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教学是大学的原生功能,是大学教师的主要职业活动。教学学术的提出拓展了学术的内涵,对大学教师的专业发展具有重要意义。教学学术既是大学教师专业发展的重要内容,也是大学教师专业发展的重要途径。教学学术视野下,要促进大学教师的专业发展,需要构建良好外部环境,重新认识教学与教学学术,健全大学教师专业发展的组织机构,完善大学教师培训制度,也需要注重教师个体自主发展,加强理论学习,反思教学实践,开展行动研究等。  相似文献   

大学教师的发展是大学发展的基础,不同类型大学的教师发展目标有所不同。教学型大学教师发展的基本选择是"教学学术"的发展,这是由教学型大学的定位、大学教师发展的多样性及"全能型"大学教师发展的不可能性决定的。为实现"教学学术"的发展,需要纠正认识上的"教学不是学术"的错误观念、政策导向上的"唯科研论英雄"论和大学教师培训上的"以科研素质提升为中心"的不当做法。  相似文献   

随着高等教育的发展,大学教师专业发展在高等教育领域已然成为被关注的焦点。而教学学术的研究则为大学教师专业发展研究开辟了一个崭新的维度。在教学学术和教师专业发展的引领下可以有效推进教师的职业专业化、平衡大学教师教学与科研的矛盾关系、完善大学教师专业发展理论体系和外部评价环境。在基于教学学术的大学教师专业发展策略生成中应该着力于教学学术理念与教师角色、评价与激励制度、教师专业发展策略以及教师教学学术研究等方面的建设,可以促进教师教学学术水平的改善并且有效地提高大学的高等教育质量。  相似文献   

我国研究型大学成人高等教育的资源投入十分有限,普遍以学历教育为主,教学内容实用性不强,学生工学矛盾突出,各种学习形式融合度低,教学站点布局缺乏市场化。在高水平大学的建设进程中,研究型大学要正确定位成人高等教育与普通高等教育的关系,全方位开展非学历继续教育培训,树立"顾客导向"意识,确保教育教学质量,真正把全面提高人的综合素质作为成人高等教育办学的根本宗旨。  相似文献   

谈网络教育手段在夜大学教学改革中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络教育作为一种新的教育手段和教学方式的出现,已经对传统成人教育的教育体制和教学模式造成冲击。特别是独立设置的夜大学成人高校或者非独立设置的普通高校夜大学成人教育部门,由于自身存在的缺陷,纷纷面临关门的危险。学习和借鉴网络教育的先进手段,一定能使夜大学成人教育焕发生机,为终身学习型社会的构建做出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

Among the studies of the internal efficiency in higher education, most have focused on the scale of university (the economies of scale), but little on internal operating efficiency in higher education, especially on the combined efficiency of outputs (the economies of scope). There are few theoretical discussions or experimental research on whether teaching resources are complementary with research resources, or whether resources in undergraduate cultivation are shared with those in postgraduate training. In the background of the resource scarcity, it is significant to study the economies of scope in higher education to realize intensive development of higher education. Based on the multiproduct cost function and the data of universities attached to the Ministry of Education, this paper attempts to deal with the complementarities of resources used in undergraduate cultivation, postgraduate training and research to find that universities produce these outputs without sufficient resource sharing, the diseconomies of scope in postgraduate training is highest. As far as the quality of teaching and research are concerned, diseconomies of scope of the outputs are great. The main reasons are as follows: poor distribution of facilities, teachers and books, overlapping internal management systems, and the current postgraduate cultivation model. Therefore, relative departments should take internal resource sharing in higher education into account when making the administration policy of higher education.  相似文献   

教学学术是在大学教学不作为大学教师的工作重点的反思中提出来的,其根本旨趣在于通过教师的教学研究、合作交流、反思实践等活动促进学生的学习。为此,文章提出大学自身应采取相应的策略,为教师从事教学研究提供各种支持。目前,教学学术运动已轰轰烈烈地在国外大学展开,这将为我国大学教学学术运动提供理论和实践的指导。  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study is to report the evaluation of a degree programme in Education by final year undergraduate students of a university. The results show that arts and science students rated the courses, instruction and instructors in the education department significantly higher than those in their teaching subject departments; social science students rated their subject departments higher than the education department; the physical and health education students were indifferent in their ratings of both departments. The study further reveals that educational administration, educational psychology and guidance and counselling were rated in descending order as the most interesting courses in education.  相似文献   

高等教育大众为各类高等教育提供了广阔的发展空间,以网络技术为特点的远程开放教育为实现电大教育跨越式发展提供了新的机遇和挑战。电大如何以人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点为契机,实现教学模式改革,是电大目前的中心工作。要认真把握“改革试点”的方向,边实践、边研究,努力探索现代远程开放教育的教学模式、学习模式、教学管理模式和运行机制,努力实现江苏电大跨越式新发展。  相似文献   

教学学术包括学术性教学和教学学术研究两个方面,是一个教学实践改善与理论生成互动的过程,它把提高教育教学质量和实现大学教师教学专业发展作为自身的根本目的与最终归宿,对消解教学与科研失衡具有重要意义.实现大学初任教师教学能力发展是提高高校教学质量和实现教师专业发展的内在诉求.教学学术为大学初任教师教学能力发展提供了理论依据...  相似文献   

