   

My Chinese dream is to see the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, which is the common aspiration of generations of Chinese suffering from the humiliation of imperialism for centuries. What does rejuvenation mean? It means to rejuvenate the glorious times when the Chinese nation made major contribution to the progress of human civilizations. The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation begins with cultural rejuvenation, the core of which is the rejuvenation of China's original culture and philosophy, the great spirit of perseverance and tenacity,  相似文献   

The trend to convert to traditional Chinese culture has been growing worldwide since China adopted the policy, of reform and opening up in the late 1970s. Amidst this global boom for Chinese culture, the memorial ceremony to honor the ancient Chinese philosopher and educator, Confucius, for his unparalleled impact on subsequent cultures worldwide, is gaining increasing popularity among Chinese people, in particular, overseas Chinese.[第一段]  相似文献   

At a special sale on the collection of Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Berge held in Paris on February 25, in spite of repeated negotiations from the Chinese Government and strong protests from the Chinese people, Christie's, a world-famous auction giant, auctioned the rat head and rabbit head which were looted from China's royal garden"Yuanmingyuan" in 1860 by the British and French Allied Forces. The two bronze heads were eventually sold for 14 million euro each. This shameful sale has again triggered out reflections on the restitution of cultural property looted or stolen from China.  相似文献   

Thanks to China's growing national strength and enhanced International status, the Chinese language is becoming one of the most popular languages in the 21st century. As more and more foreigners are learning Chinese, more employment and business opportunities emerged out of the global craze for learning Chinese.  相似文献   

The Monument to Premier Zhou Enlai in Arashiyama, the Monument to Lu Xun in Sendal, the Japan-China Friendship Monument, the Monument to the Japan-China Treaty of Peace and Friendship. . .all these Japanese monuments have close connection with Chinese politics, history and culture and attest to the history of friendship between Chinese and Japanese people. As the author wrote, people today should cherish these hard-won achievements made over the past century. Retro- active misdeeds done by Japanese rightists will be surely opposed and condemned by Chinese people and people from the rest of Asia and the world.  相似文献   

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