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理工科专业基础课电视教材的设计与编制□沈雅芬为了适应现代远距离开放教育“个别化自学为主、成人化业余为主、实用性和速效性较强”等特点的要求,在多种媒体教材中,印刷教材是基础。在搞好多种媒体教材一体化设计和编制好印刷教材的前提下,本文重点对理工科专业基础...  相似文献   

教学支持服务是实施电大远程开放教育的重要环节,作为其基础的多种媒体教材的管理和发行工作则是重中之重,作为电大多种媒体教材的管理和发行工作者,应该紧密联系工作实际,认真学习,努力钻研业务,团结协作,准确无误地提高课前的到书率,更好地为电大远程教育教学服务。  相似文献   

多种媒体教材一体化设计初探——“经济数学基础”一体化设计方案剖析□中央电大经济数学基础课程组多种媒体教材一体化设计是教学设计的主体,是优化教学的中心工作,是现代开放教育提出的新要求,是需要远距离教育工作者花大力气研究探索的重要课题。本文从全国共建课程...  相似文献   

点是以声音传递知识印象不深,容易被遗忘。基于以上几方面的分析,大学物理课程多种媒体教材的总体设计思路为:印刷教材:学习的主要媒体录像教材:学习的强化、辅助媒体录音教材:学习的辅助、补充媒体二、各种媒体教材的具体教学设计1.印刷教材印刷教材是整体教材的...  相似文献   

在电大教学所运用的多种媒体教材中,中央电大出版社出版的文字教材是主要的媒体,在河北电大,无论是教师还是学生,使用文字教材的比例远远高于使用其他媒体的比例。可见文字教材的主导作用是不可替代的。我感到中央电大一直把教材建设置于举足轻重的位置,无论是从《组织行为学》教材的更换、《人力资源管理》教材的编写,还是《中小企业管理》教材的选用,使我深切地感到中央电大的文字教材建设取得了长足的进展:首先是教材的定位比较准确,能够围绕电大培养应用型高级人才的目标,以“必需、够用”为原则,使教材具有先进性与实用性,…  相似文献   

运用教学媒体营造课堂气氛龙玉中,李珍文一堂高质量的课是由多种因素构成的,活跃的课堂气氛便是其中之一。充分运用多种教学媒体是活跃气氛的一种有效途径。备课时,教师必须深钻教材,依据内容选择好教学媒体,并在课堂上运用好。教师要尽量把那些抽象深奥的概念形象化...  相似文献   

广播电视大学是采用多种教学媒体进行远距离教育的开放性高等学校。印刷(文字)教材在广播电视教育中是多种教学媒体的基础。它既是教学内容的主要载体,又是联系其他教学媒体的纽带。具有成本低、信息容量大、保持长久、使用方便等特点。在现阶段的教学改革和教材建设中,必须把印刷教材的建设放在首位。  相似文献   

浅谈《经济数学基础》的多媒体教材设计及编制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1多种媒体教材一体化设计方案(经济数学基础)是广播电视大学经济管理类各专业大专学生的一门必修的重要基础课。通过本课程的学习,使学生获得微积分、概率论和线性代数的基本知识,培养学生基本运算能力,使学生受到基本数学方法的训练,增强学生用定量方法处理经济问题的意识,为学习经济管理类各专业的后继课程和今后工作需要打下必要的数学基础。按照现代教学设计理论,结合电大远距离教学和开放办学的特点,进行本课程多种媒体教材的一体化教学设计,即高起点、高质量、全方位地进行教学媒体设计和教材编制。贯彻“教师为主导,学生…  相似文献   

就如何及时、准确地把多种媒体教材送到学习者手中,为教学工作的顺利开展提供良好的保障,进行了探索。  相似文献   

网络建设是基础,资源建设是核心。开发教学软件扣建设多种媒体的教学资源,是实现教育现代化、形成开放教育和构筑终身学习体系的重要保证。本文从多媒体教材建设所走过的历程出发,以现代教育技术理论为依据,探讨了多种媒体教材建设的机制和发展方向。并重点研究了媒体教材与文字教材的内在关系和所处的地位。以此来寻求构建多媒体教学资源的新形式。  相似文献   

当代儿童学习的信息环境是四类媒体共存的信息环境,而且"第四媒体"(即网络媒体)及其所具有的特点将会日渐占据主导。"第四媒体"对于教学而言,不仅意味着"信息素养"应该是其内在的价值追求,而且还意味着整体性或综合性的某种程度的真正复兴。甚至,"完整的人"或"全面发展的人",可能只有在这样的信息环境及与其相匹配的教育教学中才能够得以真正培育与实现。  相似文献   