There is growing recognition of the complexity of academic work and the need for university and college faculty members to develop scholarly approaches to teaching and learning. While structured programs of study have been initiated for faculty to address these issues in various higher education contexts, very little research has investigated the theory–practice relationship of the scholarship of teaching and learning within a faculty certificate program context. This article presents a program development and evaluation framework to enhance the theory–practice integration of the scholarship of teaching and learning in such a program. Data suggest that a broad range of institutional and programmatic strategies can enhance the scholarship of teaching and learning in a faculty certificate program. A scholarly approach to teaching and learning is viewed as both an individual and social contextual process.Dr Harry Hubball and Dr Helen Burt are faculty members at the University of British Columbia, BC, Canada. Harry Hubball's research focuses on curriculum and pedagogy in university settings. He coordinates the UBC Faculty Certificate Program on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Helen Burt is the Associate Dean of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Her research interests include the development of novel polymer-based drug delivery systems.  相似文献   

高校学报档案管理工作对高校的教学、科研工作有着重要作用。针对高校学报档案管理的现状,学报档案管理工作亟需加强。高校学报要强化档案意识,对档案员进行业务培训,进一步开发利用档案资源,更好地为高校教育事业服务。  相似文献   

Physiotherapy became a graduate profession in the 1990s marking a shift from ‘training’ to ‘education’. This means students are required to develop as reflective, innovative and autonomous practitioners. Traditional work-based learning has remained a key component in the curricula of physiotherapy programmes in higher education. This is delivered by qualified physiotherapists who take on the role of ‘practice educator’ with responsibility for teaching, supervision and assessment. The teaching and learning strategies of the university and work-based components of physiotherapy curricula are aligned. Concomitantly the delivery of physiotherapy services have become increasingly diverse and the wider health and social care context has changed. In response to these challenges the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (2006) published guidance on the development of work-based learning in community and non-traditional settings. This study explored how community-based placements could be developed to ensure work-based learning continues to meet students’ needs. An action research methodology was used because any change to established practice is more successful if it involves the people who are responsible for its implementation. Thematic analysis identified three important considerations in the development of community placements: Skill acquisition within community settings; expectations of the available learning and teaching opportunities; effects of health service improvements. This research has highlighted the importance of consultation between all those responsible for physiotherapy work-based learning. A review framework has subsequently been developed to both facilitate this consultation and evaluate placement opportunities available in a specific community setting.  相似文献   

过去30年,教学学术无论是理论建构还是制度实践,都逐渐成为高等教育改革运动的热门话题。集中于技术促进学习及教师发展、批判性思维培养、学生参与教学学术及教学学术的学科应用四方面的实践,教学学术运动转换了高校教学质量保障的范式,重塑了大学教师的发展模式。当前,教学学术的发展依然面临困境。教学学术既是教学水平,也是学术类型,更是“学者共同财富”和政策制度。要提升我国高校教师教学学术能力,需要走向科教融合,加强教学学术制度化建设,进行技术融于教学的开发,努力实现“教”“学”融合,推动教师教学能力发展,打造教师提升教学能力方略,提升教师多元教学能力。  相似文献   

教学学术能力是高校教师教学发展的核心能力。本研究在构建高校教师教学学术能力指标体系的基础上开发了教学学术能力评价量表,并对上海市高校教师进行调查。结果显示,上海高校教师的教学学术能力总体较高,在年龄、职称、性别、教龄等指标上并未呈现显著性差异。在采用回归分析方法对影响教学学术能力的要素进行研究时发现,文化认知、组织规范、政策规章三个维度共同影响了教师的教学学术能力发展,其中大学教师的教学认知、教学和科研氛围、晋升和奖励政策是影响教学学术能力发展的关键要素。  相似文献   

Art education as a distinct academic discipline is relatively recent and closely related to the growth of specialist teacher qualification programmes in university education departments. Opportunities for art teachers to engage in research were first provided in advanced diploma courses and specialist masters programmes set up in university education departments. Later these were followed by specialist doctoral degrees. Since the majority of such programmes are located in education departments, research training has tended to be social science based. Recently there has been a flurry of publications by art and art education specialists devoted to explaining and extolling the idea of art practice as an alternative paradigm. This article analyses and discusses this development and the status of research in the specialist field, drawing on the author's recent experience of carrying out two systematic reviews of studies in art education. It examines strengths and weaknesses in the two research paradigms and suggests ways forward for improving training in art education research.  相似文献   

随着高等教育的快速发展,青年教师教学能力的提高成为保障高等教育质量的关键因素。本文借鉴国外教师培训的做法,从我国高等教育发展的历史、教师职业道德的提高、平衡教学与科研之间的关系、促进教师职业能力的提高以及高校发展战略等方面对高校青年教师教学能力培训之必要性进行了简要而明确的分析。  相似文献   

Efforts to improve science education include university science departments hiring Science Faculty with Education Specialties (SFES), scientists who take on specialized roles in science education within their discipline. Although these positions have existed for decades and may be growing more common, few reports have investigated the SFES approach to improving science education. We present comprehensive data on the SFES in the California State University (CSU) system, the largest university system in the United States. We found that CSU SFES were engaged in three key arenas including K-12 science education, undergraduate science education, and discipline-based science education research. As such, CSU SFES appeared to be well-positioned to have an impact on science education from within science departments. However, there appeared to be a lack of clarity and agreement about the purpose of these SFES positions. In addition, formal training in science education among CSU SFES was limited. Although over 75% of CSU SFES were fulfilled by their teaching, scholarship, and service, our results revealed that almost 40% of CSU SFES were seriously considering leaving their positions. Our data suggest that science departments would likely benefit from explicit discussions about the role of SFES and strategies for supporting their professional activities.  相似文献   

教学学术是研究大学教师专业发展的一个新的维度。然而,自从博耶在20世纪90年代引进"教学学术"这一术语以来,关于对教学学术概念的界定—直存在不确定性。如果教师学者们对教学学术无法完全理解,那么教学学术实践就很难在高校得以推广、评估和制度化。本文对关于教学学术的若干理论问题进行初步探究,以便大学教师的教学学术活动有例可循。  相似文献   

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