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我们将科研与实践教学相结合,有意识地将科研成果转移到学生的实践教学中去,自主开发了3套学生实践教学使用的设备和系统,对学生素质培养起到了较好的效果。  相似文献   

教学实践中的信息技术与学科教学整合模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前信息技术与学科教学的实践一直在较低的层次上徘徊。本文认为,应该透过学科教学的理论背景和教学环境来思考信息技术与学科教学的整合,将不同的学科教学实践情境作为整合教学实践的出发点。藉此,作者提出了从学科教学实践情境出发进行整合实践的基本思路,并根据不同的学科教学实践情境对整合的模式进行了探讨。  相似文献   

目前中国传统文化实践教学中存在的问题有实践教学内容与实践途径的制定忽略了对高职学生的学情分析、实践教学队伍不完善、实践教学基地的建设存在困难、理论教学与实践教学的分离等;依托宿州当地文化资源,做到因地制宜,充分利用当地优秀的历史文化资源,提出零距离参观式与深入挖掘应式等实践教学方式,将当地优秀文化融入到中国传统文化实践教学中。  相似文献   

机械装配实训课的教学与探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从课程的教学目标、教学内容的选择、教学方法以及理论与实践相结合等方面对柴油机装配实践教学进行探索,提出将理论与实践相联系以及将知识传授转化为能力培养的思路,努力引导学生在实践教学中增强创新意识。  相似文献   

冯善斌 《青年教师》2006,(11):41-44
教学实践性智慧是教师在教学实践活动中形成的、存在于教师个人经验之中的、有关教学活动的直觉认识,是教师在教学情境中处理所遇情况、体现教师个人教学特征和智慧的知识,是教师个人所具有的教学理论和教学经验在教学实践活动中的完美结合。教师教学实践性智慧是一种非常具有深度的知识和智慧形态。是教师体验教学世界、构建教学意义的结果,是教师在教学活动中的一种瞬时的直觉机智和未加思索的即时性行动品质。它诞生于教师个人实际教学情境这一母体,来源于教师对具体的教学情境和教学事件的关注、体验、感悟、反思和探讨,是教师将感性的、表面化的经验提升并使其内化的实践能力,是教师将自己的教学行为与当时当地的课堂教学情境相契合的知识与能力、素质与理念的综合体现。教师教学实践性智慧是教师专业发展的基础和核心条件,影响着教师对教学理论知识的学习与运用,  相似文献   

教学反思是指教师借助行动研究,在教学实践过程中对自身的教学行为不断进行反思的一种行为,是教师将自己的教学活动和课堂情景作为认知对象,对教学行为和教学过程进行批判的、有意识的分析与再认识的过程。教学反思以追求教学实践合理性为动力,通过反思可以发现新问题,进一步激发教师的责任心,在不断改进教学的过程中把教学实践提升到新的高度。  相似文献   

培养大学生的实践能力与创新精神的探索与实践   总被引:21,自引:11,他引:21  
本文贯彻素质教育思想,把握电子技术教学的内在规律,将理论与实践教学有机结合,通过对实践教学各环节的科学设计,实现了培养学生实践能力和创新精神的教学目的。大胆尝试“开放式”实验教学模式,改革实验内容及方法;充分利用各层次的电子竞赛、科技创新等第二课堂活动促进第一课堂教学质量的提高。经过探索与实践,对电子技术教学的各方面,尤其是实践教学环节进行了全面改革,并取得了丰硕的成果。  相似文献   

检索表在生物界有着广泛的应用,是生物类学生学习分类之前必须掌握的基本理论和技能,实践表明:此部分的教学模式应进行改革,应由重点在理论教学没有专门的实验教学的模式向重点在实践教学的模式转变,与单纯的理论教学相比,检索表的实践教学将收到事半功倍的效果,在植物学实验教学大纲中应强调检索表实践教学的重要地位。本文对检索表的实践教学进行了探讨,收到了良好的效果。  相似文献   

以本科教学评估为契机加强实践教学基地建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张猛  刘仁道 《高教研究》2005,21(3):7-10
2006年国家教育部本科教学工作水平评估专家组将对我校本科教学工作进行评估,实践教学作为本科教学工作水平评估体系中专业建设与教学改革指标中的三个二级指标之一,在各指标中占有举足轻重的地位。实践教学基地作为实践教学的载体,是指导学生理论联系实际、培养学生综合素质与创新意识的重要阵地。尤其是我校各专业的应用性、实践性很强,对学生的专业技能要求较高,实践教学在人才培养中有着其他教学方式不可替代的特殊作用,因此,加强实践教学基地的建设显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

许龙强 《天津教育》2023,(4):121-122
<正>新时期背景下,社会各界与学校对核心素养教育理念保持高度重视与广泛认知,注重培养满足社会发展所需的综合型人才和复合型人才。为此,在综合实践活动课程教学环节应当引入生活化元素,科学创设生活化教学情境,引入与日常生活存在密切关联的实践活动。将综合实践活动与学生现实生活建立联系,引导学生将自身所掌握的知识与技能合理应用于活动中,以完成知识迁移与知识转化。  相似文献   

