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大学生法治素养培育关乎依法治国的进展和实现,而自媒体的异军突起,既给法治素养培育提供新的手段,也带来了新的机遇和挑战。审视大学生的法治素养培育机制,需要制度体制的创新,法治教育平台的搭建、法治舆论平台的引导和个人成长环境的优化,多个层面形成合力。  相似文献   

The article describes a collaborative action research in a preschool in Reykjavik. The participants were two preschool teachers who collaborated with researchers at the University of Iceland. The project was set up as a professional development course for the teachers. Emphasis was placed on continuity in children's education, integration of play and learning, and the connection between play and emerging literacy. Data were gathered using video recordings, photos, interviews, observations, notes from meetings, documents, and diaries. The findings indicate that participation in this action research empowered the preschool teachers and influenced their practices and ideas. They became more aware of the value of play in children's learning. They did not, however, change their former practices in which they worked on literacy during specific, well-defined periods: their beliefs and practices in this regard seemed to be constrained by traditions in which play and learning are separate entities.  相似文献   

"全球维度"是21世纪以来英国推行全球素养教育的一大特色理念"。自我—他者"关系,是"全球维度"本身蕴含的一个重要议题。英国全球素养教育在政策、课程、教学层面分别体现出三组"自我—他者"关系:在宏观政策层面,体现为作为民族、国家的"自我"与作为区域、世界的"他者"之间的关系;在中观课程层面,体现为学科内"自我"与学科外"他者"之间的关系;在微观教学层面,体现为学习者"自我"与教育者"他者"之间的关系。这三组"自我—他者"关系虽表征各异,但均呈现出从对立到融合、再到共生的发展趋向,也凸显了全球素养教育从互识到共识、从同化到共生、从解读到解放的价值转向。  相似文献   

本文从教育学和体育学的角度,较系统地阐述了体育游戏的创编原则和运用方法及应注意的问题,对学校体育教师创编与运用体育游戏,提高教学质量,有一定的指导和促进作用。  相似文献   

Research has highlighted the importance of early literacy development. In light of this, there has been a growing concern around boys’ underachievement on language and literacy assessments. Given the recent mandate for play-based learning in Ontario kindergartens, this paper examines children's literacy integration during play from a gender perspective. An analysis of 380 minutes of children's play revealed that girls and boys often played separately across the 12 kindergarten classrooms in this study. Importantly, the centres at which girls and boys played offered different literacy support. Our findings showed that gender played a salient role in children's play choices affecting the types of academic skills children practiced in their play. In this paper, we shed light on the need for gender awareness and sensitivity in policy mandates and teacher practice.  相似文献   

陈静瑜 《成才之路》2020,(8):100-101
游戏与绘本教学相结合,可以采用角色扮演游戏、区域游戏和亲子游戏等形式,引导幼儿演绎绘本,激发幼儿学习兴趣,调动幼儿学习的积极性,帮助幼儿养成阅读绘本的良好习惯,让绘本成为幼儿积累知识、获得人生感悟、学习语言的桥梁。文章结合教学实践,对游戏与绘本教学相结合提高幼儿教育实效进行探讨。  相似文献   

“玩”的文学:幼儿文学的游戏性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
游戏对幼儿来说不是一种剩余精力的简单耗费,而是包含了学习、创造和娱乐层面的多重意义。幼儿文学是幼儿体验游戏的一种特殊场所。幼儿文学从内容、语言、体式到内在精神,都体现了一种与幼儿生活密切相关的游戏性。这种游戏性以语言作为最基本的承载物,其游戏内容主要也是在语言的层面上展开。幼儿文学作品所具有的对于童年内在生命精神的理解和尊重等深层内涵,构成了幼儿文学所独特的游戏精神,这既是一种天然的童年游戏趣味,意味着一种充沛的童年生命能量,也是一种高级的审美游戏,意味着一种严肃的童年内在精神。  相似文献   

Literacy as a social practice has a fundamental role in children’s lives especially in the early years context, in which social interactions are in the centre of knowledge achievement. Several pieces of research investigate the positive contribution of the arts in children’s literacy development in the early years settings. However, most of them focus on the aspect of emergent literacy and phonological awareness, with some indirect arguments about literacy as a social practice. Having this in mind and the importance of literacy as a social practice, this project was designed. The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of the arts in the development of literacy as a social practice in the early years settings. The intervention used the ‘Play and Learn through the Arts’ (PLA) programme for a full school year in a case study with 5–6-year-old children in Greece. The outcomes were measured using authentic assessment techniques and a semi-structure interview. The findings showed the positive contribution of the arts in the development of literacy as a social practice in the early years setting.  相似文献   

Despite the challenges primary grade teachers face in trying to include play in an already crowded curriculum, play has an important place in reading and writing instruction. Children whose early literacy experiences include pleasurable activities are more motivated to pursue the challenging tasks associated with learning and are more likely to develop a life-long love of reading and writing. In this article, a teacher and a teacher educator make a case for the value of play in early literacy and offer examples of the ways teachers can create more playful phonics, read aloud, and expository writing experiences.  相似文献   

高校体育教学中体育游戏的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
游戏能培养学生的机智、勇敢、顽强等意志品质,并能提高学生的各项身体素质和基本活动能力。在教学过程中运用体育游戏进行教学既丰富了教学内容,激发学生锻炼的自觉性和积极性,又活跃了课堂气氛,保证教学任务的完成。  相似文献   

唐宋以降,弄孔侮圣优戏多有敷演,明清以后优戏弄孔则广涉多种重大社会问题。因其牵动诸多敏感神经,屡为官方挟制、禁绝。明清弄孔优戏的禁与演,是戏剧文化与社会政治渗透消长的一种缩影,反映出戏剧活动与时代文化对峙与渗透的关系,我们应还其戏剧史生成活态基因的历史定位。  相似文献   

