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价值创新:出版营销的战略性选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对新媒体迅猛发展带来的竞争压力,图书营销迫切需要在战略层面上作出选择与调整。本文以近年国内出现的图书+热线服务营销模式为例,使用蓝海战略框架,从提升买方价值、压缩成本、构筑模仿壁垒等方面加以研究,提出价值创新是未来出版营销的战略性选择与核心路径。  相似文献   

科普期刊如何做好自身的宣传推广工作   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
倪集裘 《编辑学报》2002,14(Z1):66-67
科普期刊在由计划经济向市场经济转型的过程中,如何化不利因素为有利因素,在激烈的期刊竞争中立于不败之地;如何积极做好科普期刊自身的宣传推广工作,求得生存与发展.并从提高刊物的质量、扩大影响、畅通发行渠道、做好读者服务工作等6个方面进行探索.  相似文献   

梁赛平 《编辑学报》2016,28(4):320-323
在媒体融合发展的形势下,科技期刊既存在着内容上的先天性优势,也存在着体制上的桎梏.为适应这一趋势,科技期刊不仅需要运营的顶层设计,更需要本身的业务流程再造、盈利模式转变等创新应对,还要积极践行数字出版战略,以提升在媒体融合环境中的市场竞争能力和影响力.  相似文献   

微博营销:网络时代的图书营销新体验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2009年,微博成为最为火爆的网络工具。在海外,微博已经被大量企业作为营销的利器,而国内出版机构尤其是民营出版企业及书店也已经关注并开始运用这一工具推销自己的品牌与产品。将微博引入到图书营销中,是一种全新的体验,很有可能引发一场出版营销变革,值得业界认真加以研究。  相似文献   

同质化竞争下新闻网站信息资源经营策略探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从1995年中国出现第一家网络媒体到现在不到10年的时间,新闻网站迄今已有长足的发展,但是问题也逐渐增多。据千龙研究院的调查,现在新闻网站每天更新的内容重复率高达60%。另外,网站重复建设的现象仍然存在。和商业网站相比,媒体新闻网站具备雄厚的新闻采编力量,在新闻信息资源方面具有相当大的优势,但是这些资源到底在多大程度上得到了开发利用、在市场竞争中能够发挥多大的潜力,尚值得探讨。  相似文献   

Publishing companies have embraced strategic, business, and market planning, but may not fully grasp its potential. This article describes their applications in a publishing environment, focusing on fundamental information required if the process is to have a beneficial outcome, as well as risks for the organization if planning is poorly conceived. This article is adapted from a presentation at a marketing and fulfillment seminar sponsored by the Society for Scholarly Publishing, April 21, 1988.  相似文献   

Industry advocates argue that by tailoring services and commercial solicitations to match media users’ personal interests, data-driven marketing benefits both consumers and businesses. This article shows, however, that advertisers and marketers who are taking up ideas and techniques from behavioral economics tell their clients a very different story about the aims and use of digital marketing and consumer surveillance. Listening in on this discourse demonstrates that some digital marketers conceptualize their own practices as forms of social control, appropriating concepts from behavioral economics to identify consumers’ cognitive and affective biases and target their vulnerabilities. Behavioral economics recognizes that economic decisions are not simply dictated by rational self-interest; rather, such choices depend on cognitive heuristics and habits, and can be manipulated through the design of “choice architecture.” This article discusses implications of the behavioral turn in data-driven marketing for critical advertising scholars, public advocates, and regulators.  相似文献   

The rhythm of publishers’ marketing efforts is dictated by an entirely outmoded historic model of publication of seasonal lists. Publishers should recognize that market conditions that drove this cycle are long gone and adjust to the realities of the 1990s. Properly used, many of today’s technology tools can assist publishers in building and exploiting the “communities of interest” that are the stock-in-trade of every book marketer. Mike Shatzkin is co-chairman of the VISTA Editorial Board. His Idea Logical company produces content for Sportsline USA web sites. Address for correspondence  相似文献   

