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In Canada, data on book publishing are collected and disseminated by a variety of agencies. The types and collectors of data are described, and the accuracy and completeness of data are assessed. The relationship between available statistical information and policy formation and application in support of book publishing is discussed, and Canadian programs to support writing and publishing are evaluated. Rowland Lorimer is director of the Canadian Centre for Studies in Publishing. He is active in research in publishing policy and mass communications.  相似文献   

刘洪权 《出版科学》2011,19(3):100-104
民国时期出版书目为研究民国出版机构重要的原始史料之一。国家图书馆出版社影印的20册《民国时期出版书目汇编》,为出版书目第一次大规模结集。本文论述了出版书目四方面的史料价值:第一,补充《民国时期总书目》书目资料之不足;第二,有助于对民国时期出版机构进行多方位研究;第三,汇集了民国时期第一手图书发行和书价史料;第四,提供了营业推广方面的经营史料。《汇编》的出版将有力推动民国出版史研究。  相似文献   

对出版学研究过程的理解——以韩国出版学研究为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
疏理出版学概念、研究范围和学科性质。回顾韩国出版学研究的早期发展,评论韩国出版学会及其以学会志《韩国出版学研究》为中心的学术研究活动,并展望出版和出版学研究的未来。  相似文献   

为更好地发挥出版专业技术人员职业资格考试对高校编辑出版专业教育的影响,文章从出版理念和出版实践两方面分析了出版专业技术人员职业资格考试对我国高校编辑出版专业教育具有的引领和规范作用,并就进一步加强考试工作对高校编辑出版专业教育的影响力提出建议:第一,鼓励高校编辑出版专业学生参加出版专业技术人员初级职业资格考试;第二,倡导编辑出版专业的师生将出版专业技术人员职业资格考试辅导教材作为必备的专业教学辅导用书;第三,把参加出版专业技术人员职业资格考试纳入编辑出版专业专任教师的岗位培训范畴,并将获得出版专业技术人员中级职业资格证书作为专任教师晋升高级职称的重要条件之一。  相似文献   

学术出版活动是促进科学知识传播、共享科研成果及推动科学研究的主要形式,而发表科技论文是学术出版活动的主要内容。近年来,随着科学技术的发展,全球学术出版活动蓬勃发展,与学术出版活动密切相关的第三方服务也逐渐兴起。学术出版第三方服务为科研人员开展科学研究提供了便利,被国内外学术界广泛接受,但由于其服务范围模糊、界限不分明,往往存在个别学术不端现象。本文基于最新发布的《学术出版第三方服务的边界蓝皮书(2020)》,阐述了其中规定的正当服务及不正当服务,并从管理部门、第三方服务机构、期刊编辑部及科研人员角度提出了学术不端行为防范对策。学术出版活动各个环节要积极参与治理学术不端问题,推动科研诚信及创新性国家建设。  相似文献   

开放存取出版——网络时代学术出版的创新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
开放存取出版被认为是网络时代学术出版的新模式,从出版流程、付费模式、版权问题几方面比较了传统学术出版与开放存取出版之间的差异,分析了开放存取出版所具有的优势,介绍了传统学术出版商实现开放存取出版的具体策略.参考文献7.  相似文献   

To understand modern publishing, detailed historical studies must be undertaken of individual publishing houses, their leading figures, and their relationships with authors. Such studies, the authors argue, will permit us to understand how a publishing house establishes its identity. They describe in detail a research program based on these principles that is investigating literary publishing in Quebec. Translated by Larry Shouldice Richard Giguère, a literary scholar and critic, is a professor in the Department of Letters and Communications at the University of Sherbrooke. Jacques Michon, a professor in the Department of Letters and Communications at the University of Sherbrooke, is president of the Quebec Association for Studies in Publishing. M. Michon has written articles on the Quebec novel and publishing in the twentieth century, and is the author of two books,Mallarmé et les mots anglais andEmile Nelligan: les racines du rêve. Since 1982, he and Richard Giguère have directed the Research Group on Quebec Literary Publishing. Address for correspondence  相似文献   