Disabilities are commonly conceptualized in dualistic ways—specifically as mental or physical in nature and as located in the self rather than in the “other” or “out there.” In this essay I reflect on the consequences of a more holistic understanding of both handicaps and special education. This new approach, I suggest, would reveal something called a play disability. I review the nature of play before discussing the symptoms of this impairment. I discuss play handicaps on the side of human personality and attitude as well as on the side of the world or would be playgrounds. I speculate on what special education pedagogies for the play disabled might look like, cite the life experience of a handicapped pianist in arguing for the importance of play as a central component of good living, and then conclude with reflections on our unique opportunities and obligations in physical education to address any play deficit disorders we find among our students.  相似文献   

童谣作为幼儿娱乐的活动之一,和体育游戏具有十分密切的关系。将童谣融入幼儿体育游戏,不仅可以帮助孩子更好地进行体育活动,而且可以将体育活动趣味化,使得孩子们更好地掌握相应技能。文章将探讨如何将童谣与幼儿体育游戏进行更好的融合。  相似文献   


Diverse societies face increasing racial tension, social divide, religious illiteracy, and secularism. What role can education play in confronting these challenges? Universities generate scientific knowledge but less so the search for meaning. Worldview studies encompasses both views of life and ways of life. Exploring various worldviews becomes a search for meaning and a journey into knowing self and others. This article seeks to engage multiple partners to develop teaching pedagogies, curricula, and educational tools to enhance greater knowledge, awareness, and understanding of various worldviews.  相似文献   

The goals of this paper were two-fold. The first goal was to examine the emotional and social developmental value of play in the early childhood classroom. This issue is important because of the recent impetus for a more academic focus in early childhood classrooms, and questions about the developmental benefits of play. The second goal was to examine and discuss the role teachers could play in making play a developmental and educational experience. This is because understanding the significance of play could make teachers less apprehensive about using play to promote learning and development, and enable them answer questions regarding the value of play. Using these goals as a backdrop, this paper discussed views of children’s play; the defining characteristics of emotional and social development; play and the socioemotional development of children; and the role of early childhood teachers in children’s play.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to qualitatively explore the affordances for risky play in two different preschool outdoor environments, an ordinary preschool playground and a nature playground, based on Gibson (The ecological approach to visual perception, 1979) theory of affordances and Heft’s and Kytte?’s (Heft in Children’s Environ Qual 5(3) 29–37, 1988; Kytt? in J Environ Psychol 22:109–123, 2002, Kytt? in J Environ Psychol 24:179–198, 2004) extended work on this theory. Observations of risky play in two Norwegian preschools, one ordinary preschool (where play took place on an ordinary playground) and one nature and outdoor preschool (where play took place in a nature area) were conducted. In addition, the children were interviewed about their actualized affordances of risky play, their mobility license, and the constraints on risky play. The results show that both play environments afford an extensive amount of risky play among the children, and that the degree of mobility license tolerated by the staff is an important factor for the children to actualize these affordances. Differences in the qualities and features in the two play environments were found to have an impact on the degree of riskiness in the play situations. As such, the nature playground afforded a higher degree of risk in children’s risky play.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the kindergarten curricula of Norway, Sweden, Japan and New Zealand in terms of whether they recommend or suggest teachers unify play and pedagogy by employing a pedagogy of play. These countries were selected because, while they have to provide for children's right to play, they cover different geographical and cultural parts of the world – Europe, Asia and Oceania. Their curricula were examined because they can influence teachers in favour or against employing a pedagogy of play, since they express the official-state expectations regarding young children's play and learning. The documentary analysis indicates that Japan focuses on child-initiated and teacher-directed play only, which does not imply a pedagogy of play. In Norway and New Zealand, there is evidence of almost all aspects of a pedagogy of play, which is not recommended for all learning, while the Swedish curriculum recommends a pedagogy of play.  相似文献   

《我嫁给了一个共产党人》是20世纪90年代描绘新泽西战后历史和人民生活的小说三部曲之一。小说中大量独白的引用揭示了身份建构中社会之我和私人之我关系的哲学问题。作者通过对认知局限性和自我改造可能性的探索驳斥了二元论,也质疑了一元论,提出"友情"在调和社会之我和私人之我矛盾中发挥的重要作用,既超越了一元论也超越了二元论。  相似文献   

《桃花扇》的故事情节以史为据,但作者孔尚任并不是单纯记录历史,而是把历史真实与艺术虚构完美结合:当年真如戏,今日戏如真,以史鉴今,使这部剧作成为历史剧的典范,明清传奇的杰作。  相似文献   

让民间传统游戏回归幼儿的生活与教育是幼儿成长的内在之需,也是提升幼儿发展品质和幼儿园教育质量的重要举措。幼儿园应基于正确的游戏观,着眼于文化传承,创造性地开发和建设民间传统游戏资源。依据其发展价值的不同,可以把民间传统游戏分为运动类、语言类、益智类、表演类等类型,从而与幼儿园五大领域的教育目标相融合。在内容选择上,民间传统游戏应与幼儿的发展需要、游戏的文化性及其发生时序相契合。在实施途径上,应善于在幼儿园一日生活、区角活动、集体教学活动、户外活动、亲子活动等中渗透民间传统游戏。在组织形式上,应注意整合和改编游戏内容,调整和创新游戏玩法,改革和丰富游戏材料,以更好地满足幼儿对民间传统游戏的兴趣,维持幼儿的游戏热情。  相似文献   

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