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Concepts of genetics are often difficult to teach, specifically the central concept of gene. Even the scientists disagree when defining this concept. This paper investigates university students' understanding about the gene and its functions. The results show the dominance of two conceptions of the gene: the Neoclassical model and the Mendelian model. The existence of hybrid conceptions and the lack of the modern model show that students are unable to mobilize the knowledge taught in biology. These results suggest to improve the teaching methods of genetics, for instance, by developing activities that bring students face to face with their conceptions.  相似文献   

我国本科教学评估和大学评价是目前我国对高等教育进行评判的两种不同的系统,文章对它们的主要特点进行对比分析,意在澄清把二者简单混同所造成的思想误区,更好地发挥两者在促进高等教育发展作用上的互补性。  相似文献   

The paper discusses an on-going research project that studies students' and teachers' conceptions and dispositions of mathematics. Conceptions are the views that students hold on a subject, and what they believe is required in learning and doing the subject. Dispositions are the beliefs or tendencies to exhibit a frequent, conscious and voluntary behavior directed towards learning a subject. The participants are high school students, higher education students and mathematics teachers. The study utilizes self-reporting tools as well as focus groups and interviews in a three-stage research model. This is a work on progress. Results to date are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Genetics is assuming an increasingly important role in medicine. As a result, the teaching of genetics should also be increased proportionally to ensure that future physicians will be able to take advantage of the new genetic technology, and to understand the associated ethical, legal and social issues. At the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, we have been able to incorporate genetic education into a four-year medical curriculum in a fully integrated fashion. This model may serve as a template for other medical curriculum still in development.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore what salient characteristics can be found in some university teachers' approaches to teaching in Finland, Japan and India, and in what ways university teachers in Finland, India and Japan use ICTs (information and communication technologies) in their own teaching. Furthermore, this study aimed to investigate what ICT applications these same teachers use in their teaching. The data were collected via an electronic survey and interviews. The participants (N=21) were university teachers from Finland (N=8), Japan (N=I0) and India (N=3). Their approaches to teaching were explored by applying the ATI (approaches to teaching inventory) and its modified version focusing on the use of ICTs in teaching. The study reported in this paper was a pilot study, thus the results are based on the limited number of respondents. The ATI and ATI ICT subscales and ICT inventory applied in this study have been confirmed to be valid. The university teachers in Japan and Finland differed in their approaches to teaching: The Finnish teachers scored higher on the CCSF (conceptual change orientated, student-focused) approach to teaching than the Japanese teachers, while the Japanese teachers scored higher on the ITTF (information transmitting, teacher-focused) approach to teaching. Two Indian teachers were classified as having a teacher-focused approach to teaching, while the third was classified as having a student-focused approach to teaching. The teachers' differences in their use of ICTs related more to their disciplinary status than to their cultural background.  相似文献   

周霞飞 《教书育人》2011,(10):56-57
学生评教即学生对教师课堂教学质量进行评价。高校教师的教学质量是高校质量的重要指标之一。学生评教是教育教学评价的一种方式,是教学质量评估的一个重要方面,也是教学管理过程中不可缺少的环节。随着我国大学本科教学评估的开展,对高校教师教学质量的评价已成为评价高校质量的重要指标之一。学生作为高等教育的接收者,对教师教学效果的评价...  相似文献   

评估是教学过程中的重要环节,全面、客观、科学的评估体系是实现课程目标的必要条件。科学的评估结果不仅可以为教学提供良好的反馈,帮助教师了解教学效果,改进教学方法,提高教学质量,还可以帮助学生了解自己的学习情况,改进学习方法,提高学习效率。教学评估不仅包括以标准化考试为代表的终结性评估,也包括以学习为目的、注重学习过程的形成性评估。然而,由于历史的原因和认识上的局限性,我国英语教学一直依赖终结性评价手段,用单一维度的考试替代多元的教学评估,以测试成绩评定学生的学习能力和教学质量,造成了许多负面影响。  相似文献   

教学评价是依据教学目标对教学过程及结果进行价值判断并为教学决策服务的活动。教学评价包括两个核心环节:对教师教学工作(教学设计、组织、实施等)的评价,即教师教学评估(课堂、课外),以及对学生学习效果的评价,即考试与测  相似文献   