张志强 《出版科学》2010,18(1):101-104
回顾与韩国学者李钟国先生的交流过程。从以下三个方面:创设中韩出版学术年会、推动两国之间的出版学学术交流,撰文介绍韩国出版与出版学研究、帮助中国加深对韩国出版文化的了解,加大对中国出版学研究的介绍、扩大中国出版学研究在韩国的影响,介绍和评述了李钟国先生对中韩出版学交流所做的贡献。  相似文献   

A healthy publishing industry flourishes in a healthy economy. This article (written June 1990) provides a brief forecast for the U.S. economy and overall consumer spending. The authors combine economic and demographic forecasts to predict trends in book sales. Jim Haughey is Vice President, Research and Economics, at Cahners Publishing Company, which publishesPublishers Weekly, Library Journal, and seventy other business and consumer magazines and newspapers. Deborah Selsky is the economist for the printing and publishing group at Cahners Economics. She regularly writes on economics forLibrary Journal and is the editor ofPublishing Markets, a newsletter.  相似文献   

Publishing research, to be effective and useful, requires the participation of scholars and practitioners in many disciplines: literature, history, sociology, psychology, technology, economics, and education. Examples are drawn from trade and scholarly publishing. The results of such research can benefit all segments of the industry. Beth Luey is director, Scholarly Publishing Program at Arizona State University and have been editor of Publishing Research Quarterly since 1988. She is the author of several books, includingHandbook for Academic Authors.  相似文献   

Upon reviewing thePreliminary Draft of the Report of the Working Group on Intellectual Property Rights, given the titleIntellectual Property and the National Information Infrastructure, one immediately confronts the grand ambiguity that resides in the two words: “intellectual property.” That the task force on the information infrastructure, enshrined with the acronym NII, had to locate precedent for its missioning Supreme Court Justice Story's 1841 observations on copyright issues as an area involving the “metaphysics of the law” indicates what a long reach the very notion of intellectual property entails in a democratic society. He is the author ofCommunicating Ideas: The Politics of Publishing and has published widely in the journal literature, includingScholarly Publishing; Logos; Publishing Research Quarterly; Journal of the American Society of Information Science, among others.  相似文献   

刘泽林 《编辑学报》2010,22(3):235-236
面对期刊业越来越激烈的竞争局面,原有的体制和机制越来越不适应发展需要.北京卓众出版有限公司在2007年完成了整体转制,经2年多的经营实践,获得了更大的发展空间.  相似文献   

文章为就“主题出版的内容与作者”进行的深度对谈。两位对谈人结合各自的工作实践和学术背景,结合典型案例,从主题出版内容的分类与策划,作者资源的开发与维护,以及主题出版的大众化阅读、数字化和融合出版等方面展开了深入讨论和剖析,达成如下共识:主题出版的内容既与党和国家的方针政策紧密联系,又根植于学科学术领域的长期布局;应抓住重大时间节点,突出其内容特色;以专业学术打造出版品牌;打造主题出版作者群需要出版社的引领,要注重挖掘和培养年轻作者。  相似文献   

The Indian Publishing industry has come of age as books published in India are highly acclaimed at the international level. The standards of production are also comparable to the world market. Inspite of all these developments there is a vacuum in sharing information about the industry and its personnel. There is no journal on the publishing industry at the moment. I came up with the first issue in December 2006 containing an interview with a publishing professional and news about the industry with the title Publishing Today (PT). The present article is from the interviews in PT and from my editorials.  相似文献   

