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为了解完善高校贫困生救助政策和措施,随机抽样466名高校贫困生开展从政策知晓度、资助政策的满意度和目标群体影响情况三个维度对现行高校资助政策执行情况的问卷调查。结果显示:贫困生对资助政策知晓度不高;对资助政策的满意度很高;贫困生资助面并未全覆盖;获资助生心理压力大于未获者,且差异显著等。基于此,提出加强资助政策宣传,扩大资助学生覆盖面、拓宽勤工助学途经、完善心理扶贫策略,关爱贫困生健康成长等举措完善高校贫困生救助体系。  相似文献   

高校贫困生和贫困生资助工作成为社会关注的一个焦点。我国在长期实践中制定出一套高校贫困生资助体系。目前,采用奖学金、学生贷款(贷学金及国家助学贷款)、勤工助学、困难补助、减免学费等资助政策。通过分析我国高等学校贫困生资助工作存在的问题。提出了完善高校贫困生资助工作的政策建议。  相似文献   

我国高校贫困生资助体系存在的问题及对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国高校已经初步建立了以"奖、贷、助、勤、补、减、免"等为一体的多元化贫困生资助体系,但现有高校贫困生资助体系仍然存在很多问题,如:贫困生资格认定缺乏合理机制、部分资助政策不合理、勤工助学岗位供不应求、对高校贫困生的健康缺乏关注、银行惜贷现象严重、资助主体单一等,针对这些问题,本文提出了改进高校贫困生资助政策、拓宽资助经费来源渠道、加强高校对贫困生在经济、精神上的资助等对策。  相似文献   

自2007年始,国家相继出台措施大幅调整高校贫困生资助政策,建立了新的资助政策体系。在新的资助政策体系下,高校贫困生的思想出现了积极和消极的双向变化,高校思想政治教育工作者要紧密结合贫困生思想变化的新特点,与时俱进,积极调整工作理念与方式,提高高校贫困生帮扶及培养工作的针对性、实效性。  相似文献   

从完善高校贫困生资助措施出发,对甘肃省部分普通高校贫困生进行分层随机抽样问卷调查,在取得第一手资料的基础上,指出甘肃高校贫困生资助存在的主要问题是对贫困生的认定没有统一的标准和依据、资助问题还没有真正纳入社会保障体系、现有资助体系自身还不够完善。文章提出相应的对策建议,在进一步完善高校贫困生资助政策体系方面主要是完善贫困生助学贷款还款机制、借鉴国际经验适当放宽还款期限、建立健全生源地助学贷款制度、实施助学贷款代偿资助机制,并统筹规划,将资助政策与大学生就业政策相结合。  相似文献   

通过构建贫困生资助政策在高校执行效果的评价指标体系,运用层次分析法与模糊综合评判法,对贫困生资助政策在所调研高校的执行效果进行评价,指出高校贫困生资助工作中仍然存在一些共性的、有待提高的问题,并给出相应的建议。  相似文献   

新资助体系下的贫困生认定形势2007年下半年,国家实行新的高校贫困生资助政策体系,加大了对贫困生的资助力度,各高校受资助学生人数都是往年的数倍。  相似文献   

高校贫困生资助政策的价值分析是对高校贫困生资助政策活动的价值问题进行系统分析与确认的一种教育政策研究方法。通过对高校贫困生资助政策价值分析的理论内涵的界定,分析了其具有提升政策效率、优化与创新政策、推动政策合作的功能。从价值选择、合法性、有效性三个维度分析了高校贫困生资助政策,彰显不因家庭经济困难而失学、关注弱势群体的主流价值取向,体现教育公平性和公益性、对弱势群体的扶助与关怀的合法性导向,践行制定和实施过程中的有效性选择。  相似文献   

2007年新资助政策体系在全国各高校的推行,极大地缓解了高校贫困生的压力,也对各高校现有的贫困生认定及资助模式构成很大的冲击。在新资助政策体系引起的一系列问题中,贫困生的思想变化最受关注。这些思想变化有些是利于学生个人发展的,而有些则是有悖于贫困生思想进步和成熟的。面对贫困生的思想困境,高校一方面需创新贫困生资助工作方式;另一方面,也要加强对贫困生的教育与管理。  相似文献   

贫困生是高校大学生中一个重要而特殊的群体,通过对高校资助工作中存在的贫困生认定、国家资助政策和缺乏感恩教育等方面问题的分析,从细化贫困生认定,调整资助政策、拉开资助力度、建立全方位勘工助学体系,重视对贫困生的感恩教育等后续工作方面着手解决这些问题。  相似文献   

The impact of a college and career counseling program on economically disadvantaged gifted students and their subsequent college adjustment was assessed. Fifty‐five students from public high schools in a major urban school district in the midwest were compared to a group of economically advantaged students who participated in a special summer program for high school students at a private midwestern university. Results indicate that both before and after the program, the groups were similar with respect to the basis for their college choices, motivation to attend college, and career readiness. The economically disadvantaged students changed their plans to finance college as a result of the program and expected college to be significantly more lonely. A three‐year follow‐up revealed that economically disadvantaged gifted students were more likely to enroll at in‐state colleges, to experience college as significantly more boring, dull, and snobbish, and to have more difficulty adjusting socially and forming attachments to their universities.  相似文献   