教学过程可分为课堂内的理论教学和课堂外的实践教学,分别实施互动式课堂教学模式和产学研结合的实践教学模式,培养和提高学生独立思考、解决和探索科学研究问题的能力,同时可把教学过程的优化与强化研究性学习有机地联系起来,并结合课堂教学过程,建立专业课程论文制度,培养和提高学生的论文撰写能力及综合素质,是进一步深化教学改革和提高教学效果的一个有益尝试。  相似文献   

海洋学是海洋科学本科专业的核心基础课,课程内容广泛,国内涉及海洋科学的院校均有开设,根据各校的学术特色,形成了各异的课程内容体系和教学风格。文章以河北农业大学农学学科优势和发展定位,结合教学方式上采取海上观察和提问相结合、科研进入课堂、转变机械学习和课下翻转课堂等方式,以教学带动科研,以科研促进教学,不断探究更适合基础知识学习和科研创新思维培养的教学方式,促进海洋学院向研究型院校转变。  相似文献   

在物理课堂教学中,通过创设类似于科学研究的情境,使物理教学过程尽可能地成为一种“亚研究”过程,让学生亲历物理概念的形成过程,在探究中获得真知;让学生追溯物理规律的发现过程,在探究中提高能力;让学生体验物理实验的设计过程,在探究中培养素质。  相似文献   

The benefits for a teacher in researching their own classroom have been well documented, but few reports have focused on how teachers make sense of what they see and hear during open-ended technology construction projects. This interpretive study has such a focus. It traces aspects of my learning trajectory as a teacher researcher in my Year Six classrooms, and aspects of improved classroom outcomes. In narrative voice I describe how my initial thinking about the building of acceptable scientific knowledge is modified through exploring the research literature and the strength of my students' ideas. My interpretation of videotape data of the collaboration process within group learning identifies the social dynamics which can influence the evolving nature of student's ideas in designing engineering structures. I describe how this research experience has influenced my planning and interaction with my students in the process of helping them to construct viable scientific knowledge.  相似文献   

Despite a growing consensus regarding the value of inquiry-based learning (IBL) for students’ learning and engagement in the science classroom, the implementation of such practices continues to be a challenge. If science teachers are to use IBL to develop students’ inquiry practices and encourage them to think and act as scientists, a better understanding of factors that influence their attitudes towards scientific research and scientists’ practices is very much needed. Within this context there is a need to re-examine the science teachers’ views of scientists and the cultural factors that might have an impact on teachers’ views and pedagogical practices. A diverse group of Egyptian science teachers took part in a quantitative–qualitative study using a questionnaire and in-depth interviews to explore their views of scientists and scientific research, and to understand how they negotiated their views of scientists and scientific research in the classroom, and how these views informed their practices of using inquiry in the classroom. The findings highlighted how the teachers’ cultural beliefs and views of scientists and scientific research had constructed idiosyncratic pedagogical views and practices. The study suggested implications for further research and argued for teacher professional development based on partnerships with scientists.  相似文献   

科学知识的学习和运用都发生在以语言为中介的课堂情境中,它是提升学生科学素养的有效方式。Soon C.Lee教授和Karen E.Irving副教授开发出CDAT表,是一种可用于帮助教师和教育者用科学推理的视角识别其课堂话语模式的课堂话语分析工具,CDAT分析也可作为教师专业发展的新型渠道。基于对CDAT的阐释与研究,我国中学科学课堂,要重视师生之间科学话语的使用和科学思维的培养,并启发教师根据自己课堂的话语模式,调整相应的教学策略和行为方式,以提高科学课堂的教学水平。  相似文献   

课堂志是研究团队针对课堂田野中的直观现象、事件或行为,进行详细、动态和情境化的观察、访谈和深描,以求探究特定课堂文化背景下的课标要求、学生学习、教学行为和课堂文化的一种定性研究方法。在研究中宜遵从人种志研究倡导的原则,建立科学的资料编码体系,加强定性与定量研究的结合,规避其作为一种研究方法的缺陷。  相似文献   

While a number of studies have investigated people's perceptions or conceptions of creativity, there is a lack of studies looking into science teachers' views. The study aimed to explore the meanings of scientific creativity in the classroom context as perceived by a selective group of upper primary (Grades 3–6; student ages 8–12) science teachers (n?=?16) in Taiwan. Using a self-report, open-ended questionnaire and follow-up interviews, the participants responded to questions as to (1) what quality, behaviours and abilities characterise a creative learner in their science classrooms, (2) what a science classroom should be like if it is to facilitate scientific creativity, and (3) whether and what particular elements of the inquiry approach are incorporated in such a classroom. The analyses revealed that the teachers captured the central features of creativity and proposed diverse ideas about how to foster creativity in school science, but seemed to overlook some aspects, such as convergent thinking, problem-finding, and linking the arts and science. These missing features are regarded as important for scientific creativity in contemporary research. The findings were discussed along with their implications for teacher education and future research.  相似文献   

A science teacher and her mentor reflect on their participation in the Learning Research Cycle, a professional learning model that bridges research and practice in both university and public school contexts. Teachers do scientific research in scientists’ laboratories, then bridge their scientific experiences with the design of new classroom learning environments and teacher-driven educational research projects. Science students do scientific research via their teachers’ lessons that bridge laboratory research with classroom learning. Scientists and educational researchers bridge their research interests to create new questions centered on teaching and learning in authentic science learning environments. The authors engaged in this qualitative inquiry present their perspectives on “what goes on,” “what we have learned,” and “what it means to the larger community.”  相似文献   

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