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我国新兴的中产阶层从2.0世纪80年代中期开始崛起,尽管现阶段还没有构成社会的主体,且与上层和下层的划分界线仍不很明确,但已具有区别于其他阶层的一些社会特征。随着中产阶层的发展壮大,必将在促进社会稳定等方面发挥日益重要的作用。因此,创造条件促进中产阶层发展已成为当务之急。  相似文献   

西方发达国家和亚非拉后发展中国家的现代化进程表明,国家实现现代化的过程往往是伴随中产阶层崛起的过程,中产阶层的不断扩大是国家维护社会政治稳定的重要保障。从我国现实国情出发,中产阶层尚处于发育的初级阶段,借鉴国外经验,我国现阶段应大力培育形成中产阶层的合适土壤。  相似文献   

我国目前的社会结构是“两头大,中间小”,贫富差距比较大。为了实现共同富裕,必须大力发展中产阶层。为了更好的了解与认识我国的中产阶层,通过对我国城市居民的生活质量调查,对城市中产阶层生活质量进行了初步的探索,从职业分布、受教育水平,对家庭关系、工作状况、消费水平的主观评价等几个方面,勾画出一幅我国中产阶层生活质量的简图。  相似文献   

亨廷顿关于中产阶层的壮大是国家维护政治稳定、促进社会公平的理论,在拉美国家的现代化过程中已经得到了证明,也为众多的学者所认同.但亨廷顿的另一理论--现代化初期(发展中国家),中产阶层的发展扩大与经济社会经济不平等扩大、政治混乱的正相关理论却为人们所忽视.结合中国处于现代化初期和发展中国家的实际,这一理论应该引起足够的重视,为构建一个更加健康和谐的社会排除障碍.  相似文献   

文献回顾表明,国内中国中产阶层研究经历了三个阶段。目前的研究重点仍是概念的界定和阶层的划分,但越来越偏向于这一阶层的消费投资行为和道德等个体特征领域。论文从梳理不同视角下的中国中产阶层定义出发,分析并探讨了不同研究角度下中产阶层的社会功能、政治态度和消费投资行为等特征。  相似文献   

中产阶层是伴随着市民社会和市场经济的发展而渐生的阶层。其独立平等的人格特征、自由理性的权力要求、诚信守法的行为方式构成了中产阶层最为主要的法律品格。这三大法律品格使得中产阶层具有谋求法治、制约权力的民主推进功能,自由商谈、恪守规则的秩序回应功能以及诚心交往、忠实守法的行为示范功能。作为社会主流阶层的中产阶层,在现代社会法律秩序的构建中具有无与伦比的重要作用。  相似文献   

在消费语境下,消费文化与中产阶层的融合造成中产阶层对自身身份的普遍焦虑。时尚杂志便针对中产阶层的群体心理设定了一套话语策略,通过美化日常生活、符号化消费品、提供完美形象等不断制造焦虑,牢牢地抓住中产阶层读者,并使时尚杂志、中产阶层和商品有机地结合在一起。  相似文献   

分化与区隔:中国城市中产阶层消费特征及其社会效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会区隔是理解中产阶层消费的重要理论分析视角.从这一角度看,中国城市中产阶层消费行为已经表现出一定的阶层特征.但由于中国中产阶层还是第一代,这种由于消费分化所致的社会区隔虽然已经具有了一定的社会意义,但目前也只是非品味性区隔.  相似文献   

在社会转型期,我国不同社会阶层休闲生活方式的差异和分化日益显著,从社会学角度,以基础休闲学理论为指导,分析中产阶层对社会发展的影响以及与休闲体育的关系,对若干影响中产阶层休闲体育生活方式的因素进行比较分析,从完善和发展中产阶层休闲体育参与的角度,针对发展与中产阶层休闲体育相关的问题提出若干建议与对策。  相似文献   

近年来,中国经济一直保持高速增长,对世界经济增长的贡献率持续攀升。然而,在经济高速发展的过程中也出现了诸多问题,比如贫富两极分化、不平等问题依然突出,而两级分化和不平等势必会造成社会中间阶层的削弱甚至消失,进而产生社会动荡和不稳定。文章基于中国综合社会调查数据CGSS2008-2013,在职业范围、收入层面、消费层面、家庭财产层面、以及个人主观认同五个方面对当前中国中产阶层的构成进行了估算。得出结论:当前中国同时满足上述六个指标的仅有131万社会适龄人口属于中产阶层,也仅有53.8万社会适龄人口的家庭属于中产阶层,但近年来中产阶层的比重还是在不断攀升的。  相似文献   

While economic capital is not synonymous with cultural, social or symbolic capital in either its constitutional or organizational form, it nevertheless remains the more flexible and convertible form of capital. The convertibility of economic capital has particular resonance within ‘Celtic Tiger’ Ireland. The state’s reluctance to fully endorse an internal market between schools has resulted in middle‐class parents using their private wealth to create an educational market in the private sector to help secure the class futures of their children. Using data from recent studies of second‐level education in Ireland, and data compiled on the newly emerging ‘grind’ schools (private tuition centres), we outline how the availability of economic capital allows middle‐class parents to choose fee‐paying schooling or to opt out of the formal school sector entirely to employ market solutions to their class ambitions. The data also show that schools actively collude in the class project to their own survival advantage.  相似文献   

