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分析了数据访问类在面向对象应用程序设计中的作用,采用C#技术与SQl语句实现了数据访问类中数据操作方法的封装.  相似文献   

VB是一种面向对象的“可视化”Windows应用程序的开发工具,它具有简单易学、功能强大等特点,本通过教学和实践,总结,研究了用VB开发Windows应用程序的过程,并选用两个典型的实例加以说明,VB提供了Windows应用程序最迅速、最简捷的开发方法,可视化的用户界面设计功能,使用户更容易操作。  相似文献   

本文从以下几个方面对Microsoft最新发布的程序设计语言——C#进行了概要介绍:C#为C和C++开发者提高了生产率;C#为创建Web服务和Web应用程序打下了基础;C#的内建版本控制支持;C#纯粹的面向对象设计使开发者能够编写更简单,更容易理解的代码;C#充分利用Microsoft.NET框架。  相似文献   

介绍了一种利用C#语言对音乐播放器进行设计的方法.C#作为.NET平台面向Windows应用程序的一种编程语言具有强大的软件开发能力,也非常利于多媒体应用程序的开发.调用Windows API函数实现播放器的设计方案和实现方法,使得应用软件具有款式灵活自由,占用系统资源少,运行效率高等优点.  相似文献   

随着微软公司.NET Framework的推出,C#语言逐渐为目前计算机领域的主要开发语言,而且在企业计算领域,C#将会变成为用于编写"新一代windows服务"(Next Generation Windows Services,简写为NGWS)应用程序的主要语言。本文主要介绍了如何用C#来进行数据结构的教学。  相似文献   

随着微软公司.NET Framework的推出,C#语言逐渐为目前计算机领域的主要开发语言,而且在企业计算领域,C#将会变成为用于编写“新一代windows服务”(Ne xc Generation Windows Services,简写为NGWS)应用程序的主要语言。本文主要介绍了如何用C#来进行数据结构的教学。  相似文献   

文章首先对相关研究进行了述评,然后介绍了Windows应用程序设计课程,接着分析了Windows应用程序设计课程教学现状,最后论述了Windows应用程序设计课程改革方案设计.  相似文献   

分析了Windows桌面应用程序中权限控制和菜单的基本功能,采用用户权限模式和角色权限模式实现应用程序的用户权限配置.用C#程序设计语言及SQL Server数据库技术,采用三层架构模式,即表示层、业务逻辑层和数据库访问层,并给出了具体编码实现.  相似文献   

C#语言一方面继承了C语言和C++语言简洁高效的优点,另一方面吸收了JAVA语言面向对象的设计思想,是目前主流的编程语言之一。C#语言可以高效便捷地开发各种应用程序,微软公司提供了完备的类库以方便程序员开发。在网络开发方面,端口扫描程序是网络软件常用的功能模块。通过分析端口扫描程序中出现的问题,找出问题产生的原因,提出相应解决办法,对采用C#语言开发类似软件有一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

信管专业的程序设计课程应当强调实用性,并侧重编程思路的培养。C#作为一种全新的现代编程语言,以其完全面向对象和类型安全等众多特点,适合信管专业学生认真掌握。然而一直存在于C#本身的复杂性和课时限制等矛盾。通过分析以往教学中存在的问题,有针对性地在教学内容和方法上进行了新的探索,对上机实践进行了改进设计。调动了学生的积极性,教学效果明显提高。  相似文献   

Although many professionals in education believe that an ‘objects first’ approach is the best method of introducing object-oriented technology, there is no common agreement on how to start such courses. Current study programs often begin by teaching a chosen object-oriented programing language, where students are confronted by a large amount of syntactical detail. Instead of focusing on the basics of object-oriented technology, namely objects and their collaborations, difficulties in handling the details of the programing language lead to a very scattered knowledge of object-oriented concepts. This is dangerous, as learners are left with a set of unconnected knowledge fragments. Approaches which embed different knowledge fragments in an overall knowledge view are known as “cognitive apprenticeship” approaches. The main idea of cognitive apprenticeship is continuous practice. We present a learning environment for introducing object-oriented technology in upper secondary schools based on cognitive apprenticeship. We use a visual programing language to away from the details and provide tool support to aid practice. We present the learning sequencewhich is used and show the impacts it makes on the course structure in our experiment in the chosen object-oriented programming language The Joint Task Force on Computing Curricula IEEE Computer Society.  相似文献   

摘要Windows操作系统是90年代中期以来的主流pc机操作系统,支持面向对象技术,本文以Visual Basic(简称VB)作为首门面向对象编程语言,探讨Windows操作系统的特点及VB本身有关面向对象概念在教学中的贯穿。  相似文献   

