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长期以来,语言学领域的言语交际研究多将重心放在话语和语境上,而对交际主体的关注较少。本研究言语交际主体,着重考察主体的角色特征及其对言语交际的影响。本认为,主体在具体的交际活动中同时承担社会角色和交际角色,前形成个人言语风格,后决定主体的交际方式。二之间又具有冲突和重合这两种关系,在不同的关系下面,主体应对这种双重角色做出不同的选择。  相似文献   

交际主体在每一个话轮中只能选择单一话语角色来建构话语,话语角色定位得体对言语交际有着重要的修辞价值,能确定表达主体的言语和体态语规范,能避免接受主体中断交际,能使交际主体间的情感距离适宜、能避开或缓冲与接受主体的矛盾,是言语交际成功的必要条件,但言语交际中人们往往重话语内容而忽视话语角色定位,表达主体在话语建构前必须根据语境对话语角色进行适切的定位,才能成功实现交际目的。  相似文献   

情景语境包括发话人、受话人以及各自的主观状况和社会角色等。本文旨在从情景语境的角度分析得体原则在话语交际中的应用以及其带来的不同意义。  相似文献   

作为交际媒介的语言是社会化的心理活动过程,话语角色的认知决定着语言的表达方式和次序。话语角色的权势关系影响着话语的交际模式。作者以《红楼梦》为例,在已有交际模式与詹姆斯.凯瑞(James Carey)提出的交际传播模式观照下,剖析了小说主人公贾宝玉的五种交际话语。指出话语交际是一个复杂多变的过程,受诸多不定因素制约。交际双方具有权势的一方在实际谈话中起着举足轻重的支配作用。交际双方"权势"话语的差异会导致完全不同的话语交际模式。然而,由于交际双方的亲密程度和情景语境等多方面非预想性因素的影响,交际中的权势也会不断受到挑战和变更,从而出现说话者的权势和身份的非对位性现象。  相似文献   

礼貌是一种语用交际策略,它是话语交际双方为了维系良好的人际关系,实现既定的交际目的而彼此表达切适的态度和情感的方式。话语礼貌的本质是话语对交际双方之间语用亲密度的一种"切适性",也就是礼貌的"度"。决定礼貌"切适性"的关键因素有两个:一个是说话人的话语内容和表达方式,另一个是说话人和听话人之间的语用距离。交际者应当根据特定的语用距离来选择最恰当得体的表达方式以完成交际任务,实现交际目的。  相似文献   

造成交际障碍的原因是多种多样的,而人际语境认知失调是其重要原因之一。在言语交际过程中,人际语境认知失调突出地表现在交际者对自我的认知失调、对交际对象的认知失调、对人际关系和角色关系的认知失调。正是因为这些人际语境认知偏差影响了言语交际的顺利进行,使话语表达和理解困难重重,难以实现交际目的和交际预期。  相似文献   

文章对跨文化情景语境的含义及要素作了说明,并从交际双方关系、交际场合和非语言行为等方面阐释了跨文化情景语境对话语意义解释的制约作用。话语意义的解释依赖于语境,人们的语言交际总是在特定的语境中进行的,尤其在跨文化交际中,借助于合适的语境,听者才能理解会话意义,进而获得说话人意欲传达的信息。反之,交际双方就无法正确获得话语信息,交际就不能顺利进行。  相似文献   

从社会角色来看,人是多种角色的综合体,而在某一时空点上,每个人只能选择一种话语角色进行言语交际。而称谓作为角色代码,使修辞主体在称谓对方的同时,给言语双方都进行了一次角色定位。因此,在言语交际中必须清楚;此时的你是代表哪一个角色在言说--“你是否知道你是谁?”。  相似文献   

对社交语境的研究是当今宏观语用研究的一个重要课题。本文旨在从社会语用的角度出发,探讨语言在社交场合如何才能做到得体、合适、成功地进行交际。文章指出,语言在社交场合中使用是否得体、合适主要由社交语境来决定。  相似文献   

文章区分了语言的系统用法和具体用法,认为话语得体既包括形式得体又包括功能得体。得体的话语有利于发展特定的语篇意义。话语以语言的系统用法为基础,在语境中通过语言的具体用法而实现其交际意义。  相似文献   

