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为进一步了解中国农村贫困地区儿童受教育状况,应世界银行和英国政府资助“加强西部开发”中国基础教育投资项目的需要,本研究设计了农村居民收支及教育情况抽样调查。委托中国国家统计局及相应省和县农村调查队入户调查。本章即是对这次调查的数据分析和探讨。  相似文献   

在对非教育援助中,英国政府将嵌入式评估作为一种有效问责手段,提高了经费的使用效能,完善了经费的分配方式,为英国政府提供了决策依据。同时,在开展对非教育援助的过程中英国政府也在努力完善、调整并改良评估模式,帮助非洲受援国提高中小学教育质量,激活受援国教育发展的内部动力。文章从英国对非教育援助的 PbR评估模式入手,以英国对卢旺达教育援助项目为例,分析了RBA评估模式的应用与改良,介绍了评估团队的竞标与对他们的要求,阐释了评估结果的使用。  相似文献   

英国基础教育信息化发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在阐述英国政府教育信息化发展目标与策略的基础之上,着重探讨、分析了英国近年来在教育ICT应用方面的发展现状及发展经验,介绍了他们在国家数字化基础建设、教师及学校IcT能力建设以及学习平台建设等方面的建构模式及特点.希望对我国基础教育信息化的规划与发展具有一定借鉴和启示作用.  相似文献   

中英甘肃基础教育项目是中国政府与英国政府确定的一项双边合作项目,用于支持和促进甘肃少数民族地区的基础教育发展。该项目自启动以来,大力改善了甘肃省少数民族地区的办学环境和教学条件,尤其是重点扶持的临夏和甘南州,受益最多。目前,这两个经济发展相对缓慢的少数民族地区的县城中学,大多在该项目专款资金的支援下,盖起了现代化的教学大楼,大量添置新的教学设备,不断美化教学环境,一扫昔日教育发展长期停滞不前的沉闷局面,给少数民族地区教育的腾飞带来勃勃气象。中/英项目不仅投资于少数民族地区办学硬件的建设,更注重对教师的广泛培…  相似文献   

重点建设学科投资绩效考评作为教育专项投资工作的重要组成部分。投资绩效考评的目的在于检验确认重点建设学科的实际水平,便于主管部门实现分层管理、分类指导。绩效考评指标的筛选要紧紧围绕考评的目标,按照设计原则规划论证考评指标体系。  相似文献   

利用技术策略(Harnessing Technology Strategy)是英国政府以技术促进学习国家信息化教育战略的一个重要组成部分.本文旨在通过对利用技术策略修订前后在目标任务、行动措施和资金支持等方面的异同的比较分析,探讨、厘清英国信息化教育当今的发展现状、问题及其未来走向.为我国新时期信息化教育的目标制定与发展规划提供参考.  相似文献   

在阐述“十二五”综合投资规划项目和中央财政支持地方高校发展专项资金项目实施意义、投资侧重点的基础上,以天津师范大学为例,提出两类项目统筹规划,形成学校整体建设投资规划的方案,并总结了其对本科教学的影响。  相似文献   

在阐述"十二五"综合投资规划项目和中央财政支持地方高校发展专项资金项目实施意义、投资侧重点的基础上,以天津师范大学为例,提出两类项目统筹规划,形成学校整体建设投资规划的方案,并总结了其对本科教学的影响。  相似文献   

针对工程建设项目投资,本文从工程项目的规划、设计、施工、审计结算等相关环节浅析工程建设项目的投资控制,从而在建设过程中用好资金,使工程建设项目的投资达到更好的效益。  相似文献   

邵兴江 《上海教育》2012,(25):60-61
近年来,英国政府加大对基础教育的财政投入力度,努力提升中小学校的办学品质。在学校建设方面,从2003年开始该国教育与技能部实施了一项名为"为未来建设学校"的重大工程(Buildinq Schoo1s for the Futu re),计划在1 5年内专项投资450亿英镑,新建、改建或重建英格兰地区3500余所学校建筑和教育信息技术装备的目标。新视线学院(New Line Learning Academy)是这一项目的受益者。该学校坐落于伦敦南部肯特郡首府梅德斯通市,建筑面积9500平方米,是一所约有1100余名七年级到十一年级学生的中学。面对新时期教育和技术的迅猛发展,2007年学校在新建时,校方积极寻求突破学校建设的常规思路,全面整合新的学习方式与信息技术,开始规划新建新一代引领未来教育发展的学习广场。数年的实践显示,该学校学  相似文献   