Java程序设计课程是计算机专业的重要课程,不仅要学习Java的相关编程知识,更承担了让学生从面向过程到面向对象编程思想转变的任务。既要有理论知识的讲解,又要有Jdk内容的学习,一直是学生学习的难点课程。文章通过对教学过程中学生频繁出现问题的分析,设计了一套针对Java教学的方案,提出了任务驱动和过程反馈相结合的教学方式,针对不同的阶段设计相应的实例,并针对学生的反馈进行及时的修正,使学生更好地理解面向对象的基本概念和Java程序设计方法。  相似文献   

该文给出了用C#实现基于软构件的多任务编程方法,WindowsXP支持进程内的多线程,线程是一种线性执行并不可被打断的可调度工作单元,而构件化程序设计方法继承并发展了面向对象程序设计方法,以构件组合的方式建立应用系统。采用基于软构件的C#多任务编程新方法,不仅可以缩短软件产品的开发周期,同时也提高了系统的可靠性。  相似文献   

计算机数学,又称离散数学,是计算机学科的重要专业基础课程。在实际教学中发现,计算机科学专业的学生对该课程感兴趣的不多,多数畏惧其概念多、理论强且抽象。利用一种函数式程序设计语言(Haskell)辅助学生进行计算机数学中相关概念理解及其实际编程实验,主要针对课程教学中代数系统(如群)知识点,通过群定义及其性质验证实验来介绍函数编程技术,可以帮助计算机专业学生更好地学习理解计算机数学课程,并能充分调动其学习积极性和主动性,还可培养学生接受新知识的能力。  相似文献   

We have conducted a web-based questionnaire on the various concepts and topics of object-oriented programming that students on introductory courses found most difficult to cope with.A statistical analysis of our results shows that those topics that rely on a clear understanding of pointers and memory-related concepts (such as copy constructors and virtual functions) prove to be the most difficult. In other words, we believe these concepts are only hard because of the student's inability to comprehend what is happening to their program in memory, as they are incapable of creating a clear mental model of its execution.These results would suggest that a clearer approach to teaching these topics would be beneficial to students. We are currently working on a visualization-based approach to address these issues.  相似文献   

Designing and deploying programming courses is undoubtedly a challenging task. In this paper, an attempt to analyze important aspects of a sequence of two courses on imperative-procedural and object-oriented programming in a non-CS majors Department is made. This analysis is based on a questionnaire filled in by fifty students in a voluntary basis. The issues of the programming courses that are investigated refer to: the strategy selected for the introduction to programming; the sequence of the programming techniques and languages taught and the transition from the one to the other; students’ difficulties with programming in general and with imperative-procedural and object-oriented programming in specific; the teaching and learning design of both courses; and the material that students rely on for learning programming. Based on the analysis of students’ replies on the questionnaire, related work and the instructor’s experience on teaching the courses, conclusions are drawn regarding all the aforementioned aspects of designing and deploying programming courses. The main contribution of the paper is the fact that all the important and interrelated aspects of a sequence of two programming courses are investigated in conjunction, providing realistic implications and guidelines for improving the quality and effectiveness of existing programming courses and designing and deploying new courses. The main results refer to the usage of a pseudo-language for an introduction to programming, the transition from procedural to object-oriented programming, the intrinsic difficulties of learning programming, and practices for a more successful teaching and learning design of programming courses.  相似文献   

针对目前Python语言程序设计教学中学生兴趣不高、参与度不足的问题,基于Python语言程序设计教学实际,引入项目驱动教学法,提出以抽签系统作为一个连贯的实验项目驱动教学改革思路,以点成线、以线铺面、激发兴趣、培养实践、引导创新。实践证明,这种教学方式能激发学生学习热情,提高主观能动性,提升应用能力,培养团队协作能力,对程序设计课程改革有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

目前利用编程教学培养计算思维已经取得共识,人工智能案例驱动的编程教学解决了单纯的编程教学枯燥乏味、难以激发学生兴趣的难题。依据人工智能案例驱动的编程教学理念,在分析计算思维、Python、人工智能案例三者关系的基础上,提出了人工智能案例驱动的Python编程教学培养高中生计算思维的教学模型。以"有声小说"为人工智能案例驱动的Python编程教学案例,进行了具体的教学设计。研究采用准实验研究法,通过三个月的跟踪观察,辅以作品分析、学习成绩分析和访谈来考察人工智能案例驱动的Python编程教学对学生计算思维的影响。研究表明,人工智能案例驱动的Python编程教学对高中生计算思维的培养具有显著的促进作用。基于研究结果,提出了以下六条实施建议:要厘清教学内容、教学方式及教学目标之间的关系;关注所教知识背后的思维、方法与观念;引导学生对核心概念的理解与迁移;精讲知识并注重能力的培养;关注个体差异并循序渐进;重视情境对于学习的重要性。  相似文献   

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