社会排斥理论是指社会弱势群体在劳动力市场以及社会障体系中受到主流社会的排挤,并且这种排挤通过社会的"再造"而累积与传递。从"游戏规则"层面和贫困生层面,社会排斥理论可以有效解释当前高校贫困生就业遇到瓶颈的深层次原因。政府应从法律、法规层面制定防止就业排斥的相关制度,创造一个公平合理的就业氛围与就业环境,建立公正的就业体系。高校贫困生应努力提升自身的人力资本,使自己成为综合素质高、应用能力强、具有竞争力的求职者。  相似文献   


This study is an investigation of the college and career counseling needs of economically disadvantaged, academically gifted minority students. Two groups of students were studied and compared ‐ one group of 50 low‐income students, predominantly minority, who were chosen for a special college counseling program, and a second group of 42 middle to high income students, predominantly Asian and Caucasian, who were participating in a summer academic program. Students were compared on college plans and preparations, aspirations and expectations about higher education, support from others, motivation, values, and career interests and maturity. Results showed that the gifted disadvantaged students had lower educational aspirations, felt somewhat less prepared for college and less confident about being admitted, had unrealistic ideas about how to finance college, and perceived that college life would be more frightening and lonely compared to nondisadvantaged students. Student groups were similar in motivation to attend college, support from significant others and values. Disadvantaged students had better skills related to selecting a career but expressed less confidence in making a career decision. The results suggest a need for differentiated college counseling programs for disadvantaged minority students.  相似文献   

通过对海峡两岸高校家庭经济困难学生资助工作体系的比较研究,分析各自做法的优缺点,尝试提出一些解决问题的方法建议,以期完善大陆高校家庭经济困难学生资助工作,从而帮助青年学子健康成长。  相似文献   

高等学校经济困难学生因特殊的家庭环境和生活条件导致经济压力和学习压力相应增大,容易产生各种心理问题。高等学校在关注他们经济困难的同时,更应该关注他们的内心世界,开展多种心理辅导形式的活动,培养其积极的情感和坚强的意志;加强经济困难学生的思想政治教育,引导他们树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,笑对贫困,直面人生,使其顺利完成学业并能很好地走上社会。  相似文献   

Increasing college degree attainment for students from disadvantaged backgrounds is a prominent component of numerous state and federal legislation focused on higher education. In 1999, the National Science Foundation (NSF) instituted the ??Computer Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Scholarships?? (CSEMS) program; this initiative was designed to provide greater access and support to academically talented students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Originally intended to provide financial support to lower income students, this NSF program also advocated that additional professional development and advising would be strategies to increase undergraduate persistence to graduation. This innovative program for economically disadvantaged students was extended in 2004 to include students from other disciplines including the physical and life sciences as well as the technology fields, and the new name of the program was Scholarships for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM). The implementation of these two programs in Louisiana State University (LSU) has shown significant and measurable success since 2000, making LSU a Model University in providing support to economically disadvantaged students within the STEM disciplines. The achievement of these programs is evidenced by the graduation rates of its participants. This report provides details on the educational model employed through the CSEMS/S-STEM projects at LSU and provides a path to success for increasing student retention rates in STEM disciplines. While the LSU??s experience is presented as a case study, the potential relevance of this innovative mentoring program in conjunction with the financial support system is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

随着高校扩招,高校中家庭经济困难学生的人数也急剧上升,现有的高校贫困生资助体系在经济助困上勉强能够满足学生的需求,但在智力和能力扶持等方面却相当薄弱。通过建立校企合办、学生自主经营的勤工助学经济实体,让学生主动参与创业,在获得相应报酬的同时,还有利于学生发挥创新潜能、培养实践能力、树立和强化自强自立精神、提高自信心和工作热情,从而实现家庭经济困难学生在经济和智力上的双丰收。  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that postsecondary education has become a necessity for US youth. College access, however, has been found not to be equal for all. As a result, federally funded college-readiness programs, such as Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP), have been established to increase the numbers of economically disadvantaged students with access to college. This quasiexperimental case study compared academic and nonacademic college-readiness indicators between cohorts of GEAR UP students and nonparticipants in 1 urban high school. Overall, cohorts of GEAR UP students outperformed their non-GEAR UP peers on all measures (grade-point average, attendance rate, behavior, graduation rate, and college enrollment) despite a dramatic demographic shift that led to greater proportions of educationally disadvantaged students in the GEAR UP cohorts.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查的形式,总结了我校贫困大学生在心理、学业、就业、恋爱观等方面存在的问题,分析了产生自卑、孤独、焦虑等心理问题的原因,提出了解决的对策.  相似文献   

高校困难资助政策的多重功能性与作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校家庭经济困难学生资助政策是一个多种形式有机结合的体系,它具有经济功能、社会功能和教育功能等多种功能,发挥着助学奖优、促进社会公平、思想道德教育和心理援助等作用。  相似文献   

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