梁培之 《图书情报工作》2006,50(11):105-108
考察图书馆业务外包的范围,认为图书馆业务外包有利于图书馆员发挥自身的创造性,馆员在图书馆的核心地位也得到加强;馆员的角色从以前的事务技术型、馆藏维护型员工向信息分析型、信息导航型专家转变;图书馆员与其他领域的信息管理者的融合也日渐加强。指出图书馆员需要更新观念,深化服务读者的理念;提高与外包商沟通管理技能;培养危机意识,拓展眼光,寻找新的职业方向。  相似文献   

Smart government is used to characterize activities that creatively invest in emergent technologies coupled with innovative strategies to achieve more agile and resilient government structures and governance infrastructures. However, there is no consensus in terms of what this term includes and how it is related to emergent technologies and innovation in the public sector. This introductory paper provides readers with ways to think about smart government and summarizes findings from twelve articles included in this special issue. These articles, which are the best papers of the 6th International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2012), contribute to emerging understanding of being smart in government settings. The articles span a great diversity of related topics such as smart cities, open government, and participation mechanisms. Collectively, the articles provide perspectives on the nature of smart governments and illustrate exemplar practices and initiatives on how governments are opening up and transforming service delivery to become smarter. The special issue in its entirety contributes to understanding governance structures, technical infrastructures, and other requirements geared toward supporting the operations of smarter governments around the world.  相似文献   

This essay examines the historical construction of the Hispanic audience and analyzes how contemporary Hispanic audience researchers/marketers have disrupted that unitary, essentialist construction by segmenting the Hispanic audience by class. The principal tool in this effort is language: the Spanish language is proxy for the “mass” of lower socioeconomic class Hispanic audience; English language usage by Hispanics is the sign of a higher class of Hispanic audience. The clearly defined panethnic conceptualization of the Hispanic audience, the nexus of which is the Spanish language, has been blurred. The study draws on interviews with Hispanic media marketers and audience researchers and on analysis of Hispanic market research reports.  相似文献   

The COVID pandemic forced academic libraries to quickly and dramatically adjust their operations. This article explores how marketing in academic libraries was represented in the research and practitioner literature during the pandemic through an examination of articles published between March 2020 and March 2023 as compared to LIS marketing articles published in the three previous years (between March 2017 and February 2020). Marketing was selected as the lens through which to examine library and information science (LIS) articles because marketing strategies and techniques offer powerful insights into how libraries perceive themselves and the communities they serve. The 2017–2020A set included 165 articles, while the 2020B–2023 set contained 93 articles. These articles were inductively coded to identify marketing-related concepts and themes. The most common marketing themes from the per-pandemic article set were marketing strategies and planning, marketing methods, social media, outreach, and engagement. The most common marketing themes from the pandemic article set were social media, marketing strategies and planning, library instruction and orientations, marketing methods, and perceptions of libraries. The categories that experienced the largest levels of change between the two periods were engagement (a reduction of 12.67 % during the pandemic), marketing methods (a reduction of 11.75 % during the pandemic), marketing strategies and planning (a reduction of 10.75 % during the pandemic), outreach (a reduction of 9.11 % during the pandemic), and library instruction and orientations (an increase of 8.44 % during the pandemic). Recommendations for library marketing practice are provided based on this literature analysis including the use of multiple physical and digital communication channels when developing marketing strategies; the importance of continuing to market core operational services, especially during challenging times; the need for libraries to regularly review their engagement methods as the needs and behaviours of users shift; and that there are many ways in which the voice of the user and the effectiveness of library marketing activities may be captured.  相似文献   

传统市场结构中,营销传播处在一种线性结构中没有形成反馈回路,卖方在发出信息的同时几乎没有任何反馈信息。信息技术和市场控制权的变化导致了营销传播由单向的线性传播转向双向的互动式交流,这是市场多元化走向在传播中的一种必然结果。在此基础上产生的新型营销传播模式,改变了传统营销传播中信息发送者和信息接收者地位,使营销者与顾客的角色可以互为转换,减少了营销传播中单一维度和反馈迟延所造成的信息流失和信息歪曲。  相似文献   

试论图书馆的知识营销与服务   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
分析知识营销及产生基础 ,从图书馆知识营销的方式、知识营销的特征、知识营销的对策三个方面论述知识经济时代图书馆实现知识营销与服务的重要性。  相似文献   

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