Notes about the February 2016 PubWest Conference (Santa Fe, New Mexico) and a panel discussion about the relationship between academic publishing studies programs and publishers. PubWest is a regional publishers’ organization in the U.S., with Canadian members. The 2016 conference—“A Passion for Books”—included keynotes, intensive sessions, and panels on making publishing more profitable. Per Henningsgaard, Portland State University, chaired the panel “What Publishers and Academics Who Study Publishing Can Learn from Each Other.” Co-panelists: Sybil Nolan, University of Melbourne; David Emblidge, Emerson College. Henningsgaard gave an overview of publishing studies programs worldwide, what they teach and how they serve students interested in entering the publishing business. Emblidge presented a publishing studies student project from Emerson College—a book proposal for an illustrated nonfiction trade book. Nolan commented on broader research interests concerning the book business and its history, shared by academics in publishing studies. Similar conferences for publishing industry professionals and publishing studies courses at various universities are noted here, as is a research project aiming to build a comprehensive database for publishing studies teaching and learning materials.  相似文献   

为应对科技期刊出版行业所面临的国际挑战,中华医学会杂志社积极进行管理与运营集约化的探索,以期在规模化、集团化的基础上建立起更高效、更健康的组织机制。杂志社从部门分工、出版流程、复合出版、出版产业链及营销4个方面大力推进改革,形成崭新的运营模式和发展思路。改革帮助杂志社取得了直接的经济效益,并实现了由传统内容出版向信息服务的转型。实践证明,集约化是大型出版企业深层改革与持续发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

Greening the German book industry is a large-scale task. This article, based in part on the results of a one-day conference titled “Bio im Bücherregal?” (Engl. translation: “Eco-friendly products on the bookshelf?”) that was held in Mainz in January 2013, considers different perspectives on green publishing in Germany and presents the status quo as well as an outlook. After a brief historical and theoretical overview on the media and the environmental movement, the article presents current developments such as the initiative “Nachhaltig Publizieren” (“Green Publishing”). Initiated in 2011 by the publisher Oekom, the project has become a catalyst for the green publishing movement in Germany. In addition, this contribution introduces publishers and imprints, in particular of children’s books, that strive to fulfill the highest possible criteria for green publishing in certain project areas. Finally, the close connection between green publishing and green content is discussed.  相似文献   

Continuing education is becoming essential to the publishing profession. In this article, Ann Cowan describes the advantages of using university programs for noncredit education to support courses in publishing. These programs permit access to the resources of the industry and enable the university to serve publishers’ educational needs. Ann Cowan is associate dean of Continuing Studies at Simon Fraser University and codirector of the Canadian Centre for Studies in Publishing. A graduate of the University of Toronto, she completed her master’s thesis onThe Canadian Forum at Carleton University. She was a general editor at the National Museum of Man before moving to Vancouver, where she initiated the Writing and Publishing Program at Simon Fraser University. Address for correspondence  相似文献   

A strong copyright regime is crucial for the development of local print publishing industry. However, piracy and other acts of copyright infringement are prevalent in the print publishing industry which denies creators and right owners from fully enjoying the reward of their labor and investment. This study therefore seeks to explore the acts of copyright infringement; enforcement provisions in the Copyright Act, 2005, 690 [10]; assess publishers and stakeholders understanding of these provisions and to identify the challenges in enforcing copyright in the Publishing Industry. The study adopted both questionnaires and interviews as research instruments. Seven institutions and organizations were interviewed, and questionnaires were administered to 43 individual companies within the book trade. The research subjects were sampled using the purposive and stratified sampling methods respectively. Findings from the study indicate that acts of copy infringement in the book publishing industry in Ghana have caused tremendous financial loss to the rights owners. Evident from the analysis are the difficulties associated with enforcing the law due to lack of awareness of the law by the right owners, and lack of awareness and expertise by enforcement agencies. The study recommends public awareness campaigns for the public and stakeholders in the industry. It is also important that training is given to law enforcement agencies and the support of stakeholders enlisted in enforcing the law.  相似文献   

德国电子出版业当前总体趋势及未来的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在2006年举办的"首届数字时代出版产业发展与人才培养国际学术研讨会"上,我发表了关于当前德国电子出版业发展趋势的演讲,在这里我希望延续这个报告.我的演讲将概述以下三点:电子书的销售与发行研究;2007年德国电子出版业发展状况;2007、2008年度电子出版创新奖.  相似文献   

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