Task instruction may be presented in many forms. However, training system designers are often forced to depend on intuition when choosing a presentation medium. Though past research has investigated the effectiveness of instructional media types, results have been mixed with no clear recommendations of which medium to use for instruction. An organizational framework for matching the appropriate medium or media to a learning situation is necessary for progress to occur in this research area. Through three experiments, we investigated the attributes of audio and video as instructional media, identified tasks for which we might predict the most beneficial instructional media, and tested our proposed organizational framework by manipulating the difficulty of the task and the complexity of the instructions. Older and younger adults participated in the experiments to help us understand differences in training needs for varying cognitive and perceptual abilities. We provide the basis for a taxonomy of instructional media and task demands, to be added through further research.  相似文献   

Malaysia follows a multi-lingual media of instruction at the primary level and a single medium of instruction at the secondary level. This study examines the friendship patterns in three multi-racial secondary schools in Malaysia with special reference to the medium of instruction at the primary level among a minority ethnic community—the Indians. The friendship patterns of the pupils are seen against the background of the educational and political goals of national unity and integration. The results show that the medium of instruction per se is not responsible for the polarisation of the friendship patterns along racial lines in these secondary schools. The paper discusses other variables that contribute towards this phenomenon.  相似文献   

文章从冷热媒介的角度对教学中常见的媒介进行分析归类,提出了教学中使用的媒介是一个冷热转换,动态平衡的媒介生态系统,并对计算机辅助教学中冷热教学媒介的有效利用提出了自己的看法,以期对教学媒介有一个正确的认识。  相似文献   

现代教学媒体越来越多地运用到课堂教学,并产生了深远的影响。现代教学媒体的选择是实现信息化教育的重要一环。  相似文献   

网络时代教学媒体变革引发的思考   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
媒体的产生和发展与人类社会的产生发展密切相关,其每个阶段的发展都对教育、教学的发展产生重大影响,网络亦然。该文通过对教学媒体发展历史的回顾分析,结合其当前的最新发展,就网络时代教学媒体变革对教育的冲击及影响作以思考。  相似文献   

John Barnard 《TechTrends》1990,35(3):12-14
Conclusion The experience gained by AETC and the staff at Arizona State University in the production of the videoconference and the details of establishing a network of meeting sites has opened the door to future use of this medium to reach a statewide audience for other educational forums. Encouraged by this first success, the staff at University Media Systems produced a statewide videoconference on foreign language instruction in the elementary schools in the Spring of 1990. The videoconference introduced hundreds of education, business, and government professionals to the potential of telecommunications for instruction. Now that they have been excited by the capabilities of these media, the continuing challenge for AETC members and the Arizona educational community will be working together to persuade the Arizona legislature of the need to fund the creation and maintenance of a statewide educational telecommunications system.  相似文献   

Conclusion A careful review of the arguments and counter arguments presented by Clark (1983; 1994) and Kozma (1991; 1994), responses published in the past 20 years (Jonassen, Campbell & Davidson, 1994; Morrison, 1994; Reiser, 1994; Shrock, 1994) and existing instructional design literature (Morrison, Ross & Kemp, 2001; Reiser & Dick, 1996; Smith & Ragan, 1999) indicates there is, and always has been, significantly more agreement on this subject than the debate would indicate. Clark never said that a textbook could deliver an instructional method requiring the use of a 3-dimensional graphic representation as effectively as a computer, nor did Kozma maintain that the computer was the only medium with the capabilities to do so. Both acknowledged that the two instructional components — the instructional methods and the delivery medium — must be aligned to facilitate learning. The debate is, and always has been, about the ability of more than one medium to support a selected instructional method, whether or not any given medium has capabilities that cannot be replicated by another medium, and the validity of the research. We believe that today, in 2005: • Computers are capable of supporting instructional methods that other media are not • Computers, by means of their unique capabilities, affect learning • Computers are often the most cost-effective, efficient delivery method for any given unit of instruction We also: • Acknowledge the limitations of media comparison studies • Acknowledge the need to align the message, the medium and the learning task • Agree that some media are interchangeable and • Support the use of the most cost-effective, efficient delivery method for any given unit of instruction We believe that after 22 years it is time to reframe the original debate to ask, not if, but how media affects learning. We agree that media comparison studies are inherently flawed and support the argument that we must identify research designs that will provide answers to this question in significantly less time.  相似文献   

This article presents a theoretical model for message design proved capable of improving the quality of instruction while increasing cost effectiveness. Integrating classical rhetoric, information theory, contemporary media criticism, social psychology, and the psychology of human information processing, the model directs the designer to design a block of time that optimizes the information load and message complexity within the constraints of the receiver’s abilities and experience, the requirements of the source, and the capabilities and limitations of the medium.  相似文献   

网络媒体作为人类传播史上一种新生事物,不仅改变着人们的生活方式和精神面貌,而且在其传播过程中也彰显出与传统媒介迥然相异的媒介特征,本文着重论述在以新媒介为主导的高速发展的信息化社会中,网络媒体所具有的传播特征.  相似文献   

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