This research is attempted to examine universities' academic staffs' curriculum instructional design in the teaching and learning process in applying the technology enhanced classroom (TEC) learning. The universities have embarked on a costly project to create an innovative and creative learning and teaching environment to promote and establish a state-of-the-art, smart, efficient, effective and high quality education. The teaching and learning culture of universities have great influence on determining the level of students' achievement. Seven dimensions of public universities in Malaysia were examined to determine the percentage of academic staffs' self-efficacy in the application of TEC learning. There is a significant difference among factors concerning the academic staffs' self-efficacy in their teaching and learning processes in the classroom management. Their self-preparedness in using the provided technology is closely related to the experiences and practicality of the teaching materials. This study represents an addition to the extant literature on universities' academic staffs' self-efficacy in the application of TEC learning. Academic staffs' self-efficacy in using TEC learning instructional design is of the utmost important to disseminate knowledge to students, which will also fully help utilize the government's effort in providing technology to the additional instructional design, so as to achieve high quality education and technological enhance education to pave the way to achieve a techno-education environment for all public universities in Malaysia. This study provides furtber groundwork to assist existing tertiary educational managers to improve smart teaching and learning environment and to retain high quality academic staffs in the day-to-day classroom curriculum.  相似文献   

体育教学评价是依据一定的体育教学目标及其有关标准,对整个体育教学过程进行系统的调查,并评定其价值的优缺点以求改进的过程,主要包括体育教学质量评价和学生体育学习评价。适应学生个体差异学习评价的目的是为了了解每个学生学习情况,使学生认识到自己进步情况和需改进的地方,以求进一步提高。因此,教师应改变评价内容和方式,充分运用评价结果来激励学生。促进学生身心全面健康发展。  相似文献   

对分课堂:大学课堂教学改革的新探索   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对当前高校课堂存在的主要问题,结合讲授式课堂与讨论式课堂的优点,提出了名为"对分课堂"的课堂教学改革新模式。其核心理念是分配一半课堂时间给教师讲授,另一半给学生讨论,并把讲授和讨论时间错开,让学生在课后有一周时间自主安排学习,进行个性化的内化吸收。对应的考核方法强调过程性评价,并关注不同的学习需求。试点教学表明,对分课堂有效增强了学生学习的主动性,教学效果良好。对分课堂有可能是一种适合中国国情的高校课堂教学模式,值得进一步尝试和推广。  相似文献   

郭芙茉 《学子》2012,(6):30-31
在教学过程中,教师起主导作用,但这种主导作用只有通过学生的内因才能发挥作用,学生才是学习的主体,教学质量在很大程度上体现在学生"学"的效果上,因此,进行教学评价必须对学生的"学"进行评价。近年来。  相似文献   

耿娟 《海外英语》2011,(8):136-137
该文将从在大学基础英语教学过程中开展合作式学习,注重开发学生的情感因素,改革大学基础英语教学评价模式,三个方面来谈谈如何提高大学基础英语的教学质量。  相似文献   

王碗 《教书育人》2011,(33):70-72
独立学院是随着高等教育大众化的推进,1999年以后出现的新型办学形式。2003年教育部出台了《关于规范并加强普通高校以新的机制和模式试办独立学院管理的若干意见》(教发[2003]8号),文件指出独立学院是我国公办普通本科院校与社会力量采用新机制和新模式联合举办的、以开展普通本科  相似文献   

<正>有关模块化教学模块的众多研究多半聚焦于该教学模式与传统模式的比较研究之上,但就模块式教学应用于大学英语教学中的成效,并提出相应评价指标体系的研究涉足尚少。本研究通过评估模块式教学的学习过程,持续、发展地评价教学成效,使学生及教师都能从实时评价中得到教学效果的及时反馈,采取有针对性的措施,以期达到教学的最佳效果。一、理论依据本研究主要以多元智能理论和建构主义学习评价理论为基础。多元智力理论认为,人类至少有七种认识世界的智力方式,即:  相似文献   

当前,学生评教己成为我国高等学校普遍采用的教学评价方式。各学校试图通过这一途径,帮助教师改进和完善教学过程,进而提高学校的教学质量。那么,教师和学生是如何看待学生评教的?学生评教的真实性和有效性如何?学生评教的指标应该包括哪些?怎样才能使学生评教更好地发挥作用?针对这些问题,本文通过对A大学的教师和学生的问卷调查,管窥高校学生评教的现状及存在的问题,以期对高校学生评教工作的改进提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

多元化评价是教与学的双向评价,对学习过程起着重要的导向和质量监控作用,它在对学生进行全面评价的同时,也能促使教师全面、深入和细致地总结课程、教材等各方面的经验和教训,从而找出改进教学方法与提高教学质量的途径。我在小学语文教学中运用多元评化评价方面做了一些尝试,取得了较好效果。下面就参与评价的主体方面谈一些我的做法。  相似文献   

<正>从上个世纪90年代末高校实行扩招开始,高校的招生规模越来越大,在给更多的学生提供接受高等教育的机会的同时,也为日后的就业埋下了问题的种子。高等院校的师生比的严重失衡导致教学质量下降。这些不争的事实时刻提醒  相似文献   

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