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) offers opportunities for governments to address key education challenges of quality, equity, and efficiency. While governments and educational institutions in developed countries may have taken up these opportunities, many developing countries in Asia and the Pacific region have often missed them out. This may be due to countries’ socioeconomic settings, approaches towards design and implementation of the ICT in education plan, and investment on research and development of ICT in education. This paper explores the current challenges of education in Asia and the Pacific and explains how these challenges may be overcome by the strategic use of ICTs when a holistic approach towards ICT in education is adopted.  相似文献   

The recent explosion in ICT means computers are marketed as an essential element of modern education. Governments have spent heavily on ICT but evidence of the effectiveness of this investment is contradictory; teacher attitude is cited as both a barrier to and a facilitator of its implementation. Initially used to simplify course administration, ICT now has the potential to fundamentally change practices; recognising the opportunities ICT offers as a bridge between classrooms and the relevant world beyond, teachers access online resources such as museum collections and practitioners. No consensus exists within art and design education as to the role of ICT or even its validity in the arts; using the computer as a tool for fine art may mean different teaching skills are required and different learning approaches are enabled. This article reviews international research on the adoption of ICT in schools and colleges, specifically looks at examples of good practice in art and design education and reviews trends in technology to determine the benefits and limitations for future practice.  相似文献   

21世纪初期英美教育信息化战略规划及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章详细分析了英国《使用技术:下一代学习(2008-2014)》战略和美国《变革美国教育:用技术促进学习》战略,认为英美教育信息化战略规划对我国教育信息化建设的启示在于:以促进教育现代化为目标,加强教育信息化的战略研究;坚持以人为本,以教育需求为导向,开展教育信息化顶层设计;以教育质量为抓手,促进教育系统整体变革;以教育信息化为手段优化教育资源配置,使教育惠及全民,促进教育公平;提升教育信息化的应用效益,促进教育信息化建设可持续发展。  相似文献   

基础设施作为实现教育信息化发展战略的物质基础和首要条件,一直倍受各国政府的关注。通过对比国内外的政策和案例可知,我国基础设施的发展,存在着缺乏系统思考和宏观布局、建设水平低、投入机制不合理、数字鸿沟加大、应用效益低等问题。从建设内容、建设策略、应用三方面来看.国际上秉承系统规划和应用导向的建设思路,关注从数字化校园到智慧校园的建设内容,采纳利用先进技术优先发展落后地区、提倡多主体参与、自上而下与自下而上相结合的建设策略,同时注重应用效益的评价。这些都对我国教育信息化基础设施未来的发展,具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Research indicates that self-efficacy in teaching is a key issue for carrying out good teaching practice. The aim of this paper was to examine the relationship between teachers’ self-efficacy in information and communication technologies (ICT), their strategies to evaluate information, their digital competence, and use of ICT at school. A sample of 332 teachers participated in a survey. The teachers answered self-report questions and responded to a multiple-choice test on digital competence. Structural equation modelling was used to test a hypothesized model of the relationship between self-efficacy in basic ICT, self-efficacy in online collaboration, strategies to evaluate information, digital competence, and the use of ICT. The analysis confirmed that the empirical data supported the hypothesized model. Significant factor loadings and positive relationships between the factors were found. Overall, the factors in the model explained 41% of teachers’ digital competence, 49% of their self-efficacy in online collaborative, and 36% of their use of ICT at school.  相似文献   

