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妇产科急腹症是妇科临床上较为常见的疾病,因其发病急、病变进展快、病情严重时危及生命,需要及时做出病因诊断及治疗.超声检查因其快速、简便、无创、准确率较高,成为妇科急腹症的首选检查方法[1].本研究旨在探讨妇科几种常见急腹症的超声图像表现,强调采用经阴道与经腹方式联合检测的重要性,同时提出,超声图像是非特异的,必须密切结合临床症状,体格检查及其它资料做综合分析,以减少漏、误诊.  相似文献   

妇产科临床见习的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的归纳和分析新时期妇产科临床见习教学面临的问题。方法通过临床见习带教认为,树立重视见习课的观念,建立良好的医患关系,灵活安排见习时间和采用现代化教学手段对提高临床见习教学质量的影响。结果以调查问卷的形式,90%的同学赞同实行"分期、分批、分散"的临床见习教学方法和在临床见习教学中采用现代化教学手段。结论结合本校妇产科在临床带教中如何提高妇产科临床见习质量,提出了在带教中的具体做法,启用标准化病人投入妇产科临床见习教学工作中,摸索一种新的医学实习生培养模式,以提高学生的临床思维、实践和创新能力为目标,以期达到有效培养合格临床医学生的目的,对提高临床见习教学质量有较大的参考意义。  相似文献   

探讨米非司酮在妇产科中的应用已不仅限于终止早、中期妊娠,且近年来在妇科肿瘤及紧急避孕方面的应用也受到了重视,还用于晚期促宫颈成熟及引产.因此米非司酮在妇产科的临床应用中具有广阔前景.  相似文献   

进修是提高基层医师综合能力的重要途径。基于妇产科进修的特点,我们认为其培养目标的核心要求是提高工作积极性,提高医学理论水平,提高手术操作能力,提高医患沟通能力,从而保证进修医师的教学质量。  相似文献   

王迎春 《学子》2014,(5):98-98
在妇产科实验教学过程中,很多学生的学习积极性不高、对实验教学缺乏兴趣以及不善于将理论与实际相结合等问题,为了更好地解决这种问题,改善妇产科实验教学模式,提高实验教学效率成了教学目标,本文对妇产科实验教学质量的提高措施进行了探讨。  相似文献   

归纳和分析妇产科临床见习教学面临的问题,通过临床见习带教认为,树立重视见习课的观念,建立良好的医患关系,灵活安排见习时间和采用现代化教学手段对提高临床见习教学质量有较大的参考意义.  相似文献   

浅谈妇产科教学中应用多媒体技术的体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
妇产科学是一门内容多实践性强的重要临床学科,计算机技术应用于妇产科教学中能有效地提高教师的教学效率和学生的学习积极性,但也存在一些弊端。所以应注意取长补短,合理使用。  相似文献   

妇产科学作为一门重要的临床课程,由于涉及病人的隐私,临床实践历来是教学的难点,如何避免医疗纠纷的发生,同时又能让学生掌握所学知识,是我们妇产科教学有待解决的问题,稍有处理不当则随时可能引起医疗纠纷,教师及学生为日常的临床教学感到困难很大。本文结合我院妇产科临床实践教学情况进行探讨,以寻求更加适应现代医学教育发展要求的教学模式。  相似文献   

袁慧 《考试周刊》2012,(73):18-18
妇产科学是医学院校学生的一门专业性、实践性很强的临床主干课程.为了适应培养较高综合素质的临床专业人才的需求,我们对妇产科学理论课教学进行改革,变被动的灌输式讲授为教师学生互动的自主式学习.提高学生的分析问题和解决问题的能力。全面提升学生的综合素质.提高了妇产科学的教学质量。  相似文献   

随着教育和医学的改革,社会需要更多的高级护理人员,这对高职医学院校提出更高的要求.妇产科学是高职医学院校的必修课.先在学校学习理论知识并且临床见习;然后去临床实习.随着病人的医疗意识转变和大学生人数的增加,传统的教学方法已不能满足现在的教学需求.怎样提高妇产科学生的接受能力、临床思维能力、实践能力、创新能力和沟通能力,提高教学质量,这是目前急需解决的问题.  相似文献   

目的:调研张家口市育龄妇女风疹的免疫水平。方法:采用ELISA法,对76名育龄妇女进行了风疹病毒特异的IgG、IgM检测。结果:76例中IgG阳性60例,IgM全为阴性,易感率为20.05%。结论:张家口市育龄妇女风疹病毒易感率较高,及时检测风疹病毒的免疫状况,给予正确的导向尤为重要。  相似文献   


Purpose: This study developed a framework for quality assessment of diagnoses and advice given at plant clinics.

Design/methodology/approach: Clinic registers from five plant clinics in Uganda (2006–2010) were used to develop quality assessment protocols for diagnoses and advice given by plant doctors. Assessment of quality of diagnoses was based on five validation criteria applied on the ten most common crops. Quality of advice was assessed for the four major problems considering efficacy and feasibility.