The article considers the contributions of Gee's Discourse theory to the study of multiethnic identity among mixed heritage students. By framing experience within social context, activity, and interaction, I argue that Discourse theory facilitates a conceptualization of ethnic identity as a situated phenomenon emerging at the intersection of the individual and the collective. Drawing on the life histories of a diverse group of mixed heritage students, the article details how Discourse theory provides a particularly powerful lens for exploring the social processes influencing identity development across contexts, such as those related to enculturation within multiple heritage communities.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore an alternative way of characterising the student learning experience, drawing on sociocultural perspectives on learning. Here, learning is not merely the application of an approach to a cognitive task, but a social process of identity formation. In particular, we draw on Gee's concept of Discourse models to identify the implicit theories students use to make sense of their learning and assessment experiences. From interviews with third year engineering students, we identified what we termed the ‘no problem Discourse model’, in which students construct an upbeat portrayal of their experience of a course, despite experiencing crises induced by assessment events. Through a process of justification the seriousness of the crisis is denied. This Discourse model appears to have its roots in a popular Discourse of self-actualization. There was evidence of co-construction of this model during the student learning interviews. This suggests implications for the roles that teachers can play in either maintaining or challenging the Discourse models that are adopted by students.  相似文献   

This article discusses how a male Karenni refugee in the United States has constructed multilingual capital along the way of his multiple movements across national borders. As a member of an ethnic minority group in three different countries (Burma, Thailand, and the United States), he has invested in learning multiple languages throughout the movements. Based on a two-year ethnographic study on the participant’s multilingual practices, I argue that being multilingual is a fundamental part of his transnational identities, economic security, and agentive acts. His roles outside formal classroom settings as a language broker, refugee, and an ESL tutor have been shaped by a continuum, or horizontal relationship of languages. The study suggests the inclusion of adult students’ transnational identity and multilingual practices outside a language classroom. In addition, a career that requires multilingual skills and transnational knowledge should be encouraged and created for newcomers.  相似文献   

In modern society individuals are becoming responsible for their own work allocation. In order to overcome an increasing social and work-related insecurity, they not only have to acquire specific career skills but also a so-called "career identity". A career identity is a structure of meanings in which the individual links his own motiviation, interests and competencies with acceptable career roles. In the article the concept of meaning is explored and further elaborated as a social learning process. The article concludes with some remarks about the need for a strong learning environment.  相似文献   

话语标记是自然口语交际中一种十分普遍的话语现象,它对交际的成功进行起重要作用。文章对"得了吧"的话语标记性质进行了确认,归纳了其使用模式,分析了其语用功能。  相似文献   

本文主要从话语分析的角度出发,论述了会话合原则和双向协调在会话中的重要性。会话只有符合合作原则,即量准则,质准性,相关准则和方式准则才会被对方所理解。但是为了使对话双方能理解会话中的蕴涵意义,双方必须主动地有意识地协调各自的谈话方式和内容,才能使言语交际得以顺利地进行。  相似文献   

由于话语的巨大力量及权威性,在福柯的理论中,"话语"被他赋予了独特的含义和地位.他的大部分著作都盖有"话语"这个术语的印章.不容质疑,"话语"是福柯理论的关键和核心词语.因而对福柯话语理论的解读就是打开福柯思想世界的钥匙.  相似文献   

We report how 47 pre-service teachers during their preschool placement in Sweden identify events related to gender and emerging science. We analysed their reflections on the situations with Gee’s Discourse analysis. Two dominant discourse models were identified: the Discourse Construare, where pre-service teachers assumed that children have potential interests in a variety of subjects, and the Discourse Essentia, where children were regarded to have a stable core identity. In the latter discourse, the pre-service teachers’ task would be to encourage the children to be who they are. The analysis found a connection between pre-service teachers’ views of the child and whether gender stereotypes were reproduced or counteracted. The Discourse Essentia is in conflict with the goal in the Swedish national curriculum that all children should learn science. We discuss how the different discourses affect whether children are stimulated or inhibited in their emerging science activities and interests. Based on the results from an analysis of answers reflecting the Discourse Construare, we have designed a model illustrating a process for gender-aware teaching.  相似文献   

A rationale is presented for using social roles as the basis for developing a social roles curriculum framework at the secondary level. The construct social role is defined as a pattern of behaviours and attitudes related to a specific function or position as expected by society. Havighurst's social role concept provides background information for the current research project. This study attempts to revitalise Havighurst's social role theory within a contemporary context. Data were collected from 300 adults on a community survey that was distributed within the Tampa Bay Area, USA. The survey controlled for an equal number of respondents grouped by age, gender, and SES level. Particular social roles emerged from the analysis as salient for certain adult groups. It was found that students need to be prepared for the various new social roles they will fill as adults, and that secondary school curricula should be rethought along these lines. The importance of such under-valued social roles as friendship is contemplated for formal school learning. Finally, perspectives are advanced for integrating the research findings into the secondary school curriculum.  相似文献   

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