At a time when the public sector and state education (in the United Kingdom) is under threat from the encroaching marketisation policy and private finance initiatives, our research reveals white middle‐class parents who in spite of having the financial opportunity to turn their backs on the state system are choosing to assert their commitment to the urban state‐run comprehensive school. Our analysis examines the processes of ‘thinking and acting otherwise’, and demonstrates the nature of the commitment the parents make to the local comprehensive school. However, it also shows the parents’ perceptions of the risk involved and their anxieties that these give rise to. The middle‐class parents are thus caught in a web of moral ambiguity, dilemmas and ambivalence, trying to perform ‘the good/ethical self’ while ensuring the ‘best’ for their children.  相似文献   

采用教师职业倦怠通用量表(MBI),对我国中学体育教师职业倦怠状况进行调查分析,结果显示,我国中学体育教师职业倦怠整体上并不严重,教师的情感衰竭程度比较高,去个性化现象并不严重、成就感也很高;工作6-10年是中学体育教师职业倦怠表现最严重的阶段;中学体育教师职业倦怠状况在性别、职称、是否重点学校、是否班主任存在差异,但对中学体育教师的职业倦怠不具有显著影响。  相似文献   

本文从社会分层的视角,以浙江省温州市为例,对民办教育的发展策略作了新阐释,提出了社会中间阶层是民办教育的服务主体和发展策略定位所在的观点.同时,对社会中间阶层的教育诉求作了明晰的勾勒,进而提出民办教育发展的基本策略和自律机制的构建,并对公共教育政策介入民办教育提出行动建议.  相似文献   

Although the close relationship between education and the middle class has long been recognised in the sociology of education, its various dimensions have rarely been examined in detail. Through investigating the educational histories and occupational destinations of 199 recruits into the middle class, this paper explores whether there is any clear connection between educational pathway and occupational location. In particular, it analyses the cohort's various careers against suggested cleavages within the middle class (professional/managerial, symbolic/material, public/private). The data indicate that educational pathways influence occupational locations along a number of directions. Some schools, notably those that are private and academically selective, feed a greater proportion of students into high-status universities and out into high-status occupations. However, in terms of the level of occupation, the status of university seems more important than the school. Whether a school is public or private does not appear to have influenced the choice of a managerial or professional career path, but school sector may contribute to horizontal differentiation of middle classes in terms of whether they take up employment in the public or private sector. The data suggest that schools reflect and reinforce contrasting allegiances to private and public forms of educational provision that then influence sectors of employment and political preferences.  相似文献   

It is sometimes claimed that primary education in England and Wales is uniquely open to ‘progressive’ techniques and innovations. Much of the writing about this relies heavily on the impact of ideas and strong personalities to effect and disseminate change. Drawing upon historical analyses of England and Wales and upon primary education in France, Germany and Scotland as counter examples, this article attempts to move away from this model of change to identify a range of contextual or structural features of the English and Welsh system which have facilitated the spread of progressive ideas and the influence of individual pioneers on the state sector of education. These include historical continuity, devolution of decision making to middle‐sized local units, substantial school autonomy, a high level of urbanisation, loose central control over curriculum and certain features of the structure of schooling.  相似文献   

Of all Australian secondary schools in the current period, the government comprehensive high school is in most difficulty. This article looks at the developing fate of this school in terms of middle class social practice in relation to changing schooling loyalties. The recent work of Michael Pusey, Stephen Ball, Janet McCalman, Richard Teese and Judith Brett on the middle class is reviewed to give the discussion an historical and contemporary sociological context. The main idea addressed is that the middle class is being ‘forced’ to leave public schools. Government policy on state aid since the (1960s is interpreted as encouraging the departure of the middle class from public schooling, though not evenly in all regions or different kinds of government school. The article analyses census data for New South Wales from (1976 to 2001, using the categories of family income, fathers’ occupation and labour force status as quantifiable indicators of changing school loyalties in the middle class. The article concludes that state comprehensive high schools face a difficult future. Increasingly these schools are seen as schools of ‘last resort’, or schools to which students are sent where active choices are not possible, or are not made by apparently neglectful parents. This occurs in a period in which ‘good citizenship’ is defined less in terms of responsibility to the welfare of broad collectivities in society, but in the informed strategic pursuit of private interest.  相似文献   

贵州省中学教师职业倦怠的现状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对464名贵州省中学教师的问卷调查发现:贵州省中学教师的职业倦怠整体上并不严重,但有相当比例的教师有比较明显的倦怠倾向;教师职业倦怠的发展随教龄的增加呈现出“两低中高”的发展趋势,教龄6-10年是职业倦怠最严重的阶段,在教师职业生涯的中期,教师的情感耗竭高于其个人成就感;性别、学历、职称、是否担任班主任、学校类型和地区分别对教师职业倦怠的一个或多个维度有显著影响。  相似文献   

经过近10年新课改的洗礼,中学历史教师逐渐确立起以学生发展为本的教育理念。但在作为学生发展主阵地的课堂,学生发展主体的地位远远没有牢固确立,最突出的问题莫过于传统教学模式的根深蒂固,具体教学实践中还很难突破“考试中心”、“学科中心”、“教师中心”的藩篱。要真正解决这些问题,真正落实学生作为发展主体的课堂地位,教师备课的重心就应该转移到促进学生发展的活动设计上来。  相似文献   

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