Findings: The quality of diagnoses varied between crops, from 68% completely validated in maize to 1% in tomato. Complete and partially validated diagnoses were 44% of all queries. The remaining 56% were rejected. Several basic weaknesses were found in data recording and symptom recognition. A greater consistency and precision in naming diseases would increase the number of completely validated diagnoses. The majority of recommendations (82%) were assessed ‘partially effective’. ‘Best practice’ was recommended for 10% and ineffective advice was given in 8% of the cases with considerable variation between diseases.

Practical implications: Plant doctors need more training in symptom recognition, pest management and record keeping as well as better technical backstopping to solve unknown problems. Common standards and procedures for clinic data collection and analysis should be established, and roles and responsibilities clearly defined.

Originality/value: This is the first time plant clinic registers have been used to systematically assess quality of plant clinic services. Apart from being a valuable tool for quality assessment of extension, the plant clinic registers constitute a novel source of regular information about pests, diseases and farmer demand that can help improve decision-making of extension service providers, researchers, plant health authorities as well as information and technology providers.  相似文献   

In this column, the author reprises recent selections from the Lamaze International research blog, Science & Sensibility. Each selection discusses a new study that demonstrates the need to look closely at research articles to avoid being misled. Examples include new research on the effectiveness of intrapartum antibiotics for preventing early onset Group B streptococcal disease in newborns, a recent study on the incidence of infection after cesarean surgery and vaginal birth, and a new study demonstrating long-term benefits of skin-to-skin contact between the mother and infant after birth.  相似文献   

根据解释学的观点,翻译的实质就是解释.本文从解释学几个核心概念的分析入手,试图探讨解释学对翻译研究的启示.从一个全新的视角来观照译者主体性,改写理论,文化冲击以及忠实标准等问题,对翻译的本质将会有更加深刻的认识.  相似文献   

Surgical anatomy is taught early in medical school training. The literature shows that many physicians, especially surgical specialists, think that anatomical knowledge of medical students is inadequate and nesting of anatomical sciences later in the clinical curriculum may be necessary. Quantitative data concerning this perception of an anatomical knowledge deficit are lacking, as are specifics as to what content should be reinforced. This study identifies baseline areas of strength and weakness in the surgical anatomy knowledge of medical students entering surgical rotations. Third‐year medical students completed a 20–25‐question test at the beginning of the General Surgery and Obstetrics and Gynecology rotations. Knowledge of inguinal anatomy (45.3%), orientation in abdominal cavity (38.8%), colon (27.7%), and esophageal varices (12.8%) was poor. The numbers in parentheses are the percentage of questions answered correctly per topic. In comparing those scores to matched test items from this cohort as first‐year students in the anatomy course, the drop in retention overall was very significant (P = 0.009) from 86.9 to 51.5%. Students also scored lower in questions relating to pelvic organs (46.7%), urogenital development (54.0%), pulmonary development (17.8%), and pregnancy (17.8%). These data showed that indeed, knowledge of surgical anatomy is poor for medical students entering surgical clerkships. These data collected will be utilized to create interactive learning modules, aimed at improving clinically relevant anatomical knowledge retention. These modules, which will be available to students during their inpatient surgical rotations, connect basic anatomy principles to clinical cases, with the ultimate goal of closing the anatomical knowledge gap. Anat Sci Educ 7: 461–468. © 2014 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

通过对冷轧厂钢卷运输车制动时产生故障的原因进行分析,阐述了在其液压系统中设置缓冲回路的必要性,并进一步对几种缓冲回路进行了研究,从而提出了比较可行的缓冲回路形式及制动压力的确定方法。  相似文献   

文章着重从主观和客观两个方面举例说明造成中西方文化差异的主要原因,讨论英语学习过程中凸显的文化差异现象对英语习得效果的影响,在此基础上笔者提出了从文化差异入手,避免文化冲突,促进英语习得的措施。  相似文献   

Culture shock is one of the common experiences by students and people abroad. They may experience the feeling of anxiety, disorientation, confusion, and even hostility because of misunderstanding to ea...  相似文献   

Culture shock is one of the common experiences by students and people abroad. They may experience the feeling of anxiety, disorientation, confusion, and even hostility because of misunderstanding to each other."Culture shock"refers to the phenomenon in which people engage in the interaction feel depressed, discomfortable, etc. Culture shock may be caused by the conflict of various value systems when students and people enter a new culture and other value system. Culture shock is also a consequence of the influence of the negative life event. The changes in one's life and lack of support from family members,friends will make them more vulnerable and cause great discomfort in the new environment.  相似文献   

腹部手术后尿路感染原因分析及护理对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨腹部手术后尿路感染的原因.方法:对我科2002年9月~2003年12月722例腹部手术留置尿管并发尿路感染81例病人进行回顾性分析.结果:尿路感染率与尿管留置时间成正比(P<0.05),大于60岁老年病人尿路感染率明显增高(P<0.01).结论:应尽量缩短留置尿管时间,减少侵入性操作,加强留置尿管的基础护理,从而降低尿路感染的发生率.  相似文献   

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