One vision for Ontario schools is that the use of information and communication technology (ICT) will profoundly change both teaching and learning. Given the diversity of school settings, however, system-wide ICT integration and implementation must necessarily be defined in multiple ways. This paper presents a decision-making framework for guiding the infusion of ICT into different school settings. First, sustainability of the ICT initiative is the identified as the key goal. Next, multiple contextual variables are distilled into five essential qualities. Then, sustainability and the essential elements are combined. The result is a dynamic framework that can be used to identify specific priorities for implementation and strategies for evaluation of ICT initiatives. Finally, it is illustrated how the framework can be used to guide the successful infusion of ICT in any situation, regardless of a school's previous experience with ICT.  相似文献   

Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) could, if adopted and implemented appropriately, support learning and teaching in developing countries to provide young people with skills they need to participate effectively in the global economy. However, a significant digital divide still persists between developed and developing countries in terms of both physical resources and the capabilities of teachers to effectively utilize limited ICT resources. A very real challenge for schools is to acquire and effectively utilize ICT given the reality of an environment of scarce and limited resources. This study examines ICT infrastructure and use in 11 secondary schools in Mukono, Uganda using qualitative case study methods including an ICT infrastructure assessment, observations, and interviews. Stratified random sampling was used to identify 7 schools initially; 4 additional schools were also purposefully sampled based on their high levels of ICT. Findings indicate that despite limited resources, schools are investing heavily into ICT. Researchers found that teacher ICT usage at school could be grouped into three categories: administrative (86%), entertainment (45%) and pedagogical (45%). Administrators at some schools reported using ICT primarily to attract students and increase revenue. Implications of this study will assist school administrators to make informed decisions concerning further investment in ICT, efficient use of limited technology resources, and improvement of educational opportunities for students.  相似文献   

The Department for Education and Skills currently shows a high regard for the potential of technology transforming the British education system. Government White papers demonstrate e‐learning‐based unification strategies that reinforce the message that introducing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) will raise standards in schools. This paper examines the effect of these developments on teachers and pupils, and questions the government’s motivation for change. The introduction of ICT has not been complemented by increased levels of effective professional development for teaching staff in the pedagogy of ICT across the curriculum and may have merely served to reinforce the generational digital divide. In attempting to enchant the pupils, the government may have alienated the teachers. This paper suggests that the Department for Education and Skills should place more emphasis on developing strategies and providing funding for solutions to gaps in the professional development of teachers in their pedagogical understanding of ICT across the curriculum.  相似文献   


Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have had significant impacts on many sectors in today’s knowledge economy. In developing and emerging countries, ICT have enhanced equity, quality, and efficiency in the education sector. However, the adoption of ICT in the South Asian countries’ education sector has not been at scale and its impacts have been limited. There are several gaps and issues that are hindering the wider adoption of ICT and limiting its impacts in the education sector. Through the case studies of the adoption of ICT for education in Bangladesh and Nepal, this paper examines the gaps and issues to be addressed in order to better leverage ICT to enhance education equity, quality, and efficiency. This discussion is guided by the ICT in the education framework that has been developed by the authors, and could provide insights into the state of ICT in education and offer strategies to better leverage ICT for the education sector of other countries in South Asia and the region.  相似文献   

教师信息技术能力(简称ICT能力)是信息技术推动教育变革的关键要素。经济与合作发展组织开展的教师教学国际调查(简称TALIS)呈现了教师在理解、准备和应用信息技术能力三方面的表现。基于TALIS 2018的调查数据,本研究运用方差分析和多元线性回归方法,呈现了我国教师信息技术应用能力的表现及影响因素,以寻求提升教师信息技术应用能力的可行策略。研究发现,与国际数据相比,上海教师理解和准备信息技术能力表现良好,信息技术应用能力欠缺。不同性别和学历的教师信息技术应用能力表现没有显著差异,不同教龄教师信息技术应用能力有显著差异,教龄越高的教师信息技术应用能力越强;在已有的专业发展活动中,相比阅读专业发展文献、课程研讨会、线上培训和教育专家论坛等活动,正式的资格证书或学位培训、参观考察以及加入教师专业发展学习小组等对教师信息技术应用能力的正向影响更大。本研究建议应不断深化信息技术能力培训的实践导向、促进多元主体的参与、构建系统化的信息技术能力学习路径及重视经验型教师的引导作用。  相似文献   

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